*/ namespace LightnCandy; /** * LightnCandy Validator */ class Validator { /** * Verify template * * @param array $context Current context * @param string $template handlebars template */ public static function verify(&$context, $template) { $template = SafeString::stripExtendedComments($template); $context['level'] = 0; Parser::setDelimiter($context); while (preg_match($context['tokens']['search'], $template, $matches)) { // Skip a token when it is slash escaped if ($context['flags']['slash'] && ($matches[Token::POS_LSPACE] === '') && preg_match('/^(.*?)(\\\\+)$/s', $matches[Token::POS_LOTHER], $escmatch)) { if (strlen($escmatch[2]) % 4) { static::pushToken($context, substr($matches[Token::POS_LOTHER], 0, -2) . $context['tokens']['startchar']); $matches[Token::POS_BEGINTAG] = substr($matches[Token::POS_BEGINTAG], 1); $template = implode('', array_slice($matches, Token::POS_BEGINTAG)); continue; } else { $matches[Token::POS_LOTHER] = $escmatch[1] . str_repeat('\\', strlen($escmatch[2]) / 2); } } $context['tokens']['count']++; $V = static::token($matches, $context); static::pushLeft($context); if ($V) { if (is_array($V)) { array_push($V, $matches, $context['tokens']['partialind']); } static::pushToken($context, $V); } $template = "{$matches[Token::POS_RSPACE]}{$matches[Token::POS_ROTHER]}"; } static::pushToken($context, $template); if ($context['level'] > 0) { array_pop($context['stack']); array_pop($context['stack']); $token = array_pop($context['stack']); $context['error'][] = 'Unclosed token ' . ($context['rawblock'] ? "{{{{{$token}}}}}" : ($context['partialblock'] ? "{{#>{$token}}}" : "{{#{$token}}}")) . ' !!'; } } /** * push left string of current token and clear it * * @param array $context Current context */ protected static function pushLeft(&$context) { $L = $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE]; static::pushToken($context, $L); $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] = $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE] = ''; } /** * push a string into the partial stacks * * @param array $context Current context * @param string $append a string to be appended int partial stacks */ protected static function pushPartial(&$context, $append) { $appender = function (&$p) use ($append) { $p .= $append; }; array_walk($context['inlinepartial'], $appender); array_walk($context['partialblock'], $appender); } /** * push a token into the stack when it is not empty string * * @param array $context Current context * @param string|array $token a parsed token or a string */ protected static function pushToken(&$context, $token) { if ($token === '') { return; } if (is_string($token)) { static::pushPartial($context, $token); $append = $token; if (is_string(end($context['parsed'][0]))) { $context['parsed'][0][key($context['parsed'][0])] .= $token; return; } } else { static::pushPartial($context, Token::toString($context['currentToken'])); switch ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_OP]) { case '#*': array_unshift($context['inlinepartial'], ''); break; case '#>': array_unshift($context['partialblock'], ''); break; } } $context['parsed'][0][] = $token; } /** * push current token into the section stack * * @param array $context Current context * @param string $operation operation string * @param array $vars parsed arguments list */ protected static function pushStack(&$context, $operation, $vars) { list($levels, $spvar, $var) = Expression::analyze($context, $vars[0]); $context['stack'][] = $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]; $context['stack'][] = Expression::toString($levels, $spvar, $var); $context['stack'][] = $operation; $context['level']++; } /** * Verify delimiters and operators * * @param string[] $token detected handlebars {{ }} token * @param array $context current compile context * * @return boolean|null Return true when invalid * * @expect null when input array_fill(0, 11, ''), array() * @expect null when input array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '{{', '#', '...', '}}'), array() * @expect true when input array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '{', '#', '...', '}'), array() */ protected static function delimiter($token, &$context) { // {{ }}} or {{{ }} are invalid if (strlen($token[Token::POS_BEGINRAW]) !== strlen($token[Token::POS_ENDRAW])) { $context['error'][] = 'Bad token ' . Token::toString($token) . ' ! Do you mean ' . Token::toString($token, array(Token::POS_BEGINRAW => '', Token::POS_ENDRAW => '')) . ' or ' . Token::toString($token, array(Token::POS_BEGINRAW => '{', Token::POS_ENDRAW => '}')) . '?'; return true; } // {{{# }}} or {{{! }}} or {{{/ }}} or {{{^ }}} are invalid. if ((strlen($token[Token::POS_BEGINRAW]) == 1) && $token[Token::POS_OP] && ($token[Token::POS_OP] !== '&')) { $context['error'][] = 'Bad token ' . Token::toString($token) . ' ! Do you mean ' . Token::toString($token, array(Token::POS_BEGINRAW => '', Token::POS_ENDRAW => '')) . ' ?'; return true; } } /** * Verify operators * * @param string $operator the operator string * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|integer|null Return true when invalid or detected * * @expect null when input '', array(), array() * @expect 2 when input '^', array('usedFeature' => array('isec' => 1), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'elselvl' => array(), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('foo')) * @expect true when input '/', array('stack' => array('[with]', '#'), 'level' => 1, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'with'), 'flags' => array('nohbh' => 0)), array(array()) * @expect 4 when input '#', array('usedFeature' => array('sec' => 3), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array(), 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('x')) * @expect 5 when input '#', array('usedFeature' => array('if' => 4), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0, 'nohbh' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array(), 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('if')) * @expect 6 when input '#', array('usedFeature' => array('with' => 5), 'level' => 0, 'flags' => array('nohbh' => 0, 'runpart' => 0, 'spvar' => 0), 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array(), 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('with')) * @expect 7 when input '#', array('usedFeature' => array('each' => 6), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0, 'nohbh' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array(), 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('each')) * @expect 8 when input '#', array('usedFeature' => array('unless' => 7), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0, 'nohbh' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array(), 'helperresolver' => 0), array(array('unless')) * @expect 9 when input '#', array('helpers' => array('abc' => ''), 'usedFeature' => array('helper' => 8), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array()), array(array('abc')) * @expect 11 when input '#', array('helpers' => array('abc' => ''), 'usedFeature' => array('helper' => 10), 'level' => 0, 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'flags' => array('spvar' => 0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array()), array(array('abc')) * @expect true when input '>', array('partialresolver' => false, 'usedFeature' => array('partial' => 7), 'level' => 0, 'flags' => array('skippartial' => 0, 'runpart' => 0, 'spvar' => 0), 'currentToken' => array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 'elsechain' => false, 'elselvl' => array()), array('test') */ protected static function operator($operator, &$context, &$vars) { switch ($operator) { case '#*': if (!$context['compile']) { $context['stack'][] = count($context['parsed'][0]) + ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE] === '' ? 0 : 1); static::pushStack($context, '#*', $vars); } return static::inline($context, $vars); case '#>': if (!$context['compile']) { $context['stack'][] = count($context['parsed'][0]) + ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE] === '' ? 0 : 1); $vars[Parser::PARTIALBLOCK] = ++$context['usedFeature']['pblock']; static::pushStack($context, '#>', $vars); } // no break case '>': return static::partial($context, $vars); case '^': if (!isset($vars[0][0])) { if (!$context['flags']['else']) { $context['error'][] = 'Do not support {{^}}, you should do compile with LightnCandy::FLAG_ELSE flag'; return; } else { return static::doElse($context, $vars); } } static::doElseChain($context); if (static::isBlockHelper($context, $vars)) { static::pushStack($context, '#', $vars); return static::blockCustomHelper($context, $vars, true); } static::pushStack($context, '^', $vars); return static::invertedSection($context, $vars); case '/': $r = static::blockEnd($context, $vars); if ($r !== Token::POS_BACKFILL) { array_pop($context['stack']); array_pop($context['stack']); array_pop($context['stack']); } return $r; case '#': static::doElseChain($context); static::pushStack($context, '#', $vars); if (static::isBlockHelper($context, $vars)) { return static::blockCustomHelper($context, $vars); } return static::blockBegin($context, $vars); } } /** * validate inline partial begin token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|null Return true when inline partial ends */ protected static function inlinePartial(&$context, $vars) { $ended = false; if ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_OP] === '/') { if (static::blockEnd($context, $vars, '#*') !== null) { $context['usedFeature']['inlpartial']++; $tmpl = array_shift($context['inlinepartial']) . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE]; $c = $context['stack'][count($context['stack']) - 4]; $context['parsed'][0] = array_slice($context['parsed'][0], 0, $c + 1); $P = &$context['parsed'][0][$c]; if (isset($P[1][1][0])) { $context['usedPartial'][$P[1][1][0]] = $tmpl; $P[1][0][0] = Partial::compileDynamic($context, $P[1][1][0]); } $ended = true; } } return $ended; } /** * validate partial block token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|null Return true when partial block ends */ protected static function partialBlock(&$context, $vars) { $ended = false; if ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_OP] === '/') { if (static::blockEnd($context, $vars, '#>') !== null) { $c = $context['stack'][count($context['stack']) - 4]; $context['parsed'][0] = array_slice($context['parsed'][0], 0, $c + 1); $found = Partial::resolve($context, $vars[0][0]) !== null; $v = $found ? "@partial-block{$context['parsed'][0][$c][1][Parser::PARTIALBLOCK]}" : "{$vars[0][0]}"; if (count($context['partialblock']) == 1) { $tmpl = $context['partialblock'][0] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE]; if ($found) { $context['partials'][$v] = $tmpl; } $context['usedPartial'][$v] = $tmpl; Partial::compileDynamic($context, $v); if ($found) { Partial::read($context, $vars[0][0]); } } array_shift($context['partialblock']); $ended = true; } } return $ended; } /** * handle else chain * * @param array $context current compile context */ protected static function doElseChain(&$context) { if ($context['elsechain']) { $context['elsechain'] = false; } else { array_unshift($context['elselvl'], array()); } } /** * validate block begin token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function blockBegin(&$context, $vars) { switch ((isset($vars[0][0]) && is_string($vars[0][0])) ? $vars[0][0] : null) { case 'with': return static::with($context, $vars); case 'each': return static::section($context, $vars, true); case 'unless': return static::unless($context, $vars); case 'if': return static::doIf($context, $vars); default: return static::section($context, $vars); } } /** * validate builtin helpers * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list */ protected static function builtin(&$context, $vars) { if ($context['flags']['nohbh']) { if (isset($vars[1][0])) { $context['error'][] = "Do not support {{#{$vars[0][0]} var}} because you compile with LightnCandy::FLAG_NOHBHELPERS flag"; } } else { if (count($vars) < 2) { $context['error'][] = "No argument after {{#{$vars[0][0]}}} !"; } } $context['usedFeature'][$vars[0][0]]++; } /** * validate section token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * @param boolean $isEach the section is #each * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function section(&$context, $vars, $isEach = false) { if ($isEach) { static::builtin($context, $vars); } else { if ((count($vars) > 1) && !$context['flags']['lambda']) { $context['error'][] = "Custom helper not found: {$vars[0][0]} in " . Token::toString($context['currentToken']) . ' !'; } $context['usedFeature']['sec']++; } return true; } /** * validate with token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function with(&$context, $vars) { static::builtin($context, $vars); return true; } /** * validate unless token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function unless(&$context, $vars) { static::builtin($context, $vars); return true; } /** * validate if token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function doIf(&$context, $vars) { static::builtin($context, $vars); return true; } /** * validate block custom helper token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * @param boolean $inverted the logic will be inverted * * @return integer|null Return number of used custom helpers */ protected static function blockCustomHelper(&$context, $vars, $inverted = false) { if (is_string($vars[0][0])) { if (static::resolveHelper($context, $vars)) { return ++$context['usedFeature']['helper']; } } } /** * validate inverted section * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return integer Return number of inverted sections */ protected static function invertedSection(&$context, $vars) { return ++$context['usedFeature']['isec']; } /** * Return compiled PHP code for a handlebars block end token * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * @param string|null $match should also match to this operator * * @return boolean|integer Return true when required block ended, or Token::POS_BACKFILL when backfill happened. */ protected static function blockEnd(&$context, &$vars, $match = null) { $c = count($context['stack']) - 2; $pop = ($c >= 0) ? $context['stack'][$c + 1] : ''; if (($match !== null) && ($match !== $pop)) { return; } // if we didn't match our $pop, we didn't actually do a level, so only subtract a level here $context['level']--; $pop2 = ($c >= 0) ? $context['stack'][$c]: ''; switch ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]) { case 'with': if (!$context['flags']['nohbh']) { if ($pop2 !== '[with]') { $context['error'][] = 'Unexpect token: {{/with}} !'; return; } } return true; } switch ($pop) { case '#': case '^': $elsechain = array_shift($context['elselvl']); if (isset($elsechain[0])) { // we need to repeat a level due to else chains: {{else if}} $context['level']++; $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_RSPACE] = $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_BACKFILL] = '{{/' . implode('}}{{/', $elsechain) . '}}' . Token::toString($context['currentToken']) . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_RSPACE]; return Token::POS_BACKFILL; } // no break case '#>': case '#*': list($levels, $spvar, $var) = Expression::analyze($context, $vars[0]); $v = Expression::toString($levels, $spvar, $var); if ($pop2 !== $v) { $context['error'][] = 'Unexpect token ' . Token::toString($context['currentToken']) . " ! Previous token {{{$pop}$pop2}} is not closed"; return; } return true; default: $context['error'][] = 'Unexpect token: ' . Token::toString($context['currentToken']) . ' !'; return; } } /** * handle delimiter change * * @param array $context current compile context * * @return boolean|null Return true when delimiter changed */ protected static function isDelimiter(&$context) { if (preg_match('/^=\s*([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)\s*=$/', $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG], $matched)) { $context['usedFeature']['delimiter']++; Parser::setDelimiter($context, $matched[1], $matched[2]); return true; } } /** * handle raw block * * @param string[] $token detected handlebars {{ }} token * @param array $context current compile context * * @return boolean|null Return true when in rawblock mode */ protected static function rawblock(&$token, &$context) { $inner = $token[Token::POS_INNERTAG]; trim($inner); // skip parse when inside raw block if ($context['rawblock'] && !(($token[Token::POS_BEGINRAW] === '{{') && ($token[Token::POS_OP] === '/') && ($context['rawblock'] === $inner))) { return true; } $token[Token::POS_INNERTAG] = $inner; // Handle raw block if ($token[Token::POS_BEGINRAW] === '{{') { if ($token[Token::POS_ENDRAW] !== '}}') { $context['error'][] = 'Bad token ' . Token::toString($token) . ' ! Do you mean ' . Token::toString($token, array(Token::POS_ENDRAW => '}}')) . ' ?'; } if ($context['rawblock']) { Parser::setDelimiter($context); $context['rawblock'] = false; } else { if ($token[Token::POS_OP]) { $context['error'][] = "Wrong raw block begin with " . Token::toString($token) . ' ! Remove "' . $token[Token::POS_OP] . '" to fix this issue.'; } $context['rawblock'] = $token[Token::POS_INNERTAG]; Parser::setDelimiter($context); $token[Token::POS_OP] = '#'; } $token[Token::POS_ENDRAW] = '}}'; } } /** * handle comment * * @param string[] $token detected handlebars {{ }} token * @param array $context current compile context * * @return boolean|null Return true when is comment */ protected static function comment(&$token, &$context) { if ($token[Token::POS_OP] === '!') { $context['usedFeature']['comment']++; return true; } } /** * Collect handlebars usage information, detect template error. * * @param string[] $token detected handlebars {{ }} token * @param array $context current compile context * * @return string|array|null $token string when rawblock; array when valid token require to be compiled, null when skip the token. */ protected static function token(&$token, &$context) { $context['currentToken'] = &$token; if (static::rawblock($token, $context)) { return Token::toString($token); } if (static::delimiter($token, $context)) { return; } if (static::isDelimiter($context)) { static::spacing($token, $context); return; } if (static::comment($token, $context)) { static::spacing($token, $context); return; } list($raw, $vars) = Parser::parse($token, $context); // Handle spacing (standalone tags, partial indent) static::spacing($token, $context, (($token[Token::POS_OP] === '') || ($token[Token::POS_OP] === '&')) && (!$context['flags']['else'] || !isset($vars[0][0]) || ($vars[0][0] !== 'else')) || ($context['flags']['nostd'] > 0)); $inlinepartial = static::inlinePartial($context, $vars); $partialblock = static::partialBlock($context, $vars); if ($partialblock || $inlinepartial) { $context['stack'] = array_slice($context['stack'], 0, -4); static::pushPartial($context, $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE] . Token::toString($context['currentToken'])); $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LOTHER] = ''; $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_LSPACE] = ''; return; } if (static::operator($token[Token::POS_OP], $context, $vars)) { return isset($token[Token::POS_BACKFILL]) ? null : array($raw, $vars); } if (count($vars) == 0) { return $context['error'][] = 'Wrong variable naming in ' . Token::toString($token); } if (!isset($vars[0])) { return $context['error'][] = 'Do not support name=value in ' . Token::toString($token) . ', you should use it after a custom helper.'; } $context['usedFeature'][$raw ? 'raw' : 'enc']++; foreach ($vars as $var) { if (!isset($var[0]) || ($var[0] === 0)) { if ($context['level'] == 0) { $context['usedFeature']['rootthis']++; } $context['usedFeature']['this']++; } } if (!isset($vars[0][0])) { return array($raw, $vars); } if (($vars[0][0] === 'else') && $context['flags']['else']) { static::doElse($context, $vars); return array($raw, $vars); } if (!static::helper($context, $vars)) { static::lookup($context, $vars); static::log($context, $vars); } return array($raw, $vars); } /** * Return 1 or larger number when else token detected * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return integer Return 1 or larger number when else token detected */ protected static function doElse(&$context, $vars) { if ($context['level'] == 0) { $context['error'][] = '{{else}} only valid in if, unless, each, and #section context'; } if (isset($vars[1][0])) { $token = $context['currentToken']; $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG] = 'else'; $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_RSPACE] = "{{#{$vars[1][0]} " . preg_replace('/^\\s*else\\s+' . $vars[1][0] . '\\s*/', '', $token[Token::POS_INNERTAG]) . '}}' . $context['currentToken'][Token::POS_RSPACE]; array_unshift($context['elselvl'][0], $vars[1][0]); $context['elsechain'] = true; } return ++$context['usedFeature']['else']; } /** * Return true when this is {{log ...}} * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|null Return true when it is custom helper */ public static function log(&$context, $vars) { if (isset($vars[0][0]) && ($vars[0][0] === 'log')) { if (!$context['flags']['nohbh']) { if (count($vars) < 2) { $context['error'][] = "No argument after {{log}} !"; } $context['usedFeature']['log']++; return true; } } } /** * Return true when this is {{lookup ...}} * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|null Return true when it is custom helper */ public static function lookup(&$context, $vars) { if (isset($vars[0][0]) && ($vars[0][0] === 'lookup')) { if (!$context['flags']['nohbh']) { if (count($vars) < 2) { $context['error'][] = "No argument after {{lookup}} !"; } elseif (count($vars) < 3) { $context['error'][] = "{{lookup}} requires 2 arguments !"; } $context['usedFeature']['lookup']++; return true; } } } /** * Return true when the name is listed in helper table * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * @param boolean $checkSubexp true when check for subexpression * * @return boolean Return true when it is custom helper */ public static function helper(&$context, $vars, $checkSubexp = false) { if (static::resolveHelper($context, $vars)) { $context['usedFeature']['helper']++; return true; } if ($checkSubexp) { switch ($vars[0][0]) { case 'if': case 'unless': case 'with': case 'each': case 'lookup': return $context['flags']['nohbh'] ? false : true; } } return false; } /** * use helperresolver to resolve helper, return true when helper founded * * @param array $context Current context of compiler progress. * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean $found helper exists or not */ public static function resolveHelper(&$context, &$vars) { if (count($vars[0]) !== 1) { return false; } if (isset($context['helpers'][$vars[0][0]])) { return true; } if ($context['helperresolver']) { $helper = $context['helperresolver']($context, $vars[0][0]); if ($helper) { $context['helpers'][$vars[0][0]] = $helper; return true; } } return false; } /** * detect for block custom helper * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean|null Return true when this token is block custom helper */ protected static function isBlockHelper($context, $vars) { if (!isset($vars[0][0])) { return; } if (!static::resolveHelper($context, $vars)) { return; } return true; } /** * validate inline partial * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return boolean Return true always */ protected static function inline(&$context, $vars) { if (!$context['flags']['runpart']) { $context['error'][] = "Do not support {{#*{$context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]}}}, you should do compile with LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL flag"; } if (!isset($vars[0][0]) || ($vars[0][0] !== 'inline')) { $context['error'][] = "Do not support {{#*{$context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]}}}, now we only support {{#*inline \"partialName\"}}template...{{/inline}}"; } if (!isset($vars[1][0])) { $context['error'][] = "Error in {{#*{$context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]}}}: inline require 1 argument for partial name!"; } return true; } /** * validate partial * * @param array $context current compile context * @param array $vars parsed arguments list * * @return integer|boolean Return 1 or larger number for runtime partial, return true for other case */ protected static function partial(&$context, $vars) { if (Parser::isSubExp($vars[0])) { if ($context['flags']['runpart']) { return $context['usedFeature']['dynpartial']++; } else { $context['error'][] = "You use dynamic partial name as '{$vars[0][2]}', this only works with option FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL enabled"; return true; } } else { if ($context['currentToken'][Token::POS_OP] !== '#>') { Partial::read($context, $vars[0][0]); } } if (!$context['flags']['runpart']) { $named = count(array_diff_key($vars, array_keys(array_keys($vars)))) > 0; if ($named || (count($vars) > 1)) { $context['error'][] = "Do not support {{>{$context['currentToken'][Token::POS_INNERTAG]}}}, you should do compile with LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL flag"; } } return true; } /** * Modify $token when spacing rules matched. * * @param array $token detected handlebars {{ }} token * @param array $context current compile context * @param boolean $nost do not do stand alone logic * * @return string|null Return compiled code segment for the token */ protected static function spacing(&$token, &$context, $nost = false) { // left line change detection $lsp = preg_match('/^(.*)(\\r?\\n)([ \\t]*?)$/s', $token[Token::POS_LSPACE], $lmatch); $ind = $lsp ? $lmatch[3] : $token[Token::POS_LSPACE]; // right line change detection $rsp = preg_match('/^([ \\t]*?)(\\r?\\n)(.*)$/s', $token[Token::POS_RSPACE], $rmatch); $st = true; // setup ahead flag $ahead = $context['tokens']['ahead']; $context['tokens']['ahead'] = preg_match('/^[^\n]*{{/s', $token[Token::POS_RSPACE] . $token[Token::POS_ROTHER]); // reset partial indent $context['tokens']['partialind'] = ''; // same tags in the same line , not standalone if (!$lsp && $ahead) { $st = false; } if ($nost) { $st = false; } // not standalone because other things in the same line ahead if ($token[Token::POS_LOTHER] && !$token[Token::POS_LSPACE]) { $st = false; } // not standalone because other things in the same line behind if ($token[Token::POS_ROTHER] && !$token[Token::POS_RSPACE]) { $st = false; } if ($st && ( ($lsp && $rsp) // both side cr || ($rsp && !$token[Token::POS_LOTHER]) // first line without left || ($lsp && !$token[Token::POS_ROTHER]) // final line )) { // handle partial if ($token[Token::POS_OP] === '>') { if (!$context['flags']['noind']) { $context['tokens']['partialind'] = $token[Token::POS_LSPACECTL] ? '' : $ind; $token[Token::POS_LSPACE] = (isset($lmatch[2]) ? ($lmatch[1] . $lmatch[2]) : ''); } } else { $token[Token::POS_LSPACE] = (isset($lmatch[2]) ? ($lmatch[1] . $lmatch[2]) : ''); } $token[Token::POS_RSPACE] = isset($rmatch[3]) ? $rmatch[3] : ''; } // Handle space control. if ($token[Token::POS_LSPACECTL]) { $token[Token::POS_LSPACE] = ''; } if ($token[Token::POS_RSPACECTL]) { $token[Token::POS_RSPACE] = ''; } } }