compareDocumentPosition( $b ); }; $order = function ( $a, $b ) use ( &$compareDocumentPosition ) { return ( $compareDocumentPosition( $a, $b ) & 2 ) ? 1 : -1; }; */ private static function next( DOMNode $el ): ?DOMNode { while ( ( $el = $el->nextSibling ) && $el->nodeType !== 1 ) { // no op } return $el; } private static function prev( DOMNode $el ): ?DOMNode { while ( ( $el = $el->previousSibling ) && $el->nodeType !== 1 ) { // no op } return $el; } private static function child( DOMNode $el ): ?DOMNode { if ( $el = $el->firstChild ) { while ( $el->nodeType !== 1 && ( $el = $el->nextSibling ) ) { // no op } } return $el; } private static function lastChild( DOMNode $el ): ?DOMNode { if ( $el = $el->lastChild ) { while ( $el->nodeType !== 1 && ( $el = $el->previousSibling ) ) { // no op } } return $el; } private static function parentIsElement( DOMNode $n ): bool { if ( !$n->parentNode ) { return false; } $nodeType = $n->parentNode->nodeType; // The root `html` element (node type 9) can be a first- or // last-child, too. But in PHP, if you load a document with // DOMDocument::loadHTML, your root DOMDocument will have node // type 13 (!) which is PHP's bespoke "XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE" // and Not A Real Thing. But we'll recognize it anyway... return $nodeType === 1 || $nodeType === 9 || $nodeType === 13; } private static function unichr( int $codepoint ): string { if ( extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) { return \IntlChar::chr( $codepoint ); } else { return mb_chr( $codepoint, "utf-8" ); } } private static function unquote( string $str ): string { if ( !$str ) { return $str; } self::initRules(); $ch = $str[ 0 ]; if ( $ch === '"' || $ch === "'" ) { if ( substr( $str, - 1 ) === $ch ) { $str = substr( $str, 1, -1 ); } else { // bad string. $str = substr( $str, 1 ); } return preg_replace_callback( self::$rules->str_escape, function ( array $matches ) { $s = $matches[0]; if ( !preg_match( '/^\\\(?:([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|([\r\n\f]+))/', $s, $m ) ) { return substr( $s, 1 ); } if ( $m[ 2 ] ) { return ''; /* escaped newlines are ignored in strings. */ } $cp = intval( $m[ 1 ], 16 ); return self::unichr( $cp ); }, $str ); } elseif ( preg_match( self::$rules->ident, $str ) ) { return self::decodeid( $str ); } else { // NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, DIMENSION, etc return $str; } } private static function decodeid( string $str ): string { return preg_replace_callback( self::$rules->escape, function ( array $matches ) { $s = $matches[0]; if ( !preg_match( '/^\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/', $s, $m ) ) { return $s[ 1 ]; } $cp = intval( $m[ 1 ], 16 ); return self::unichr( $cp ); }, $str ); } private static function makeInside( string $start, string $end ): string { $regex = preg_replace( '/>/', $end, preg_replace( '/inside ) ) ); return '/' . $regex . '/Su'; } private static function reSource( string $regex ): string { // strip delimiter and flags from regular expression return preg_replace( '/(^\/)|(\/[a-z]*$)/Diu', '', $regex ); } private static function replace( string $regex, string $name, string $val ): string { $regex = self::reSource( $regex ); $regex = str_replace( $name, self::reSource( $val ), $regex ); return '/' . $regex . '/Su'; } private static function truncateUrl( string $url, int $num ): string { $url = preg_replace( '/^(?:\w+:\/\/|\/+)/', '', $url ); $url = preg_replace( '/(?:\/+|\/*#.*?)$/', '', $url ); return implode( '/', explode( '/', $url, $num ) ); } private static function xpathQuote( string $s ): string { // Ugly-but-functional escape mechanism for xpath query $parts = explode( "'", $s ); $parts = array_map( function ( string $ss ) { return "'$ss'"; }, $parts ); if ( count( $parts ) === 1 ) { return $parts[0]; } else { return 'concat(' . implode( ',"\'",', $parts ) . ')'; } } /** * Get descendants by ID. * The PHP DOM doesn't provide this method for DOMElement, and the * implementation in DOMDocument is broken. * * @param DOMDocument|DOMElement $context * @param string $id * @return array A list of the elements with the given ID. When there are more * than one, this method might return all of them or only the first one. */ public static function getElementsById( DOMNode $context, string $id ): array { $doc = ( $context instanceof \DOMDocument ) ? $context : $context->ownerDocument; // PHP doesn't provide an DOMElement-scoped version of // getElementById, so we can't call this directly on $context -- // but that's okay because (1) IDs should be unique, and // (2) we verify the scope of the returned element below // anyway (to work around bugs with deleted-but-not-gc'ed // nodes). $r = $doc->getElementById( $id ); // Note that $r could be null here because the // DOMDocument hasn't had an "id attribute" set, even if the id // exists in the document. See: // if ( $r !== null ) { // Verify that this node is actually rooted in the // document (or in the context), since the element // isn't removed from the index immediately when it // is deleted. (Also PHP's call is not scoped.) for ( $parent = $r; $parent; $parent = $parent->parentNode ) { if ( $parent === $context ) { return [ $r ]; } } // It's possible a deleted-but-still-indexed element was // shadowing a later-added element, so we can't return // null here directly; fallback to a full search. } // Do an xpath search, which is still a full traversal of the tree // (sigh) but 25% faster than traversing it wholly in PHP. $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $doc ); $query = './/*[@id=' . self::xpathQuote( $id ) . ']'; return iterator_to_array( $xpath->query( $query, $context ) ); } /** * Get descendants by tag name. * The PHP DOM doesn't provide this method for DOMElement, and the * implementation in DOMDocument has performance issues. * * @param DOMDocument|DOMElement $context * @param string $tagName * @return DOMNodeList */ public static function getElementsByTagName( DOMNode $context, string $tagName ): DOMNodeList { // This *should* just be a call to PHP's `getElementByTagName` // function *BUT* PHP's implementation is 100x slower than using // XPath to get the same results (!) // XXX this assumes default PHP DOM implementation, which // reports lowercase tag names in DOMNode->tagName (even though // the DOM spec says it should report uppercase) $tagName = strtolower( $tagName ); if ( $context instanceof DOMDocument ) { $doc = $context; } else { $doc = $context->ownerDocument; } $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $doc ); $ns = $doc->documentElement->namespaceURI; if ( $tagName === '*' ) { $query = ".//*"; } elseif ( $ns || !preg_match( '/^[_a-z][-.0-9_a-z]*$/S', $tagName ) ) { $query = './/*[local-name()=' . self::xpathQuote( $tagName ) . ']'; } else { $query = ".//$tagName"; } return $xpath->query( $query, $context ); } private static function getElementsByClassName( DOMNode $context, string $className ): DOMNodeList { // PHP doesn't have an implementation of this method; use XPath // to quickly get results. (It would be faster still if there was an // actual index, but this will be about 25% faster than doing the // tree traversal all in PHP.) if ( $context instanceof DOMDocument ) { $doc = $context; } else { $doc = $context->ownerDocument; } $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $doc ); $quotedClassName = self::xpathQuote( " $className " ); $query = ".//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), $quotedClassName)]"; return $xpath->query( $query, $context ); } /** * Handle `nth` Selectors */ private static function parseNth( string $param ): object { $param = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $param ); if ( $param === 'even' ) { $param = '2n+0'; } elseif ( $param === 'odd' ) { $param = '2n+1'; } elseif ( strpos( $param, 'n' ) === false ) { $param = '0n' . $param; } preg_match( '/^([+-])?(\d+)?n([+-])?(\d+)?$/', $param, $cap, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ); $group = intval( ( $cap[1] ?? '' ) . ( $cap[2] ?? '1' ), 10 ); $offset = intval( ( $cap[3] ?? '' ) . ( $cap[4] ?? '0' ), 10 ); return (object)[ 'group' => $group, 'offset' => $offset, ]; } private static function nth( string $param, callable $test, bool $last ): callable { $param = self::parseNth( $param ); $group = $param->group; $offset = $param->offset; $find = ( !$last ) ? [ self::class, 'child' ] : [ self::class, 'lastChild' ]; $advance = ( !$last ) ? [ self::class, 'next' ] : [ self::class, 'prev' ]; return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $find, $test, $offset, $group, $advance ): bool { if ( !self::parentIsElement( $el ) ) { return false; } $rel = call_user_func( $find, $el->parentNode ); $pos = 0; while ( $rel ) { if ( call_user_func( $test, $rel, $el ) ) { $pos++; } if ( $rel === $el ) { $pos -= $offset; return ( $group && $pos ) ? ( $pos % $group ) === 0 && ( $pos < 0 === $group < 0 ) : !$pos; } $rel = call_user_func( $advance, $rel ); } return false; }; } /** * Simple Selectors which take no arguments. * @var array */ private $selectors0; /** * Simple Selectors which take one argument. * @var array */ private $selectors1; /** * Add a custom selector that takes no parameters. * @param string $key Name of the selector * @param callable(DOMNode):bool $func * The selector match function */ public function addSelector0( string $key, callable $func ) { $this->selectors0[$key] = $func; } /** * Add a custom selector that takes 1 parameter, which is passed as a * string. * @param string $key Name of the selector * @param callable(string):(callable(DOMNode):bool) $func * The selector match function */ public function addSelector1( string $key, callable $func ) { $this->selectors1[$key] = $func; } private function initSelectors() { $this->addSelector0( '*', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return true; } ); $this->addSelector1( 'type', function ( string $type ): callable { $type = strtolower( $type ); return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $type ): bool { return strtolower( $el->nodeName ) === $type; }; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':first-child', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !self::prev( $el ) && self::parentIsElement( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':last-child', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !self::next( $el ) && self::parentIsElement( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':only-child', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !self::prev( $el ) && !self::next( $el ) && self::parentIsElement( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector1( ':nth-child', function ( string $param, bool $last = false ): callable { return self::nth( $param, function () { return true; }, $last ); } ); /** @suppress PhanParamTooMany */ $this->addSelector1( ':nth-last-child', function ( string $param ): callable { return $this->selectors1[ ':nth-child' ]( $param, true ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':root', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return $el->ownerDocument->documentElement === $el; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':empty', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !$el->firstChild; } ); $this->addSelector1( ':not', function ( string $sel ) { $test = self::compileGroup( $sel ); return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): bool { return !call_user_func( $test, $el ); }; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':first-of-type', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { if ( !self::parentIsElement( $el ) ) { return false; } $type = $el->nodeName; while ( $el = self::prev( $el ) ) { if ( $el->nodeName === $type ) { return false; } } return true; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':last-of-type', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { if ( !self::parentIsElement( $el ) ) { return false; } $type = $el->nodeName; while ( $el = self::next( $el ) ) { if ( $el->nodeName === $type ) { return false; } } return true; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':only-of-type', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return $this->selectors0[ ':first-of-type' ]( $el ) && $this->selectors0[ ':last-of-type' ]( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector1( ':nth-of-type', function ( string $param, bool $last = false ): callable { return self::nth( $param, function ( DOMNode $rel, DOMNode $el ) { return $rel->nodeName === $el->nodeName; }, $last ); } ); /** @suppress PhanParamTooMany */ $this->addSelector1( ':nth-last-of-type', function ( string $param ): callable { return $this->selectors1[ ':nth-of-type' ]( $param, true ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':checked', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; // XXX these properties don't exist in the PHP DOM // return $el->checked || $el->selected; return $el->hasAttribute( 'checked' ) || $el->hasAttribute( 'selected' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':indeterminate', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !$this->selectors0[ ':checked' ]( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':enabled', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; // XXX these properties don't exist in the PHP DOM // return !$el->disabled && $el->type !== 'hidden'; return !$el->hasAttribute( 'disabled' ) && $el->getAttribute( 'type' ) !== 'hidden'; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':disabled', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; // XXX these properties don't exist in the PHP DOM // return !!$el->disabled; return $el->hasAttribute( 'disabled' ); } ); /* $this->addSelector0( ':target', function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$window ) { return $el->id === $window->location->hash->substring( 1 ); }); $this->addSelector0( ':focus', function ( DOMNode $el ) { return $el === $el->ownerDocument->activeElement; }); */ $this->addSelector1( ':is', function ( string $sel ): callable { return self::compileGroup( $sel ); } ); // :matches is an older name for :is; see // $this->addSelector1( ':matches', function ( string $sel ): callable { return $this->selectors1[ ':is' ]( $sel ); } ); $this->addSelector1( ':nth-match', function ( string $param, bool $last = false ): callable { $args = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', $param ); $arg = array_shift( $args ); $test = self::compileGroup( implode( ',', $args ) ); return self::nth( $arg, $test, $last ); } ); /** @suppress PhanParamTooMany */ $this->addSelector1( ':nth-last-match', function ( string $param ): callable { return $this->selectors1[ ':nth-match' ]( $param, true ); } ); /* $this->addSelector0( ':links-here', function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$window ) { return $el . '' === $window->location . ''; }); */ $this->addSelector1( ':lang', function ( string $param ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $param ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; while ( $el ) { // PHP DOM doesn't have 'lang' property $lang = $el->getAttribute( 'lang' ); if ( $lang ) { return strpos( $lang, $param ) === 0; } $el = $el->parentNode; } return false; }; } ); $this->addSelector1( ':dir', function ( string $param ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $param ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; while ( $el ) { $dir = $el->getAttribute( 'dir' ); if ( $dir ) { return $dir === $param; } $el = $el->parentNode; } return false; }; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':scope', function ( DOMNode $el, $con = null ): bool { $context = $con ?? $el->ownerDocument; if ( $context->nodeType === 9 ) { return $el === $context->documentElement; } return $el === $context; } ); /* $this->addSelector0( ':any-link', function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return gettype( $el->href ) === 'string'; }); $this->addSelector( ':local-link', function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$window ) { if ( $el->nodeName ) { return $el->href && $el->host === $window->location->host; } // XXX this is really selector1 not selector0 $param = +$el + 1; return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$window, $param ) { if ( !$el->href ) { return; } $url = $window->location . ''; $href = $el . ''; return self::truncateUrl( $url, $param ) === self::truncateUrl( $href, $param ); }; }); $this->addSelector0( ':default', function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return !!$el->defaultSelected; }); $this->addSelector0( ':valid', function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return $el->willValidate || ( $el->validity && $el->validity->valid ); }); */ $this->addSelector0( ':invalid', function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return !$this->selectors0[ ':valid' ]( $el ); } ); /* $this->addSelector0( ':in-range', function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return $el->value > $el->min && $el->value <= $el->max; }); */ $this->addSelector0( ':out-of-range', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !$this->selectors0[ ':in-range' ]( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':required', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; return $el->hasAttribute( 'required' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':optional', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !$this->selectors0[ ':required' ]( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':read-only', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; if ( $el->hasAttribute( 'readOnly' ) ) { return true; } $attr = $el->getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ); $name = strtolower( $el->nodeName ); $name = $name !== 'input' && $name !== 'textarea'; return ( $name || $el->hasAttribute( 'disabled' ) ) && $attr == null; } ); $this->addSelector0( ':read-write', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { return !$this->selectors0[ ':read-only' ]( $el ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':hover', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':hover is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':active', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':active is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':link', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':link is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':visited', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':visited is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':column', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':column is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':nth-column', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':nth-column is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':nth-last-column', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':nth-last-column is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':current', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':current is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':past', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':past is not supported.' ); } ); $this->addSelector0( ':future', function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { throw new Error( ':future is not supported.' ); } ); // Non-standard, for compatibility purposes. $this->addSelector1( ':contains', function ( string $param ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $param ): bool { $text = $el->textContent; return strpos( $text, $param ) !== false; }; } ); $this->addSelector1( ':has', function ( string $param ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $param ): bool { '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; return count( self::find( $param, $el ) ) > 0; }; } ); // Potentially add more pseudo selectors for // compatibility with sizzle and most other // selector engines (?). } /** @return callable(DOMNode):bool */ private function selectorsAttr( string $key, string $op, string $val, bool $i ): callable { $op = $this->operators[ $op ]; return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $key, $i, $op, $val ): bool { /* XXX: the below all assumes a more complete PHP DOM than we have switch ( $key ) { #case 'for': # $attr = $el->htmlFor; // Not supported in PHP DOM # break; case 'class': // PHP DOM doesn't support $el->className // className is '' when non-existent // getAttribute('class') is null if ($el->hasAttributes() && $el->hasAttribute( 'class' ) ) { $attr = $el->getAttribute( 'class' ); } else { $attr = null; } break; case 'href': case 'src': $attr = $el->getAttribute( $key, 2 ); break; case 'title': // getAttribute('title') can be '' when non-existent sometimes? if ($el->hasAttribute('title')) { $attr = $el->getAttribute( 'title' ); } else { $attr = null; } break; // careful with attributes with special getter functions case 'id': case 'lang': case 'dir': case 'accessKey': case 'hidden': case 'tabIndex': case 'style': if ( $el->getAttribute ) { $attr = $el->getAttribute( $key ); break; } // falls through default: if ( $el->hasAttribute && !$el->hasAttribute( $key ) ) { break; } $attr = ( $el[ $key ] != null ) ? $el[ $key ] : $el->getAttribute && $el->getAttribute( $key ); break; } */ // This is our simple PHP DOM version '@phan-var DOMElement $el'; if ( $el->hasAttributes() && $el->hasAttribute( $key ) ) { $attr = $el->getAttribute( $key ); } else { $attr = null; } // End simple PHP DOM version if ( $attr == null ) { return false; } $attr = $attr . ''; if ( $i ) { $attr = strtolower( $attr ); $val = strtolower( $val ); } return call_user_func( $op, $attr, $val ); }; } /** * Attribute Operators * @var array */ private $operators; /** * Add a custom operator * @param string $key Name of the operator * @param callable(string,string):bool $func * The operator match function */ public function addOperator( string $key, callable $func ) { $this->operators[$key] = $func; } private function initOperators() { $this->addOperator( '-', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { return true; } ); $this->addOperator( '=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { return $attr === $val; } ); $this->addOperator( '*=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { return strpos( $attr, $val ) !== false; } ); $this->addOperator( '~=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { $attrLen = strlen( $attr ); $valLen = strlen( $val ); for ( $s = 0; $s < $attrLen; $s = $i + 1 ) { $i = strpos( $attr, $val, $s ); if ( $i === false ) { return false; } $j = $i + $valLen; $f = ( $i === 0 ) ? ' ' : $attr[ $i - 1 ]; $l = ( $j >= $attrLen ) ? ' ' : $attr[ $j ]; if ( $f === ' ' && $l === ' ' ) { return true; } } return false; } ); $this->addOperator( '|=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { $i = strpos( $attr, $val ); if ( $i !== 0 ) { return false; } $j = $i + strlen( $val ); if ( $j >= strlen( $attr ) ) { return true; } $l = $attr[ $j ]; return $l === '-'; } ); $this->addOperator( '^=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { return strpos( $attr, $val ) === 0; } ); $this->addOperator( '$=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { $i = strrpos( $attr, $val ); return $i !== false && $i + strlen( $val ) === strlen( $attr ); } ); // non-standard $this->addOperator( '!=', function ( string $attr, string $val ): bool { return $attr !== $val; } ); } /** * Combinator Logic * @var array */ private $combinators; /** * Add a custom combinator * @param string $key Name of the combinator * @param callable(callable(DOMNode):bool):(callable(DOMNode):(?DOMNode)) $func * The combinator match function */ public function addCombinator( string $key, callable $func ) { $this->combinators[$key] = $func; } private function initCombinators() { $this->addCombinator( ' ', function ( callable $test ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): ?DOMNode { while ( $el = $el->parentNode ) { if ( call_user_func( $test, $el ) ) { return $el; } } return null; }; } ); $this->addCombinator( '>', function ( callable $test ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): ?DOMNode { if ( $el = $el->parentNode ) { if ( call_user_func( $test, $el ) ) { return $el; } } return null; }; } ); $this->addCombinator( '+', function ( callable $test ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): ?DOMNode { if ( $el = self::prev( $el ) ) { if ( call_user_func( $test, $el ) ) { return $el; } } return null; }; } ); $this->addCombinator( '~', function ( callable $test ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): ?DOMNode { while ( $el = self::prev( $el ) ) { if ( call_user_func( $test, $el ) ) { return $el; } } return null; }; } ); $this->addCombinator( 'noop', function ( callable $test ): callable { return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $test ): ?DOMNode { if ( call_user_func( $test, $el ) ) { return $el; } return null; }; } ); } private static function makeRef( callable $test, string $name ): ZestFunc { $node = null; $ref = new ZestFunc( function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$node, &$ref ) : bool { $doc = $el->ownerDocument; $nodes = self::getElementsByTagName( $doc, '*' ); $i = count( $nodes ); while ( $i-- ) { $node = $nodes->item( $i ); if ( call_user_func( $ref->test->func, $el ) ) { $node = null; return true; } } $node = null; return false; } ); $ref->combinator = function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$node, $name, $test ): ?DOMNode { if ( !$node || !( $node instanceof DOMElement ) ) { return null; } $attr = $node->getAttribute( $name ) ?: ''; if ( $attr !== '' && $attr[ 0 ] === '#' ) { $attr = substr( $attr, 1 ); } $id = $node->getAttribute( 'id' ) ?: ''; if ( $attr === $id && call_user_func( $test, $node ) ) { return $node; } return null; }; return $ref; } /** * Grammar */ private static $rules; public static function initRules() { self::$rules = (object)[ 'escape' => '/\\\(?:[^0-9A-Fa-f\r\n]|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6}[\r\n\t ]?)/', 'str_escape' => '/(escape)|\\\(\n|\r\n?|\f)/', 'nonascii' => '/[\x{00A0}-\x{FFFF}]/', 'cssid' => '/(?:(?!-?[0-9])(?:escape|nonascii|[-_a-zA-Z0-9])+)/', 'qname' => '/^ *(cssid|\*)/', 'simple' => '/^(?:([.#]cssid)|pseudo|attr)/', 'ref' => '/^ *\/(cssid)\/ */', 'combinator' => '/^(?: +([^ \w*.#\\\]) +|( )+|([^ \w*.#\\\]))(?! *$)/', 'attr' => '/^\[(cssid)(?:([^\w]?=)(inside))?\]/', 'pseudo' => '/^(:cssid)(?:\((inside)\))?/', 'inside' => "/(?:\"(?:\\\\\"|[^\"])*\"|'(?:\\\\'|[^'])*'|<[^\"'>]*>|\\\\[\"'>]|[^\"'>])*/", 'ident' => '/^(cssid)$/', ]; self::$rules->cssid = self::replace( self::$rules->cssid, 'nonascii', self::$rules->nonascii ); self::$rules->cssid = self::replace( self::$rules->cssid, 'escape', self::$rules->escape ); self::$rules->qname = self::replace( self::$rules->qname, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->simple = self::replace( self::$rules->simple, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->ref = self::replace( self::$rules->ref, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->attr = self::replace( self::$rules->attr, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->pseudo = self::replace( self::$rules->pseudo, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->inside = self::replace( self::$rules->inside, "[^\"'>]*", self::$rules->inside ); self::$rules->attr = self::replace( self::$rules->attr, 'inside', self::makeInside( '\[', '\]' ) ); self::$rules->pseudo = self::replace( self::$rules->pseudo, 'inside', self::makeInside( '\(', '\)' ) ); self::$rules->simple = self::replace( self::$rules->simple, 'pseudo', self::$rules->pseudo ); self::$rules->simple = self::replace( self::$rules->simple, 'attr', self::$rules->attr ); self::$rules->ident = self::replace( self::$rules->ident, 'cssid', self::$rules->cssid ); self::$rules->str_escape = self::replace( self::$rules->str_escape, 'escape', self::$rules->escape ); } /** * Compiling */ private function compile( string $sel ): ZestFunc { $sel = preg_replace( '/^\s+|\s+$/', '', $sel ); $test = null; $filter = []; $buff = []; $subject = null; $qname = null; $cap = null; $op = null; $ref = null; while ( $sel ) { if ( preg_match( self::$rules->qname, $sel, $cap ) ) { $sel = substr( $sel, strlen( $cap[0] ) ); $qname = self::decodeid( $cap[ 1 ] ); $buff[] = $this->tokQname( $qname ); } elseif ( preg_match( self::$rules->simple, $sel, $cap, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ) ) { $sel = substr( $sel, strlen( $cap[0] ) ); $qname = '*'; $buff[] = $this->tokQname( $qname ); $buff[] = $this->tok( $cap ); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid selector.' ); } while ( preg_match( self::$rules->simple, $sel, $cap, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ) ) { $sel = substr( $sel, strlen( $cap[0] ) ); $buff[] = $this->tok( $cap ); } if ( $sel && $sel[ 0 ] === '!' ) { $sel = substr( $sel, 1 ); $subject = self::makeSubject(); $subject->qname = $qname; $buff[] = $subject->simple; } if ( preg_match( self::$rules->ref, $sel, $cap ) ) { $sel = substr( $sel, strlen( $cap[0] ) ); $ref = self::makeRef( self::makeSimple( $buff ), self::decodeid( $cap[ 1 ] ) ); $filter[] = $ref->combinator; $buff = []; continue; } if ( preg_match( self::$rules->combinator, $sel, $cap, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ) ) { $sel = substr( $sel, strlen( $cap[0] ) ); $op = $cap[ 1 ] ?? $cap[ 2 ] ?? $cap[ 3 ]; if ( $op === ',' ) { $filter[] = $this->combinators['noop']( self::makeSimple( $buff ) ); break; } } else { $op = 'noop'; } if ( !isset( $this->combinators[ $op ] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Bad combinator: ' . $op ); } $filter[] = $this->combinators[ $op ]( self::makeSimple( $buff ) ); $buff = []; } $test = self::makeTest( $filter ); $test->qname = $qname; $test->sel = $sel; if ( $subject ) { $subject->lname = $test->qname; $subject->test = $test; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginDuplicateExpressionAssignment $subject->qname = $subject->qname; $subject->sel = $test->sel; $test = $subject; } if ( $ref ) { $ref->test = $test; $ref->qname = $test->qname; $ref->sel = $test->sel; $test = $ref; } return $test; } /** @return callable(DOMNode):bool */ private function tokQname( string $cap ): callable { // qname if ( $cap === '*' ) { return $this->selectors0['*']; } else { return $this->selectors1['type']( $cap ); } } /** @return callable(DOMNode):bool */ private function tok( array $cap ): callable { // class/id if ( $cap[ 1 ] ) { return $cap[ 1 ][ 0 ] === '.' // XXX unescape here? or in attr? ? $this->selectorsAttr( 'class', '~=', self::decodeid( substr( $cap[ 1 ], 1 ) ), false ) : $this->selectorsAttr( 'id', '=', self::decodeid( substr( $cap[ 1 ], 1 ) ), false ); } // pseudo-name // inside-pseudo if ( $cap[ 2 ] ) { $id = self::decodeid( $cap[ 2 ] ); if ( isset( $cap[3] ) && $cap[ 3 ] ) { if ( !isset( $this->selectors1[ $id ] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown Selector: $id" ); } return $this->selectors1[ $id ]( self::unquote( $cap[ 3 ] ) ); } else { if ( !isset( $this->selectors0[ $id ] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown Selector: $id" ); } return $this->selectors0[ $id ]; } } // attr name // attr op // attr value if ( $cap[ 4 ] ) { $value = $cap[ 6 ] ?? ''; $i = preg_match( "/[\"'\\s]\\s*I\$/i", $value ); if ( $i ) { $value = preg_replace( '/\s*I$/i', '', $value, 1 ); } return $this->selectorsAttr( self::decodeid( $cap[ 4 ] ), $cap[ 5 ] ?? '-', self::unquote( $value ), (bool)$i ); } throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Unknown Selector.' ); } // Returns true if all $func return true private static function makeSimple( array $func ): callable { $l = count( $func ); // Potentially make sure // `el` is truthy. if ( $l < 2 ) { return $func[ 0 ]; } return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $l, $func ): bool { for ( $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++ ) { if ( !call_user_func( $func[ $i ], $el ) ) { return false; } } return true; }; } // Returns the element that all $func return private static function makeTest( array $func ): ZestFunc { if ( count( $func ) < 2 ) { return new ZestFunc( function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $func ): bool { return (bool)call_user_func( $func[ 0 ], $el ); } ); } return new ZestFunc( function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $func ): bool { $i = count( $func ); while ( $i-- ) { if ( !( $el = call_user_func( $func[ $i ], $el ) ) ) { return false; } } return true; } ); } private static function makeSubject(): ZestFunc { $target = null; $subject = new ZestFunc( function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( &$subject, &$target ): bool { $node = $el->ownerDocument; $scope = self::getElementsByTagName( $node, $subject->lname ); $i = count( $scope ); while ( $i-- ) { if ( call_user_func( $subject->test->func, $scope->item( $i ) ) && $target === $el ) { $target = null; return true; } } $target = null; return false; } ); $subject->simple = function ( DOMNode $el ): bool { $target = $el; return true; }; return $subject; } /** * @return callable(DOMNode):bool */ private function compileGroup( string $sel ): callable { $test = $this->compile( $sel ); $tests = [ $test ]; while ( $test->sel ) { $test = $this->compile( $test->sel ); $tests[] = $test; } if ( count( $tests ) < 2 ) { return $test->func; } return function ( DOMNode $el ) use ( $tests ): bool { for ( $i = 0, $l = count( $tests ); $i < $l; $i++ ) { if ( call_user_func( $tests[ $i ]->func, $el ) ) { return true; } } return false; }; } /** * Selection */ // $node should be a DOMDocument or a DOMElement /** @param DOMDocument|DOMElement $node */ private function findInternal( string $sel, DOMNode $node ): array { $results = []; $test = $this->compile( $sel ); // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable $scope = self::getElementsByTagName( $node, $test->qname ); $i = 0; $el = null; foreach ( $scope as $el ) { if ( call_user_func( $test->func, $el ) ) { $results[] = $el; } } if ( $test->sel ) { while ( $test->sel ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable $test = $this->compile( $test->sel ); // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable $scope = self::getElementsByTagName( $node, $test->qname ); foreach ( $scope as $el ) { if ( call_user_func( $test->func, $el ) && !in_array( $el, $results, true ) ) { $results[] = $el; } } } // $results->sort( $order );//XXX } return $results; } /** * Find elements matching a CSS selector underneath $context. * @param string $sel The CSS selector string * @param DOMDocument|DOMElement $context The scope for the search * @return array Elements matching the CSS selector */ public function find( string $sel, DOMNode $context ): array { /* when context isn't a DocumentFragment and the selector is simple: */ if ( $context->nodeType !== 11 && strpos( $sel, ' ' ) === false ) { // // Valid identifiers starting with a hyphen or with escape // sequences will be handled correctly by the fall-through case. if ( $sel[ 0 ] === '#' /*&& $context->rooted*/ && preg_match( '/^#[A-Za-z_](?:[-A-Za-z0-9_]|[^\0-\237])*$/Su', $sel ) ) { // Note that the PHP implementation can't detect the case // where there are multiple elements with the same ID. Alas. /* if ( $context->doc->_hasMultipleElementsWithId ) { $id = $sel->substring( 1 ); if ( !$context->doc->_hasMultipleElementsWithId( $id ) ) { $r = $context->doc->getElementById( $id ); return ( $r ) ? [ $r ] : []; } } */ $id = substr( $sel, 1 ); return self::getElementsById( $context, $id ); } if ( $sel[ 0 ] === '.' && preg_match( '/^\.\w+$/', $sel ) ) { return iterator_to_array( self::getElementsByClassName( $context, substr( $sel, 1 ) ) ); } if ( preg_match( '/^\w+$/', $sel ) ) { return iterator_to_array( self::getElementsByTagName( $context, $sel ) ); } } /* do things the hard/slow way */ return $this->findInternal( $sel, $context ); } /** * Determine whether an element matches the given selector. * @param DOMNode $el The element to be tested * @param string $sel The CSS selector string * @return bool True iff the element matches the selector */ public function matches( DOMNode $el, string $sel ): bool { $test = new ZestFunc( function ( DOMNode $el ):bool { return true; } ); $test->sel = $sel; do { $test = $this->compile( $test->sel ); if ( call_user_func( $test->func, $el ) ) { return true; } } while ( $test->sel ); return false; } /** @var ?ZestInst */ private static $singleton = null; function __construct() { $z = self::$singleton; $this->selectors0 = $z ? $z->selectors0 : []; $this->selectors1 = $z ? $z->selectors1 : []; $this->operators = $z ? $z->operators : []; $this->combinators = $z ? $z->combinators : []; if ( !$z ) { $this->initRules(); $this->initSelectors(); $this->initOperators(); $this->initCombinators(); self::$singleton = $this; // Now create another instance so that backing arrays are cloned // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyInfiniteRecursionSameParams self::$singleton = new ZestInst; } } }