dispatcher->inBody->characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } public function startTag( $name, Attributes $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'caption': case 'col': case 'colgroup': case 'tbody': case 'td': case 'tfoot': case 'th': case 'thead': case 'tr': if ( !$this->builder->stack->isInTableScope( 'td' ) && !$this->builder->stack->isInTableScope( 'th' ) ) { $this->builder->error( "<$name> tag should close the cell but none is in scope", $sourceStart ); return; } $this->closeTheCell( $sourceStart ) ->startTag( $name, $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); break; default: $this->dispatcher->inBody->startTag( $name, $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } public function endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $builder = $this->builder; $stack = $builder->stack; $dispatcher = $this->dispatcher; switch ( $name ) { case 'td': case 'th': if ( !$stack->isInTableScope( $name ) ) { $builder->error( " encountered but there is no $name in scope, ignoring", $sourceStart ); return; } $builder->generateImpliedEndTags( false, $sourceStart ); if ( $stack->current->htmlName !== $name ) { $builder->error( " encountered when there are tags open " . "which can't be closed automatically", $sourceStart ); } $builder->popAllUpToName( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); $builder->afe->clearToMarker(); $dispatcher->switchMode( Dispatcher::IN_ROW ); break; case 'body': case 'caption': case 'col': case 'colgroup': case 'html': $builder->error( "unexpected in cell, ignoring", $sourceStart ); return; case 'table': case 'tbody': case 'tfoot': case 'thead': case 'tr': if ( !$stack->isInTableScope( $name ) ) { $builder->error( " encountered but there is no $name in scope, ignoring", $sourceStart ); return; } $this->closeTheCell( $sourceStart ) ->endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); break; default: $dispatcher->inBody->endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } public function endDocument( $pos ) { $this->dispatcher->inBody->endDocument( $pos ); } private function closeTheCell( $sourceStart ) { $tdth = [ 'td' => true, 'th' => true ]; $builder = $this->builder; $stack = $builder->stack; $builder->generateImpliedEndTags( false, $sourceStart ); if ( !isset( $tdth[$stack->current->htmlName] ) ) { $builder->error( "closing the cell but there are tags open " . "which can't be closed automatically", $sourceStart ); } $builder->afe->clearToMarker(); return $this->dispatcher->switchMode( Dispatcher::IN_ROW ); } }