[ 'definitionurl' => 'definitionURL', ], 'svg' => [ 'attributename' => 'attributeName', 'attributetype' => 'attributeType', 'basefrequency' => 'baseFrequency', 'baseprofile' => 'baseProfile', 'calcmode' => 'calcMode', 'clippathunits' => 'clipPathUnits', 'diffuseconstant' => 'diffuseConstant', 'edgemode' => 'edgeMode', 'filterunits' => 'filterUnits', 'glyphref' => 'glyphRef', 'gradienttransform' => 'gradientTransform', 'gradientunits' => 'gradientUnits', 'kernelmatrix' => 'kernelMatrix', 'kernelunitlength' => 'kernelUnitLength', 'keypoints' => 'keyPoints', 'keysplines' => 'keySplines', 'keytimes' => 'keyTimes', 'lengthadjust' => 'lengthAdjust', 'limitingconeangle' => 'limitingConeAngle', 'markerheight' => 'markerHeight', 'markerunits' => 'markerUnits', 'markerwidth' => 'markerWidth', 'maskcontentunits' => 'maskContentUnits', 'maskunits' => 'maskUnits', 'numoctaves' => 'numOctaves', 'pathlength' => 'pathLength', 'patterncontentunits' => 'patternContentUnits', 'patterntransform' => 'patternTransform', 'patternunits' => 'patternUnits', 'pointsatx' => 'pointsAtX', 'pointsaty' => 'pointsAtY', 'pointsatz' => 'pointsAtZ', 'preservealpha' => 'preserveAlpha', 'preserveaspectratio' => 'preserveAspectRatio', 'primitiveunits' => 'primitiveUnits', 'refx' => 'refX', 'refy' => 'refY', 'repeatcount' => 'repeatCount', 'repeatdur' => 'repeatDur', 'requiredextensions' => 'requiredExtensions', 'requiredfeatures' => 'requiredFeatures', 'specularconstant' => 'specularConstant', 'specularexponent' => 'specularExponent', 'spreadmethod' => 'spreadMethod', 'startoffset' => 'startOffset', 'stddeviation' => 'stdDeviation', 'stitchtiles' => 'stitchTiles', 'surfacescale' => 'surfaceScale', 'systemlanguage' => 'systemLanguage', 'tablevalues' => 'tableValues', 'targetx' => 'targetX', 'targety' => 'targetY', 'textlength' => 'textLength', 'viewbox' => 'viewBox', 'viewtarget' => 'viewTarget', 'xchannelselector' => 'xChannelSelector', 'ychannelselector' => 'yChannelSelector', 'zoomandpan' => 'zoomAndPan', ], 'other' => [], ]; /** * The potentially namespaced attributes, and the namespaces they belong to. * Excepting xmlns since it is very special. */ private static $namespaceMap = [ 'xlink:actuate' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:arcrole' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:role' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:show' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:title' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xlink:type' => HTMLData::NS_XLINK, 'xml:lang' => HTMLData::NS_XML, 'xml:space' => HTMLData::NS_XML, 'xmlns:xlink' => HTMLData::NS_XMLNS, ]; /** * @param Attributes $unadjusted The unadjusted attributes from the Tokenizer * @param string $type The element type, which may be "math", "svg" or "other". */ public function __construct( Attributes $unadjusted, $type ) { $this->unadjusted = $unadjusted; $this->table = self::$adjustmentTables[$type]; } public function offsetExists( $offset ) { $offset = $this->table[$offset] ?? $offset; return $this->unadjusted->offsetExists( $offset ); } public function &offsetGet( $offset ) { $offset = $this->table[$offset] ?? $offset; $value = &$this->unadjusted->offsetGet( $offset ); return $value; } public function offsetSet( $offset, $value ) { throw new TreeBuilderError( "Setting foreign attributes is not supported" ); } public function offsetUnset( $offset ) { throw new TreeBuilderError( "Setting foreign attributes is not supported" ); } public function getValues() { $result = []; foreach ( $this->unadjusted->getValues() as $name => $value ) { $name = $this->table[$name] ?? $name; $result[$name] = $value; } return $result; } public function count() { return $this->unadjusted->count(); } public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator( $this->getValues() ); } public function getObjects() { if ( $this->attrObjects === null ) { $result = []; foreach ( $this->unadjusted->getValues() as $name => $value ) { if ( isset( $this->table[$name] ) ) { $name = $this->table[$name]; } if ( $name === 'xmlns' ) { $prefix = null; $namespace = HTMLData::NS_XMLNS; $localName = $name; } elseif ( isset( self::$namespaceMap[$name] ) ) { $namespace = self::$namespaceMap[$name]; list( $prefix, $localName ) = explode( ':', $name, 2 ); } else { $prefix = null; $namespace = null; $localName = $name; } $result[$name] = new Attribute( $name, $namespace, $prefix, $localName, $value ); } $this->attrObjects = $result; } return $this->attrObjects; } public function merge( Attributes $other ) { throw new TreeBuilderError( __METHOD__ . ': unimplemented' ); } }