Initial::class, self::BEFORE_HTML => BeforeHtml::class, self::BEFORE_HEAD => BeforeHead::class, self::IN_HEAD => InHead::class, self::IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT => InHeadNoscript::class, self::AFTER_HEAD => AfterHead::class, self::IN_BODY => InBody::class, self::TEXT => Text::class, self::IN_TABLE => InTable::class, self::IN_TABLE_TEXT => InTableText::class, self::IN_CAPTION => InCaption::class, self::IN_COLUMN_GROUP => InColumnGroup::class, self::IN_TABLE_BODY => InTableBody::class, self::IN_ROW => InRow::class, self::IN_CELL => InCell::class, self::IN_SELECT => InSelect::class, self::IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE => InSelectInTable::class, self::IN_TEMPLATE => InTemplate::class, self::AFTER_BODY => AfterBody::class, self::IN_FRAMESET => InFrameset::class, self::AFTER_FRAMESET => AfterFrameset::class, self::AFTER_AFTER_BODY => AfterAfterBody::class, self::AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET => AfterAfterFrameset::class, self::IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT => InForeignContent::class, self::IN_PRE => InPre::class, self::IN_TEXTAREA => InTextarea::class, ]; // Public shortcuts for "using the rules for" actions /** @var InHead */ public $inHead; /** @var InBody */ public $inBody; /** @var InTable */ public $inTable; /** @var InSelect */ public $inSelect; /** @var InTemplate */ public $inTemplate; /** @var InForeignContent */ public $inForeign; /** @var TreeBuilder */ protected $builder; /** * The InsertionMode object for the current insertion mode in HTML content * * @var InsertionMode */ protected $handler; /** * An array mapping insertion mode indexes to InsertionMode objects * * @var InsertionMode[] */ protected $dispatchTable; /** * The insertion mode index * * @var int */ protected $mode; /** * The "original insertion mode" index * * @var ?int */ protected $originalMode; /** * The insertion mode sets this to true to acknowledge the tag's * self-closing flag. * * @var bool|null */ public $ack; /** * The stack of template insertion modes * * @var TemplateModeStack */ public $templateModeStack; /** * @param TreeBuilder $builder */ public function __construct( TreeBuilder $builder ) { $this->builder = $builder; $this->templateModeStack = new TemplateModeStack; } /** * Switch the insertion mode, and return the new handler * * @param int $mode * @return InsertionMode */ public function switchMode( $mode ) { $this->mode = $mode; $this->handler = $this->dispatchTable[$mode]; return $this->handler; } /** * Let the original insertion mode be the current insertion mode, and * switch the insertion mode to some new value. Return the new handler. * * @param int $mode * @return InsertionMode */ public function switchAndSave( $mode ) { $this->originalMode = $this->mode; $this->mode = $mode; $this->handler = $this->dispatchTable[$mode]; return $this->handler; } /** * Switch the insertion mode to the original insertion mode and return the * new handler. * * @return InsertionMode */ public function restoreMode() { if ( $this->originalMode === null ) { throw new TreeBuilderError( "original insertion mode is not set" ); } $mode = $this->mode = $this->originalMode; $this->originalMode = null; $this->handler = $this->dispatchTable[$mode]; return $this->handler; } /** * Get the handler for the current insertion mode in HTML content. * This is used by the "in foreign" handler to execute the HTML insertion * mode. It does not necessarily correspond to the handler currently being * executed. * * @return InsertionMode */ public function getHandler() { return $this->handler; } /** * True if we are in a table mode, for the purposes of switching to * IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE as opposed to IN_SELECT. * * @return bool */ public function isInTableMode() { static $tableModes = [ self::IN_TABLE => true, self::IN_CAPTION => true, self::IN_TABLE_BODY => true, self::IN_ROW => true, self::IN_CELL => true ]; return isset( $tableModes[$this->mode] ); } /** * Reset the insertion mode appropriately, and return the new handler. * * @return InsertionMode */ public function reset() { return $this->switchMode( $this->getAppropriateMode() ); } /** * Get the insertion mode index which is switched to when we reset the * insertion mode appropriately. * * @return int */ protected function getAppropriateMode() { $builder = $this->builder; $stack = $builder->stack; $last = false; for ( $idx = $stack->length() - 1; $idx >= 0; $idx-- ) { $node = $stack->item( $idx ); if ( $idx === 0 ) { $last = true; if ( $builder->isFragment ) { $node = $builder->fragmentContext; } } switch ( $node->htmlName ) { case 'select': if ( $last ) { return self::IN_SELECT; } for ( $ancestorIdx = $idx - 1; $ancestorIdx >= 1; $ancestorIdx-- ) { $ancestor = $stack->item( $ancestorIdx ); if ( $ancestor->htmlName === 'template' ) { return self::IN_SELECT; } elseif ( $ancestor->htmlName === 'table' ) { return self::IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE; } } return self::IN_SELECT; case 'td': case 'th': if ( !$last ) { return self::IN_CELL; } break; case 'tr': return self::IN_ROW; case 'tbody': case 'thead': case 'tfoot': return self::IN_TABLE_BODY; case 'caption': return self::IN_CAPTION; case 'colgroup': return self::IN_COLUMN_GROUP; case 'table': return self::IN_TABLE; case 'template': return $this->templateModeStack->current; case 'head': if ( $last ) { return self::IN_BODY; } else { return self::IN_HEAD; } case 'body': return self::IN_BODY; case 'frameset': return self::IN_FRAMESET; case 'html': if ( $builder->headElement === null ) { return self::BEFORE_HEAD; } else { return self::AFTER_HEAD; } } } return self::IN_BODY; } /** * If the stack of open elements is empty, return null, otherwise return * the adjusted current node. * @return Element|null */ protected function dispatcherCurrentNode() { $current = $this->builder->stack->current; if ( $current && $current->stackIndex === 0 && $this->builder->isFragment ) { return $this->builder->fragmentContext; } else { return $current; } } public function startDocument( Tokenizer $tokenizer, $namespace, $name ) { $this->dispatchTable = []; foreach ( self::$handlerClasses as $mode => $class ) { $this->dispatchTable[$mode] = new $class( $this->builder, $this ); } $this->inHead = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_HEAD]; $this->inBody = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_BODY]; $this->inTable = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_TABLE]; $this->inSelect = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_SELECT]; $this->inTemplate = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_TEMPLATE]; $this->inForeign = $this->dispatchTable[self::IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT]; $this->switchMode( self::INITIAL ); $this->builder->startDocument( $tokenizer, $namespace, $name ); if ( $namespace !== null ) { if ( $namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML && $name === 'template' ) { $this->templateModeStack->push( self::IN_TEMPLATE ); } $this->reset(); } } /** * @inheritDoc * @suppress PhanTypeMismatchProperty Clears references to null */ public function endDocument( $pos ) { $this->handler->endDocument( $pos ); // All references to insertion modes must be explicitly released, since // they have a circular reference back to $this $this->dispatchTable = null; $this->handler = null; $this->inHead = null; $this->inBody = null; $this->inTable = null; $this->inSelect = null; $this->inTemplate = null; $this->inForeign = null; } public function error( $text, $pos ) { $this->builder->error( $text, $pos ); } public function characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $current = $this->dispatcherCurrentNode(); if ( !$current || $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML || $current->isMathmlTextIntegration() || $current->isHtmlIntegration() ) { $this->handler->characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } else { $this->inForeign->characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } public function startTag( $name, Attributes $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $this->ack = false; $current = $this->dispatcherCurrentNode(); if ( !$current || $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML || ( $current->isMathmlTextIntegration() && $name !== 'mglyph' && $name !== 'malignmark' ) || ( $name === 'svg' && $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_MATHML && $current->name === 'annotation-xml' ) || $current->isHtmlIntegration() ) { $this->handler->startTag( $name, $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } else { $this->inForeign->startTag( $name, $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } if ( $selfClose && !$this->ack ) { $this->builder->error( "unacknowledged self-closing tag", $sourceStart ); } } public function endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $current = $this->dispatcherCurrentNode(); if ( !$current || $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML ) { $this->handler->endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } else { $this->inForeign->endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } public function doctype( $name, $public, $system, $quirks, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $current = $this->dispatcherCurrentNode(); if ( !$current || $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML ) { $this->handler->doctype( $name, $public, $system, $quirks, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } else { $this->inForeign->doctype( $name, $public, $system, $quirks, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } public function comment( $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $current = $this->dispatcherCurrentNode(); if ( !$current || $current->namespace === HTMLData::NS_HTML ) { $this->handler->comment( $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } else { $this->inForeign->comment( $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ); } } }