element * will be serialized, instead of the whole document. */ private $isFragment; /** * The result string */ private $result = ''; /** * Constructor * * @param Formatter $formatter * @param callable|null $errorCallback A function which is called with the * details of each parse error */ public function __construct( Formatter $formatter, $errorCallback = null ) { $this->formatter = $formatter; $this->errorCallback = $errorCallback; } /** * Get the final string. This can only be called after endDocument() is received. * @return string */ public function getResult() { return $this->result; } /** * Get the root SerializerNode. * * @return SerializerNode */ public function getRootNode() { return $this->root; } /** * Get the parent SerializerNode of a given SerializerNode * * @param SerializerNode $node * @return SerializerNode */ public function getParentNode( SerializerNode $node ) { return $this->nodes[$node->parentId]; } /** * Get the last child of a given SerializerNode * * @param SerializerNode $node * @return SerializerNode|string|null */ public function getLastChild( SerializerNode $node ) { $children = $node->children; $lastChildIndex = count( $children ) - 1; $lastChild = $lastChildIndex >= 0 ? $children[$lastChildIndex] : null; return $lastChild; } public function startDocument( $fragmentNamespace, $fragmentName ) { $this->root = new SerializerNode( 0, 0, '', '', new PlainAttributes, false ); $this->nodes = [ $this->root ]; $this->isFragment = $fragmentNamespace !== null; $this->result = $this->formatter->startDocument( $fragmentNamespace, $fragmentName ); } public function endDocument( $pos ) { if ( $this->isFragment ) { $root = $this->root->children[0]; } else { $root = $this->root; } foreach ( $root->children as $childIndex => $child ) { if ( is_string( $child ) ) { $this->result .= $child; } else { $this->result .= $this->serializeNode( $root, $child, false ); } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchProperty $this->root = null; $this->nodes = []; } protected function interpretPlacement( $preposition, $refElement ) { if ( $preposition === TreeBuilder::ROOT ) { return [ $this->root, null ]; } if ( $refElement instanceof Element ) { $refNode = $refElement->userData; } elseif ( $refElement instanceof SerializerNode ) { $refNode = $refElement; } else { throw new SerializerError( "Invalid type of ref element" ); } if ( $preposition === TreeBuilder::BEFORE ) { return [ $this->nodes[$refNode->parentId], $refNode ]; } else { return [ $refNode, $refNode ]; } } public function characters( $preposition, $refElement, $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { list( $parent, $refNode ) = $this->interpretPlacement( $preposition, $refElement ); $encoded = (string)$this->formatter->characters( $parent, $text, $start, $length ); $children =& $parent->children; $lastChildIndex = count( $children ) - 1; $lastChild = $lastChildIndex >= 0 ? $children[$lastChildIndex] : null; if ( $preposition === TreeBuilder::BEFORE ) { // Insert before element if ( $lastChild !== $refNode ) { $refIndex = array_search( $refNode, $children, true ); throw new SerializerError( "invalid insert position $refIndex/$lastChildIndex" ); } $children[$lastChildIndex] = $encoded; $children[$lastChildIndex + 1] = $refNode; } else { // Append to the list of children if ( is_string( $lastChild ) ) { $children[$lastChildIndex] .= $encoded; } else { $children[] = $encoded; } } } /** * Insert an element * * @param int $preposition * @param Element|SerializerNode|null $refElement * @param Element $element * @param bool $void * @param int $sourceStart * @param int $sourceLength */ public function insertElement( $preposition, $refElement, Element $element, $void, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { list( $parent, $refNode ) = $this->interpretPlacement( $preposition, $refElement ); $children =& $parent->children; $lastChildIndex = count( $children ) - 1; $lastChild = $lastChildIndex >= 0 ? $children[$lastChildIndex] : null; if ( $element->userData ) { // This element has already been inserted, this is a reparenting operation $self = $element->userData; '@phan-var SerializerNode $self'; /** @var SerializerNode $self */ $oldParent = $this->nodes[$self->parentId]; $oldChildren =& $oldParent->children; $oldChildIndex = array_search( $self, $oldChildren, true ); if ( $oldChildIndex === false ) { throw new SerializerError( "cannot find node to reparent: " . $element->getDebugTag() ); } // Remove from the old parent, update parent pointer $oldChildren[$oldChildIndex] = ''; $self->parentId = $parent->id; } else { // Inserting an element which has not been seen before $id = $element->uid; $self = new SerializerNode( $id, $parent->id, $element->namespace, $element->name, $element->attrs, $void ); $this->nodes[$id] = $element->userData = $self; } if ( $preposition === TreeBuilder::BEFORE ) { // Insert before element if ( $lastChild !== $refNode ) { $refIndex = array_search( $refNode, $children, true ); throw new SerializerError( "invalid insert position $refIndex/$lastChildIndex" ); } $children[$lastChildIndex] = $self; $children[$lastChildIndex + 1] = $refNode; } else { // Append to the list of children $children[] = $self; } } public function endTag( Element $element, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { if ( $element->htmlName === 'head' || $element->isVirtual ) { // elements are immortal return; } $self = $element->userData; $parent = $this->nodes[$self->parentId]; $children =& $parent->children; for ( $index = count( $children ) - 1; $index >= 0; $index-- ) { if ( $children[$index] === $self ) { $children[$index] = $this->serializeNode( $parent, $self, true ); return; } } // Ignore requests to end non-existent elements (this happens sometimes) } /** * Serialize a specific node * * @param SerializerNode $parent The parent of $node * @param SerializerNode $node The node to serialize * @param bool $destroy If true, the node and its descendants will be removed from $this->nodes * @return string */ private function serializeNode( SerializerNode $parent, SerializerNode $node, $destroy ) { if ( $node->void ) { $contents = null; } else { $contents = ''; foreach ( $node->children as $childIndex => $child ) { if ( is_string( $child ) ) { $contents .= $child; } else { $contents .= $this->serializeNode( $node, $child, $destroy ); } } } if ( $destroy ) { unset( $this->nodes[$node->id] ); } return $this->formatter->element( $parent, $node, $contents ); } public function doctype( $name, $public, $system, $quirks, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { $this->result .= $this->formatter->doctype( $name, $public, $system ); } public function comment( $preposition, $refElement, $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) { list( $parent, $refNode ) = $this->interpretPlacement( $preposition, $refElement ); $encoded = $this->formatter->comment( $parent, $text ); $children =& $parent->children; $lastChildIndex = count( $children ) - 1; $lastChild = $lastChildIndex >= 0 ? $children[$lastChildIndex] : null; if ( $preposition === TreeBuilder::BEFORE ) { // Insert before element if ( $lastChild !== $refNode ) { throw new SerializerError( "invalid insert position" ); } $children[$lastChildIndex] = $encoded; $children[$lastChildIndex + 1] = $refNode; } else { // Append to the list of children if ( is_string( $lastChild ) ) { $children[$lastChildIndex] .= $encoded; } else { $children[] = $encoded; } } } public function error( $text, $pos ) { if ( $this->errorCallback ) { call_user_func( $this->errorCallback, $text, $pos ); } } public function mergeAttributes( Element $element, Attributes $attrs, $sourceStart ) { $element->attrs->merge( $attrs ); if ( $element->userData instanceof SerializerNode ) { $element->userData->attrs = $element->attrs; } } public function removeNode( Element $element, $sourceStart ) { $self = $element->userData; $parent = $this->nodes[$self->parentId]; $children =& $parent->children; for ( $index = count( $children ) - 1; $index >= 0; $index-- ) { if ( $children[$index] === $self ) { $children[$index] = ''; return; } } throw new SerializerError( "cannot find element to remove" ); } public function reparentChildren( Element $element, Element $newParent, $sourceStart ) { $self = $element->userData; $children = $self->children; $self->children = []; $this->insertElement( TreeBuilder::UNDER, $element, $newParent, false, $sourceStart, 0 ); $newParentNode = $newParent->userData; $newParentId = $newParentNode->id; foreach ( $children as $child ) { if ( is_object( $child ) ) { $child->parentId = $newParentId; } } $newParentNode->children = $children; } /** * Get a text representation of the current state of the serializer, for * debugging. * * @return string */ public function dump() { $s = $this->serializeNode( $this->root, $this->root, false ); return substr( $s, 2, -3 ) . "\n"; } }