true ] ); $mockSerializer = new WikitextSerializer( [ 'env' => $mockEnv ] ); $mockState = new SerializerState( $mockSerializer, [ 'selserMode' => false, 'rtTestMode' => !empty( $options['rtTestMode'] ) ] ); if ( is_string( $domBody ) ) { $domBody = DOMCompat::getBody( $mockEnv->createDocument( $domBody ) ); } DOMDataUtils::visitAndLoadDataAttribs( $domBody, [ 'markNew' => true ] ); $domBody = ( new DOMNormalizer( $mockState ) )->normalize( $domBody ); DOMDataUtils::visitAndStoreDataAttribs( $domBody ); } elseif ( is_string( $domBody ) ) { $domBody = DOMCompat::getBody( DOMUtils::parseHTML( $domBody ) ); } $stripTypeof = $parsoidOnly ? '/^mw:Placeholder$/' : '/^mw:(?:Placeholder|Nowiki|Transclusion|Entity)$/'; $domBody = self::unwrapSpansAndNormalizeIEW( $domBody, $stripTypeof, $parsoidOnly, $preserveIEW ); $out = ContentUtils::toXML( $domBody, [ 'innerXML' => true ] ); // NOTE that we use a slightly restricted regexp for "attribute" // which works for the output of DOM serialization. For example, // we know that attribute values will be surrounded with double quotes, // not unquoted or quoted with single quotes. The serialization // algorithm is given by: // if ( !preg_match( '#[^<]*(<\w+(\s+[^\0-\cZ\s"\'>/=]+(="[^"]*")?)*/?>[^<]*)*#u', $out ) ) { throw new Error( 'normalizeOut input is not in standard serialized form' ); } // Eliminate a source of indeterminacy from leaked strip markers $out = preg_replace( '/UNIQ-.*?-QINU/u', '', $out ); // And from the imagemap extension - the id attribute is not always around, it appears! $out = preg_replace( '//u', '', $out ); // Normalize COINS ids -- they aren't stable $out = preg_replace( '/\s?id=[\'"]coins_\d+[\'"]/iu', '', $out ); // Eliminate transience from priority hints (T216499) $out = preg_replace( '/\s?importance="high"/u', '', $out ); $out = preg_replace( '/\s?elementtiming="thumbnail-(high|top)"/u', '', $out ); // maplink extension $out = preg_replace( '/\s?data-overlays=\'[^\']*\'/u', '', $out ); if ( $parsoidOnly ) { // unnecessary attributes, we don't need to check these // style is in there because we should only check classes. $out = preg_replace( '/ (data-parsoid|prefix|about|rev|datatype|inlist|usemap|vocab|content|style)=\\\\?"[^\"]*\\\\?"/u', '', $out ); // single-quoted variant $out = preg_replace( "/ (data-parsoid|prefix|about|rev|datatype|inlist|usemap|vocab|content|style)=\\\\?'[^\']*\\\\?'/u", '', $out ); // apos variant $out = preg_replace( '/ (data-parsoid|prefix|about|rev|datatype|inlist|usemap|vocab|content|style)='.*?'/u', '', $out ); // strip self-closed because we frequently test WTS // insertion by providing an html/parsoid section with the // tags stripped out, allowing the html2wt test to verify that // the is correctly added during WTS, while still allowing // the html2html and wt2html versions of the test to pass as a // sanity check. If s were not stripped, these tests would all // have to be modified and split up. Not worth it at this time. // (see commit 689b22431ad690302420d049b10e689de6b7d426) $out = preg_replace( '##', '', $out ); return $out; } // Normalize headings by stripping out Parsoid-added ids so that we don't // have to add these ids to every parser test that uses headings. // We will test the id generation scheme separately via mocha tests. $out = preg_replace( '/(]*>)/u', '$1$2', $out ); // strip meta/link elements $out = preg_replace( '#/=]+(?:=(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'))?)*/?>#u', '', $out ); // Ignore troublesome attributes. // Strip JSON attributes like data-mw and data-parsoid early so that // comment stripping in normalizeNewlines does not match unbalanced // comments in wikitext source. $out = preg_replace( '/ (data-mw|data-parsoid|resource|rel|prefix|about|rev|datatype|inlist|property|usemap|vocab|content|class)=\\\\?"[^"]*\\\\?"/u', '', $out ); // single-quoted variant $out = preg_replace( "/ (data-mw|data-parsoid|resource|rel|prefix|about|rev|datatype|inlist|property|usemap|vocab|content|class)=\\\\?'[^']*\\\\?'/u", '', $out ); // strip typeof last $out = preg_replace( '/ typeof="[^\"]*"/u', '', $out ); // replace mwt ids $out = preg_replace( '/ id="mw((t\d+)|([\w-]{2,}))"/u', '', $out ); $out = preg_replace( '/]+about="[^"]*"[^>]*>/u', '', $out ); $out = preg_replace( '#(\s)\s*\s*#u', '$1', $out ); $out = preg_replace( '#\s*#u', '', $out ); $out = preg_replace( '#(href=")(?:\.?\./)+#u', '$1', $out ); // replace unnecessary URL escaping $out = preg_replace_callback( '/ href="[^"]*"/u', function ( $m ) { return Utils::decodeURI( $m[0] ); }, $out ); // strip thumbnail size prefixes return preg_replace( '#(src="[^"]*?)/thumb(/[0-9a-f]/[0-9a-f]{2}/[^/]+)/[0-9]+px-[^"/]+(?=")#u', '$1$2', $out ); } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param ?string $stripSpanTypeof */ private static function cleanSpans( DOMNode $node, ?string $stripSpanTypeof ): void { if ( !$stripSpanTypeof ) { return; } $child = null; $next = null; for ( $child = $node->firstChild; $child; $child = $next ) { $next = $child->nextSibling; if ( $child instanceof DOMElement && $child->nodeName === 'span' && preg_match( $stripSpanTypeof, $child->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ?? '' ) ) { self::unwrapSpan( $node, $child, $stripSpanTypeof ); } } } /** * @param DOMNode $parent * @param DOMNode $node * @param ?string $stripSpanTypeof */ private static function unwrapSpan( DOMNode $parent, DOMNode $node, ?string $stripSpanTypeof ):void { // first recurse to unwrap any spans in the immediate children. self::cleanSpans( $node, $stripSpanTypeof ); // now unwrap this span. DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $node, $parent, $node ); $parent->removeChild( $node ); } /** * @param ?DOMNode $node * @return bool */ private static function newlineAround( ?DOMNode $node ): bool { return $node && preg_match( '/^(body|caption|div|dd|dt|li|p|table|tr|td|th|tbody|dl|ol|ul|h[1-6])$/D', $node->nodeName ); } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param array $opts * @return DOMNode */ private static function normalizeIEWVisitor( DOMNode $node, array $opts ): DOMNode { $child = null; $next = null; $prev = null; if ( $node->nodeName === 'pre' ) { // Preserve newlines in
			$opts['inPRE'] = true;
		if ( !$opts['preserveIEW'] && $node instanceof DOMText ) {
			if ( !$opts['inPRE'] ) {
				$node->data = preg_replace( '/\s+/u', ' ', $node->data );
			if ( $opts['stripLeadingWS'] ) {
				$node->data = preg_replace( '/^\s+/u', '', $node->data, 1 );
			if ( $opts['stripTrailingWS'] ) {
				$node->data = preg_replace( '/\s+$/uD', '', $node->data, 1 );
		// unwrap certain SPAN nodes
		self::cleanSpans( $node, $opts['stripSpanTypeof'] );
		// now remove comment nodes
		if ( !$opts['parsoidOnly'] ) {
			for ( $child = $node->firstChild;  $child;  $child = $next ) {
				$next = $child->nextSibling;
				if ( DOMUtils::isComment( $child ) ) {
					$node->removeChild( $child );
		// reassemble text nodes split by a comment or span, if necessary
		if ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
			DOMCompat::normalize( $node );
		// now recurse.
		if ( $node->nodeName === 'pre' ) {
			// hack, since PHP adds a newline before 
$opts['stripLeadingWS'] = false; $opts['stripTrailingWS'] = true; } elseif ( $node->nodeName === 'span' && preg_match( '/^mw[:]/', $node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ?? '' ) ) { // SPAN is transparent; pass the strip parameters down to kids } else { $opts['stripLeadingWS'] = $opts['stripTrailingWS'] = self::newlineAround( $node ); } $child = $node->firstChild; // Skip over the empty mw:FallbackId and strip leading WS // on the other side of it. if ( preg_match( '/^h[1-6]$/D', $node->nodeName ) && $child && WTUtils::isFallbackIdSpan( $child ) ) { $child = $child->nextSibling; } for ( ; $child; $child = $next ) { $next = $child->nextSibling; $newOpts = $opts; $newOpts['stripTrailingWS'] = $opts['stripTrailingWS'] && !$child->nextSibling; self::normalizeIEWVisitor( $child, $newOpts ); $opts['stripLeadingWS'] = false; } if ( $opts['inPRE'] || $opts['preserveIEW'] ) { return $node; } // now add newlines around appropriate nodes. for ( $child = $node->firstChild; $child; $child = $next ) { $prev = $child->previousSibling; $next = $child->nextSibling; if ( self::newlineAround( $child ) ) { if ( $prev && $prev instanceof DOMText ) { $prev->data = preg_replace( '/\s*$/uD', "\n", $prev->data, 1 ); } else { $prev = $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode( "\n" ); $node->insertBefore( $prev, $child ); } if ( $next && $next instanceof DOMText ) { $next->data = preg_replace( '/^\s*/u', "\n", $next->data, 1 ); } else { $next = $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode( "\n" ); $node->insertBefore( $next, $child->nextSibling ); } } } return $node; } /** * Normalize newlines in IEW to spaces instead. * * @param DOMElement $body The document body node to normalize. * @param string|null $stripSpanTypeof Regular expression to strip typeof attributes * @param bool $parsoidOnly * @param bool $preserveIEW * @return DOMElement */ public static function unwrapSpansAndNormalizeIEW( DOMElement $body, string $stripSpanTypeof = null, bool $parsoidOnly = false, bool $preserveIEW = false ): DOMElement { $opts = [ 'preserveIEW' => $preserveIEW, 'parsoidOnly' => $parsoidOnly, 'stripSpanTypeof' => $stripSpanTypeof, 'stripLeadingWS' => true, 'stripTrailingWS' => true, 'inPRE' => false ]; // clone body first, since we're going to destructively mutate it. return self::normalizeIEWVisitor( $body->cloneNode( true ), $opts ); } /** * Strip some php output we aren't generating. * * @param string $html * @return string */ public static function normalizePhpOutput( string $html ): string { $html = preg_replace( // do not expect section editing for now '/]+class="mw-headline"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/span> ' . '*(' . '\[<\/span>.*?\]<\/span><\/span>)?/u', '$1', $html ); return preg_replace( '#]+class="mw-headline-anchor"[^>]*>§#', '', $html ); } /** * Normalize the expected parser output by parsing it using a HTML5 parser and * re-serializing it to HTML. Ideally, the parser would normalize inter-tag * whitespace for us. For now, we fake that by simply stripping all newlines. * * @param string $source * @return string */ public static function normalizeHTML( string $source ): string { try { $body = self::unwrapSpansAndNormalizeIEW( DOMCompat::getBody( DOMUtils::parseHTML( $source ) ) ); $html = ContentUtils::toXML( $body, [ 'innerXML' => true ] ); // a few things we ignore for now.. // .replace(/\/wiki\/Main_Page/g, 'Main Page') // do not expect a toc for now $html = preg_replace( '/]+?id="toc"[^>]*>\s*
]*>[\s\S]+?<\/div>[\s\S]+?<\/div>\s*/u', '', $html ); $html = self::normalizePhpOutput( $html ); // remove empty span tags $html = preg_replace( '/(\s)\s*<\/span>\s*/u', '$1', $html ); $html = preg_replace( '/\s*<\/span>/u', '', $html ); // general class and titles, typically on links $html = preg_replace( '/ (class|rel|about|typeof)="[^"]*"/', '', $html ); // strip red link markup, we do not check if a page exists yet $html = preg_replace( "#/index.php\\?title=([^']+?)&action=edit&redlink=1#", '/wiki/$1', $html ); // strip red link title info $html = preg_replace( "/ \\((?:page does not exist|encara no existeix|bet ele jaratılmag'an|lonkásá ezalí tɛ̂)\\)/", '', $html ); // the expected html has some extra space in tags, strip it $html = preg_replace( '//', '">', $html ); // parsoid always add a page name to lonely fragments $html = preg_replace( '/href="#/', 'href="Main Page#', $html ); // replace unnecessary URL escaping $html = preg_replace_callback( '/ href="[^"]*"/', function ( $m ) { return Utils::decodeURI( $m[0] ); }, $html ); // strip empty spans $html = preg_replace( '#(\s)\s*\s*#u', '$1', $html ); return preg_replace( '#\s*#u', '', $html ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { error_log( 'normalizeHTML failed on' . $source . ' with the following error: ' . $e ); return $source; } } /** * @param string $string * @param string $color * @param bool $inverse * @return string */ public static function colorString( string $string, string $color, bool $inverse = false ): string { if ( !self::$consoleColor ) { self::$consoleColor = new ConsoleColor(); } if ( $inverse ) { $color = [ $color, 'reverse' ]; } if ( self::$consoleColor->isSupported() ) { return self::$consoleColor->apply( $color, $string ); } else { return $string; } } /** * Colorize given number if <> 0. * * @param int $count * @param string $color * @return string Colorized count */ private static function colorizeCount( int $count, string $color ): string { $s = (string)$count; return self::colorString( $s, $color ); } /** * @param array $modesRan * @param Stats $stats * - failedTests int Number of failed tests due to differences in output. * - passedTests int Number of tests passed without any special consideration. * - modes array All of the stats (failedTests, passedTests) per-mode. * @param string|null $file * @param array|null $testFilter * @param bool $knownFailuresChanged * @return int */ public static function reportSummary( array $modesRan, Stats $stats, ?string $file, ?array $testFilter, bool $knownFailuresChanged ): int { $curStr = null; $mode = null; $thisMode = null; $failTotalTests = $stats->failedTests; $happiness = $stats->passedTestsUnexpected === 0 && $stats->failedTestsUnexpected === 0; $filename = $file === null ? 'ALL TESTS' : $file; print "==========================================================\n"; print 'SUMMARY:' . self::colorString( $filename, $happiness ? 'green' : 'red' ) . "\n"; if ( $file !== null ) { print 'Execution time: ' . round( 1000 * ( microtime( true ) - $stats->startTime ), 3 ) . "ms\n"; } if ( $failTotalTests !== 0 ) { foreach ( $modesRan as $mode ) { $curStr = $mode . ': '; $thisMode = $stats->modes[$mode]; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $thisMode->passedTests, 'green' ) . ' passed ('; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $thisMode->passedTestsUnexpected, 'red' ) . ' unexpected) / '; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $thisMode->failedTests, 'red' ) . ' failed ('; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $thisMode->failedTestsUnexpected, 'red' ) . ' unexpected)'; print $curStr . "\n"; } $curStr = 'TOTAL' . ': '; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $stats->passedTests, 'green' ) . ' passed ('; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $stats->passedTestsUnexpected, 'red' ) . ' unexpected) / '; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $stats->failedTests, 'red' ) . ' failed ('; $curStr .= self::colorizeCount( $stats->failedTestsUnexpected, 'red' ) . ' unexpected)'; print $curStr . "\n"; if ( $file === null ) { $buf = self::colorizeCount( $stats->passedTests, 'green' ); $buf .= ' total passed tests (expected '; $buf .= (string)( $stats->passedTests - $stats->passedTestsUnexpected + $stats->failedTestsUnexpected ); $buf .= '), '; $buf .= self::colorizeCount( $failTotalTests, 'red' ) . ' total failures (expected '; $buf .= (string)( $stats->failedTests - $stats->failedTestsUnexpected + $stats->passedTestsUnexpected ); $buf .= ")\n"; print $buf; } } else { if ( $testFilter !== null ) { $buf = 'Passed ' . $stats->passedTests . ' of ' . $stats->passedTests . ' tests matching ' . $testFilter['raw']; } else { // Should not happen if it does: Champagne! $buf = 'Passed ' . $stats->passedTests . ' of ' . $stats->passedTests . ' tests'; } print $buf . '... ' . self::colorString( 'ALL TESTS PASSED!', 'green' ) . "\n"; } // If we logged error messages, complain about it. $logMsg = self::colorString( 'No errors logged.', 'green' ); if ( $stats->loggedErrorCount > 0 ) { $logMsg = self::colorString( $stats->loggedErrorCount . ' errors logged.', 'red' ); } if ( $file === null ) { if ( $stats->loggedErrorCount > 0 ) { $logMsg = self::colorString( '' . $stats->loggedErrorCount, 'red' ); } else { $logMsg = self::colorString( '' . $stats->loggedErrorCount, 'green' ); } $logMsg .= ' errors logged.'; } print $logMsg . "\n"; $failures = $stats->allFailures(); // If the knownFailures changed, complain about it. if ( $knownFailuresChanged ) { print self::colorString( 'Known failures changed!', 'red' ) . "\n"; } if ( $file === null ) { if ( $failures === 0 ) { print '--> ' . self::colorString( 'NO UNEXPECTED RESULTS', 'green' ) . " <--\n"; if ( $knownFailuresChanged ) { print "Perhaps some tests were deleted or renamed.\n"; print "Use `bin/parserTests.js --updateKnownFailures` to update knownFailures list.\n"; } } else { print self::colorString( '--> ' . $failures . ' UNEXPECTED RESULTS. <--', 'red' ) . "\n"; } } return $failures; } /** * @param ?array $iopts * @return string */ private static function prettyPrintIOptions( ?array $iopts = null ): string { if ( !$iopts ) { return ''; } $ppValue = null; // Forward declaration $ppValue = function ( $v ) use ( &$ppValue ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { return implode( ',', array_map( $ppValue, $v ) ); } if ( is_string( $v ) && ( preg_match( '/^\[\[[^\]]*\]\]$/D', $v ) || preg_match( '/^[-\w]+$/D', $v ) ) ) { return $v; } return json_encode( $v ); }; $strPieces = array_map( function ( $k ) use ( $iopts, $ppValue ) { if ( $iopts[$k] === '' ) { return $k; } return $k . '=' . $ppValue( $iopts[$k] ); }, array_keys( $iopts ) ); return implode( ' ', $strPieces ); } /** * @param Stats $stats * @param Test $item * @param array $options * @param string $mode * @param string $title * @param array $actual * @param array $expected * @param bool $expectFail Whether this test was expected to fail (on knownFailures list). * @param bool $failureOnly Whether we should print only a failure message, or go on to print the diff. * @param array $kf knownFailures. * @return bool true if the failure was expected. */ public static function printFailure( Stats $stats, Test $item, array $options, string $mode, string $title, array $actual, array $expected, bool $expectFail, bool $failureOnly, array $kf ): bool { $stats->failedTests++; $stats->modes[$mode]->failedTests++; $fail = [ 'title' => $title, 'raw' => $actual ? $actual['raw'] : null, 'expected' => $expected ? $expected['raw'] : null, 'actualNormalized' => $actual ? $actual['normal'] : null ]; $stats->modes[$mode]->failList[] = &$fail; $extTitle = str_replace( "\n", ' ', "$title ($mode)" ); $knownFailures = false; if ( ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['knownFailures'] ?? null ) && $expectFail ) { // compare with remembered output $normalizeAbout = function ( $s ) { return preg_replace( "/(about=\\\\?[\"']#mwt)\d+/", '$1', $s ); }; $offsetType = $options['offsetType'] ?? 'byte'; if ( $normalizeAbout( $kf[$title][$mode] ) !== $normalizeAbout( $actual['raw'] ) && $offsetType === 'byte' ) { $knownFailures = true; } else { if ( !ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['quiet'] ?? '' ) ) { print self::colorString( 'EXPECTED FAIL', 'red' ) . ': ' . self::colorString( $extTitle, 'yellow' ) . "\n"; } return true; } } $stats->failedTestsUnexpected++; $stats->modes[$mode]->failedTestsUnexpected++; $fail['unexpected'] = true; if ( !$failureOnly ) { print "=====================================================\n"; } if ( $knownFailures ) { print self::colorString( 'UNEXPECTED CHANGE TO KNOWN FAILURE OUTPUT', 'red', true ) . ': ' . self::colorString( $extTitle, 'yellow' ) . "\n"; print self::colorString( 'Known failure, but the output changed!', 'red' ) . "\n"; } else { print self::colorString( 'UNEXPECTED FAIL', 'red', true ) . ': ' . self::colorString( $extTitle, 'yellow' ) . "\n"; } if ( $mode === 'selser' ) { if ( $item->wt2wtPassed ) { print self::colorString( 'Even worse, the non-selser wt2wt test passed!', 'red' ) . "\n"; } elseif ( $actual && $item->wt2wtResult !== $actual['raw'] ) { print self::colorString( 'Even worse, the non-selser wt2wt test had a different result!', 'red' ) . "\n"; } } if ( !$failureOnly ) { // PORT-FIXME: Removed comments .. maybe need to put it back // print implode( "\n", $item->comments ) . "\n"; if ( $options ) { print self::colorString( 'OPTIONS', 'cyan' ) . ':' . "\n"; print self::prettyPrintIOptions( $item->options ) . "\n"; } print self::colorString( 'INPUT', 'cyan' ) . ':' . "\n"; print $actual['input'] . "\n"; print $options['getActualExpected']( $actual, $expected, $options['getDiff'] ) . "\n"; } return false; } /** * @param Stats $stats * @param Test $item * @param array $options * @param string $mode * @param string $title * @param bool $expectSuccess Whether this success was expected (or was it a known failure). * @return bool true if the success was expected. */ public static function printSuccess( Stats $stats, Test $item, array $options, string $mode, string $title, bool $expectSuccess ): bool { $quiet = ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['quiet'] ?? null ); $stats->passedTests++; $stats->modes[$mode]->passedTests++; $extTitle = str_replace( "\n", ' ', "$title ($mode)" ); if ( ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['knownFailures'] ?? null ) && !$expectSuccess ) { $stats->passedTestsUnexpected++; $stats->modes[$mode]->passedTestsUnexpected++; print self::colorString( 'UNEXPECTED PASS', 'green', true ) . ': ' . self::colorString( $extTitle, 'yellow' ) . "\n"; return false; } if ( !$quiet ) { $outStr = 'EXPECTED PASS'; $outStr = self::colorString( $outStr, 'green' ) . ': ' . self::colorString( $extTitle, 'yellow' ); print $outStr . "\n"; if ( $mode === 'selser' && isset( $item->wt2wtPassed ) && !$item->wt2wtPassed ) { print self::colorString( 'Even better, the non-selser wt2wt test failed!', 'red' ) . "\n"; } } return true; } /** * Print the actual and expected outputs. * * @param array $actual * - string raw * - string normal * @param array $expected * - string raw * - string normal * @param Callable $getDiff Returns a string showing the diff(s) for the test. * - array actual * - array expected * @return string */ public static function getActualExpected( array $actual, array $expected, callable $getDiff ): string { if ( self::$colors_mode === 'none' ) { $mkVisible = function ( $s ) { return $s; }; } else { $mkVisible = function ( $s ) { return preg_replace( '/\xA0/', self::colorString( "␣", "white" ), preg_replace( '/\n/', self::colorString( "↵\n", "white" ), $s ) ); }; } $returnStr = ''; $returnStr .= self::colorString( 'RAW EXPECTED', 'cyan' ) . ":\n"; $returnStr .= $expected['raw'] . "\n"; $returnStr .= self::colorString( 'RAW RENDERED', 'cyan' ) . ":\n"; $returnStr .= $actual['raw'] . "\n"; $returnStr .= self::colorString( 'NORMALIZED EXPECTED', 'magenta' ) . ":\n"; $returnStr .= $mkVisible( $expected['normal'] ) . "\n"; $returnStr .= self::colorString( 'NORMALIZED RENDERED', 'magenta' ) . ":\n"; $returnStr .= $mkVisible( $actual['normal'] ) . "\n"; $returnStr .= self::colorString( 'DIFF', 'cyan' ) . ":\n"; $returnStr .= $getDiff( $actual, $expected ); return $returnStr; } /** * @param array $actual * - string normal * @param array $expected * - string normal * @return string Colorized diff */ public static function doDiff( array $actual, array $expected ): string { // safe to always request color diff, because we set color mode='none' // if colors are turned off. $e = preg_replace( '/\xA0/', "␣", $expected['normal'] ); $a = preg_replace( '/\xA0/', "␣", $actual['normal'] ); // PORT_FIXME: if ( !self::$differ ) { self::$differ = new Differ(); } $diffs = self::$differ->diff( $e, $a ); $diffs = preg_replace_callback( '/^(-.*)/m', function ( $m ) { return self::colorString( $m[0], 'green' ); }, $diffs ); $diffs = preg_replace_callback( '/^(\+.*)/m', function ( $m ) { return self::colorString( $m[0], 'red' ); }, $diffs ); return $diffs; } /** * @param Callable $reportFailure * @param Callable $reportSuccess * @param array $kf knownFailures. * @param Stats $stats * @param Test $item * @param array $options * @param string $mode * @param array $expected * @param array $actual * @param Callable|null $pre * @param Callable|null $post * @return bool True if the result was as expected. */ public static function printResult( callable $reportFailure, callable $reportSuccess, array $kf, Stats $stats, Test $item, array $options, string $mode, array $expected, array $actual, callable $pre = null, callable $post = null ): bool { $title = $item->title; // Title may be modified here, so pass it on. $quick = ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['quick'] ?? null ); $parsoidOnly = isset( $item->altHtmlSections['html/parsoid'] ) || isset( $item->options['parsoid'] ); if ( $mode === 'selser' ) { $title .= ' ' . ( $item->changes ? json_encode( $item->changes ) : '[manual]' ); } elseif ( $mode === 'wt2html' && isset( $item->options['langconv'] ) ) { $title .= ' [langconv]'; } $tb = $kf[$title] ?? []; $expectFail = isset( $tb[$mode] ); $fail = $expected['normal'] !== $actual['normal']; // Return whether the test was as expected, independent of pass/fail $asExpected = null; if ( $mode === 'wt2wt' ) { $item->wt2wtPassed = !$fail; $item->wt2wtResult = $actual['raw']; } // don't report selser fails when nothing was changed or it's a dup if ( $mode === 'selser' && $item->changetree !== [ 'manual' ] && ( $item->changes === [] || $item->duplicateChange ) ) { return true; } if ( is_callable( $pre ) ) { $pre( $stats, $mode, $title, $item->time ); } if ( $fail ) { $asExpected = $reportFailure( $stats, $item, $options, $mode, $title, $actual, $expected, $expectFail, $quick, $kf ); } else { $asExpected = $reportSuccess( $stats, $item, $options, $mode, $title, !$expectFail ); } if ( is_callable( $post ) ) { $post( $stats, $mode ); } return $asExpected; } /** * Simple function for reporting the start of the tests. * * This method can be reimplemented in the options of the ParserTests object. */ public static function reportStartOfTests() { } /** * Get the actual and expected outputs encoded for XML output. * * @inheritDoc getActualExpected * * @return string $The XML representation of the actual and expected outputs. */ public static function getActualExpectedXML( array $actual, array $expected, callable $getDiff ) { $returnStr = ''; $returnStr .= "RAW EXPECTED:\n"; $returnStr .= self::encodeXml( $expected['raw'] ) . "\n\n"; $returnStr .= "RAW RENDERED:\n"; $returnStr .= self::encodeXml( $actual['raw'] ) . "\n\n"; $returnStr .= "NORMALIZED EXPECTED:\n"; $returnStr .= self::encodeXml( $expected['normal'] ) . "\n\n"; $returnStr .= "NORMALIZED RENDERED:\n"; $returnStr .= self::encodeXml( $actual['normal'] ) . "\n\n"; $returnStr .= "DIFF:\n"; $returnStr .= self::encodeXml( $getDiff( $actual, $expected, false ) ); return $returnStr; } /** * Report the start of the tests output. * * @inheritDoc reportStart */ public static function reportStartXML(): void { } /** * Report the end of the tests output. * * @inheritDoc reportSummary */ public static function reportSummaryXML( array $modesRan, Stats $stats, string $file, ?array $testFilter, bool $knownFailuresChanged ): int { $failures = $stats->allFailures(); if ( $file === null ) { /* Summary for all tests; not included in XML format output. */ return $failures; } print ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $modesRan ); $i++ ) { $mode = $modesRan[$i]; print ''; print $stats->modes[$mode]->result; print ''; } print ''; return $failures; } /** * Print a failure message for a test in XML. * * @inheritDoc printFailure */ public static function reportFailureXML( Stats $stats, Test $item, array $options, string $mode, string $title, array $actual, array $expected, bool $expectFail, bool $failureOnly, array $kf ): void { $stats->failedTests++; $stats->modes[$mode]->failedTests++; $failEle = ''; $knownFailures = false; if ( ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['knownFailures'] ) && $expectFail ) { // compare with remembered output $knownFailures = $kf[$title][$mode] === $actual['raw']; } if ( !$knownFailures ) { $failEle .= "\n"; $failEle .= self::getActualExpectedXML( $actual, $expected, $options['getDiff'] ); $failEle .= "\n"; $stats->failedTestsUnexpected++; $stats->modes[$mode]->failedTestsUnexpected++; $stats->modes[$mode]->result .= $failEle; } } /** * Print a success method for a test in XML. * * @inheritDoc printSuccess */ public static function reportSuccessXML( Stats $stats, Test $item, array $options, string $mode, string $title, bool $expectSuccess ): void { $stats->passedTests++; $stats->modes[$mode]->passedTests++; } /** * @param Stats $stats * @param string $mode * @param string $title * @param array $time */ private static function pre( Stats $stats, string $mode, string $title, array $time ): void { $testcaseEle = 'modes[$mode]->result .= $testcaseEle; } /** * @param Stats $stats * @param string $mode */ private static function post( Stats $stats, string $mode ): void { $stats->modes[$mode]->result .= ''; } /** * Print the result of a test in XML. * * @inheritDoc printResult */ public static function reportResultXML( ...$args ) { $args = array_merge( [ [ self::class, 'reportFailureXML' ], [ self::class, 'reportSuccessXML' ] ], $args ); $args = array_merge( $args, [ [ self::class, 'pre' ], [ self::class, 'post' ] ] ); call_user_func_array( [ self::class, 'printResult' ], $args ); // In xml, test all cases always return true; } /** * Process CLI opts and return * * @param Maintenance $script */ public static function setupOpts( Maintenance $script ): void { $opts = ScriptUtils::addStandardOptions( [ 'wt2html' => [ 'description' => 'Wikitext -> HTML(DOM)', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'html2wt' => [ 'description' => 'HTML(DOM) -> Wikitext', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'wt2wt' => [ 'description' => 'Roundtrip testing: Wikitext -> DOM(HTML) -> Wikitext', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'html2html' => [ 'description' => 'Roundtrip testing: HTML(DOM) -> Wikitext -> HTML(DOM)', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'selser' => [ 'description' => 'Roundtrip testing: Wikitext -> DOM(HTML) -> Wikitext (with selective serialization). ' . 'Set to "noauto" to just run the tests with manual selser changes.', 'boolean' => false ], 'changetree' => [ 'description' => 'Changes to apply to parsed HTML to generate new HTML to be serialized (useful with selser)', 'default' => null, 'boolean' => false ], 'numchanges' => [ 'description' => 'Make multiple different changes to the DOM, run a selser test for each one.', 'default' => 20, 'boolean' => false ], 'cache' => [ 'description' => 'Get tests cases from cache file', 'boolean' => true, 'default' => false ], 'filter' => [ 'description' => 'Only run tests whose descriptions match given string' ], 'regex' => [ 'description' => 'Only run tests whose descriptions match given regex', 'alias' => [ 'regexp', 're' ] ], 'run-disabled' => [ 'description' => 'Run disabled tests', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'run-php' => [ 'description' => 'Run php-only tests', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'maxtests' => [ 'description' => 'Maximum number of tests to run', 'boolean' => false ], 'quick' => [ 'description' => 'Suppress diff output of failed tests', 'boolean' => true, 'default' => false ], 'quiet' => [ 'description' => 'Suppress notification of passed tests (shows only failed tests)', 'boolean' => true, 'default' => false ], 'offsetType' => [ 'description' => 'Test DSR offset conversion code while running tests.', 'boolean' => false, 'default' => 'byte', ], 'knownFailures' => [ 'description' => 'Compare against known failures', 'default' => true, 'boolean' => false ], 'updateKnownFailures' => [ 'description' => 'Update parserTests-knownFailures.json with failing tests.', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'exit-zero' => [ 'description' => "Don't exit with nonzero status if failures are found.", 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'xml' => [ 'description' => 'Print output in JUnit XML format.', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'exit-unexpected' => [ 'description' => 'Exit after the first unexpected result.', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ], 'update-tests' => [ 'description' => 'Update parserTests.txt with results from wt2html fails.' ], 'update-unexpected' => [ 'description' => 'Update parserTests.txt with results from wt2html unexpected fails.', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ] ], [ // override defaults for standard options 'fetchTemplates' => false, 'usePHPPreProcessor' => false, 'fetchConfig' => false ] ); foreach ( $opts as $opt => $optInfo ) { $script->addOption( $opt, $optInfo['description'], false, empty( $optInfo['boolean'] ), false ); if ( isset( $optInfo['default'] ) ) { $script->setOptionDefault( $opt, $optInfo['default'] ); } } } /** * @param Maintenance $script * @return array */ public static function processOptions( Maintenance $script ): array { $options = $script->optionsToArray(); if ( $options['help'] ) { $script->maybeHelp(); print "Additional dump options specific to parserTests script:\n" . "* dom:post-changes : Dumps DOM after applying selser changetree\n" . "Examples\n" . "\$ php parserTests.php --selser --filter '...' --dump dom:post-changes\n" . "\$ php parserTests.php --selser --filter '...' --changetree '...' --dump dom:post-changes\n"; die( 0 ); } ScriptUtils::setColorFlags( $options ); if ( !( $options['wt2wt'] || $options['wt2html'] || $options['html2wt'] || $options['html2html'] || isset( $options['selser'] ) ) ) { $options['wt2wt'] = true; $options['wt2html'] = true; $options['html2html'] = true; $options['html2wt'] = true; if ( ScriptUtils::booleanOption( $options['updateKnownFailures'] ?? null ) ) { // turn on all modes by default for --updateKnownFailures $options['selser'] = true; // sanity checking (T53448 asks to be able to use --filter here) if ( isset( $options['filter'] ) || isset( $options['regex'] ) || isset( $options['maxtests'] ) || $options['exit-unexpected'] ) { print "\nERROR: can't combine --updateKnownFailures with --filter, --maxtests or --exit-unexpected"; die( 1 ); } } } if ( $options['xml'] ) { $options['reportResult'] = [ self::class, 'reportResultXML' ]; $options['reportStart'] = [ self::class, 'reportStartXML' ]; $options['reportSummary'] = [ self::class, 'reportSummaryXML' ]; $options['reportFailure'] = [ self::class, 'reportFailureXML' ]; self::$colors_mode = 'none'; } if ( !is_callable( $options['reportFailure'] ?? null ) ) { // default failure reporting is standard out, // see printFailure for documentation of the default. $options['reportFailure'] = [ self::class, 'printFailure' ]; } if ( !is_callable( $options['reportSuccess'] ?? null ) ) { // default success reporting is standard out, // see printSuccess for documentation of the default. $options['reportSuccess'] = [ self::class, 'printSuccess' ]; } if ( !is_callable( $options['reportStart'] ?? null ) ) { // default summary reporting is standard out, // see reportStart for documentation of the default. $options['reportStart'] = [ self::class, 'reportStartOfTests' ]; } if ( !is_callable( $options['reportSummary'] ?? null ) ) { // default summary reporting is standard out, // see reportSummary for documentation of the default. $options['reportSummary'] = [ self::class, 'reportSummary' ]; } if ( !is_callable( $options['reportResult'] ?? null ) ) { // default result reporting is standard out, // see printResult for documentation of the default. $options['reportResult'] = function ( ...$args ) use ( &$options ) { return self::printResult( $options['reportFailure'], $options['reportSuccess'], ...$args ); }; } if ( !is_callable( $options['getDiff'] ?? null ) ) { // this is the default for diff-getting, but it can be overridden // see doDiff for documentation of the default. $options['getDiff'] = [ self::class, 'doDiff' ]; } if ( !is_callable( $options['getActualExpected'] ?? null ) ) { // this is the default for getting the actual and expected // outputs, but it can be overridden // see getActualExpected for documentation of the default. $options['getActualExpected'] = [ self::class, 'getActualExpected' ]; } $options['modes'] = []; if ( $options['wt2html'] ) { $options['modes'][] = 'wt2html'; } if ( $options['wt2wt'] ) { $options['modes'][] = 'wt2wt'; } if ( $options['html2html'] ) { $options['modes'][] = 'html2html'; } if ( $options['html2wt'] ) { $options['modes'][] = 'html2wt'; } if ( isset( $options['selser'] ) ) { $options['modes'][] = 'selser'; } return $options; } }