!! version 2 !! test Simple video element !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv]] !! html/php+untidy
!! html/php+tidy
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Simple thumbed video !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|thumb]] !! html/php+untidy
!! html/php+tidy
!! html/parsoid
!! end !! test Video in a !! wikitext File:Video.ogv !! html/php !! html/parsoid !! end !! test Video with thumbtime=1:25 !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|thumbtime=1:25]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Video with starttime offset !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|start=1:25]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Video with starttime and endtime offsets !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|start=1:25|end=1:35]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Video with unsupported alt !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|alt=Test]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Video with unsupported link !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|link=Example]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid

!! end !! test Video with different thumb image !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|thumbnail=Foobar.jpg]] !! html/php
!! html/parsoid
!! end !! test Simple audio element !! wikitext [[File:Audio.oga]] !! html/php+untidy
!! html/php+tidy
!! html/parsoid

!! end ## For backwards compatibility with content versions up to 1.7.0 !! test Simple audio element, rendered as a video tag !! options parsoid=html2wt !! html/parsoid

!! wikitext [[File:Audio.oga]] !! end !! test Flag noplayer, noicon, and disablecontrols as bogus options !! wikitext [[File:Video.ogv|noplayer|noicon|disablecontrols=ok|These are bogus.]] !! html/parsoid

!! end