true ] ); parent::__construct( $manager, $newOptions ); $this->tokenizer = new PegTokenizer( $this->env ); $this->templateHandler = new TemplateHandler( $manager, $options ); $this->reset(); } private function reset() { $this->srcOffset = 0; $this->sol = true; $this->tokenBuf = []; $this->wikiTableNesting = 0; // This marker tries to track the most recent table-cell token (td/th) // that was converted to string. For those, we want to get rid // of their corresponding mw:TSRMarker meta tag. // // This marker is set when we convert a td/th token to string // // This marker is cleared in one of the following scenarios: // 1. When we clear a mw:TSRMarker corresponding to the token set earlier // 2. When we change table nesting // 3. When we hit a tr/td/th/caption token that wasn't converted to string $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onNewline( NlTk $token ) { $this->manager->env->log( 'trace/tsp', $this->manager->pipelineId, function () use ( $token ) { return PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $token ); } ); $this->srcOffset = $token->dataAttribs->tsr->end ?? null; $this->sol = true; $this->tokenBuf[] = $token; return [ 'tokens' => [] ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onEnd( EOFTk $token ) { $res = $this->onAny( $token ); $this->reset(); return $res; } /** * Clear start of line info */ private function clearSOL() { // clear tsr and sol flag $this->srcOffset = null; $this->sol = false; } /** * @param Token $token * @return array */ private function convertTokenToString( Token $token ): array { $da = $token->dataAttribs; $tsr = $da->tsr ?? null; if ( $tsr && $tsr->end > $tsr->start ) { // > will only hold if these are valid numbers $str = $tsr->substr( $this->manager->getFrame()->getSrcText() ); // sol === false ensures that the pipe will not be parsed as a again $toks = $this->tokenizer->tokenizeSync( $str, [ 'sol' => false ] ); array_pop( $toks ); // pop EOFTk // Update tsr TokenUtils::shiftTokenTSR( $toks, $tsr->start ); $ret = []; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $toks ); $i++ ) { $t = $toks[$i]; if ( !$t ) { continue; } // Reprocess magic words to completion. // FIXME: This doesn't handle any templates that got retokenized. // That requires processing this whole thing in a tokens/x-mediawiki // pipeline which is not possible right now because TSP runs in the // synchronous 3rd phase. So, not tackling that in this patch. // This has been broken for the longest time and feels similar to // // All of these need uniform handling. To be addressed separately // if this proves to be a real problem on production pages. if ( $t instanceof SelfclosingTagTk && $t->getName() === 'template' ) { $t = $this->templateHandler->processSpecialMagicWord( $this->atTopLevel, $t ) ?? [ $t ]; } else { $t = [ $t ]; } $ret = array_merge( $ret, $t ); } return $ret; } elseif ( !empty( $da->autoInsertedStart ) && !empty( $da->autoInsertedEnd ) ) { return [ '' ]; } else { // SSS FIXME: What about "!!" and "||"?? switch ( $token->getName() ) { case 'td': return [ '|' ]; case 'th': return [ '!' ]; case 'tr': return [ '|-' ]; case 'caption': return [ $token instanceof TagTk ? '|+' : '' ]; case 'table': if ( $token instanceof EndTagTk ) { return [ '|}' ]; } } // No conversion if we get here return [ $token ]; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onAny( $token ) { $this->manager->env->log( 'trace/tsp', $this->manager->pipelineId, function () use ( $token ) { return PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $token ); } ); $tokens = [ $token ]; $tc = TokenUtils::getTokenType( $token ); switch ( $tc ) { case 'string': // While we are buffering newlines to suppress them // in case we see a category, buffer all intervening // white-space as well. if ( count( $this->tokenBuf ) > 0 && preg_match( '/^\s*$/D', $token ) ) { $this->tokenBuf[] = $token; return [ 'tokens' => [] ]; } // TRICK #1: // Attempt to match "{|" after a newline and convert // it to a table token. if ( $this->sol ) { if ( $this->atTopLevel && preg_match( '/^\{\|/', $token ) ) { // Reparse string with the 'table_start_tag' rule // and shift tsr of result tokens by source offset $retoks = $this->tokenizer->tokenizeAs( $token, 'table_start_tag', /* sol */true ); if ( $retoks === false ) { // XXX: The string begins with table start syntax, // we really shouldn't be here. Anything else on the // line would get swallowed up as attributes. $this->manager->env->log( 'error', 'Failed to tokenize table start tag.' ); $this->clearSOL(); } else { TokenUtils::shiftTokenTSR( $retoks, $this->srcOffset ); $tokens = $retoks; $this->wikiTableNesting++; $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; } } elseif ( preg_match( '/^\s*$/D', $token ) ) { // White-space doesn't change SOL state // Update srcOffset $this->srcOffset += strlen( $token ); } else { $this->clearSOL(); } } else { $this->clearSOL(); } break; case 'CommentTk': // Comments don't change SOL state // Update srcOffset $this->srcOffset = $token->dataAttribs->tsr->end ?? null; break; case 'SelfclosingTagTk': if ( $token->getName() === 'meta' && ( $token->dataAttribs->stx ?? '' ) !== 'html' ) { $this->srcOffset = $token->dataAttribs->tsr->end ?? null; if ( TokenUtils::hasTypeOf( $token, 'mw:TSRMarker' ) && $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken !== null && $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken->getName() === $token->getAttribute( 'data-etag' ) ) { // Swallow the token and clear the marker $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; return [ 'tokens' => [] ]; } elseif ( count( $this->tokenBuf ) > 0 && TokenUtils::hasTypeOf( $token, 'mw:Transclusion' ) ) { // If we have buffered newlines, we might very well encounter // a category link, so continue buffering. $this->tokenBuf[] = $token; return [ 'tokens' => [] ]; } } elseif ( $token->getName() === 'link' && $token->getAttribute( 'rel' ) === 'mw:PageProp/Category' ) { // Replace buffered newline & whitespace tokens with mw:EmptyLine // meta-tokens. This tunnels them through the rest of the transformations // without affecting them. During HTML building, they are expanded // back to newlines / whitespace. $n = count( $this->tokenBuf ); if ( $n > 0 ) { $i = 0; while ( $i < $n && !( $this->tokenBuf[$i] instanceof SelfclosingTagTk ) ) { $i++; } $toks = [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'meta', [ new KV( 'typeof', 'mw:EmptyLine' ) ], (object)[ 'tokens' => array_slice( $this->tokenBuf, 0, $i ) ] ) ]; if ( $i < $n ) { $toks[] = $this->tokenBuf[$i]; if ( $i + 1 < $n ) { $toks[] = new SelfclosingTagTk( 'meta', [ new KV( 'typeof', 'mw:EmptyLine' ) ], (object)[ 'tokens' => array_slice( $this->tokenBuf, $i + 1 ) ] ); } } $tokens = array_merge( $toks, $tokens ); $this->tokenBuf = []; } $this->clearSOL(); } else { $this->clearSOL(); } break; case 'TagTk': if ( $this->atTopLevel && !TokenUtils::isHTMLTag( $token ) ) { if ( $token->getName() === 'table' ) { $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; $this->wikiTableNesting++; } elseif ( in_array( $token->getName(), [ 'td', 'th', 'tr', 'caption' ], true ) ) { if ( $this->wikiTableNesting === 0 ) { if ( $token->getName() === 'td' || $token->getName() === 'th' ) { $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = $token; } $tokens = $this->convertTokenToString( $token ); } else { $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; } } } $this->clearSOL(); break; case 'EndTagTk': if ( $this->atTopLevel && !TokenUtils::isHTMLTag( $token ) ) { if ( $this->wikiTableNesting > 0 ) { if ( $token->getName() === 'table' ) { $this->lastConvertedTableCellToken = null; $this->wikiTableNesting--; } } elseif ( $token->getName() === 'table' || $token->getName() === 'caption' ) { // Convert this to "|}" $tokens = $this->convertTokenToString( $token ); } } $this->clearSOL(); break; default: break; } // Emit buffered newlines (and a transclusion meta-token, if any) if ( count( $this->tokenBuf ) > 0 ) { $tokens = array_merge( $this->tokenBuf, $tokens ); $this->tokenBuf = []; } return [ 'tokens' => $tokens ]; } }