urlParser ) { // Actually the regular tokenizer, but we'll call it with the // url rule only. $this->urlParser = new PegTokenizer( $this->env ); } $this->reset(); } private function reset(): void { $this->linkCount = 1; } /** * @param string $str * @return bool */ private static function imageExtensions( string $str ): bool { switch ( $str ) { case 'jpg': // fall through case 'png': // fall through case 'gif': // fall through case 'svg': return true; default: return false; } } /** * @param array $array * @param callable $fn * @return bool */ private function arraySome( array $array, callable $fn ): bool { foreach ( $array as $value ) { if ( $fn( $value ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $href * @return bool */ private function hasImageLink( string $href ): bool { $allowedPrefixes = $this->manager->env->getSiteConfig()->allowedExternalImagePrefixes(); $bits = explode( '.', $href ); $hasImageExtension = count( $bits ) > 1 && self::imageExtensions( end( $bits ) ) && preg_match( '#^https?://#i', $href ); // Typical settings for mediawiki configuration variables // $wgAllowExternalImages and $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom will // result in values like these: // allowedPrefixes = undefined; // no external images // allowedPrefixes = ['']; // allow all external images // allowedPrefixes = ['', 'http://example.com']; // Note that the values include the http:// or https:// protocol. // See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T53092 return $hasImageExtension && // true if some prefix in the list matches href self::arraySome( $allowedPrefixes, function ( string $prefix ) use ( &$href ) { return $prefix === "" || strpos( $href, $prefix ) === 0; } ); } /** * @param Token $token * @return Token|array */ private function onUrlLink( Token $token ) { $tagAttrs = null; $builtTag = null; $env = $this->manager->env; $origHref = $token->getAttribute( 'href' ); $href = TokenUtils::tokensToString( $origHref ); $dataAttribs = Utils::clone( $token->dataAttribs ); if ( $this->hasImageLink( $href ) ) { $checkAlt = explode( '/', $href ); $tagAttrs = [ new KV( 'src', $href ), new KV( 'alt', end( $checkAlt ) ), new KV( 'rel', 'mw:externalImage' ) ]; // combine with existing rdfa attrs $tagAttrs = WikiLinkHandler::buildLinkAttrs( $token->attribs, false, null, $tagAttrs )['attribs']; return [ 'tokens' => [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img', $tagAttrs, $dataAttribs ) ] ]; } else { $tagAttrs = [ new KV( 'rel', 'mw:ExtLink' ) ]; // combine with existing rdfa attrs // href is set explicitly below $tagAttrs = WikiLinkHandler::buildLinkAttrs( $token->attribs, false, null, $tagAttrs )['attribs']; $builtTag = new TagTk( 'a', $tagAttrs, $dataAttribs ); $dataAttribs->stx = 'url'; if ( !$this->options['inTemplate'] ) { // Since we messed with the text of the link, we need // to preserve the original in the RT data. Or else. $builtTag->addNormalizedAttribute( 'href', $href, $token->getWTSource( $this->manager->getFrame() ) ); } else { $builtTag->addAttribute( 'href', $href ); } return [ 'tokens' => [ $builtTag, // Make sure there are no IDN-ignored characters in the text so // the user doesn't accidentally copy any. Sanitizer::cleanUrl( $env, $href, '' ), // mode could be 'wikilink' new EndTagTk( 'a', [], (object)[ 'tsr' => $dataAttribs->tsr->expandTsrK()->value ] ) ] ]; } } /** * Bracketed external link * @param Token $token * @return Token|array */ private function onExtLink( Token $token ) { $newAttrs = null; $aStart = null; $env = $this->manager->env; $origHref = $token->getAttribute( 'href' ); $hasExpandedAttrs = TokenUtils::hasTypeOf( $token, 'mw:ExpandedAttrs' ); $href = TokenUtils::tokensToString( $origHref ); $hrefWithEntities = TokenUtils::tokensToString( $origHref, false, [ 'includeEntities' => true ] ); $content = $token->getAttribute( 'mw:content' ); $dataAttribs = Utils::clone( $token->dataAttribs ); $magLinkType = TokenUtils::matchTypeOf( $token, '#^mw:(Ext|Wiki)Link/(ISBN|RFC|PMID)$#' ); $tokens = null; if ( $magLinkType ) { $newHref = $href; $newRel = 'mw:ExtLink'; if ( preg_match( '#/ISBN$#', $magLinkType ) ) { $newHref = $env->getSiteConfig()->relativeLinkPrefix() . $href; // ISBNs use mw:WikiLink instead of mw:ExtLink $newRel = 'mw:WikiLink'; } $newAttrs = [ new KV( 'href', $newHref ), new KV( 'rel', $newRel ) ]; $token->removeAttribute( 'typeof' ); // SSS FIXME: Right now, Parsoid does not support templating // of ISBN attributes. So, "ISBN {{1x|1234567890}}" will not // parse as you might expect it to. As a result, this code below // that attempts to combine rdf attrs from earlier is unnecessary // right now. But, it will become necessary if Parsoid starts // supporting templating of ISBN attributes. // // combine with existing rdfa attrs $newAttrs = WikiLinkHandler::buildLinkAttrs( $token->attribs, false, null, $newAttrs )['attribs']; $aStart = new TagTk( 'a', $newAttrs, $dataAttribs ); $tokens = array_merge( [ $aStart ], is_array( $content ) ? $content : [ $content ], [ new EndTagTk( 'a' ) ] ); return [ 'tokens' => $tokens ]; } elseif ( ( !$hasExpandedAttrs && is_string( $origHref ) ) || $this->urlParser->tokenizeURL( $hrefWithEntities ) !== false ) { $rdfaType = 'mw:ExtLink'; if ( is_array( $content ) && count( $content ) === 1 && is_string( $content[0] ) ) { $src = $content[0]; if ( $env->getSiteConfig()->hasValidProtocol( $src ) && $this->urlParser->tokenizeURL( $src ) !== false && $this->hasImageLink( $src ) ) { $checkAlt = explode( '/', $src ); $content = [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img', [ new KV( 'src', $src ), new KV( 'alt', end( $checkAlt ) ) ], PHPUtils::arrayToObject( [ 'type' => 'extlink' ] ) ) ]; } } $newAttrs = [ new KV( 'rel', $rdfaType ) ]; // combine with existing rdfa attrs // href is set explicitly below $newAttrs = WikiLinkHandler::buildLinkAttrs( $token->attribs, false, null, $newAttrs )['attribs']; $aStart = new TagTk( 'a', $newAttrs, $dataAttribs ); if ( empty( $this->options['inTemplate'] ) ) { // If we are from a top-level page, add normalized attr info for // accurate roundtripping of original content. // // extLinkContentOffsets->start covers all spaces before content // and we need src without those spaces. $tsr0a = $dataAttribs->tsr->start + 1; $tsr1a = $dataAttribs->extLinkContentOffsets->start - strlen( $token->getAttribute( 'spaces' ) ?? '' ); $length = $tsr1a - $tsr0a; $aStart->addNormalizedAttribute( 'href', $href, substr( $this->manager->getFrame()->getSrcText(), $tsr0a, $length ) ); } else { $aStart->addAttribute( 'href', $href ); } $content = PipelineUtils::getDOMFragmentToken( $content, $dataAttribs->tsr ? $dataAttribs->extLinkContentOffsets : null, [ 'inlineContext' => true, 'token' => $token ] ); $tokens = array_merge( [ $aStart ], [ $content ], [ new EndTagTk( 'a' ) ] ); return [ 'tokens' => $tokens ]; } else { // Not a link, convert href to plain text. return [ 'tokens' => WikiLinkHandler::bailTokens( $env, $token, true ) ]; } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function onTag( Token $token ) { switch ( $token->getName() ) { case 'urllink': return $this->onUrlLink( $token ); case 'extlink': return $this->onExtLink( $token ); default: return $token; } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function onEnd( EOFTk $token ) { $this->reset(); return $token; } }