getSrcText(), $s, $e - $s ); } /** * Create a new section element * * @param array &$state * @param DOMElement $rootNode * @param array &$sectionStack * @param array|null $tplInfo * @param array|null $currSection * @param DOMNode $node * @param int $newLevel * @param bool $pseudoSection * @return array */ private function createNewSection( array &$state, DOMElement $rootNode, array &$sectionStack, ?array $tplInfo, ?array $currSection, DOMNode $node, int $newLevel, bool $pseudoSection ): array { /* Structure for regular (editable or not) sections *
* .. * .. *
* * Lead sections and pseudo-sections won't have or
tags */ $section = [ 'level' => $newLevel, // useful during debugging, unrelated to the data-mw-section-id 'debug_id' => $state['count']++, 'container' => $state['doc']->createElement( 'section' ) ]; /* Step 1. Get section stack to the right nesting level * 1a. Pop stack till we have a higher-level section. */ $stack = &$sectionStack; while ( count( $stack ) > 0 && $newLevel <= PHPUtils::lastItem( $stack )['level'] ) { array_pop( $stack ); } /* 1b. Push current section onto stack if it is a higher-level section */ if ( $currSection && $newLevel > $currSection['level'] ) { $stack[] = $currSection; } /* Step 2: Add new section where it belongs: a parent section OR body */ $parentSection = count( $stack ) > 0 ? PHPUtils::lastItem( $stack ) : null; if ( $parentSection ) { // print "Appending to " . $parentSection['debug_id'] . '\n'; $parentSection['container']->appendChild( $section['container'] ); } else { $rootNode->insertBefore( $section['container'], $node ); } /* Step 3: Add to the
*/ $section['container']->appendChild( $node ); /* Step 4: Assign data-mw-section-id attribute * * CX wants
tags with a distinguishing attribute so that * it can differentiate between its internal use of
tags * with what Parsoid adds. So, we will add a data-mw-section-id * attribute always. * * data-mw-section-id = 0 for the lead section * data-mw-section-id = -1 for non-editable sections * Note that templated content cannot be edited directly. * data-mw-section-id = -2 for pseudo sections * data-mw-section-id > 0 for everything else and this number * matches PHP parser / Mediawiki's notion of that section. * * The code here handles uneditable sections because of templating. */ if ( $pseudoSection ) { $section['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', '-2' ); } elseif ( $state['inTemplate'] ) { $section['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', '-1' ); } else { $section['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', (string)$state['sectionNumber'] ); } /* Ensure that template continuity is not broken if the section * tags aren't stripped by a client */ if ( $tplInfo && $node !== $tplInfo['first'] ) { $section['container']->setAttribute( 'about', $tplInfo['about'] ); } return $section; } /** * Walk the DOM and add
wrappers where required. * This is the workhorse code that wrapSections relies on. * * @param array &$state * @param array|null $currSection * @param DOMElement $rootNode * @return int */ private function wrapSectionsInDOM( array &$state, ?array $currSection, DOMElement $rootNode ): int { $tplInfo = null; $sectionStack = []; $highestSectionLevel = 7; $node = $rootNode->firstChild; while ( $node ) { $next = $node->nextSibling; $addedNode = false; // Track entry into templated output if ( !$state['inTemplate'] && WTUtils::isFirstEncapsulationWrapperNode( $node ) ) { DOMUtils::assertElt( $node ); $about = $node->getAttribute( 'about' ) ?? ''; $aboutSiblings = WTUtils::getAboutSiblings( $node, $about ); $state['inTemplate'] = true; $tplInfo = [ 'first' => $node, 'about' => $about, 'last' => end( $aboutSiblings ) ]; } if ( preg_match( '/^h[1-6]$/D', $node->nodeName ) ) { DOMUtils::assertElt( $node ); // headings are elements $level = (int)$node->nodeName[1]; // HTML tags don't get section numbers! if ( !WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $node ) ) { // This could be just `state.sectionNumber++` without the // complicated if-guard if T214538 were fixed in core; // see T213468 where this more-complicated behavior was // added to match core's eccentricities. $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); if ( isset( $dp->tmp->headingIndex ) ) { $state['sectionNumber'] = $dp->tmp->headingIndex; } if ( $level < $highestSectionLevel ) { $highestSectionLevel = $level; } $currSection = $this->createNewSection( $state, $rootNode, $sectionStack, $tplInfo, $currSection, $node, $level, false ); $addedNode = true; } } elseif ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) { // If we find a higher level nested section, // (a) Make current section non-editable // (b) There are 2 $options here. // Best illustrated with an example // Consider the wiktiext below. //
// =1= // b //
// c // =2= // 1. Create a new pseudo-section to wrap '$node' // There will be a
around the
which includes 'c'. // 2. Don't create the pseudo-section by setting '$currSection = null' // But, this can leave some content outside any top-level section. // 'c' will not be in any section. // The code below implements strategy 1. $nestedHighestSectionLevel = $this->wrapSectionsInDOM( $state, null, $node ); if ( $currSection && $nestedHighestSectionLevel <= $currSection['level'] ) { $currSection['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', '-1' ); $currSection = $this->createNewSection( $state, $rootNode, $sectionStack, $tplInfo, $currSection, $node, $nestedHighestSectionLevel, true ); $addedNode = true; } } if ( $currSection && !$addedNode ) { $currSection['container']->appendChild( $node ); } if ( $tplInfo && $tplInfo['first'] === $node ) { $tplInfo['firstSection'] = $currSection; } // Track exit from templated output if ( $tplInfo && $tplInfo['last'] === $node ) { // The opening $node and closing $node of the template // are in different sections! This might require resolution. if ( $currSection !== $tplInfo['firstSection'] ) { $tplInfo['lastSection'] = $currSection; $state['tplsAndExtsToExamine'][] = $tplInfo; } $tplInfo = null; $state['inTemplate'] = false; } $node = $next; } // The last section embedded in a non-body DOM element // should always be marked non-editable since it will have // the closing tag (ex:
) showing up in the source editor // which we cannot support in a visual editing $environment. if ( $currSection && !DOMUtils::isBody( $rootNode ) ) { $currSection['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', '-1' ); } return $highestSectionLevel; } /** * Get opening/closing DSR offset for the subtree rooted at $node. * This handles scenarios where $node is a section or template wrapper * and if a section, when it has leading/trailing non-element nodes * that don't have recorded DSR values. * * @param array $tplInfo * @param DOMElement $node * @param bool $start * @return int */ private function getDSR( array $tplInfo, DOMElement $node, bool $start ): int { if ( $node->nodeName !== 'section' ) { $nodeDsr = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->dsr ?? null; $tmplDsr = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $tplInfo['first'] )->dsr; if ( $start ) { return $nodeDsr->start ?? $tmplDsr->start; } else { return $nodeDsr->end ?? $tmplDsr->end; } } $offset = 0; $c = $start ? $node->firstChild : $node->lastChild; while ( $c ) { if ( !( $c instanceof DOMElement ) ) { $offset += strlen( $c->textContent ); } else { return $this->getDSR( $tplInfo, $c, $start ) + ( $start ? -$offset : $offset ); } $c = $start ? $c->nextSibling : $c->previousSibling; } return -1; } /** * Section wrappers and template/extension wrappers can conflict because * of partial overlaps. This method identifies those conflicts and fixes up * the template/extension encapsulation by expanding those ranges as necessary. * This algorithm is not fully foolproof and there are known edge case bugs. * See phabricator for these open bugs. * * @param array &$state */ private function resolveTplExtSectionConflicts( array &$state ) { foreach ( $state['tplsAndExtsToExamine'] as $tplInfo ) { // could be null if ( isset( $tplInfo['firstSection'] ) && isset( $tplInfo['firstSection']['container'] ) ) { $s1 = $tplInfo['firstSection']['container']; } else { $s1 = null; } // guaranteed to be non-null $s2 = $tplInfo['lastSection']['container']; // Find a common ancestor of s1 and s2 (could be s1) $s2Ancestors = DOMUtils::pathToRoot( $s2 ); $s1Ancestors = []; $ancestor = null; $i = 0; if ( $s1 ) { $ancestor = $s1; while ( !in_array( $ancestor, $s2Ancestors, true ) ) { $s1Ancestors[] = $ancestor; $ancestor = $ancestor->parentNode; } // ancestor is now the common ancestor of s1 and s2 $s1Ancestors[] = $ancestor; $i = array_search( $ancestor, $s2Ancestors, true ); } if ( !$s1 || $ancestor === $s1 ) { // Scenario 1: s1 is s2's ancestor OR s1 doesn't exist. // In either case, s2 only covers part of the transcluded content. // But, s2 could also include content that follows the transclusion. // If so, append the content of the section after the last $node // to if ( $tplInfo['last']->nextSibling ) { $newTplEndOffset = $this->getDSR( $tplInfo, $s2, false ); // The next line will succeed because it traverses non-tpl content $tplDsr = &DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $tplInfo['first'] )->dsr; $tplEndOffset = $tplDsr->end; $dmw = DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $tplInfo['first'] ); if ( DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $tplInfo['first'], 'mw:Transclusion' ) ) { if ( $dmw->parts ) { $dmw->parts[] = $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $tplEndOffset, $newTplEndOffset ); } } else { /* Extension */ // $dmw->extSuffix = $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $tplEndOffset, $newTplEndOffset ); } // Update DSR $tplDsr->end = $newTplEndOffset; // Set about attributes on all children of s2 - add span wrappers if required $span = null; for ( $n = $tplInfo['last']->nextSibling; $n; $n = $n->nextSibling ) { if ( $n instanceof DOMElement ) { $n->setAttribute( 'about', $tplInfo['about'] ); $span = null; } else { if ( !$span ) { $span = $state['doc']->createElement( 'span' ); $span->setAttribute( 'about', $tplInfo['about'] ); $n->parentNode->replaceChild( $span, $n ); } $span->appendChild( $n ); $n = $span; // to ensure n->nextSibling is correct } } } } else { // Scenario 2: s1 and s2 are in different subtrees // Find children of the common ancestor that are on the // path from s1 -> ancestor and s2 -> ancestor Assert::invariant( count( $s1Ancestors ) >= 2 && $i >= 1, 'Scenario assumptions violated.' ); $newS1 = $s1Ancestors[count( $s1Ancestors ) - 2]; // length >= 2 since we know ancestors != s1 $newS2 = $s2Ancestors[$i - 1]; // i >= 1 since we know s2 is not s1's ancestor $newAbout = $state['env']->newAboutId(); // new about id for the new wrapping layer // Ensure that all children from newS1 and newS2 have about attrs set for ( $n = $newS1; $n !== $newS2->nextSibling; $n = $n->nextSibling ) { $n->setAttribute( 'about', $newAbout ); } // $newS2 is $s2, or its ancestor DOMUtils::assertElt( $s2 ); DOMUtils::assertElt( $newS2 ); // Update transclusion info $dsr1 = $this->getDSR( $tplInfo, $newS1, true ); // Traverses non-tpl content => will succeed $dsr2 = $this->getDSR( $tplInfo, $newS2, false ); // Traverses non-tpl content => will succeed $tplDP = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $tplInfo['first'] ); $tplDsr = &$tplDP->dsr; $dmw = Utils::clone( DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $tplInfo['first'] ) ); if ( DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $tplInfo['first'], 'mw:Transclusion' ) ) { if ( $dmw->parts ) { array_unshift( $dmw->parts, $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $dsr1, $tplDsr->start ) ); $dmw->parts[] = $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $tplDsr->end, $dsr2 ); } DOMDataUtils::setDataMw( $newS1, $dmw ); DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $newS1, 'mw:Transclusion' ); // Copy the template's parts-information object // which has white-space information for formatting // the transclusion and eliminates dirty-diffs. $dp = (object)[ 'pi' => $tplDP->pi, 'dsr' => new DomSourceRange( $dsr1, $dsr2, null, null ) ]; DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $newS1, $dp ); } else { /* extension */ // $dmw->extPrefix = $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $dsr1, $tplDsr->start ); $dmw->extSuffix = $this->getSrc( $state['frame'], $tplDsr->end, $dsr2 ); DOMDataUtils::setDataMw( $newS1, $dmw ); $newS1->setAttribute( 'typeof', $tplInfo['first']->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ); $dp = (object)[ 'dsr' => new DomSourceRange( $dsr1, $dsr2, null, null ) ]; DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $newS1, $dp ); } } } } /** * DOM Postprocessor entry function to walk DOM rooted at $root * and add
wrappers as necessary. * Implements the algorithm documented @ mw:Parsing/Notes/Section_Wrapping * * @inheritDoc */ public function run( Env $env, DOMElement $root, array $options = [], bool $atTopLevel = false ): void { if ( !$env->getWrapSections() ) { return; } $doc = $root->ownerDocument; $leadSection = [ 'container' => $doc->createElement( 'section' ), 'debug_id' => 0, // lowest possible level since we don't want // any nesting of h-tags in the lead section 'level' => 6, 'lead' => true ]; $leadSection['container']->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', '0' ); // Global $state $state = [ 'env' => $env, 'frame' => $options['frame'], 'count' => 1, 'doc' => $doc, 'rootNode' => $root, 'sectionNumber' => 0, 'inTemplate' => false, 'tplsAndExtsToExamine' => [] ]; $this->wrapSectionsInDOM( $state, $leadSection, $root ); // There will always be a lead section, even if sometimes it only // contains whitespace + comments. $root->insertBefore( $leadSection['container'], $root->firstChild ); // Resolve template conflicts after all sections have been added to the DOM $this->resolveTplExtSectionConflicts( $state ); } }