and * tags in a table. If found elsewhere within a table, such * content will be moved out of the table and be "adopted" by the table's * sibling ("foster parent"). The content that gets adopted is "fostered * content". * * * @module */ class MarkFosteredContent implements Wt2HtmlDOMProcessor { /** * Create a new DOM node with attributes. * * @param DOMDocument $document * @param string $type * @param array $attrs * @return DOMElement */ private static function createNodeWithAttributes( DOMDocument $document, string $type, array $attrs ): DOMElement { $node = $document->createElement( $type ); DOMUtils::addAttributes( $node, $attrs ); return $node; } /** * Cleans up transclusion shadows, keeping track of fostered transclusions * * @param DOMNode $node * @return bool */ private static function removeTransclusionShadows( DOMNode $node ): bool { $sibling = null; $fosteredTransclusions = false; if ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) { if ( DOMUtils::isMarkerMeta( $node, 'mw:TransclusionShadow' ) ) { $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); return true; } elseif ( !empty( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->tmp->inTransclusion ) ) { $fosteredTransclusions = true; } $node = $node->firstChild; while ( $node ) { $sibling = $node->nextSibling; if ( self::removeTransclusionShadows( $node ) ) { $fosteredTransclusions = true; } $node = $sibling; } } return $fosteredTransclusions; } /** * Inserts metas around the fosterbox and table * * @param Env $env * @param DOMNode $fosterBox * @param DOMElement $table */ private static function insertTransclusionMetas( Env $env, DOMNode $fosterBox, DOMElement $table ): void { $aboutId = $env->newAboutId(); // You might be asking yourself, why is $table->dataParsoid->tsr->end always // present? The earlier implementation searched the table's siblings for // their tsr->start. However, encapsulation doesn't happen when the foster box, // and thus the table, are in the transclusion. $s = self::createNodeWithAttributes( $fosterBox->ownerDocument, 'meta', [ 'about' => $aboutId, 'id' => substr( $aboutId, 1 ), 'typeof' => 'mw:Transclusion', ] ); DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $s, (object)[ 'tsr' => Utils::clone( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $table )->tsr ), 'tmp' => PHPUtils::arrayToObject( [ 'fromFoster' => true ] ), ] ); $fosterBox->parentNode->insertBefore( $s, $fosterBox ); $e = self::createNodeWithAttributes( $table->ownerDocument, 'meta', [ 'about' => $aboutId, 'typeof' => 'mw:Transclusion/End', ] ); $sibling = $table->nextSibling; $beforeText = null; // Skip past the table end, mw:shadow and any transclusions that // start inside the table. There may be newlines and comments in // between so keep track of that, and backtrack when necessary. while ( $sibling ) { if ( !WTUtils::isTplStartMarkerMeta( $sibling ) && ( WTUtils::hasParsoidAboutId( $sibling ) || DOMUtils::isMarkerMeta( $sibling, 'mw:EndTag' ) || DOMUtils::isMarkerMeta( $sibling, 'mw:TransclusionShadow' ) ) ) { $sibling = $sibling->nextSibling; $beforeText = null; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isComment( $sibling ) || DOMUtils::isText( $sibling ) ) { if ( !$beforeText ) { $beforeText = $sibling; } $sibling = $sibling->nextSibling; } else { break; } } $table->parentNode->insertBefore( $e, $beforeText ?: $sibling ); } /** * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param bool $inPTag * @return DOMElement */ private static function getFosterContentHolder( DOMDocument $doc, bool $inPTag ): DOMElement { $fosterContentHolder = $doc->createElement( $inPTag ? 'span' : 'p' ); DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $fosterContentHolder, (object)[ 'fostered' => true, 'tmp' => new stdClass ] ); return $fosterContentHolder; } /** * Searches for FosterBoxes and does two things when it hits one: * - Marks all nextSiblings as fostered until the accompanying table. * - Wraps the whole thing (table + fosterbox) with transclusion metas if * there is any fostered transclusion content. * * @param DOMNode $node * @param Env $env */ private static function processRecursively( DOMNode $node, Env $env ): void { $c = $node->firstChild; while ( $c ) { $sibling = $c->nextSibling; $fosteredTransclusions = false; if ( DOMUtils::hasNameAndTypeOf( $c, 'table', 'mw:FosterBox' ) ) { $inPTag = DOMUtils::hasAncestorOfName( $c->parentNode, 'p' ); $fosterContentHolder = self::getFosterContentHolder( $c->ownerDocument, $inPTag ); // mark as fostered until we hit the table while ( $sibling && ( !DOMUtils::isElt( $sibling ) || $sibling->nodeName !== 'table' ) ) { $next = $sibling->nextSibling; if ( $sibling instanceof DOMElement ) { // TODO: Note the similarity here with the p-wrapping pass. // This can likely be combined in some more maintainable way. if ( DOMUtils::isRemexBlockNode( $sibling ) || WTUtils::emitsSolTransparentSingleLineWT( $sibling ) ) { // Block nodes don't need to be wrapped in a p-tag either. // Links, includeonly directives, and other rendering-transparent // nodes dont need wrappers. sol-transparent wikitext generate // rendering-transparent nodes and we use that helper as a proxy here. DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $sibling )->fostered = true; // If the foster content holder is not empty, // close it and get a new content holder. if ( $fosterContentHolder->hasChildNodes() ) { $sibling->parentNode->insertBefore( $fosterContentHolder, $sibling ); $fosterContentHolder = self::getFosterContentHolder( $sibling->ownerDocument, $inPTag ); } } else { $fosterContentHolder->appendChild( $sibling ); } if ( self::removeTransclusionShadows( $sibling ) ) { $fosteredTransclusions = true; } } else { $fosterContentHolder->appendChild( $sibling ); } $sibling = $next; } $table = $sibling; // we should be able to reach the table from the fosterbox Assert::invariant( $table && $table instanceof DOMElement && $table->nodeName === 'table', "Table isn't a sibling. Something's amiss!" ); if ( $fosterContentHolder->hasChildNodes() ) { $table->parentNode->insertBefore( $fosterContentHolder, $table ); } // we have fostered transclusions // wrap the whole thing in a transclusion if ( $fosteredTransclusions ) { self::insertTransclusionMetas( $env, $c, $table ); } // remove the foster box $c->parentNode->removeChild( $c ); } elseif ( DOMUtils::isMarkerMeta( $c, 'mw:TransclusionShadow' ) ) { $c->parentNode->removeChild( $c ); } elseif ( DOMUtils::isElt( $c ) ) { if ( $c->hasChildNodes() ) { self::processRecursively( $c, $env ); } } $c = $sibling; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function run( Env $env, DOMElement $root, array $options = [], bool $atTopLevel = false ): void { self::processRecursively( $root, $env ); } }