getSiteConfig()->widthOption(); } // Handle client-side upscaling (including 'border') $mustRender = $info['mustRender'] ?? $info['mediatype'] !== 'BITMAP'; // Calculate the scaling ratio from the user-specified width and height $ratio = null; if ( !empty( $attrs['size']['height'] ) && !empty( $info['height'] ) ) { $ratio = $attrs['size']['height'] / $info['height']; } if ( !empty( $attrs['size']['width'] ) && !empty( $info['width'] ) ) { $r = $attrs['size']['width'] / $info['width']; $ratio = ( $ratio === null || $r < $ratio ) ? $r : $ratio; } // If the user requested upscaling, then this is denied in the thumbnail // and frameless format, except for files with mustRender. if ( $ratio !== null && $ratio > 1 && !$mustRender && ( $attrs['format'] === 'Thumb' || $attrs['format'] === 'Frameless' ) ) { // Upscaling denied $height = $info['height']; $width = $info['width']; } return [ 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width ]; } /** * This is a port of TMH's parseTimeString() * * @param string $timeString * @param int|float|null $length * @return int|float|null */ private static function parseTimeString( string $timeString, $length = null ) { $parts = explode( ':', $timeString ); $time = 0; $countParts = count( $parts ); if ( $countParts > 3 ) { return null; } for ( $i = 0; $i < $countParts; $i++ ) { if ( !is_numeric( $parts[$i] ) ) { return null; } $time += floatval( $parts[$i] ) * pow( 60, $countParts - 1 - $i ); } if ( $time < 0 ) { $time = 0; } elseif ( $length !== null ) { if ( $time > $length ) { $time = $length - 1; } } return $time; } /** * Handle media fragments * * * @param array $info * @param stdClass $dataMw * @return string */ private static function parseFrag( array $info, stdClass $dataMw ): string { $frag = ''; $starttime = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'starttime', true ); $endtime = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'endtime', true ); if ( $starttime || $endtime ) { $frag .= '#t='; if ( $starttime ) { $time = self::parseTimeString( $starttime[1]->txt, $info['duration'] ?? null ); if ( $time !== null ) { $frag .= $time; } } if ( $endtime ) { $time = self::parseTimeString( $endtime[1]->txt, $info['duration'] ?? null ); if ( $time !== null ) { $frag .= ',' . $time; } } } return $frag; } /** * @param DOMElement $elt * @param array $info * @param stdClass $dataMw * @param bool $hasDimension */ private static function addSources( DOMElement $elt, array $info, stdClass $dataMw, bool $hasDimension ): void { $doc = $elt->ownerDocument; $frag = self::parseFrag( $info, $dataMw ); $dataFromTMH = true; if ( is_array( $info['thumbdata']['derivatives'] ?? null ) ) { // BatchAPI's `getAPIData` $derivatives = $info['thumbdata']['derivatives']; } elseif ( is_array( $info['derivatives'] ?? null ) ) { // "videoinfo" prop $derivatives = $info['derivatives']; } else { $derivatives = [ [ 'src' => $info['url'], 'type' => $info['mime'], 'width' => (string)$info['width'], 'height' => (string)$info['height'], ], ]; $dataFromTMH = false; } foreach ( $derivatives as $o ) { $source = $doc->createElement( 'source' ); $source->setAttribute( 'src', $o['src'] . $frag ); $source->setAttribute( 'type', $o['type'] ); $fromFile = isset( $o['transcodekey'] ) ? '' : '-file'; if ( $hasDimension ) { $source->setAttribute( 'data' . $fromFile . '-width', (string)$o['width'] ); $source->setAttribute( 'data' . $fromFile . '-height', (string)$o['height'] ); } if ( $dataFromTMH ) { $source->setAttribute( 'data-title', $o['title'] ); $source->setAttribute( 'data-shorttitle', $o['shorttitle'] ); } $elt->appendChild( $source ); } } /** * @param DOMElement $elt * @param array $info */ private static function addTracks( DOMElement $elt, array $info ): void { $doc = $elt->ownerDocument; if ( is_array( $info['thumbdata']['timedtext'] ?? null ) ) { // BatchAPI's `getAPIData` $timedtext = $info['thumbdata']['timedtext']; } elseif ( is_array( $info['timedtext'] ?? null ) ) { // "videoinfo" prop $timedtext = $info['timedtext']; } else { $timedtext = []; } foreach ( $timedtext as $o ) { $track = $doc->createElement( 'track' ); $track->setAttribute( 'kind', $o['kind'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'type', $o['type'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'src', $o['src'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'srclang', $o['srclang'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'label', $o['label'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'data-mwtitle', $o['title'] ?? '' ); $track->setAttribute( 'data-dir', $o['dir'] ?? '' ); $elt->appendChild( $track ); } } /** * Abstract way to get the path for an image given an info object. * * @param array $info * @return string */ private static function getPath( array $info ) { $path = ''; if ( !empty( $info['thumburl'] ) ) { $path = $info['thumburl']; } elseif ( !empty( $info['url'] ) ) { $path = $info['url']; } return $path; } /** * @param Env $env * @param DOMElement $container * @param array $attrs * @param array $info * @param stdClass $dataMw * @return array */ private static function handleAudio( Env $env, DOMElement $container, array $attrs, array $info, stdClass $dataMw ): array { $doc = $container->ownerDocument; $audio = $doc->createElement( 'audio' ); $audio->setAttribute( 'controls', '' ); $audio->setAttribute( 'preload', 'none' ); $size = self::handleSize( $env, $attrs, $info ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $audio, 'height', (string)$size['height'], null, true ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $audio, 'width', (string)$size['width'], null, true ); // Hardcoded until defined heights are respected. // See `AddMediaInfo.handleSize` DOMCompat::getClassList( $container )->add( 'mw-default-audio-height' ); self::copyOverAttribute( $audio, $container, 'resource' ); $grandChild = $container->firstChild->firstChild; /** @var DOMElement $grandChild */ DOMUtils::assertElt( $grandChild ); if ( $grandChild->hasAttribute( 'lang' ) ) { self::copyOverAttribute( $audio, $container, 'lang' ); } self::addSources( $audio, $info, $dataMw, false ); self::addTracks( $audio, $info ); return [ 'rdfaType' => 'mw:Audio', 'elt' => $audio ]; } /** * @param Env $env * @param DOMElement $container * @param array $attrs * @param array $info * @param array|null $manualinfo * @param stdClass $dataMw * @return array */ private static function handleVideo( Env $env, DOMElement $container, array $attrs, array $info, ?array $manualinfo, stdClass $dataMw ): array { $doc = $container->ownerDocument; $video = $doc->createElement( 'video' ); if ( $manualinfo || !empty( $info['thumburl'] ) ) { $video->setAttribute( 'poster', self::getPath( $manualinfo ?: $info ) ); } $video->setAttribute( 'controls', '' ); $video->setAttribute( 'preload', 'none' ); $size = self::handleSize( $env, $attrs, $info ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $video, 'height', (string)$size['height'], null, true ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $video, 'width', (string)$size['width'], null, true ); self::copyOverAttribute( $video, $container, 'resource' ); $grandChild = $container->firstChild->firstChild; /** @var DOMElement $grandChild */ DOMUtils::assertElt( $grandChild ); if ( $grandChild->hasAttribute( 'lang' ) ) { self::copyOverAttribute( $video, $container, 'lang' ); } self::addSources( $video, $info, $dataMw, true ); self::addTracks( $video, $info ); return [ 'rdfaType' => 'mw:Video', 'elt' => $video ]; } /** * Set up the actual image structure, attributes, etc. * * @param Env $env * @param DOMElement $container * @param array $attrs * @param array $info * @param array|null $manualinfo * @param stdClass $dataMw * @return array */ private static function handleImage( Env $env, DOMElement $container, array $attrs, array $info, ?array $manualinfo, stdClass $dataMw ): array { $doc = $container->ownerDocument; $img = $doc->createElement( 'img' ); self::addAttributeFromDataMw( $img, $dataMw, 'alt' ); if ( $manualinfo ) { $info = $manualinfo; } self::copyOverAttribute( $img, $container, 'resource' ); $img->setAttribute( 'src', self::getPath( $info ) ); $grandChild = $container->firstChild->firstChild; /** @var DOMElement $grandChild */ DOMUtils::assertElt( $grandChild ); if ( $grandChild->hasAttribute( 'lang' ) ) { self::copyOverAttribute( $img, $container, 'lang' ); } // Add (read-only) information about original file size (T64881) $img->setAttribute( 'data-file-width', (string)$info['width'] ); $img->setAttribute( 'data-file-height', (string)$info['height'] ); $img->setAttribute( 'data-file-type', strtolower( $info['mediatype'] ?? '' ) ); $size = self::handleSize( $env, $attrs, $info ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $img, 'height', (string)$size['height'], null, true ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $img, 'width', (string)$size['width'], null, true ); // Handle "responsive" images, i.e. srcset if ( !empty( $info['responsiveUrls'] ) ) { $candidates = []; // Match Parsoid/JS ordering of these responsive urls // FIXME: Parsoid's output here doesn't match core! T234932 krsort( $info['responsiveUrls'] ); foreach ( $info['responsiveUrls'] as $density => $url ) { $candidates[] = $url . ' ' . $density . 'x'; } if ( $candidates ) { $img->setAttribute( 'srcset', implode( ', ', $candidates ) ); } } return [ 'rdfaType' => 'mw:Image', 'elt' => $img ]; } /** * Use sane defaults * * @param Env $env * @param string $key * @param array $dims * @return array */ private static function errorInfo( Env $env, string $key, array $dims ): array { $widthOption = $env->getSiteConfig()->widthOption(); return [ 'url' => './Special:FilePath/' . Sanitizer::sanitizeTitleURI( $key, false ), // Preserve width and height from the wikitext options // even if the image is non-existent. 'width' => $dims['width'] ?? $widthOption, 'height' => $dims['height'] ?? $dims['width'] ?? $widthOption, ]; } /** * @param string $key * @param string $message * @param array|null $params * @return array */ private static function makeErr( string $key, string $message, ?array $params = null ): array { $e = [ 'key' => $key, 'message' => $message ]; // Additional error info for clients that could fix the error. if ( $params !== null ) { $e['params'] = $params; } return $e; } /** * @param Env $env * @param string $key * @param array $dims * @return array */ public static function requestInfo( Env $env, string $key, array $dims ): array { $err = null; $info = $env->getDataAccess()->getFileInfo( $env->getPageConfig(), [ $key => $dims ] )[$key] ?? null; if ( !$info ) { $info = self::errorInfo( $env, $key, $dims ); $err = self::makeErr( 'apierror-filedoesnotexist', 'This image does not exist.' ); } elseif ( isset( $info['thumberror'] ) ) { $err = self::makeErr( 'apierror-unknownerror', $info['thumberror'] ); } return [ 'err' => $err, 'info' => $info ]; } /** * @param DOMElement $container * @param array $errs * @param stdClass $dataMw */ private static function addErrors( DOMElement $container, array $errs, stdClass $dataMw ): void { if ( !DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $container, 'mw:Error' ) ) { $typeOf = $container->getAttribute( 'typeof' ); $typeOf = 'mw:Error' . ( $typeOf ? ' ' . $typeOf : '' ); $container->setAttribute( 'typeof', $typeOf ); } if ( is_array( $dataMw->errors ?? null ) ) { $errs = array_merge( $dataMw->errors, $errs ); } $dataMw->errors = $errs; } /** * @param DOMElement $elt * @param DOMElement $container * @param string $attribute */ private static function copyOverAttribute( DOMElement $elt, DOMElement $container, string $attribute ): void { $span = $container->firstChild->firstChild; /** @var DOMElement $span */ DOMUtils::assertElt( $span ); DOMDataUtils::addNormalizedAttribute( $elt, $attribute, $span->getAttribute( $attribute ), WTSUtils::getAttributeShadowInfo( $span, $attribute )['value'] ); } /** * If this is a manual thumbnail, fetch the info for that as well * * @param Env $env * @param array $attrs * @param array $dims * @param stdClass $dataMw * @return array */ private static function manualInfo( Env $env, array $attrs, array $dims, stdClass $dataMw ): array { $attr = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'manualthumb', true ); if ( $attr === null ) { return [ 'err' => null, 'info' => null ]; } $val = $attr[1]->txt; $title = $env->makeTitleFromText( $val, $attrs['title']->getNamespace(), true ); if ( $title === null ) { return [ 'info' => self::errorInfo( $env, $attrs['title']->getKey(), $dims ), 'err' => self::makeErr( 'apierror-invalidtitle', 'Invalid thumbnail title.', [ 'name' => $val ] ), ]; } return self::requestInfo( $env, $title->getKey(), $dims ); } /** * @param DOMElement $elt * @param stdClass $dataMw * @param string $key */ private static function addAttributeFromDataMw( DOMElement $elt, stdClass $dataMw, string $key ): void { $attr = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, $key, false ); if ( $attr === null ) { return; } $elt->setAttribute( $key, $attr[1]->txt ); } /** * @param Env $env * @param PegTokenizer $urlParser * @param DOMElement $container * @param array $attrs * @param stdClass $dataMw * @param bool $isImage */ private static function handleLink( Env $env, PegTokenizer $urlParser, DOMElement $container, array $attrs, stdClass $dataMw, bool $isImage ): void { $doc = $container->ownerDocument; $attr = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'link', true ); $anchor = $doc->createElement( 'a' ); if ( $isImage ) { if ( $attr !== null ) { $discard = true; $val = $attr[1]->txt; if ( $val === '' ) { // No href if link= was specified $anchor = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); } elseif ( $urlParser->tokenizesAsURL( $val ) ) { // an external link! $anchor->setAttribute( 'href', $val ); } else { $link = $env->makeTitleFromText( $val, null, true ); if ( $link !== null ) { $anchor->setAttribute( 'href', $env->makeLink( $link ) ); } else { // Treat same as if link weren't present $anchor->setAttribute( 'href', $env->makeLink( $attrs['title'] ) ); // but preserve for roundtripping $discard = false; } } if ( $discard ) { WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'link', /* keep */false ); } } else { $anchor->setAttribute( 'href', $env->makeLink( $attrs['title'] ) ); } } else { $anchor = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); } if ( $anchor->nodeName === 'a' ) { $href = Sanitizer::cleanUrl( $env, $anchor->getAttribute( 'href' ), 'external' ); $anchor->setAttribute( 'href', $href ); } $container->replaceChild( $anchor, $container->firstChild ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function run( Env $env, DOMElement $root, array $options = [], bool $atTopLevel = false ): void { $urlParser = new PegTokenizer( $env ); $containers = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( $root, 'figure,figure-inline' ); // Try to ensure `addMediaInfo` is idempotent based on finding the // structure unaltered from the emitted tokens. Note that we may hit // false positivies in link-in-link scenarios but, in those cases, link // content would already have been processed to dom in a subpipeline // and would necessitate filtering here anyways. $containers = array_filter( $containers, function ( $c ) { return $c->firstChild && $c->firstChild->nodeName === 'a' && $c->firstChild->firstChild && $c->firstChild->firstChild->nodeName === 'span' && // The media element may remain a if we hit an error // below so use the annotation as another indicator of having // already been processed. !DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $c, 'mw:Error' ); } ); foreach ( $containers as $container ) { $dataMw = DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $container ); $span = $container->firstChild->firstChild; /** @var DOMElement $span */ DOMUtils::assertElt( $span ); $attrs = [ 'size' => [ 'width' => (int)$span->getAttribute( 'data-width' ) ?: null, 'height' => (int)$span->getAttribute( 'data-height' ) ?: null, ], 'format' => WTSUtils::getMediaType( $container )['format'], 'title' => $env->makeTitleFromText( $span->textContent ), ]; $dims = $attrs['size']; if ( $env->noDataAccess() ) { $errs = [ self::makeErr( 'apierror-unknownerror', 'Fetch of image info disabled.' ) ]; self::addErrors( $container, $errs, $dataMw ); continue; } $page = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'page', true ); if ( $page && $dims['width'] !== null ) { $dims['page'] = $page[1]->txt; } // "starttime" should be used if "thumbtime" isn't present, // but only for rendering. // "starttime" should be used if "thumbtime" isn't present, // but only for rendering. $thumbtime = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'thumbtime', true ); $starttime = WTSUtils::getAttrFromDataMw( $dataMw, 'starttime', true ); if ( $thumbtime || $starttime ) { $seek = isset( $thumbtime[1] ) ? $thumbtime[1]->txt : ( isset( $starttime[1] ) ? $starttime[1]->txt : '' ); $seek = self::parseTimeString( $seek ); if ( $seek !== null ) { $dims['seek'] = $seek; } } $i = self::requestInfo( $env, $attrs['title']->getKey(), $dims ); $m = self::manualInfo( $env, $attrs, $dims, $dataMw ); $errs = []; if ( $i['err'] !== null ) { $errs[] = $i['err']; } if ( $m['err'] !== null ) { $errs[] = $m['err']; } // Add mw:Error to the RDFa type. if ( $errs ) { self::addErrors( $container, $errs, $dataMw ); continue; } $info = $i['info']; $manualinfo = $m['info']; // T110692: The batching API seems to return these as strings. // Till that is fixed, let us make sure these are numbers. // (This was fixed in Sep 2015, FWIW.) $info['height'] = (int)$info['height']; $info['width'] = (int)$info['width']; $isImage = false; switch ( $info['mediatype'] ) { case 'AUDIO': $o = self::handleAudio( $env, $container, $attrs, $info, $dataMw ); break; case 'VIDEO': $o = self::handleVideo( $env, $container, $attrs, $info, $manualinfo, $dataMw ); break; default: $isImage = true; $o = self::handleImage( $env, $container, $attrs, $info, $manualinfo, $dataMw ); } $rdfaType = $o['rdfaType']; $elt = $o['elt']; self::handleLink( $env, $urlParser, $container, $attrs, $dataMw, $isImage ); $anchor = $container->firstChild; $anchor->appendChild( $elt ); $typeOf = $container->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ?? ''; $typeOf = preg_replace( '#\bmw:(Image)(/\w*)?\b#', "$rdfaType$2", $typeOf, 1 ); $container->setAttribute( 'typeof', $typeOf ); if ( isset( $dataMw->attribs ) && count( $dataMw->attribs ) === 0 ) { unset( $dataMw->attribs ); } } } }