foo( $bar) the equivalent helper is DOMCompat::foo( $node, $bar ). * For a DOM property $node->foo there is a DOMCompat::getFoo( $node ) and * DOMCompat::setFoo( $node, $value ). * Only implements the methods that are actually used by Parsoid. */ class DOMCompat { /** * Tab, LF, FF, CR, space * @see */ private static $ASCII_WHITESPACE = "\t\r\f\n "; /** * Get document body. * Unlike the spec we return it as a native PHP DOM object. * @param DOMDocument $document * @return DOMElement|null * @see * @suppress PhanUndeclaredProperty */ public static function getBody( DOMDocument $document ): ?DOMElement { // Use an undeclared dynamic property as a cache. // WARNING: this will not be updated if (for some reason) the // document body changes. if ( isset( $document->body ) ) { return $document->body; } foreach ( $document->documentElement->childNodes as $element ) { /** @var DOMElement $element */ if ( $element->nodeName === 'body' || $element->nodeName === 'frameset' ) { $document->body = $element; // Caching! return $element; } } return null; } /** * Get document head. * Unlike the spec we return it as a native PHP DOM object. * @param DOMDocument $document * @return DOMElement|null * @see * @suppress PhanUndeclaredProperty */ public static function getHead( DOMDocument $document ): ?DOMElement { // Use an undeclared dynamic property as a cache. // WARNING: this will not be updated if (for some reason) the // document head changes. if ( isset( $document->head ) ) { return $document->head; } foreach ( $document->documentElement->childNodes as $element ) { /** @var DOMElement $element */ if ( $element->nodeName === 'head' ) { $document->head = $element; // Caching! return $element; } } return null; } /** * Get document title. * @param DOMDocument $document * @return string * @see */ public static function getTitle( DOMDocument $document ): string { $titleElement = self::querySelector( $document, 'title' ); return $titleElement ? self::stripAndCollapseASCIIWhitespace( $titleElement->textContent ) : ''; } /** * Set document title. * @param DOMDocument $document * @param string $title * @see */ public static function setTitle( DOMDocument $document, string $title ): void { $titleElement = self::querySelector( $document, 'title' ); if ( !$titleElement ) { $headElement = self::getHead( $document ); if ( $headElement ) { $titleElement = $document->createElement( 'title' ); $headElement->appendChild( $titleElement ); } } if ( $titleElement ) { $titleElement->textContent = $title; } } /** * Return the parent element, or null if the parent is not an element. * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function getParentElement( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMElement { $parent = $node->parentNode; if ( $parent && $parent->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { /** @var DOMElement $parent */ return $parent; } return null; } /** * Return the descendant with the specified ID. * Workaround for and other issues related to * inconsistent indexing behavior. * @param DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment $node * @param string $id * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function getElementById( DOMNode $node, string $id ): ?DOMElement { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment', $node, '$node' ); $elements = Zest::getElementsById( $node, $id ); return $elements[0] ?? null; } /** * Workaround bug in PHP's Document::getElementById() which doesn't * actually index the 'id' attribute unless you use the non-standard * `DOMElement::setIdAttribute` method after the attribute is set; * see * for more details. * * @param DOMElement $element * @param string $id The desired value for the `id` attribute on $element. * @see */ public static function setIdAttribute( DOMElement $element, string $id ): void { $element->setAttribute( 'id', $id ); $element->setIdAttribute( 'id', true );// phab:T232390 } /** * Workaround bug in PHP's DOMElement::$attributes that fails to enumerate * attributes named `xmlns`. * * @param DOMElement $element * @return DOMAttr[] * @see */ public static function attributes( DOMElement $element ): array { $result = []; // The 'xmlns' attribute is "invisible" T235295 if ( $element->hasAttribute( 'xmlns' ) ) { // $element->getAttributeNode actually returns a DOMNameSpaceNode // This is read-only, unlike the other \DOMAttr objects $attr = $element->ownerDocument->createAttributeNS( '', 'xmlns' ); $attr->value = $element->getAttribute( 'xmlns' ); $result[] = $attr; } foreach ( $element->attributes as $attr ) { // These are \DOMAttr objects $result[] = $attr; } return $result; } /** * Workaround bug in PHP's DOMElement::hasAttributes() that fails to * enumerate attributes named `xmlns`. * * @param DOMElement $element * @return bool True if the element has any attributes * @see */ public static function hasAttributes( DOMElement $element ): bool { // The 'xmlns' attribute is "invisible" T235295 return $element->hasAttributes() || $element->hasAttribute( 'xmlns' ); } /** * Return all descendants with the specified tag name. * Workaround for PHP's getElementsByTagName being inexplicably slow in some situations * and the lack of DOMElement::getElementsByTagName(). * @param DOMDocument|DOMElement $node * @param string $tagName * @return DOMNodeList * @see * @see * @note Note that unlike the spec this method is not guaranteed to return a DOMNodeList * (which cannot be freely constructed in PHP), just a traversable containing DOMElements. */ public static function getElementsByTagName( DOMNode $node, string $tagName ): DOMNodeList { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMDocument|DOMElement', $node, '$node' ); return Zest::getElementsByTagName( $node, $tagName ); } /** * Return the last child of the node that is an Element, or null otherwise. * @param DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment|DOMElement $node * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function getLastElementChild( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMElement { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment|DOMElement', $node, '$node' ); $lastChild = $node->lastChild; while ( $lastChild && $lastChild->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $lastChild = $lastChild->previousSibling; } return $lastChild; } /** * @param DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment|DOMElement $node * @param string $selector * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function querySelector( DOMNode $node, string $selector ): ?DOMElement { return self::querySelectorAll( $node, $selector )[0] ?? null; } /** * @param DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment|DOMElement $node * @param string $selector * @return DOMElement[] * @see * @note Note that unlike the spec this method is not guaranteed to return a DOMNodeList * (which cannot be freely constructed in PHP), just a traversable containing DOMElements. */ public static function querySelectorAll( DOMNode $node, string $selector ): array { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMDocument|DOMDocumentFragment|DOMElement', $node, '$node' ); return Zest::find( $selector, $node ); } /** * Return the last preceding sibling of the node that is an element, or null otherwise. * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function getPreviousElementSibling( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMElement { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMElement|DOMCharacterData', $node, '$node' ); $previousSibling = $node->previousSibling; while ( $previousSibling && $previousSibling->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $previousSibling = $previousSibling->previousSibling; } return $previousSibling; } /** * Return the first following sibling of the node that is an element, or null otherwise. * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMElement|null * @see */ public static function getNextElementSibling( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMElement { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMElement|DOMCharacterData', $node, '$node' ); $nextSibling = $node->nextSibling; while ( $nextSibling && $nextSibling->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $nextSibling = $nextSibling->nextSibling; } return $nextSibling; } /** * Removes the node from the document. * @param DOMElement|DOMCharacterData $node * @see */ public static function remove( DOMNode $node ): void { Assert::parameterType( 'DOMElement|DOMCharacterData', $node, '$node' ); if ( $node->parentNode ) { $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); } } /** * Get innerHTML. * @param DOMElement $element * @return string * @see */ public static function getInnerHTML( DOMElement $element ): string { return XMLSerializer::serialize( $element, [ 'innerXML' => true ] )['html']; } /** * Set innerHTML. * @see * @param DOMElement $element * @param string $html */ public static function setInnerHTML( DOMElement $element, string $html ): void { $domBuilder = new DOMBuilder( [ 'suppressHtmlNamespace' => true ] ); $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder( $domBuilder ); $dispatcher = new Dispatcher( $treeBuilder ); $tokenizer = new Tokenizer( $dispatcher, $html, [ 'ignoreErrors' => true ] ); $tokenizer->execute( [ 'fragmentNamespace' => HTMLData::NS_HTML, 'fragmentName' => $element->tagName, ] ); // Remex returns the document fragment wrapped into a DOMElement // because libxml fragment handling is not great. // FIXME life would be simpler if we could make DOMBuilder use an existing document $documentFragmentWrapper = $element->ownerDocument->importNode( $domBuilder->getFragment(), true ); while ( $element->firstChild ) { $element->removeChild( $element->firstChild ); } // Use an iteration method that's not affected by the tree being modified during iteration while ( $documentFragmentWrapper->firstChild ) { $element->appendChild( $documentFragmentWrapper->firstChild ); } } /** * Get outerHTML. * @param DOMElement $element * @return string * @see */ public static function getOuterHTML( DOMElement $element ): string { return XMLSerializer::serialize( $element, [ 'addDoctype' => false ] )['html']; } /** * Return the class list of this element. * @param DOMElement $node * @return TokenList * @see */ public static function getClassList( DOMElement $node ): TokenList { return new TokenList( $node ); } /** * @param string $text * @return string * @see */ private static function stripAndCollapseASCIIWhitespace( string $text ): string { $ws = self::$ASCII_WHITESPACE; return preg_replace( "/[$ws]+/", ' ', trim( $text, $ws ) ); } /** * @param DOMElement $e */ private static function stripEmptyTextNodes( DOMElement $e ): void { $c = $e->firstChild; while ( $c ) { $next = $c->nextSibling; if ( $c instanceof DOMText ) { if ( $c->nodeValue === '' ) { $e->removeChild( $c ); } } elseif ( $c instanceof DOMElement ) { self::stripEmptyTextNodes( $c ); } $c = $next; } } /** * @param DOMElement $elt root of the DOM tree that needs to be normalized */ public static function normalize( DOMElement $elt ): void { $elt->normalize(); // Now traverse the tree rooted at $elt and remove any stray empty text nodes // Unlike what says, // the PHP DOM's normalization leaves behind upto 1 empty text node. // See self::stripEmptyTextNodes( $elt ); } }