env->getSiteConfig()->solTransparentWikitextNoWsRegexp(), '@' ); $solWikitextRegexp = '@' . '^((?:' . $sol . '|' . # SSS FIXME: What about onlyinclude and noinclude? '.*?' . ')*)' . '([\ \*#:;{\|!=].*)$' . '@D'; } return $solWikitextRegexp; } /** * Regexp for checking whether we are at the start of the line (modulo comments and * other ignored elements). * * @return string */ private function solRegexp(): string { static $solRegexp = null; if ( $solRegexp === null ) { $sol = PHPUtils::reStrip( $this->env->getSiteConfig()->solTransparentWikitextNoWsRegexp(), '@' ); $solRegexp = '@' . '(^|\\n)' . '(' . # SSS FIXME: What about onlyinclude and noinclude? '.*?' . '|' . $sol . ')*$' . '@D'; } return $solRegexp; } /** * Are we currently running round-trip tests? If yes, then we know * there won't be any edits and we more aggressively try to use original * source and source flags during serialization since this is a test of * Parsoid's efficacy in preserving information. * @var bool */ public $rtTestMode = true; /** * Separator information: * - constraints (array|null): min/max number of newlines * - src (string|null): collected separator text from DOM text/comment nodes * - lastSourceNode (?DOMNode): Seems to be bookkeeping to make sure we don't reuse * original separators when `emitChunk` is called * consecutively on the same node. However, it also * differs from `state.prevNode` in that it only gets * updated when a node calls `emitChunk` so that nodes * serializing `justChildren` don't mix up `buildSep`. * PORT-FIXME: could use a dedicated class * @var stdClass */ public $sep; /** * Is the serializer at the start of a new wikitext line? * @var bool */ public $onSOL = true; /** * True when wts kicks off, false after the first char has been output * SSS FIXME: Can this be done away with in some way? * @var bool */ public $atStartOfOutput = true; /** * Is the serializer currently handling link content (children of ``)? * @var bool */ public $inLink = false; /** * Is the serializer currently handling caption content? * @var bool */ public $inCaption = false; /** * Is the serializer currently handling an indent-pre tag? * @var bool */ public $inIndentPre = false; /** * Is the serializer currently handling a html-pre tag? * @var bool */ public $inHTMLPre = false; /** * Is the serializer currently handling a tag that the PHP parser * treats as a block tag? * @var bool */ public $inPHPBlock = false; /** * Is the serializer being invoked recursively to serialize a * template-generated attribute (via `WSP.getAttributeValue`'s * template handling). If so, we should suppress some * serialization escapes, like autolink protection, since * these are not valid for attribute values. * @var bool */ public $inAttribute = false; /** * Is the serializer currently processing a subtree that has been * modified compared to original content (ex: via VE / CX)? * * @var bool */ public $inModifiedContent; /** * Did we introduce nowikis for indent-pre protection? * If yes, we might run a post-pass to strip useless ones. * @var bool */ public $hasIndentPreNowikis = false; /** * Did we introduce nowikis to preserve quote semantics? * If yes, we might run a post-pass to strip useless ones. * @var bool */ public $hasQuoteNowikis = false; /** * Did we introduce ``s? * If yes, we do a postpass to remove unnecessary trailing ones. * @var bool */ public $hasSelfClosingNowikis = false; /** * Did we introduce nowikis around `=.*=` text? * If yes, we do a postpass to remove unnecessary escapes. * @var bool */ public $hasHeadingEscapes = false; /** * Records the nesting level of wikitext tables * @var int */ public $wikiTableNesting = 0; /** * Stack of wikitext escaping handlers -- these handlers are responsible * for smart escaping when the surrounding wikitext context is known. * @var callable[] See {@link serializeChildren()} */ public $wteHandlerStack = []; /** * This array is used by the wikitext escaping algorithm -- represents * a "single line" of output wikitext as represented by a block node in * the DOM. * - firstNode (?DOMNode): first DOM node processed on this line * - text (string): output so far from all nodes on the current line * - chunks (ConstrainedText[]): list of chunks comprising the current line * @var stdClass * XXX: replace with output buffering per line * PORT-FIXME: could use a dedicated class */ public $currLine; /** * Stack used to enforce single-line context * @var SingleLineContext */ public $singleLineContext; /** * Text to be emitted at the start of file, for redirects * @var string|null */ public $redirectText = null; /** @var WikitextSerializer */ public $serializer; /** @var ParsoidExtensionAPI */ public $extApi; /** @var ConstrainedText|string The serialized output */ public $out = ''; /** * Whether to use heuristics to determine if a list item, heading, table cell, etc. * should have whitespace inserted after the "*#=|!" wikitext chars? This is normally * true by default, but not so if HTML content version is older than 1.7.0. * In practice, we are now at version 2.1, but Flow stores HTML, so till Flow migrates * all its content over to a later version, we need a boolean flag. * @var bool */ public $useWhitespaceHeuristics; /** * Are we in selective serialization mode? * @see SelectiveSerializer * @var bool */ public $selserMode; /** @var SelserData */ private $selserData; /** * If in selser mode, while processing a node, do we know if * its previous node has not been modified in an edit? * @var bool */ public $prevNodeUnmodified; /** * If in selser mode, while processing a node, do we know if * it has not been modified in an edit? * @var bool */ public $currNodeUnmodified; /** * Should we run the wikitext escaping code on the wikitext chunk * that will be emitted? True unless we are in HTML
	 * @var bool
	public $escapeText = false;

	 * Used as fast patch for special protected characters in WikitextEscapeHandlers and
	 * comes from LanguageVariantHandler
	 * @var string|null
	public $protect;

	/** @var Env */
	private $env;

	/** @var DOMElement */
	private $prevNode;

	 * Log prefix to use in trace output
	 * @var string
	private $logPrefix = 'OUT:';

	 * @param WikitextSerializer $serializer
	 * @param array $options
	public function __construct( WikitextSerializer $serializer, array $options = [] ) {
		$this->env = $serializer->env;
		$this->serializer = $serializer;
		$this->extApi = new ParsoidExtensionAPI( $this->env, [ 'html2wt' => [ 'state' => $this ] ] );
		foreach ( $options as $name => $option ) {
			// PORT-FIXME validate
			if ( !( $option instanceof Env ) ) {
				$this->$name = Utils::clone( $option );
		$this->resetCurrLine( null );
		$this->singleLineContext = new SingleLineContext();

	 * @note Porting note: this replaces direct access
	 * @return Env
	public function getEnv(): Env {
		return $this->env;

	 * Initialize a few boolean flags based on serialization mode.
	 * FIXME: Ideally, this should be private. Requires shuffing around
	 * where SerializerState is constructed so that $selserMode is known
	 * at the time of construction.
	 * @private for use by WikitextSerializer only
	 * @param bool $selserMode Are we running selective serialization?
	public function initMode( bool $selserMode ): void {
		$this->useWhitespaceHeuristics =
			Semver::satisfies( $this->env->getInputContentVersion(), '>=1.7.0' );
		$this->selserMode = $selserMode;
		$this->rtTestMode = $this->rtTestMode && !$this->selserMode; // Always false in selser mode.

	 * Appends the seperator source and updates the SOL state if necessary.
	 * @param string $src
	public function appendSep( string $src ): void {
		$this->sep->src = ( $this->sep->src ?: '' ) . $src;
		$this->sepIntroducedSOL( $src );

	 * Cycle the state after processing a node.
	 * @param DOMNode $node
	public function updateSep( DOMNode $node ): void {
		$this->sep->lastSourceNode = $node;

	private function resetSep() {
		$this->sep = PHPUtils::arrayToObject( [
			'constraints' => null,
			'src' => null,
			'lastSourceNode' => null,
		] );

	 * Reset the current line state.
	 * @param DOMNode|null $node
	private function resetCurrLine( ?DOMNode $node ): void {
		$this->currLine = (object)[
			'text' => '',
			'chunks' => [],
			'firstNode' => $node

	 * Process and emit a line of ConstrainedText chunks, adjusting chunk boundaries as necessary.
	 * (Start of line and end of line are always safe for ConstrainedText chunks, so we don't need
	 * to buffer more than the last line.)
	private function flushLine(): void {
		$this->out .= ConstrainedText::escapeLine( $this->currLine->chunks );
		$this->currLine->chunks = [];

	 * Extracts a subset of the page source bound by the supplied indices.
	 * @param int $start Start offset, in bytes
	 * @param int $end End offset, in bytes
	 * @return string|null
	public function getOrigSrc( int $start, int $end ): ?string {
		Assert::invariant( $this->selserMode, 'SerializerState::$selserMode must be set' );
		if (
			$start <= $end &&
			// FIXME: Having a $start greater than the source length is
			// probably a canary for corruption.  Maybe we should be throwing
			// here instead.  See T240053
			$start <= strlen( $this->selserData->oldText )
		) {
			return substr( $this->selserData->oldText, $start, $end - $start );
		} else {
			return null;

	 * Like it says on the tin.
	 * @param DOMNode $node
	public function updateModificationFlags( DOMNode $node ): void {
		$this->prevNodeUnmodified = $this->currNodeUnmodified;
		$this->currNodeUnmodified = false;
		$this->prevNode = $node;

	 * Separators put us in SOL state.
	 * @param string $sep
	private function sepIntroducedSOL( string $sep ): void {
		// Don't get tripped by newlines in comments!  Be wary of nowikis added
		// by makeSepIndentPreSafe on the last line.
		if ( substr( preg_replace( Utils::COMMENT_REGEXP, '', $sep ), -1 ) === "\n" ) {
			// Since we are stashing away newlines for emitting
			// before the next element, we are in SOL state wrt
			// the content of that next element.
			// FIXME: The only serious caveat is if all these newlines
			// will get stripped out in the context of any parent node
			// that suppress newlines (ex: 
  • nodes that are forcibly // converted to non-html wikitext representation -- newlines // will get suppressed in those context). We currently don't // handle arbitrary HTML which cause these headaches. And, // in any case, we might decide to emit such HTML as native // HTML to avoid these problems. To be figured out later when // it is a real issue. $this->onSOL = true; } } /** * Accumulates chunks on the current line. * @param ConstrainedText $text * @param DOMNode $node */ private function pushToCurrLine( ConstrainedText $text, DOMNode $node ) { // TODO $node is probably not needed since ConstrainedText already includes it $this->currLine->chunks[] = $text; } /** * Pushes the seperator to the current line and resets the separator state. * @param string $sep * @param DOMNode $node * @param string $debugPrefix */ private function emitSep( string $sep, DOMNode $node, string $debugPrefix ): void { $sep = ConstrainedText::cast( $sep, $node ); // Replace newlines if we're in a single-line context if ( $this->singleLineContext->enforced() ) { $sep->text = preg_replace( '/\n/', ' ', $sep->text ); } $this->pushToCurrLine( $sep, $node ); // Reset separator state $this->resetSep(); $this->updateSep( $node ); $this->sepIntroducedSOL( $sep->text ); $this->serializer->trace( '--->', $debugPrefix, function () use ( $sep ) { return PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $sep->text ); } ); } /** * Determines if we can use the original seperator for this node or if we * need to build one based on its constraints, and then emits it. * * The following comment applies to `origSepUsable` but is placed outside the * function body since character count (including comments) can prevent * inlining in older versions of v8 (node < 8.3). * * --- * * When block nodes are deleted, the deletion affects whether unmodified * newline separators between a pair of unmodified P tags can be reused. * * Example: * ``` * Original WT : "
    foo\nbar" * Original HTML: "




    " * Edited HTML : "




    " * Annotated DOM: "




    " * Expected WT : "foo\n\nbar" * ``` * * Note the additional newline between "foo" and "bar" even though originally, * there was just a single newline. * * So, even though the two P tags and the separator between them is * unmodified, it is insufficient to rely on just that. We have to look at * what has happened on the two wikitext lines onto which the two P tags * will get serialized. * * Now, if you check the code for `nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT`, that code is * not really looking at ALL the nodes before/after the nodes that could * serialize onto the wikitext lines. It is looking at the immediately * adjacent nodes, i.e. it is not necessary to look if a block-tag was * deleted 2 or 5 siblings away. If we had to actually examine all of those, * nodes, this would get very complex, and it would be much simpler to just * discard the original separators => potentially lots of dirty diffs. * * To understand why it is sufficient (for correctness) to examine just * the immediately adjacent nodes, let us look at an additional example. * ``` * Original WT : "a
    e\nf" * Original HTML: "








    " * ``` * Note how `` tags and `

    ` tags interleave in the HTML. This would be * the case always no matter how much inline content showed up between the * block tags in wikitext. If the b-`

    ` was deleted, we don't care * about it, since we still have the d-`
    ` before the P tag that preserves * the correctness of the single `"\n"` separator. If the d-`
    ` was deleted, * we conservatively ignore the original separator and let normal P-P constraints * take care of it. At worst, we might generate a dirty diff in this scenario. * * @param DOMNode $node */ private function emitSepForNode( DOMNode $node ): void { $again = ( $node === $this->sep->lastSourceNode ); $origSepUsable = !$again && $this->prevNodeUnmodified && !WTSUtils::nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT( $this->prevNode, true ) && $this->currNodeUnmodified && !WTSUtils::nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT( $node, false ); $origSep = null; if ( $origSepUsable ) { if ( DOMUtils::isElt( $this->prevNode ) && DOMUtils::isElt( $node ) ) { '@phan-var DOMElement $node';/** @var DOMElement $node */ $origSep = $this->getOrigSrc( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $this->prevNode )->dsr->end, DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->dsr->start ); } else { $origSep = $this->sep->src; } } if ( $origSep !== null && WTSUtils::isValidSep( $origSep ) ) { $this->emitSep( $origSep, $node, 'ORIG-SEP:' ); } else { $sep = $this->serializer->buildSep( $node ); $this->emitSep( $sep ?: '', $node, 'SEP:' ); } } /** * Pushes the chunk to the current line. * @param ConstrainedText|string $res * @param DOMNode $node */ public function emitChunk( $res, DOMNode $node ): void { $res = ConstrainedText::cast( $res, $node ); // Replace newlines if we're in a single-line context if ( $this->singleLineContext->enforced() ) { $res->text = preg_replace( '/\n/', ' ', $res->text ); } // Emit separator first if ( $res->noSep ) { /* skip separators for internal tokens from SelSer */ } else { $this->emitSepForNode( $node ); } if ( $this->onSOL ) { // process escapes in our full line $this->flushLine(); $this->resetCurrLine( $node ); } // Escape 'res' if necessary if ( $this->escapeText ) { $res = new ConstrainedText( [ 'text' => $this->serializer->escapeWikiText( $this, $res->text, [ 'node' => $node, 'isLastChild' => DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ) === null, ] ), 'prefix' => $res->prefix, 'suffix' => $res->suffix, 'node' => $res->node, ] ); $this->escapeText = false; } else { // If 'res' is coming from selser and the current node is a paragraph tag, // check if 'res' might need some leading chars nowiki-escaped before being output. // Because of block-tag p-wrapping behavior, sol-sensitive characters that used to // be in non-sol positions, but yet wrapped in p-tags, could end up in sol-position // if those block tags get deleted during edits. // // Ex: a
    *b // -- wt2html -->




    // -- EDIT -->



    // -- html2wt --> a\n\n*b // // In this scenario, the




    , and


    // will be marked unmodified and will be processed below. if ( $this->selserMode && $this->onSOL && $this->currNodeUnmodified // 'node' came from original Parsoid HTML unmodified. So, if its content // needs nowiki-escaping, we know that the reason it didn't parse into // lists/headings/whatever is because it didn't occur at the start of the // line => it had a block-tag in the original wikitext. So if the previous // node was also unmodified (and since it also came from original Parsoid // HTML), we can safely infer that it couldn't have been an inline node or // a P-tag (if it were, the p-wrapping code would have swallowed that content // into 'node'). So, it would have to be some sort of block tag => this.onSOL // couldn't have been true (because we could have serialized 'node' on the // same line as the block tag) => we can save some effort by eliminating // scenarios where 'this.prevNodeUnmodified' is true. && !$this->prevNodeUnmodified && $node->nodeName === 'p' && !WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $node ) ) { $pChild = DOMUtils::firstNonSepChild( $node ); // If a text node, we have to make sure that the text doesn't // get reparsed as non-text in the wt2html pipeline. if ( $pChild && DOMUtils::isText( $pChild ) ) { $match = $res->match( $this->solWikitextRegexp() ); if ( $match && isset( $match[2] ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/^([\*#:;]|{\||.*=$)/D', $match[2] ) // ! and | chars are harmless outside tables || ( preg_match( '/^[\|!]/', $match[2] ) && $this->wikiTableNesting > 0 ) // indent-pres are suppressed inside
    || ( preg_match( '/^ [^\s]/', $match[2] ) && !DOMUtils::hasAncestorOfName( $node, 'blockquote' ) ) ) { $res = ConstrainedText::cast( ( $match[1] ?: '' ) . '' . substr( $match[2], 0, 1 ) . '' . substr( $match[2], 1 ), $node ); } } } } } // Emitting text that has not been escaped $this->currLine->text .= $res->text; // Output res $this->serializer->trace( '--->', $this->logPrefix, function () use ( $res ) { return PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $res->text ); } ); $this->pushToCurrLine( $res, $node ); // Update sol flag. Test for newlines followed by optional includeonly or comments if ( !$res->match( $this->solRegexp() ) ) { $this->onSOL = false; } // We've emit something so we're no longer at SOO. $this->atStartOfOutput = false; } /** * Serialize the children of a DOM node, sharing the global serializer state. * Typically called by a DOM-based handler to continue handling its children. * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper ( $state, $text, $opts ) * PORT-FIXME document better; should this be done via WikitextEscapeHandlers somehow? * @param DOMNode|null $firstChild */ public function serializeChildren( DOMElement $node, callable $wtEscaper = null, DOMNode $firstChild = null ): void { // SSS FIXME: Unsure if this is the right thing always if ( $wtEscaper ) { $this->wteHandlerStack[] = $wtEscaper; } $child = $firstChild ?: $node->firstChild; while ( $child !== null ) { // We always get the next child to process $child = $this->serializer->serializeNode( $child ); } if ( $wtEscaper ) { array_pop( $this->wteHandlerStack ); } // If we serialized children explicitly, // we were obviously processing a modified node. $this->currNodeUnmodified = false; } /** * Abstracts some steps taken in `serializeChildrenToString` and `serializeDOM` * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper See {@link serializeChildren()} * @internal For use by WikitextSerializer only */ public function kickOffSerialize( DOMElement $node, callable $wtEscaper = null ): void { $this->updateSep( $node ); $this->currNodeUnmodified = false; $this->updateModificationFlags( $node ); $this->resetCurrLine( $node->firstChild ); $this->serializeChildren( $node, $wtEscaper ); // Emit child-parent seps. $this->emitSepForNode( $node ); // We've reached EOF, flush the remaining buffered text. $this->flushLine(); } /** * Serialize children to a string * * FIXME(arlorla): Shouldn't affect the separator state, but accidents have * have been known to happen. T109793 suggests using its own wts / state. * * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper See {@link serializeChildren()} * @param string $inState * @return string */ private function serializeChildrenToString( DOMElement $node, ?callable $wtEscaper, string $inState ): string { $states = [ 'inLink', 'inCaption', 'inIndentPre', 'inHTMLPre', 'inPHPBlock', 'inAttribute' ]; Assert::parameter( in_array( $inState, $states, true ), '$inState', 'Must be one of: ' . implode( ', ', $states ) ); // FIXME: Make sure that the separators emitted here conform to the // syntactic constraints of syntactic context. $oldSep = $this->sep; $oldSOL = $this->onSOL; $oldOut = $this->out; $oldStart = $this->atStartOfOutput; $oldCurrLine = $this->currLine; $oldLogPrefix = $this->logPrefix; // Modification flags $oldPrevNodeUnmodified = $this->prevNodeUnmodified; $oldCurrNodeUnmodified = $this->currNodeUnmodified; $oldPrevNode = $this->prevNode; $this->out = ''; $this->logPrefix = 'OUT(C):'; $this->resetSep(); $this->onSOL = false; $this->atStartOfOutput = false; $this->$inState = true; $this->kickOffSerialize( $node, $wtEscaper ); // restore the state $bits = $this->out; $this->out = $oldOut; $this->$inState = false; $this->sep = $oldSep; $this->onSOL = $oldSOL; $this->atStartOfOutput = $oldStart; $this->currLine = $oldCurrLine; $this->logPrefix = $oldLogPrefix; // Modification flags $this->prevNodeUnmodified = $oldPrevNodeUnmodified; $this->currNodeUnmodified = $oldCurrNodeUnmodified; $this->prevNode = $oldPrevNode; return $bits; } /** * Serialize children of a link to a string * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper See {@link serializeChildren()} * @return string */ public function serializeLinkChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper = null ): string { return $this->serializeChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper, 'inLink' ); } /** * Serialize children of a caption to a string * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper See {@link serializeChildren()} * @return string */ public function serializeCaptionChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper = null ): string { return $this->serializeChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper, 'inCaption' ); } /** * Serialize children of an indent-pre to a string * @param DOMElement $node * @param callable|null $wtEscaper See {@link serializeChildren()} * @return string */ public function serializeIndentPreChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper = null ): string { return $this->serializeChildrenToString( $node, $wtEscaper, 'inIndentPre' ); } }