XY * ==> XY * * 2. AXYZ * ==> AXYZ * * 3. Football * ==> Football */ /** * DOM normalization. * * DOM normalizations are performed after DOMDiff is run. * So, normalization routines should update diff markers appropriately. */ class DOMNormalizer { private const IGNORABLE_ATTRS = [ 'data-parsoid', 'id', 'title', DOMDataUtils::DATA_OBJECT_ATTR_NAME ]; private const HTML_IGNORABLE_ATTRS = [ 'data-parsoid', DOMDataUtils::DATA_OBJECT_ATTR_NAME ]; private static $specializedAttribHandlers; /** * @var Env */ private $env; private $inSelserMode; private $inRtTestMode; private $inInsertedContent; /** * DOMNormalizer constructor. * @param SerializerState $state */ public function __construct( SerializerState $state ) { if ( !self::$specializedAttribHandlers ) { self::$specializedAttribHandlers = [ 'data-mw' => function ( $nodeA, $dmwA, $nodeB, $dmwB ) { return $dmwA == $dmwB; } ]; } $this->env = $state->getEnv(); $this->inSelserMode = $state->selserMode; $this->inRtTestMode = $state->rtTestMode; $this->inInsertedContent = false; } /** * @param DOMNode $a * @param DOMNode $b * @return bool */ private static function similar( DOMNode $a, DOMNode $b ): bool { if ( $a->nodeName === 'a' ) { // FIXME: Similar to 1ce6a98, DOMUtils.nextNonDeletedSibling is being // used in this file where maybe DOMUtils.nextNonSepSibling belongs. return $a instanceof DOMElement && $b instanceof DOMElement && DiffUtils::attribsEquals( $a, $b, self::IGNORABLE_ATTRS, self::$specializedAttribHandlers ); } else { $aIsHtml = WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $a ); $bIsHtml = WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $b ); // TODO (Anomie) // It looks like $ignorableAttrs is only used when $aIsHtml is true. // Or is that the fixme referred to in the comment below? $ignorableAttrs = $aIsHtml ? self::HTML_IGNORABLE_ATTRS : self::IGNORABLE_ATTRS; // FIXME: For non-HTML I/B tags, we seem to be dropping all attributes // in our tag handlers (which seems like a bug). Till that is fixed, // we'll preserve existing functionality here. return ( !$aIsHtml && !$bIsHtml ) || ( $aIsHtml && $bIsHtml && $a instanceof DOMElement && $b instanceof DOMElement && DiffUtils::attribsEquals( $a, $b, $ignorableAttrs, self::$specializedAttribHandlers ) ); } } /** Can a and b be merged into a single node? * @param DOMNode $a * @param DOMNode $b * @return bool */ private static function mergable( DOMNode $a, DOMNode $b ): bool { return $a->nodeName === $b->nodeName && self::similar( $a, $b ); } /** * Can a and b be combined into a single node * if we swap a and a.firstChild? * * For example: A='x' b='y' => 'xy'. * @param DOMNode $a * @param DOMNode $b * @return bool */ private static function swappable( DOMNode $a, DOMNode $b ): bool { return DOMUtils::numNonDeletedChildNodes( $a ) === 1 && self::similar( $a, DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $a ) ) && self::mergable( DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $a ), $b ); } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param bool $rtl * @return DOMNode|null */ private static function firstChild( DOMNode $node, bool $rtl ): ?DOMNode { return $rtl ? DOMUtils::lastNonDeletedChild( $node ) : DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @return bool */ private function isInsertedContent( DOMNode $node ): bool { while ( true ) { if ( DiffUtils::hasInsertedDiffMark( $node, $this->env ) ) { return true; } if ( DOMUtils::isBody( $node ) ) { return false; } $node = $node->parentNode; } } /** * @param DOMNode $a * @param DOMNode $b * @return bool */ private function rewriteablePair( DOMNode $a, DOMNode $b ): bool { if ( isset( WikitextConstants::$WTQuoteTags[$a->nodeName] ) ) { // For / pair, we need not check whether the node being transformed // are new / edited, etc. since these minimization scenarios can // never show up in HTML that came from parsed wikitext. // // .... can never show up without a in between. // Similarly for .... and ..... // // This is because a sequence of 4 quotes is not parsed as .... // Neither is a sequence of 7 quotes parsed as .... // // So, if we see a minimizable pair of nodes, it is because the HTML // didn't originate from wikitext OR the HTML has been subsequently edited. // In both cases, we want to transform the DOM. return isset( WikitextConstants::$WTQuoteTags[$b->nodeName] ); } elseif ( $this->env->shouldScrubWikitext() && $a->nodeName === 'a' ) { // Link merging is only supported in scrubWikitext mode. // For tags, we require at least one of the two tags // to be a newly created element. return $b->nodeName === 'a' && ( WTUtils::isNewElt( $a ) || WTUtils::isNewElt( $b ) ); } return false; } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param string $mark * @param bool $dontRecurse */ public function addDiffMarks( DOMNode $node, string $mark, bool $dontRecurse = false ): void { $env = $this->env; if ( !$this->inSelserMode || DiffUtils::hasDiffMark( $node, $env, $mark ) ) { return; } // Don't introduce nested inserted markers if ( $this->inInsertedContent && $mark === 'inserted' ) { return; } // Newly added elements don't need diff marks if ( !WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ) { DiffUtils::addDiffMark( $node, $env, $mark ); if ( $mark === 'inserted' || $mark === 'deleted' ) { DiffUtils::addDiffMark( $node->parentNode, $env, 'children-changed' ); } } if ( $dontRecurse ) { return; } // Walk up the subtree and add 'subtree-changed' markers $node = $node->parentNode; while ( DOMUtils::isElt( $node ) && !DOMUtils::isBody( $node ) ) { if ( DiffUtils::hasDiffMark( $node, $env, 'subtree-changed' ) ) { return; } if ( !WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ) { DiffUtils::setDiffMark( $node, $env, 'subtree-changed' ); } $node = $node->parentNode; } } /** * Transfer all of b's children to a and delete b. * @param DOMElement $a * @param DOMElement $b * @return DOMElement */ public function merge( DOMElement $a, DOMElement $b ): DOMElement { $sentinel = $b->firstChild; // Migrate any intermediate nodes (usually 0 / 1 diff markers) // present between a and b to a $next = $a->nextSibling; if ( $next !== $b ) { $a->appendChild( $next ); } // The real work of merging DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $b, $a ); $b->parentNode->removeChild( $b ); // Normalize the node to merge any adjacent text nodes $a->normalize(); // Update diff markers if ( !DOMUtils::isRemoved( $sentinel ) ) { // Nodes starting at 'sentinal' were inserted into 'a' // b, which was a's sibling was deleted // Only addDiffMarks to sentinel, if it is still part of the dom // (and hasn't been deleted by the call to a.normalize() ) if ( $sentinel->parentNode ) { $this->addDiffMarks( $sentinel, 'moved', true ); } $this->addDiffMarks( $a, 'children-changed', true ); } if ( $a->nextSibling ) { // FIXME: Hmm .. there is an API hole here // about ability to add markers after last child $this->addDiffMarks( $a->nextSibling, 'moved', true ); } $this->addDiffMarks( $a->parentNode, 'children-changed' ); return $a; } /** * b is a's sole non-deleted child. Switch them around. * @param DOMElement $a * @param DOMElement $b * @return DOMElement */ public function swap( DOMElement $a, DOMElement $b ): DOMElement { DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $b, $a ); $a->parentNode->insertBefore( $b, $a ); $b->appendChild( $a ); // Mark a's subtree, a, and b as all having moved if ( $a->firstChild !== null ) { $this->addDiffMarks( $a->firstChild, 'moved', true ); } $this->addDiffMarks( $a, 'moved', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $b, 'moved', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $a, 'children-changed', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $b, 'children-changed', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $b->parentNode, 'children-changed' ); return $b; } /** * @param DOMElement $node * @param bool $rtl */ public function hoistLinks( DOMElement $node, bool $rtl ): void { $sibling = self::firstChild( $node, $rtl ); $hasHoistableContent = false; while ( $sibling ) { $next = $rtl ? DOMUtils::previousNonDeletedSibling( $sibling ) : DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $sibling ); if ( !DOMUtils::isContentNode( $sibling ) ) { // Nothing to do, continue. } elseif ( !WTUtils::isRenderingTransparentNode( $sibling ) || WTUtils::isEncapsulationWrapper( $sibling ) ) { // Don't venture into templated content break; } else { $hasHoistableContent = true; } $sibling = $next; } if ( $hasHoistableContent ) { // soak up all the non-content nodes (exclude sibling) $move = self::firstChild( $node, $rtl ); $firstNode = $move; while ( $move !== $sibling ) { $refnode = $rtl ? DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ) : $node; $node->parentNode->insertBefore( $move, $refnode ); $move = self::firstChild( $node, $rtl ); } // and drop any leading whitespace if ( DOMUtils::isText( $sibling ) ) { $sibling->nodeValue = $rtl ? rtrim( $sibling->nodeValue ) : ltrim( $sibling->nodeValue ); } // Update diff markers $this->addDiffMarks( $firstNode, 'moved', true ); if ( $sibling ) { $this->addDiffMarks( $sibling, 'moved', true ); } $this->addDiffMarks( $node, 'children-changed', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $node->parentNode, 'children-changed' ); } } /** * @param DOMElement $node * @return DOMNode|null */ public function stripIfEmpty( DOMElement $node ): ?DOMNode { $next = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); $strict = $this->inRtTestMode; $autoInserted = isset( $dp->autoInsertedStart ) || isset( $dp->autoInsertedEnd ); // In rtTestMode, let's reduce noise by requiring the node to be fully // empty (ie. exclude whitespace text) and not having auto-inserted tags. $strippable = !( $this->inRtTestMode && $autoInserted ) && DOMUtils::nodeEssentiallyEmpty( $node, $strict ) && // Ex: "..bar" // From [[Foo]]bar usage found on some dewiki pages. // FIXME: Should this always than just in rt-test mode !( $this->inRtTestMode && ( $dp->stx ?? null ) === 'html' ); if ( $strippable ) { // Update diff markers (before the deletion) $this->addDiffMarks( $node, 'deleted', true ); $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); return $next; } else { return $node; } } /** * @param DOMNode $node */ public function moveTrailingSpacesOut( DOMNode $node ): void { $next = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); $last = DOMUtils::lastNonDeletedChild( $node ); // Conditional on rtTestMode to reduce the noise in testing. $matches = null; if ( !$this->inRtTestMode && DOMUtils::isText( $last ) && preg_match( '/\s+$/D', $last->nodeValue, $matches ) > 0 ) { $trailing = $matches[0]; $last->nodeValue = substr( $last->nodeValue, 0, -strlen( $trailing ) ); // Try to be a little smarter and drop the spaces if possible. if ( $next && ( !DOMUtils::isText( $next ) || !preg_match( '/^\s+/', $next->nodeValue ) ) ) { if ( !DOMUtils::isText( $next ) ) { $txt = $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode( '' ); $node->parentNode->insertBefore( $txt, $next ); $next = $txt; } $next->nodeValue = $trailing . $next->nodeValue; // next (a text node) is new / had new content added to it $this->addDiffMarks( $next, 'inserted', true ); } $this->addDiffMarks( $last, 'inserted', true ); $this->addDiffMarks( $node->parentNode, 'children-changed' ); } } /** * @param DOMElement $node */ public function stripBRs( DOMElement $node ): void { $child = $node->firstChild; while ( $child ) { $next = $child->nextSibling; if ( $child->nodeName === 'br' ) { // replace
with a single space $node->removeChild( $child ); $node->insertBefore( $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode( ' ' ), $next ); } elseif ( $child instanceof DOMElement ) { $this->stripBRs( $child ); } $child = $next; } } /** * FIXME see * https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/mediawiki/services/parsoid/+/500975/7/src/Html2Wt/DOMNormalizer.php@423 * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMNode|null */ public function stripBidiCharsAroundCategories( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMNode { if ( !DOMUtils::isText( $node ) || ( !WTUtils::isCategoryLink( $node->previousSibling ) && !WTUtils::isCategoryLink( $node->nextSibling ) ) ) { // Not a text node and not adjacent to a category link return $node; } $next = $node->nextSibling; if ( !$next || WTUtils::isCategoryLink( $next ) ) { // The following can leave behind an empty text node. $oldLength = strlen( $node->nodeValue ); $node->nodeValue = preg_replace( '/([\x{200e}\x{200f}]+\n)?[\x{200e}\x{200f}]+$/uD', '', $node->nodeValue ); $newLength = strlen( $node->nodeValue ); if ( $oldLength !== $newLength ) { // Log changes for editors benefit $this->env->log( 'warn/html2wt/bidi', 'LRM/RLM unicode chars stripped around categories' ); } if ( $newLength === 0 ) { // Remove empty text nodes to keep DOM in normalized form $ret = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); $this->addDiffMarks( $node, 'deleted' ); return $ret; } // Treat modified node as having been newly inserted $this->addDiffMarks( $node, 'inserted' ); } return $node; } /** * When an A tag is encountered, if there are format tags inside, move them outside * Also merge a single sibling A tag that is mergable * The link href and text must match for this normalization to take effect * * @param DOMElement $node * @return DOMNode|null */ public function moveFormatTagOutsideATag( DOMElement $node ): ?DOMNode { if ( $this->inRtTestMode || $node->nodeName !== 'a' ) { return $node; } $sibling = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); if ( $sibling ) { $this->normalizeSiblingPair( $node, $sibling ); } $firstChild = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); $fcNextSibling = null; if ( $firstChild ) { $fcNextSibling = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $firstChild ); } if ( !$node->hasAttribute( 'href' ) ) { $this->env->log( 'error/normalize', 'href is missing from a tag', DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $node ) ); return $node; } $nodeHref = $node->getAttribute( 'href' ); // If there are no tags to swap, we are done if ( $firstChild instanceof DOMElement && // No reordering possible with multiple children $fcNextSibling === null && // Do not normalize WikiLinks with these attributes !$firstChild->hasAttribute( 'color' ) && !$firstChild->hasAttribute( 'style' ) && !$firstChild->hasAttribute( 'class' ) && // Compare textContent to the href, noting that this matching doesn't handle all // possible simple-wiki-link scenarios that isSimpleWikiLink in link handler tackles $node->textContent === preg_replace( '#^\./#', '', $nodeHref, 1 ) ) { for ( $child = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); DOMUtils::isFormattingElt( $child ); $child = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ) ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $child'; // @var \DOMElement $child $this->swap( $node, $child ); } return $firstChild; } return $node; } /** * scrubWikitext normalizations implemented right now: * * 1. Tag minimization (I/B tags) in normalizeSiblingPair * 2. Strip empty headings and style tags * 3. Force SOL transparent links to serialize before/after heading * 4. Trailing spaces are migrated out of links * 5. Space is added before escapable prefixes in table cells * 6. Strip
from headings * 7. Strip bidi chars around categories * 8. When an A tag is encountered, if there are format tags inside, move them outside * * The return value from this function should respect the * following contract: * - if input node is unmodified, return it. * - if input node is modified, return the new node * that it transforms into. * If you return a node other than this, normalizations may not * apply cleanly and may be skipped. * * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMNode|null the normalized node */ public function normalizeNode( DOMNode $node ): ?DOMNode { $dp = null; if ( $node->nodeName === 'th' || $node->nodeName === 'td' ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $node'; // @var \DOMElement $node $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); // Table cells (td/th) previously used the stx_v flag for single-row syntax. // Newer code uses stx flag since that is used everywhere else. // While we still have old HTML in cache / storage, accept // the stx_v flag as well. // TODO: We are at html version 1.5.0 now. Once storage // no longer has version 1.5.0 content, we can get rid of // this b/c code. if ( isset( $dp->stx_v ) ) { // HTML (stx='html') elements will not have the stx_v flag set // since the single-row syntax only applies to native-wikitext. // So, we can safely override it here. $dp->stx = $dp->stx_v; } } // The following are done only if scrubWikitext flag is enabled if ( !$this->env->shouldScrubWikitext() ) { return $node; } $next = null; if ( $this->env->getSiteConfig()->scrubBidiChars() ) { // Strip bidirectional chars around categories // Note that this is being done everywhere, // not just in selser mode $next = $this->stripBidiCharsAroundCategories( $node ); if ( $next !== $node ) { return $next; } } // Skip unmodified content if ( $this->inSelserMode && !DOMUtils::isBody( $node ) && !$this->inInsertedContent && !DiffUtils::hasDiffMarkers( $node, $this->env ) && // If orig-src is not valid, this in effect becomes // an edited node and needs normalizations applied to it. WTSUtils::origSrcValidInEditedContext( $this->env, $node ) ) { return $node; } // Headings if ( preg_match( '/^h[1-6]$/D', $node->nodeName ) ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $node'; // @var \DOMElement $node $this->hoistLinks( $node, false ); $this->hoistLinks( $node, true ); $this->stripBRs( $node ); return $this->stripIfEmpty( $node ); // Quote tags } elseif ( isset( WikitextConstants::$WTQuoteTags[$node->nodeName] ) ) { return $this->stripIfEmpty( $node ); // Anchors } elseif ( $node->nodeName === 'a' ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $node'; // @var \DOMElement $node $next = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); // We could have checked for !mw:ExtLink but in // the case of links without any annotations, // the positive test is semantically safer than the // negative test. if ( $node->getAttribute( 'rel' ) === 'mw:WikiLink' && $this->stripIfEmpty( $node ) !== $node ) { return $next; } $this->moveTrailingSpacesOut( $node ); return $this->moveFormatTagOutsideATag( $node ); // Table cells } elseif ( $node->nodeName === 'td' ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $node'; // @var \DOMElement $node $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); // * HTML s won't have escapable prefixes // * First cell should always be checked for escapable prefixes // * Second and later cells in a wikitext td row (with stx='row' flag) // won't have escapable prefixes. $stx = $dp->stx ?? null; if ( $stx === 'html' || ( DOMUtils::firstNonSepChild( $node->parentNode ) !== $node && $stx === 'row' ) ) { return $node; } $first = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); // Emit a space before escapable prefix // This is preferable to serializing with a nowiki. if ( DOMUtils::isText( $first ) && preg_match( '/^[\-+}]/', $first->nodeValue ) ) { $first->nodeValue = ' ' . $first->nodeValue; $this->addDiffMarks( $first, 'inserted', true ); } return $node; // Font tags without any attributes } elseif ( $node->nodeName === 'font' && DOMDataUtils::noAttrs( $node ) ) { $next = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $node ); DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $node, $node->parentNode, $node ); $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); return $next; // T184755: Convert sequences of

nodes to sequences of //

..other content..


to ensure // they serialize to as many newlines as the count of

nodes. } elseif ( $node instanceof DOMElement && $node->nodeName === 'p' && !WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $node ) && // Don't apply normalization to

nodes that // were generated through deletions or other normalizations. // FIXME: This trick fails for non-selser mode since // diff markers are only added in selser mode. DOMUtils::hasNChildren( $node, 0, true ) && // FIXME: Also, skip if this is the only child. // Eliminates spurious test failures in non-selser mode. !DOMUtils::hasNChildren( $node->parentNode, 1 ) ) { $next = DOMUtils::nextNonSepSibling( $node ); if ( $next && $next->nodeName === 'p' && !WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $next ) ) { // Replace 'node' (

) with a
and make it the // first child of 'next' (


). If 'next' was actually // a

(i.e. empty), 'next' becomes

// which will serialize to 2 newlines. $br = $node->ownerDocument->createElement( 'br' ); $next->insertBefore( $br, $next->firstChild ); // Avoid nested insertion markers if ( !$this->isInsertedContent( $next ) ) { $this->addDiffMarks( $br, 'inserted' ); } // Delete node $this->addDiffMarks( $node->parentNode, 'deleted' ); $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); } else { // We cannot merge the
with 'next' because // it is not a


. } return $next; } // Default return $node; } /** * @param DOMNode $a * @param DOMNode $b * @return DOMNode */ public function normalizeSiblingPair( DOMNode $a, DOMNode $b ): DOMNode { if ( !$this->rewriteablePair( $a, $b ) ) { return $b; } // Since 'a' and 'b' make a rewriteable tag-pair, we are good to go. if ( self::mergable( $a, $b ) ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $a'; // @var \DOMElement $a '@phan-var \DOMElement $b'; // @var \DOMElement $b $a = $this->merge( $a, $b ); // The new a's children have new siblings. So let's look // at a again. But their grandkids haven't changed, // so we don't need to recurse further. $this->processSubtree( $a, false ); return $a; } if ( self::swappable( $a, $b ) ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $a'; // @var \DOMElement $a '@phan-var \DOMElement $b'; // @var \DOMElement $b $firstNonDeletedChild = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $a ); '@phan-var \DOMElement $firstNonDeletedChild'; // @var \DOMElement $firstNonDeletedChild $a = $this->merge( $this->swap( $a, $firstNonDeletedChild ), $b ); // Again, a has new children, but the grandkids have already // been minimized. $this->processSubtree( $a, false ); return $a; } if ( self::swappable( $b, $a ) ) { '@phan-var \DOMElement $a'; // @var \DOMElement $a '@phan-var \DOMElement $b'; // @var \DOMElement $b $firstNonDeletedChild = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $b ); '@phan-var \DOMElement $firstNonDeletedChild'; // @var \DOMElement $firstNonDeletedChild $a = $this->merge( $a, $this->swap( $b, $firstNonDeletedChild ) ); // Again, a has new children, but the grandkids have already // been minimized. $this->processSubtree( $a, false ); return $a; } return $b; } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param bool $recurse */ public function processSubtree( DOMNode $node, bool $recurse ): void { // Process the first child outside the loop. $a = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); if ( !$a ) { return; } $a = $this->processNode( $a, $recurse ); while ( $a ) { // We need a pair of adjacent siblings for tag minimization. $b = DOMUtils::nextNonDeletedSibling( $a ); if ( !$b ) { return; } // Process subtree rooted at 'b'. $b = $this->processNode( $b, $recurse ); // If we skipped over a bunch of nodes in the middle, // we no longer have a pair of adjacent siblings. if ( $b && DOMUtils::previousNonDeletedSibling( $b ) === $a ) { // Process the pair. $a = $this->normalizeSiblingPair( $a, $b ); } else { $a = $b; } } } /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param bool $recurse * @return DOMNode|null */ public function processNode( DOMNode $node, bool $recurse ): ?DOMNode { // Normalize 'node' and the subtree rooted at 'node' // recurse = true => recurse and normalize subtree // recurse = false => assume the subtree is already normalized // Normalize node till it stabilizes $next = null; while ( true ) { // Skip templated content while ( $node && WTUtils::isFirstEncapsulationWrapperNode( $node ) ) { $node = WTUtils::skipOverEncapsulatedContent( $node ); } if ( !$node ) { return null; } // Set insertion marker $insertedSubtree = DiffUtils::hasInsertedDiffMark( $node, $this->env ); if ( $insertedSubtree ) { if ( $this->inInsertedContent ) { // Dump debugging info $options = [ 'storeDiffMark' => true, 'env' => $this->env, 'outBuffer' => [] ]; ContentUtils::dumpDOM( DOMCompat::getBody( $node->ownerDocument ), '-- DOM triggering nested inserted dom-diff flags --', $options ); $this->env->log( 'error/html2wt/dom', "--- Nested inserted dom-diff flags ---\n", 'Node:', ( DOMUtils::isElt( $node ) ) ? ContentUtils::ppToXML( $node ) : $node->textContent, "\nNode's parent:", ContentUtils::ppToXML( $node->parentNode ), $options['outBuffer'] ); } // FIXME: If this assert is removed, the above dumping code should // either be removed OR fixed up to remove uses of ContentUtils.ppToXML Assert::invariant( !$this->inInsertedContent, 'Found nested inserted dom-diff flags!' ); $this->inInsertedContent = true; } // Post-order traversal: Process subtree first, and current node after. // This lets multiple normalizations take effect cleanly. if ( $recurse && DOMUtils::isElt( $node ) ) { $this->processSubtree( $node, true ); } $next = $this->normalizeNode( $node ); // Clear insertion marker if ( $insertedSubtree ) { $this->inInsertedContent = false; } if ( $next === $node ) { return $node; } else { $node = $next; } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginUnreachableCode PHPUtils::unreachable( 'Control should never get here!' ); } /** * @param DOMElement $body * @return DOMElement */ public function normalize( DOMElement $body ): DOMElement { return $this->processNode( $body, true ); } }