firstChildNames = $firstChildNames; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function handle( DOMElement $node, SerializerState $state, bool $wrapperUnmodified = false ): ?DOMNode { // Disable single-line context here so that separators aren't // suppressed between nested list elements. $state->singleLineContext->disable(); $firstChildElt = DOMUtils::firstNonSepChild( $node ); // Skip builder-inserted wrappers // Ex: // output from: \n*a\n*b\n*c while ( $firstChildElt && $this->isBuilderInsertedElt( $firstChildElt ) ) { $firstChildElt = DOMUtils::firstNonSepChild( $firstChildElt ); } if ( !$firstChildElt || !in_array( $firstChildElt->nodeName, $this->firstChildNames, true ) || WTUtils::isLiteralHTMLNode( $firstChildElt ) ) { $state->emitChunk( $this->getListBullets( $state, $node ), $node ); } $liHandler = function ( $state, $text, $opts ) use ( $node ) { return $state->serializer->wteHandlers->liHandler( $node, $state, $text, $opts ); }; $state->serializeChildren( $node, $liHandler ); $state->singleLineContext->pop(); return $node->nextSibling; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function before( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { if ( DOMUtils::isBody( $otherNode ) ) { return [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0 ]; } // node is in a list & otherNode has the same list parent // => exactly 1 newline if ( DOMUtils::isListItem( $node->parentNode ) && $otherNode->parentNode === $node->parentNode ) { return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1 ]; } // A list in a block node (
, , etc) doesn't need a leading empty line // if it is the first non-separator child (ex:
) if ( DOMUtils::isBlockNode( $node->parentNode ) && DOMUtils::firstNonSepChild( $node->parentNode ) === $node ) { return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 2 ]; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isFormattingElt( $otherNode ) ) { return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1 ]; } else { return [ 'min' => WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ? 2 : 1, 'max' => 2 ]; } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function after( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { return $this->wtListEOL( $node, $otherNode ); } }