Wikitext serialization relies on walking the DOM and delegating * the serialization requests to different DOM nodes. * * This class represents the interface that various DOM handlers are expected * to implement. * * There is the core 'handle' method that deals with converting the content * of the node into wikitext markup. * * Then there are 4 newline-constraint methods that specify the constraints * that need to be satisfied for the markup to be valid. For example, list items * should always start on a newline, but can only have a single newline separator. * Paragraphs always start on a newline and need at least 2 newlines in wikitext * for them to be recognized as paragraphs. * * Each of the 4 newline-constraint methods (before, after, firstChild, lastChild) * return an array with a 'min' and 'max' property. If a property is missing, it * means that the dom node doesn't have any newline constraints. Some DOM handlers * might therefore choose to implement none, some, or all of these methods. * * The return values of each of these methods are treated as consraints and the * caller will have to resolve potentially conflicting constraints between a * pair of nodes (siblings, parent-child). For example, if an after handler of * a node wants 1 newline, but the before handler of its sibling wants none. * * Ideally, there should not be any incompatible constraints, but we haven't * actually verified that this is the case. All consraint-hanlding code is in * the separators-handling methods. */ class DOMHandler { /** @var bool */ private $forceSOL; /** * @param bool $forceSOL */ public function __construct( bool $forceSOL = false ) { $this->forceSOL = $forceSOL; } /** * Serialize a DOM node to wikitext. * Serialized wikitext should be returned via $state::emitChunk(). * @param DOMElement $node * @param SerializerState $state * @param bool $wrapperUnmodified * @return DOMNode|null The node to continue with (need not be an element always) */ public function handle( DOMElement $node, SerializerState $state, bool $wrapperUnmodified = false ): ?DOMNode { throw new LogicException( 'Not implemented.' ); } /** * How many newlines should be emitted *before* this node? * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $otherNode * @param SerializerState $state * @return array */ public function before( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { return []; } /** * How many newlines should be emitted *after* this node? * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $otherNode * @param SerializerState $state * @return array */ public function after( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { return []; } /** * How many newlines should be emitted before the first child? * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $otherNode * @param SerializerState $state * @return array */ public function firstChild( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { return []; } /** * How many newlines should be emitted after the last child? * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $otherNode * @param SerializerState $state * @return array */ public function lastChild( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode, SerializerState $state ): array { return []; } /** * Put the serializer in start-of-line mode before it is handled. * All non-newline whitespace found between HTML nodes is stripped * to ensure SOL state is guaranteed. * * @return bool */ public function isForceSOL(): bool { return $this->forceSOL; } /** * List helper: This is a shared *after* newline handler for list items. * * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $otherNode * @return array An array in the form [ 'min' => , 'max' => ] or an empty array. */ protected function wtListEOL( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $otherNode ): array { if ( !DOMUtils::isElt( $otherNode ) || DOMUtils::isBody( $otherNode ) ) { return [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 2 ]; } '@phan-var DOMElement $otherNode';/** @var DOMElement $otherNode */ if ( WTUtils::isFirstEncapsulationWrapperNode( $otherNode ) ) { return [ 'min' => DOMUtils::isList( $node ) ? 1 : 0, 'max' => 2 ]; } $nextSibling = DOMUtils::nextNonSepSibling( $node ); $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $otherNode ); if ( $nextSibling === $otherNode && ( $dp->stx ?? null ) === 'html' || isset( $dp->src ) ) { return [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 2 ]; } elseif ( $nextSibling === $otherNode && DOMUtils::isListOrListItem( $otherNode ) ) { if ( DOMUtils::isList( $node ) && $otherNode->nodeName === $node->nodeName ) { // Adjacent lists of same type need extra newline return [ 'min' => 2, 'max' => 2 ]; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isListItem( $node ) || in_array( $node->parentNode->nodeName, [ 'li', 'dd' ], true ) ) { // Top-level list return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1 ]; } else { return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 2 ]; } } elseif ( DOMUtils::isList( $otherNode ) || ( DOMUtils::isElt( $otherNode ) && ( $dp->stx ?? null ) === 'html' ) ) { // last child in ul/ol (the list element is our parent), defer // separator constraints to the list. return []; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isBlockNode( $node->parentNode ) && DOMUtils::lastNonSepChild( $node->parentNode ) === $node ) { // A list in a block node (
, , etc) doesn't need a trailing empty line // if it is the last non-separator child (ex:
) return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 2 ]; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isFormattingElt( $otherNode ) ) { return [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1 ]; } else { return [ 'min' => WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ? 2 : 1, 'max' => 2 ]; } } /** * List helper: DOM-based list bullet construction. * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @return string */ protected function getListBullets( SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node ): string { $parentTypes = [ 'ul' => '*', 'ol' => '#' ]; $listTypes = [ 'ul' => '', 'ol' => '', 'dl' => '', 'li' => '', 'dt' => ';', 'dd' => ':' ]; // For new elements, for prettier wikitext serialization, // emit a space after the last bullet (if required) $space = $this->getLeadingSpace( $state, $node, ' ' ); $res = ''; while ( $node ) { $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); $stx = $dp->stx ?? null; if ( $stx !== 'html' && isset( $listTypes[$node->nodeName] ) ) { if ( $node->nodeName === 'li' ) { $parentNode = $node->parentNode; while ( $parentNode && !( isset( $parentTypes[$parentNode->nodeName] ) ) ) { $parentNode = $parentNode->parentNode; } if ( $parentNode ) { $res = $parentTypes[$parentNode->nodeName] . $res; } else { $state->getEnv()->log( 'error/html2wt', 'Input DOM is not well-formed.', "Top-level
  • found that is not nested in
        \n LI-node:", DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $node ) ); } } else { $res = $listTypes[$node->nodeName] . $res; } } elseif ( $stx !== 'html' || empty( $dp->autoInsertedStart ) || empty( $dp->autoInsertedEnd ) ) { break; } $node = $node->parentNode; } // Don't emit a space if we aren't returning any bullets. return strlen( $res ) ? $res . $space : ''; } /** * Helper: Newline constraint helper for table nodes * @param DOMElement $node * @param DOMNode $origNode * @return int */ protected function maxNLsInTable( DOMElement $node, DOMNode $origNode ): int { return ( WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) || WTUtils::isNewElt( $origNode ) ) ? 1 : 2; } /** * Private helper for serializing table nodes * @param string $symbol * @param string|null $endSymbol * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @return string */ private function serializeTableElement( string $symbol, ?string $endSymbol, SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node ): string { $token = WTSUtils::mkTagTk( $node ); $sAttribs = $state->serializer->serializeAttributes( $node, $token ); if ( $sAttribs !== '' ) { // IMPORTANT: use ?? not ?: in the first check because we want to preserve an // empty string. Use != '' in the second to avoid treating '0' as empty. return $symbol . ' ' . $sAttribs . ( $endSymbol ?? ' |' ); } else { return $symbol . ( $endSymbol != '' ? $endSymbol : '' ); } } /** * Helper: Handles content serialization for table nodes * @param string $symbol * @param string|null $endSymbol * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @param bool $wrapperUnmodified * @return string */ protected function serializeTableTag( string $symbol, ?string $endSymbol, SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node, bool $wrapperUnmodified ): string { if ( $wrapperUnmodified ) { $dsr = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->dsr; return $state->getOrigSrc( $dsr->start, $dsr->innerStart() ) ?? ''; } else { return $this->serializeTableElement( $symbol, $endSymbol, $state, $node ); } } /** * Helper: Checks whether syntax information in data-parsoid is valid * in the presence of table edits. For example "|" is no longer valid * table-cell markup if a table cell is added before this cell. * * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @return bool */ protected function stxInfoValidForTableCell( SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node ): bool { // If row syntax is not set, nothing to worry about if ( ( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->stx ?? null ) !== 'row' ) { return true; } // If we have an identical previous sibling, nothing to worry about $prev = DOMUtils::previousNonDeletedSibling( $node ); return $prev !== null && $prev->nodeName === $node->nodeName; } /** * Helper for several DOM handlers: Returns whitespace that needs to be emitted * between the markup for the node and its content (ex: table cells, list items) * based on node state (whether the node is original or new content) and other * state (HTML version, whether selective serialization is enabled or not). * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @param string $newEltDefault * @return string */ protected function getLeadingSpace( SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node, string $newEltDefault ): string { $space = ''; $fc = DOMUtils::firstNonDeletedChild( $node ); if ( WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ) { // PORT-FIXME are different \s semantics going to be a problem? if ( $fc && ( !DOMUtils::isText( $fc ) || !preg_match( '/^\s/', $fc->nodeValue ) ) ) { $space = $newEltDefault; } } elseif ( $state->useWhitespaceHeuristics && $state->selserMode && ( !$fc || !DOMUtils::isElt( $fc ) || WTUtils::isNewElt( $fc ) ) ) { $dsr = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->dsr ?? null; if ( Utils::isValidDSR( $dsr, true ) ) { $offset = $dsr->innerStart(); $space = $offset < $dsr->innerEnd() ? ( $state->getOrigSrc( $offset, $offset + 1 ) ?? '' ) : ''; if ( !preg_match( '/[ \t]/', $space ) ) { $space = ''; } } } return $space; } /** * Helper for several DOM handlers: Returns whitespace that needs to be emitted * between the markup for the node and its next sibling based on node state * (whether the node is original or new content) and other state (HTML version, * whether selective serialization is enabled or not). * @param SerializerState $state * @param DOMElement $node * @param string $newEltDefault * @return string */ protected function getTrailingSpace( SerializerState $state, DOMElement $node, string $newEltDefault ): string { $space = ''; $lc = DOMUtils::lastNonDeletedChild( $node ); if ( WTUtils::isNewElt( $node ) ) { // PORT-FIXME are different \s semantics going to be a problem? if ( $lc && ( !DOMUtils::isText( $lc ) || !preg_match( '/\s$/D', $lc->nodeValue ) ) ) { $space = $newEltDefault; } } elseif ( $state->useWhitespaceHeuristics && $state->selserMode && ( !$lc || !DOMUtils::isElt( $lc ) || WTUtils::isNewElt( $lc ) ) ) { $dsr = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node )->dsr ?? null; if ( Utils::isValidDSR( $dsr, true ) ) { $offset = $dsr->innerEnd() - 1; // The > instead of >= is to deal with an edge case // = = where that single space is captured by the // getLeadingSpace case above $space = $offset > $dsr->innerStart() ? ( $state->getOrigSrc( $offset, $offset + 1 ) ?? '' ) : ''; if ( !preg_match( '/[ \t]/', $space ) ) { $space = ''; } } } return $space; } /** * Helper: Is this node auto-inserted by the HTML5 tree-builder * during wt->html? * @param DOMNode $node * @return bool */ protected function isBuilderInsertedElt( DOMNode $node ): bool { if ( !DOMUtils::isElt( $node ) ) { return false; } '@phan-var DOMElement $node';/** @var DOMElement $node */ $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); return !empty( $dp->autoInsertedStart ) && !empty( $dp->autoInsertedEnd ); } /** * Uneditable forms wrapped with mw:Placeholder tags OR unedited nowikis * N.B. We no longer emit self-closed nowikis as placeholders, so remove this * once all our stored content is updated. * @param DOMElement $node * @param SerializerState $state */ protected function emitPlaceholderSrc( DOMElement $node, SerializerState $state ) { $dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node ); if ( preg_match( '!!', $dp->src ?? '' ) ) { $state->hasSelfClosingNowikis = true; } // FIXME: Should this also check for tabs and plain space // chars interspersed with newlines? if ( preg_match( '/^\n+$/D', $dp->src ?? '' ) ) { $state->appendSep( $dp->src ); } else { $state->serializer->emitWikitext( $dp->src, $node ); } } }