nextSibling; } /** * @param mixed ...$args */ private function debug( ...$args ): void { $this->env->log( 'trace/domdiff', ...$args ); } /** * DOMDiff constructor. * @param Env $env */ public function __construct( Env $env ) { $this->env = $env; $this->specializedAttribHandlers = [ 'data-mw' => function ( $nodeA, $dmwA, $nodeB, $dmwB ) { return $this->dataMWEquals( $nodeA, $dmwA, $nodeB, $dmwB ); }, 'data-parsoid' => function ( $nodeA, $dpA, $nodeB, $dpB ) { return $dpA == $dpB; }, ]; } /** * Diff two HTML documents, and add / update data-parsoid-diff attributes with * change information. * * @param DOMElement $nodeA * @param DOMElement $nodeB * @return array */ public function diff( DOMElement $nodeA, DOMElement $nodeB ): array { $this->domA = $nodeA->ownerDocument; $this->domB = $nodeB->ownerDocument; $this->debug( function () use( $nodeA, $nodeB ) { return "ORIG:\n" . DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeA ) . "\nNEW :\n" . DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeB ); } ); // The root nodes are equal, call recursive differ $foundChange = $this->doDOMDiff( $nodeA, $nodeB ); return [ 'isEmpty' => !$foundChange ]; } /** * Test if two data-mw objects are identical. * - independent of order of attributes in data-mw * - html attributes are parsed to DOM and recursively compared * - for id attributes, the DOM fragments are fetched and compared. * * @param DOMNode $nodeA * @param stdClass $dmwA * @param DOMNode $nodeB * @param stdClass $dmwB * @return bool */ public function dataMWEquals( DOMNode $nodeA, stdClass $dmwA, DOMNode $nodeB, stdClass $dmwB ): bool { return $this->realDataMWEquals( $nodeA, (array)$dmwA, $nodeB, (array)$dmwB, [ 'isTopLevel' => true, 'inDmwBody' => false ] ); } /** * According to MediaWiki_DOM_spec, `id` and `html` attributes are acceptable * formats in `data-mw.body` and in those contexts, they reference DOMs and * we are going to treat them as such. * * @param DOMNode $nodeA * @param array $dmwA * @param DOMNode $nodeB * @param array $dmwB * @param array $options * @return bool */ private function realDataMWEquals( DOMNode $nodeA, array $dmwA, DOMNode $nodeB, array $dmwB, array $options ): bool { $keysA = array_keys( $dmwA ); $keysB = array_keys( $dmwB ); // Some quick checks if ( count( $keysA ) !== count( $keysB ) ) { return false; } elseif ( count( $keysA ) === 0 ) { return true; } // Sort keys so we can traverse array and compare keys sort( $keysA ); sort( $keysB ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $keysA ); $i++ ) { $kA = $keysA[$i]; $kB = $keysB[$i]; if ( $kA !== $kB ) { return false; } $vA = $dmwA[$kA]; $vB = $dmwB[$kA]; // Deal with null, undefined (and 0, '') // since they cannot be inspected if ( !$vA || !$vB ) { if ( $vA !== $vB ) { return false; } } elseif ( gettype( $vA ) !== gettype( $vB ) ) { return false; } elseif ( $kA === 'id' && ( $options['inDmwBody'] ?? null ) ) { // For in the element id can refer to the // global DOM, not the owner document DOM. $htmlA = DOMCompat::getElementById( $nodeA->ownerDocument, $vA ) ?: DOMCompat::getElementById( $this->domA, $vA ); $htmlB = DOMCompat::getElementById( $nodeB->ownerDocument, $vB ) ?: DOMCompat::getElementById( $this->domB, $vB ); if ( $htmlA && $htmlB && !$this->treeEquals( $htmlA, $htmlB, true ) ) { return false; } elseif ( !$htmlA || !$htmlB ) { $type = DOMUtils::matchTypeOf( $nodeA, '#^mw:Extension/#' ); $extName = $type ? '---' : substr( $type, strlen( 'mw:Extension/' ) ); // Log error if ( !$htmlA ) { $this->env->log( 'error/domdiff/orig/' . $extName, 'extension src id ' . PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $vA ) . ' points to non-existent element for:', DOMUtils::assertElt( $nodeA ) && DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeA ) ); } if ( !$htmlB ) { $this->env->log( 'error/domdiff/edited/' . $extName, 'extension src id ' . PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $vB ) . ' points to non-existent element for:', DOMUtils::assertElt( $nodeB ) && DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeB ) ); } // Fall back to default comparisons if ( $vA !== $vB ) { return false; } } } elseif ( $kA === 'html' && ( $options['inDmwBody'] ?? null ) ) { // For 'html' attributes, parse string and recursively compare DOM if ( !$this->treeEquals( ContentUtils::ppToDOM( $this->env, $vA, [ 'markNew' => true ] ), ContentUtils::ppToDOM( $this->env, $vB, [ 'markNew' => true ] ), true ) ) { return false; } } elseif ( is_object( $vA ) || is_array( $vA ) ) { // For 'array' and 'object' attributes, recursively apply _dataMWEquals $inDmwBody = ( $options['isTopLevel'] ?? null ) && $kA === 'body'; if ( !$this->realDataMWEquals( $nodeA, (array)$vA, $nodeB, (array)$vB, [ 'inDmwBody' => $inDmwBody ] ) ) { return false; } } elseif ( $vA !== $vB ) { return false; } // Phew! survived this key } // Phew! survived all checks -- identical objects return true; } /** * Test if two DOM nodes are equal. * * @param DOMNode $nodeA * @param DOMNode $nodeB * @param bool $deep * @return bool */ public function treeEquals( DOMNode $nodeA, DOMNode $nodeB, bool $deep ): bool { if ( $nodeA->nodeType !== $nodeB->nodeType ) { return false; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isText( $nodeA ) ) { // In the past we've had bugs where we let non-primitive strings // leak into our DOM. Safety first: Assert::invariant( $nodeA->nodeValue === (string)$nodeA->nodeValue, '' ); Assert::invariant( $nodeB->nodeValue === (string)$nodeB->nodeValue, '' ); // ok, now do the comparison. return $nodeA->nodeValue === $nodeB->nodeValue; } elseif ( DOMUtils::isComment( $nodeA ) ) { return WTUtils::decodeComment( $nodeA->nodeValue ) === WTUtils::decodeComment( $nodeB->nodeValue ); } elseif ( DOMUtils::isElt( $nodeA ) ) { // Compare node name and attribute length if ( $nodeA->nodeName !== $nodeB->nodeName || !$nodeA instanceof DOMElement || !$nodeB instanceof DOMElement || !DiffUtils::attribsEquals( $nodeA, $nodeB, self::IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES, $this->specializedAttribHandlers ) ) { return false; } // Passed all tests, element node itself is equal. if ( $deep ) { $childA = null; $childB = null; // Compare # of children, since that's fast. // (Avoid de-optimizing DOM by using node#childNodes) for ( $childA = $nodeA->firstChild, $childB = $nodeB->firstChild; $childA && $childB; $childA = $childA->nextSibling, $childB = $childB->nextSibling ) { /* don't look inside children yet, just look at # of children */ } if ( $childA || $childB ) { return false; /* nodes have different # of children */ } // Now actually compare the child subtrees for ( $childA = $nodeA->firstChild, $childB = $nodeB->firstChild; $childA && $childB; $childA = $childA->nextSibling, $childB = $childB->nextSibling ) { if ( !$this->treeEquals( $childA, $childB, $deep ) ) { return false; } } } // Did not find a diff yet, so the trees must be equal. return true; } PHPUtils::unreachable( 'we shouldn\'t get here' ); return false; } /** * Diff two DOM trees by comparing them node-by-node. * * TODO: Implement something more intelligent like *, * which uses hash signatures of subtrees to efficiently detect moves / * wrapping. * * Adds / updates a data-parsoid-diff structure with change information. * * Returns true if subtree is changed, false otherwise. * * TODO: * Assume typical CSS white-space, so ignore ws diffs in non-pre content. * * @param DOMNode $baseParentNode * @param DOMNode $newParentNode * @return bool */ public function doDOMDiff( DOMNode $baseParentNode, DOMNode $newParentNode ): bool { // Perform a relaxed version of the recursive treeEquals algorithm that // allows for some minor differences and tries to produce a sensible diff // marking using heuristics like look-ahead on siblings. $baseNode = $baseParentNode->firstChild; $newNode = $newParentNode->firstChild; $lookaheadNode = null; $subtreeDiffers = null; $foundDiffOverall = false; while ( $baseNode && $newNode ) { $dontAdvanceNewNode = false; $this->debugOut( $baseNode, $newNode ); // shallow check first if ( !$this->treeEquals( $baseNode, $newNode, false ) ) { $this->debug( '-- not equal --' ); $savedNewNode = $newNode; $foundDiff = false; // Some simplistic look-ahead, currently limited to a single level // in the DOM. // look-ahead in *new* DOM to detect insertions if ( DOMUtils::isContentNode( $baseNode ) ) { $this->debug( '--lookahead in new dom--' ); $lookaheadNode = $newNode->nextSibling; while ( $lookaheadNode ) { $this->debugOut( $baseNode, $lookaheadNode, 'new' ); if ( DOMUtils::isContentNode( $lookaheadNode ) && $this->treeEquals( $baseNode, $lookaheadNode, true ) ) { // mark skipped-over nodes as inserted $markNode = $newNode; while ( $markNode !== $lookaheadNode ) { $this->debug( '--found diff: inserted--' ); $this->markNode( $markNode, 'inserted' ); $markNode = $markNode->nextSibling; } $foundDiff = true; $newNode = $lookaheadNode; break; } $lookaheadNode = self::nextNonTemplateSibling( $lookaheadNode ); } } // look-ahead in *base* DOM to detect deletions if ( !$foundDiff && DOMUtils::isContentNode( $newNode ) ) { $isBlockNode = WTUtils::isBlockNodeWithVisibleWT( $baseNode ); $this->debug( '--lookahead in old dom--' ); $lookaheadNode = $baseNode->nextSibling; while ( $lookaheadNode ) { $this->debugOut( $lookaheadNode, $newNode, 'old' ); if ( DOMUtils::isContentNode( $lookaheadNode ) && $this->treeEquals( $lookaheadNode, $newNode, true ) ) { $this->debug( '--found diff: deleted--' ); // mark skipped-over nodes as deleted $this->markNode( $newNode, 'deleted', $isBlockNode ); $baseNode = $lookaheadNode; $foundDiff = true; break; } elseif ( !WTUtils::emitsSolTransparentSingleLineWT( $lookaheadNode ) ) { // We only care about the deleted node prior to the one that // gets a tree match (but, ignore nodes that show up in wikitext // but don't affect sol-state or HTML rendering -- note that // whitespace is being ignored, but that whitespace occurs // between block nodes). $isBlockNode = WTUtils::isBlockNodeWithVisibleWT( $lookaheadNode ); } $lookaheadNode = self::nextNonTemplateSibling( $lookaheadNode ); } } if ( !$foundDiff ) { if ( !( $savedNewNode instanceof DOMElement ) ) { $this->debug( '--found diff: modified text/comment--' ); $this->markNode( $savedNewNode, 'deleted', WTUtils::isBlockNodeWithVisibleWT( $baseNode ) ); } elseif ( $savedNewNode->nodeName === $baseNode->nodeName && DOMUtils::assertElt( $baseNode ) && ( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $savedNewNode )->stx ?? null ) === ( DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $baseNode )->stx ?? null ) ) { // Identical wrapper-type, but modified. // Mark modified-wrapper, and recurse. $this->debug( '--found diff: modified-wrapper--' ); $this->markNode( $savedNewNode, 'modified-wrapper' ); if ( !WTUtils::isEncapsulationWrapper( $baseNode ) && !WTUtils::isEncapsulationWrapper( $savedNewNode ) ) { // Dont recurse into template-like-content $subtreeDiffers = $this->doDOMDiff( $baseNode, $savedNewNode ); if ( $subtreeDiffers ) { $this->debug( '--found diff: subtree-changed--' ); $this->markNode( $newNode, 'subtree-changed' ); } } } else { // We now want to compare current newNode with the next baseNode. $dontAdvanceNewNode = true; // Since we are advancing in an old DOM without advancing // in the new DOM, there were deletions. Add a deletion marker // since this is important for accurate separator handling in selser. $this->markNode( $savedNewNode, 'deleted', WTUtils::isBlockNodeWithVisibleWT( $baseNode ) ); } } // Record the fact that direct children changed in the parent node $this->debug( '--found diff: children-changed--' ); $this->markNode( $newParentNode, 'children-changed' ); $foundDiffOverall = true; } elseif ( !WTUtils::isEncapsulationWrapper( $baseNode ) && !WTUtils::isEncapsulationWrapper( $newNode ) ) { $this->debug( '--shallow equal: recursing--' ); // Recursively diff subtrees if not template-like content $subtreeDiffers = $this->doDOMDiff( $baseNode, $newNode ); if ( $subtreeDiffers ) { $this->debug( '--found diff: subtree-changed--' ); $this->markNode( $newNode, 'subtree-changed' ); } $foundDiffOverall = $subtreeDiffers || $foundDiffOverall; } // And move on to the next pair (skipping over template HTML) if ( $baseNode && $newNode ) { $baseNode = self::nextNonTemplateSibling( $baseNode ); if ( !$dontAdvanceNewNode ) { $newNode = self::nextNonTemplateSibling( $newNode ); } } } // mark extra new nodes as inserted while ( $newNode ) { $this->debug( '--found trailing new node: inserted--' ); $this->markNode( $newNode, 'inserted' ); $foundDiffOverall = true; $newNode = self::nextNonTemplateSibling( $newNode ); } // If there are extra base nodes, something was deleted. Mark the parent as // having lost children for now. if ( $baseNode ) { $this->debug( '--found trailing base nodes: deleted--' ); $this->markNode( $newParentNode, 'children-changed' ); // SSS FIXME: WTS checks for zero children in a few places // That code would have to be upgraded if we emit mw:DiffMarker // in this scenario. So, bailing out in this one case for now. if ( $newParentNode->hasChildNodes() ) { $meta = $newParentNode->ownerDocument->createElement( 'meta' ); DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $meta, 'mw:DiffMarker/deleted' ); if ( WTUtils::isBlockNodeWithVisibleWT( $baseNode ) ) { $meta->setAttribute( 'data-is-block', 'true' ); } $newParentNode->appendChild( $meta ); } $foundDiffOverall = true; } return $foundDiffOverall; } /* *************************************************** * Helpers * ***************************************************/ /** * @param DOMNode $node * @param string $mark * @param bool $blockNodeDeleted */ private function markNode( DOMNode $node, string $mark, bool $blockNodeDeleted = false ): void { $meta = null; if ( $mark === 'deleted' ) { // insert a meta tag marking the place where content used to be $meta = DiffUtils::prependTypedMeta( $node, 'mw:DiffMarker/' . $mark ); } else { if ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) { DiffUtils::setDiffMark( $node, $this->env, $mark ); } elseif ( DOMUtils::isText( $node ) || DOMUtils::isComment( $node ) ) { if ( $mark !== 'inserted' ) { $this->env->log( 'error/domdiff', 'BUG! CHANGE-marker for ' . $node->nodeType . ' node is: ' . $mark ); } $meta = DiffUtils::prependTypedMeta( $node, 'mw:DiffMarker/' . $mark ); } elseif ( $node->nodeType !== XML_DOCUMENT_NODE && $node->nodeType !== XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE ) { $this->env->log( 'error/domdiff', 'Unhandled node type', $node->nodeType, 'in markNode!' ); } } if ( $meta && $blockNodeDeleted ) { $meta->setAttribute( 'data-is-block', 'true' ); } if ( $mark === 'deleted' || $mark === 'inserted' ) { $this->markNode( $node->parentNode, 'children-changed' ); } } /** * @param DOMNode $nodeA * @param DOMNode $nodeB * @param string $laPrefix */ private function debugOut( DOMNode $nodeA, DOMNode $nodeB, string $laPrefix = '' ): void { $this->env->log( 'trace/domdiff', '--> A' . $laPrefix . ':' . ( $nodeA instanceof DOMElement ? DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeA ) : PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $nodeA->nodeValue ) ) ); $this->env->log( 'trace/domdiff', '--> B' . $laPrefix . ':' . ( $nodeB instanceof DOMElement ? DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $nodeB ) : PHPUtils::jsonEncode( $nodeB->nodeValue ) ) ); } }