2, 'and' => 3, 'is' => 4, 'is-not' => 4, 'in' => 4, 'not-in' => 4, 'within' => 4, 'not-within' => 4, 'mod' => 5, ',' => 6, '..' => 7, ); /** * A character list defining whitespace, for use in strspn() etc. */ const WHITESPACE_CLASS = " \t\r\n"; /** * Same for digits. Note that the grammar given in UTS #35 doesn't allow * negative numbers or decimal separators. */ const NUMBER_CLASS = '0123456789'; /** * A character list of symbolic operands. */ const OPERAND_SYMBOLS = 'nivwft'; /** * An anchored regular expression which matches a word at the current offset. */ const WORD_REGEX = '/[a-zA-Z@]+/A'; /** * Convert a rule to RPN. This is the only public entry point. * * @param string $rule The rule to convert * @return string The RPN representation of the rule */ public static function convert( $rule ) { $parser = new self( $rule ); return $parser->doConvert(); } /** * Private constructor. * @param string $rule */ protected function __construct( $rule ) { $this->rule = $rule; $this->pos = 0; $this->end = strlen( $rule ); } /** * Do the operation. * * @return string The RPN representation of the rule (e.g. "5 3 mod n is") */ protected function doConvert() { $expectOperator = true; // Iterate through all tokens, saving the operators and operands to a // stack per Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm. /** @var Operator $token */ while ( false !== ( $token = $this->nextToken() ) ) { // In this grammar, there are only binary operators, so every valid // rule string will alternate between operator and operand tokens. $expectOperator = !$expectOperator; if ( $token instanceof Expression ) { // Operand if ( $expectOperator ) { $token->error( 'unexpected operand' ); } $this->operands[] = $token; continue; } else { // Operator if ( !$expectOperator ) { $token->error( 'unexpected operator' ); } // Resolve higher precedence levels $lastOp = end( $this->operators ); while ( $lastOp && self::$precedence[$token->name] <= self::$precedence[$lastOp->name] ) { $this->doOperation( $lastOp, $this->operands ); array_pop( $this->operators ); $lastOp = end( $this->operators ); } $this->operators[] = $token; } } // Finish off the stack while ( $op = array_pop( $this->operators ) ) { $this->doOperation( $op, $this->operands ); } // Make sure the result is sane. The first case is possible for an empty // string input, the second should be unreachable. if ( !count( $this->operands ) ) { $this->error( 'condition expected' ); } elseif ( count( $this->operands ) > 1 ) { $this->error( 'missing operator or too many operands' ); } $value = $this->operands[0]; if ( $value->type !== 'boolean' ) { $this->error( 'the result must have a boolean type' ); } return $this->operands[0]->rpn; } /** * Fetch the next token from the input string. * * @return Fragment The next token */ protected function nextToken() { if ( $this->pos >= $this->end ) { return false; } // Whitespace $length = strspn( $this->rule, self::WHITESPACE_CLASS, $this->pos ); $this->pos += $length; if ( $this->pos >= $this->end ) { return false; } // Number $length = strspn( $this->rule, self::NUMBER_CLASS, $this->pos ); if ( $length !== 0 ) { $token = $this->newNumber( substr( $this->rule, $this->pos, $length ), $this->pos ); $this->pos += $length; return $token; } // Two-character operators $op2 = substr( $this->rule, $this->pos, 2 ); if ( $op2 === '..' || $op2 === '!=' ) { $token = $this->newOperator( $op2, $this->pos, 2 ); $this->pos += 2; return $token; } // Single-character operators $op1 = $this->rule[$this->pos]; if ( $op1 === ',' || $op1 === '=' || $op1 === '%' ) { $token = $this->newOperator( $op1, $this->pos, 1 ); $this->pos++; return $token; } // Word if ( !preg_match( self::WORD_REGEX, $this->rule, $m, 0, $this->pos ) ) { $this->error( 'unexpected character "' . $this->rule[$this->pos] . '"' ); } $word1 = strtolower( $m[0] ); $word2 = ''; $nextTokenPos = $this->pos + strlen( $word1 ); if ( $word1 === 'not' || $word1 === 'is' ) { // Look ahead one word $nextTokenPos += strspn( $this->rule, self::WHITESPACE_CLASS, $nextTokenPos ); if ( $nextTokenPos < $this->end && preg_match( self::WORD_REGEX, $this->rule, $m, 0, $nextTokenPos ) ) { $word2 = strtolower( $m[0] ); $nextTokenPos += strlen( $word2 ); } } // Two-word operators like "is not" take precedence over single-word operators like "is" if ( $word2 !== '' ) { $bothWords = "{$word1}-{$word2}"; if ( isset( self::$precedence[$bothWords] ) ) { $token = $this->newOperator( $bothWords, $this->pos, $nextTokenPos - $this->pos ); $this->pos = $nextTokenPos; return $token; } } // Single-word operators if ( isset( self::$precedence[$word1] ) ) { $token = $this->newOperator( $word1, $this->pos, strlen( $word1 ) ); $this->pos += strlen( $word1 ); return $token; } // The single-character operand symbols if ( strpos( self::OPERAND_SYMBOLS, $word1 ) !== false ) { $token = $this->newNumber( $word1, $this->pos ); $this->pos++; return $token; } // Samples if ( $word1 === '@integer' || $word1 === '@decimal' ) { // Samples are like comments, they have no effect on rule evaluation. // They run from the first sample indicator to the end of the string. $this->pos = $this->end; return false; } $this->error( 'unrecognised word' ); } /** * For the binary operator $op, pop its operands off the stack and push * a fragment with rpn and type members describing the result of that * operation. * * @param Operator $op */ protected function doOperation( Operator $op ) { if ( count( $this->operands ) < 2 ) { $op->error( 'missing operand' ); } $right = array_pop( $this->operands ); $left = array_pop( $this->operands ); $result = $op->operate( $left, $right ); $this->operands[] = $result; } /** * Create a numerical expression object * * @param string $text * @param int $pos * @return Expression The numerical expression */ protected function newNumber( $text, $pos ) { return new Expression( $this, 'number', $text, $pos, strlen( $text ) ); } /** * Create a binary operator * * @param string $type * @param int $pos * @param int $length * @return Operator The operator */ protected function newOperator( $type, $pos, $length ) { return new Operator( $this, $type, $pos, $length ); } /** * Throw an error * @param string $message */ protected function error( $message ) { throw new Error( $message ); } }