createMock( LocalisationCache::class ); $mockLocCache->expects( $this->exactly( $expectedGets ) )->method( 'getItem' ) ->with( $this->anything(), $this->logicalOr( 'fallbackSequence', 'originalFallbackSequence' ) ) ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $code, $key ) use ( $map ) { if ( $key === 'originalFallbackSequence' || $code === 'en' ) { return $map[$code]; } $fallbacks = $map[$code]; if ( !$fallbacks || $fallbacks[count( $fallbacks ) - 1] !== 'en' ) { $fallbacks[] = 'en'; } return $fallbacks; } ) ); $mockLocCache->expects( $this->never() )->method( $this->anythingBut( 'getItem' ) ); return $mockLocCache; } /** * Convenience/readability wrapper to call a method on a class or object. * * @param string|object $callee As in return value of getCallee() * @param string $method Name of method to call * @param mixed ...$params To pass to method * @return mixed Return value of method */ public function callMethod( $callee, $method, ...$params ) { return [ $callee, $method ]( ...$params ); } /** * @param string $code * @param array $expected * @param array $options * @dataProvider provideGetAll * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getFirst * @covers Language::getFallbackFor */ public function testGetFirst( $code, array $expected, array $options = [] ) { $callee = $this->getCallee( $options ); // One behavior difference between the old static methods and the new instance methods: // returning null instead of false. $defaultExpected = is_object( $callee ) ? null : false; $this->assertSame( $expected[0] ?? $defaultExpected, $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getFirst', $code ) ); } /** * @param string $code * @param array $expected * @param array $options * @dataProvider provideGetAll * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll( $code, array $expected, array $options = [] ) { $this->assertSame( $expected, $this->callMethod( $this->getCallee( $options ), 'getAll', $code ) ); } /** * @param string $code * @param array $expected * @param array $options * @dataProvider provideGetAll * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll_messages( $code, array $expected, array $options = [] ) { $this->assertSame( $expected, $this->callMethod( $this->getCallee( $options ), 'getAll', $code, $this->getMessagesKey() ) ); } public static function provideGetAll() { return [ 'en' => [ 'en', [], [ 'expectedGets' => 0 ] ], 'fr' => [ 'fr', [ 'en' ] ], 'sco' => [ 'sco', [ 'en' ] ], 'yi' => [ 'yi', [ 'he', 'en' ] ], 'ruq' => [ 'ruq', [ 'ruq-latn', 'ro', 'en' ] ], 'sh' => [ 'sh', [ 'bs', 'sr-el', 'hr', 'en' ] ], ]; } /** * @param string $code * @param array $expected * @param array $options * @dataProvider provideGetAll_strict * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll_strict( $code, array $expected, array $options = [] ) { $this->assertSame( $expected, $this->callMethod( $this->getCallee( $options ), 'getAll', $code, $this->getStrictKey() ) ); } public static function provideGetAll_strict() { return [ 'en' => [ 'en', [], [ 'expectedGets' => 0 ] ], 'fr' => [ 'fr', [] ], 'sco' => [ 'sco', [ 'en' ] ], 'yi' => [ 'yi', [ 'he' ] ], 'ruq' => [ 'ruq', [ 'ruq-latn', 'ro' ] ], 'sh' => [ 'sh', [ 'bs', 'sr-el', 'hr' ] ], ]; } /** * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll_invalidMode() { $this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Invalid fallback mode "7"' ); $callee = $this->getCallee( [ 'expectedGets' => 0 ] ); // These should not throw, because of short-circuiting. If they do, it will fail the test, // because we pass 5 and 6 instead of 7. $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAll', 'en', 5 ); $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAll', '!!!', 6 ); // This is the one that should throw. $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAll', 'fr', 7 ); } /** * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll_invalidFallback() { $callee = $this->getCallee( [ 'fallbackMap' => [ 'qqz' => [ 'fr', 'de', '!!!', 'hi' ] ] ] ); $this->expectException( PostconditionException::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( "Invalid fallback code '!!!' in fallback sequence for 'qqz'" ); $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAll', 'qqz' ); } /** * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAll * @covers Language::getFallbacksFor */ public function testGetAll_invalidFallback_strict() { $callee = $this->getCallee( [ 'fallbackMap' => [ 'qqz' => [ 'fr', 'de', '!!!', 'hi' ] ] ] ); $this->expectException( PostconditionException::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( "Invalid fallback code '!!!' in fallback sequence for 'qqz'" ); $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAll', 'qqz', $this->getStrictKey() ); } /** * @param string $code * @param string $siteLangCode * @param array $expected * @param int $expectedGets * @dataProvider provideGetAllIncludingSiteLanguage * @covers MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFallback::getAllIncludingSiteLanguage * @covers Language::getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage */ public function testGetAllIncludingSiteLanguage( $code, $siteLangCode, array $expected, $expectedGets = 1 ) { $callee = $this->getCallee( [ 'siteLangCode' => $siteLangCode, 'expectedGets' => $expectedGets ] ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAllIncludingSiteLanguage', $code ) ); // Call again to make sure we don't call LocalisationCache again $this->callMethod( $callee, 'getAllIncludingSiteLanguage', $code ); } public static function provideGetAllIncludingSiteLanguage() { return [ 'en on en' => [ 'en', 'en', [ [], [ 'en' ] ], 0 ], 'fr on en' => [ 'fr', 'en', [ [ 'en' ], [] ] ], 'en on fr' => [ 'en', 'fr', [ [], [ 'fr', 'en' ] ] ], 'fr on fr' => [ 'fr', 'fr', [ [ 'en' ], [ 'fr' ] ] ], 'sco on en' => [ 'sco', 'en', [ [ 'en' ], [] ] ], 'en on sco' => [ 'en', 'sco', [ [], [ 'sco', 'en' ] ] ], 'sco on sco' => [ 'sco', 'sco', [ [ 'en' ], [ 'sco' ] ] ], 'fr on sco' => [ 'fr', 'sco', [ [ 'en' ], [ 'sco' ] ], 2 ], 'sco on fr' => [ 'sco', 'fr', [ [ 'en' ], [ 'fr' ] ], 2 ], 'fr on yi' => [ 'fr', 'yi', [ [ 'en' ], [ 'yi', 'he' ] ], 2 ], 'yi on fr' => [ 'yi', 'fr', [ [ 'he', 'en' ], [ 'fr' ] ], 2 ], 'yi on yi' => [ 'yi', 'yi', [ [ 'he', 'en' ], [ 'yi' ] ] ], 'sh on ruq' => [ 'sh', 'ruq', [ [ 'bs', 'sr-el', 'hr', 'en' ], [ 'ruq', 'ruq-latn', 'ro' ] ], 2 ], 'ruq on sh' => [ 'ruq', 'sh', [ [ 'ruq-latn', 'ro', 'en' ], [ 'sh', 'bs', 'sr-el', 'hr' ] ], 2 ], ]; } }