setPerformer( $user ); $logEntry->setTarget( Title::newFromText( $title, $ns ) ); if ( $comment !== null ) { $logEntry->setComment( $comment ); } if ( $parameters !== null ) { $logEntry->setParameters( $parameters ); } return $logEntry->insert(); } public function addDBData() { $this->tablesUsed[] = 'logging'; $this->tablesUsed[] = 'user'; try { $user1 = User::newFromName( 'BackupDumperLogUserA' ); $this->userId1 = $user1->getId(); if ( $this->userId1 === 0 ) { $user1->addToDatabase(); $this->userId1 = $user1->getId(); } $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->userId1 ); $user2 = User::newFromName( 'BackupDumperLogUserB' ); $this->userId2 = $user2->getId(); if ( $this->userId2 === 0 ) { $user2->addToDatabase(); $this->userId2 = $user2->getId(); } $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->userId2 ); $this->logId1 = $this->addLogEntry( 'type', 'subtype', $user1, NS_MAIN, "PageA" ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId1 ); $this->logId2 = $this->addLogEntry( 'supress', 'delete', $user2, NS_TALK, "PageB", "SomeComment" ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId2 ); $this->logId3 = $this->addLogEntry( 'move', 'delete', $user2, NS_MAIN, "PageA", "SomeOtherComment", [ 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ] ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId3 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in // DumpTestCase $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e; } } public function testPlain() { // Preparing the dump $fname = $this->getNewTempFile(); $dumper = new DumpBackup( [ '--output=file:' . $fname ] ); $dumper->startId = $this->logId1; $dumper->endId = $this->logId3 + 1; $dumper->reporting = false; $dumper->setDB( $this->db ); // Performing the dump $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::LOGS, WikiExporter::TEXT ); // Analyzing the dumped data $this->assertDumpSchema( $fname, $this->getXmlSchemaPath() ); $asserter = $this->getDumpAsserter(); $asserter->assertDumpStart( $fname ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId1, "BackupDumperLogUserA", $this->userId1, null, "type", "subtype", "PageA" ); $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); $this->assertNotNull( $contLang, "Content language object validation" ); $namespace = $contLang->getNsText( NS_TALK ); $this->assertIsString( $namespace ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, strlen( $namespace ) ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId2, "BackupDumperLogUserB", $this->userId2, "SomeComment", "supress", "delete", $namespace . ":PageB" ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId3, "BackupDumperLogUserB", $this->userId2, "SomeOtherComment", "move", "delete", "PageA", [ 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ] ); $asserter->assertDumpEnd(); } public function testXmlDumpsBackupUseCaseLogging() { $this->checkHasGzip(); // Preparing the dump $fname = $this->getNewTempFile(); $dumper = new DumpBackup(); $dumper->loadWithArgv( [ '--logs', '--output=gzip:' . $fname, '--reporting=2' ] ); $dumper->startId = $this->logId1; $dumper->endId = $this->logId3 + 1; $dumper->setDB( $this->db ); // xmldumps-backup demands reporting, although this is currently not // implemented in BackupDumper, when dumping logging data. We // nevertheless capture the output of the dump process already now, // to be able to alert (once dumping produces reports) that this test // needs updates. $dumper->stderr = fopen( 'php://output', 'a' ); if ( $dumper->stderr === false ) { $this->fail( "Could not open stream for stderr" ); } // Performing the dump $dumper->execute(); $this->assertTrue( fclose( $dumper->stderr ), "Closing stderr handle" ); // Analyzing the dumped data $this->gunzip( $fname ); $this->assertDumpSchema( $fname, $this->getXmlSchemaPath() ); $asserter = $this->getDumpAsserter(); $asserter->assertDumpStart( $fname ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId1, "BackupDumperLogUserA", $this->userId1, null, "type", "subtype", "PageA" ); $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); $this->assertNotNull( $contLang, "Content language object validation" ); $namespace = $contLang->getNsText( NS_TALK ); $this->assertIsString( $namespace ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, strlen( $namespace ) ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId2, "BackupDumperLogUserB", $this->userId2, "SomeComment", "supress", "delete", $namespace . ":PageB" ); $asserter->assertLogItem( $this->logId3, "BackupDumperLogUserB", $this->userId2, "SomeOtherComment", "move", "delete", "PageA", [ 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ] ); $asserter->assertDumpEnd(); // Currently, no reporting is implemented. Alert via failure, once // this changes. // If reporting for log dumps has been implemented, please update // the following statement to catch good output $this->expectOutputString( '' ); } }