setContentLang( 'en' ); $this->tablesUsed[] = 'page'; $this->tablesUsed[] = 'revision'; $this->tablesUsed[] = 'ip_changes'; $this->tablesUsed[] = 'text'; try { $this->namespace = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS(); $this->talk_namespace = NS_TALK; if ( $this->namespace === $this->talk_namespace ) { // @todo work around this. throw new MWException( "The default wikitext namespace is the talk namespace. " . " We can't currently deal with that." ); } $this->pageTitle1 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $this->namespace ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle1 ); $this->rev1_1 = $this->addMultiSlotRevision( $page, [ 'main' => new WikitextContent( 'BackupDumperTestP1Text1' ), 'aux' => new WikitextContent( 'BackupDumperTestP1Text1/aux' ), ], "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1" ); $this->pageId1 = $page->getId(); $this->pageTitle2 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP2', $this->namespace ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle2 ); [ , , $this->rev2_1 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" ); [ , , $this->rev2_2 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" ); [ , , $this->rev2_3 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3" ); [ , , $this->rev2_4 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text ", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra " ); $this->pageId2 = $page->getId(); $context = RequestContext::getMain(); $revDel = RevisionDeleter::createList( 'revision', $context, $this->pageTitle2, [ $this->rev2_2->getId() ] ); $revDel->setVisibility( [ 'value' => [ RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT => 1 ], 'comment' => 'testing!' ] ); // re-load from database, with correct deletion status $this->rev2_2 = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup()->getRevisionById( $this->rev2_2->getId() ); $this->pageTitle3 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP3', $this->namespace ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle3 ); [ , , $this->rev3_1 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP3Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" ); [ , , $this->rev3_2 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP3Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" ); $this->pageId3 = $page->getId(); $page->doDeleteArticleReal( "Testing ;)", $context->getUser() ); $this->pageTitle4 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $this->talk_namespace ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle4 ); [ , , $this->rev4_1 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1" ); $this->pageId4 = $page->getId(); $this->pageTitle5 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP5' ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle5 ); [ , , $this->rev5_1 ] = $this->addRevision( $page, "BackupDumperTestP5 Text1", "BackupDumperTestP5 Summary1" ); $this->pageId5 = $page->getId(); $this->rev5_1 = $this->corruptRevisionData( $this->db, $this->rev5_1 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in // DumpTestCase $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e; } // Since we will restrict dumping by page ranges (to allow // working tests, even if the db gets prepopulated by a base // class), we have to assert, that the page id are consecutively // increasing $this->assertEquals( [ $this->pageId2, $this->pageId3, $this->pageId4 ], [ $this->pageId1 + 1, $this->pageId1 + 2, $this->pageId1 + 3 ], "Page ids increasing without holes" ); } /** * @param string $name * @param string $schemaVersion * * @return string path of the dump file */ protected function getDumpTemplatePath( $name, $schemaVersion ) { return __DIR__ . "/../data/dumps/$name.$schemaVersion.xml"; } /** * Corrupt the information about the given revision in the database. * * @param IDatabase $db * @param RevisionRecord $revision * * @return RevisionRecord */ protected function corruptRevisionData( IDatabase $db, RevisionRecord $revision ) { global $wgMultiContentRevisionSchemaMigrationStage; if ( ( $wgMultiContentRevisionSchemaMigrationStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) ) { $db->update( 'revision', [ 'rev_text_id' => 0 ], [ 'rev_id' => $revision->getId() ] ); } if ( ( $wgMultiContentRevisionSchemaMigrationStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) ) { $db->update( 'content', [ 'content_address' => 'tt:0' ], [ 'content_id' => $revision->getSlot( \MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord::MAIN )->getContentId() ] ); } $revision = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup()->getRevisionById( $revision->getId() ); return $revision; } /** * Register variables for use with DumpAsserter::assertDOM(). * * @param string $prefix * @param RevisionRecord $rev * @param DumpAsserter $asserter */ protected function setRevisionVarMappings( $prefix, RevisionRecord $rev, DumpAsserter $asserter ) { $ts = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $rev->getTimestamp() ); $title = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTitleFormatter()->getPrefixedText( $rev->getPageAsLinkTarget() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'pageid', $rev->getPageId() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'title', $title ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'namespace', $rev->getPageAsLinkTarget()->getNamespace() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'id', $rev->getId() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'parentid', $rev->getParentId() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'timestamp', $ts ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'sha1', $rev->getSha1() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'username', $rev->getUser()->getName() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'userid', $rev->getUser()->getId() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . 'comment', $rev->getComment()->text ); foreach ( $rev->getSlotRoles() as $role ) { $slot = $rev->getSlot( $role ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_textid', $this->getSlotTextId( $slot ) ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_location', $slot->getAddress() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_text', $this->getSlotText( $slot ) ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_size', $slot->getSize() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_sha1', $slot->getSha1() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_origin', $slot->getOrigin() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_model', $slot->getModel() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_format', $this->getSlotFormat( $slot ) ); $asserter->setVarMapping( $prefix . $role . '_role', $slot->getRole() ); } } /** * Register variables for use with DumpAsserter::assertDOM(). * * @param DumpAsserter $asserter */ protected function setCurrentRevisionsVarMappings( DumpAsserter $asserter ) { $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev1_1_', $this->rev1_1, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev2_4_', $this->rev2_4, $asserter ); // skip page 3, since it's deleted $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev4_1_', $this->rev4_1, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev5_1_', $this->rev5_1, $asserter ); } /** * Register variables for use with DumpAsserter::assertDOM(). * * @param DumpAsserter $asserter */ protected function setAllRevisionsVarMappings( DumpAsserter $asserter ) { $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev1_1_', $this->rev1_1, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev2_1_', $this->rev2_1, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev2_2_', $this->rev2_2, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev2_3_', $this->rev2_3, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev2_4_', $this->rev2_4, $asserter ); // skip page 3, since it's deleted $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev4_1_', $this->rev4_1, $asserter ); $this->setRevisionVarMappings( 'rev5_1_', $this->rev5_1, $asserter ); } private function setSiteVarMappings( DumpAsserter $asserter ) { global $wgSitename, $wgDBname, $wgVersion, $wgCapitalLinks; $asserter->setVarMapping( 'mw_version', $wgVersion ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'schema_version', $asserter->getSchemaVersion() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'site_name', $wgSitename ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'project_namespace', MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTitleFormatter()->getNamespaceName( NS_PROJECT, 'Dummy' ) ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'site_db', $wgDBname ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'site_case', $wgCapitalLinks ? 'first-letter' : 'case-sensitive' ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'site_base', Title::newMainPage()->getCanonicalURL() ); $asserter->setVarMapping( 'site_language', MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getHtmlCode() ); } }