schemaVersion = $schemaVersion; } /** * Step the current XML reader until node start of given name is found. * * @param string $name Name of the element to look for * (e.g.: "text" when looking for ) * * @param bool $allowAscend Whether the search should continue in parent * nodes of the current position. If false (the default), the search will be aborted * on the next closing element. * * @return bool True if the node could be found. false otherwise. */ public function skipToNode( $name, $allowAscend = false ) { $depth = 0; while ( true ) { $current = $this->xml->name; if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT ) { if ( $current == $name ) { return true; } if ( !$this->xml->isEmptyElement ) { $depth++; } } if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT ) { $depth--; if ( $depth < 0 && !$allowAscend ) return false; } if ( !$this->xml->read() ) { break; } } return false; } /** * Step the current XML reader until node start of given name is found, * and advance to the first child node. * * @param string $name Name of the element to look for * (e.g.: "text" when looking for ) * * @param bool $allowAscend Whether the search should continue in parent * nodes of the current position. If false (the default), the search will be aborted * on the next closing element. */ public function skipIntoNode( $name, $allowAscend = false ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->skipToNode( $name, $allowAscend ), "Skipping to $name" ); Assert::assertTrue( !$this->xml->isEmptyElement, "Skipping into $name" ); $this->xml->read(); } /** * Step the current XML reader until node end of given name is found. * * @param string $name Name of the closing element to look for * (e.g.: "mediawiki" when looking for ) * * @return bool True if the end node could be found. false otherwise. */ public function skipToNodeEnd( $name ) { while ( $this->xml->read() ) { if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $this->xml->name == $name ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Step the current XML reader to the first element start after the node * end of a given name. * * @param string $name Name of the closing element to look for * (e.g.: "mediawiki" when looking for ) * * @return bool True if new element after the closing of $name could be * found. false otherwise. */ public function skipPastNodeEnd( $name ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->skipToNodeEnd( $name ), "Skipping to end of $name" ); while ( $this->xml->read() ) { if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Opens an XML file to analyze. * * @param string $fname Name of file to analyze */ public function open( $fname ) { $this->xml = new XMLReader(); Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->open( $fname ), "Opening temporary file $fname via XMLReader failed" ); } /** * Opens an XML file to analyze, verifies the top level tags, * and skips past . * * The contents of the tag can be checked if $siteInfoTemplate * is given. See assertDumpHead(). * * @param string $fname Name of file to analyze * * @param string|null $siteInfoTemplate * @param string $language */ public function assertDumpStart( $fname, $siteInfoTemplate = null, $language = 'en' ) { $this->open( $fname ); $this->assertDumpHead( $siteInfoTemplate, $language ); } /** * Asserts that the head of a dump is valid. * This checks the attributes of the top level tag. * * If $siteInfoTemplate is given, it is interpreted as the file name * of an XML template that will be used with assertDOM() to check the contents * of the tag, which is expected to be the first child of * the top level . Variable substitution applies as defined by * calling setVarMapping(). * * After this method returns, the XML reader's position will be after * the closing tag, before the next tag. * * @param string|null $siteInfoTemplate * @param string $language */ public function assertDumpHead( $siteInfoTemplate = null, $language = 'en' ) { $this->assertNodeStart( 'mediawiki', false ); $this->assertAttributes( [ "xmlns" => "{$this->schemaVersion}/", "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xsi:schemaLocation" => "{$this->schemaVersion}/ " . "{$this->schemaVersion}.xsd", "version" => "{$this->schemaVersion}", "xml:lang" => "{$language}" ] ); $this->assertNodeStart( 'siteinfo', false ); if ( $siteInfoTemplate ) { // Checking site info $this->assertDOM( $siteInfoTemplate ); } // skip past extra namespaces $this->skipPastNodeEnd( 'siteinfo' ); } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at the final closing tag of an xml file and * closes the reader. * * @param string $name (optional) the name of the final tag * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for ) */ public function assertDumpEnd( $name = "mediawiki" ) { $this->assertNodeEnd( $name, false ); if ( $this->xml->read() ) { $this->skipWhitespace(); } Assert::assertEquals( $this->xml->nodeType, XMLReader::NONE, "No proper entity left to parse" ); $this->close(); } public function close() { $this->xml->close(); } /** * Steps the xml reader over white space */ public function skipWhitespace() { $cont = true; while ( $cont && ( ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::NONE ) || ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::WHITESPACE ) || ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE ) ) ) { $cont = $this->xml->read(); } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at an element of given name, and optionally * skips past it. If the reader is at a whitespace element, the whitespace is * skipped first. * * @param string $name The name of the element to check for * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for ) * @param bool $skip (optional) if true, skip past the found element */ public function assertNodeStart( $name, $skip = true ) { $this->skipWhitespace(); Assert::assertEquals( $name, $this->xml->name, "Node name" ); Assert::assertEquals( XMLReader::ELEMENT, $this->xml->nodeType, "Node type" ); if ( $skip ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past start tag" ); } } /** * Asserts that the XML reader is at an element start, and that the element * has the given attributes with the given values. * Variable substitution applies for variables set via setVarMapping(). * * @param array $attributes * @param bool $skip (optional) if true, skip past the found element */ public function assertAttributes( $attributes, $skip = true ) { Assert::assertEquals( XMLReader::ELEMENT, $this->xml->nodeType, "Node type" ); $actualAttributes = $this->getAttributeArray( $this->xml ); $attributes = array_map( function ( $v ) { return $this->resolveVars( $v ); }, $attributes ); $actualAttributes = array_intersect_key( $actualAttributes, $attributes ); Assert::assertEquals( $attributes, $actualAttributes, "Attributes" ); if ( $skip ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past start tag" ); } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at an element of given name, and that element * is an empty tag. * * @param string $name The name of the element to check for * (e.g.: "text" for ) * @param bool $skip (optional) if true, skip past the found element * @param bool $skip_ws (optional) if true, also skip past white spaces that trail the * closing element. */ public function assertEmptyNode( $name, $skip = true, $skip_ws = true ) { $this->assertNodeStart( $name, false ); Assert::assertFalse( !$this->xml->isEmptyElement, "$name tag has content" ); if ( $skip ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping $name tag" ); if ( ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT ) && ( $this->xml->name == $name ) ) { $this->xml->read(); } if ( $skip_ws ) { $this->skipWhitespace(); } } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at an closing element of given name, and optionally * skips past it. If the reader is at a whitespace element, the whitespace is * skipped first. * * @param string $name The name of the closing element to check for * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for ) * @param bool $skip (optional) if true, skip past the found element */ public function assertNodeEnd( $name, $skip = true ) { $this->skipWhitespace(); Assert::assertEquals( $name, $this->xml->name, "Node name" ); Assert::assertEquals( XMLReader::END_ELEMENT, $this->xml->nodeType, "Node type" ); if ( $skip ) { // note: if there is no more content after the tag and read() returns false, // that's fine. $this->xml->read(); } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at an element of given tag that contains a given text, * and skips over the element. * * @param string $name The name of the element to check for * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for ...) * @param string|bool $text If string, check if it equals the elements text. * Variable substitution applies. If false, ignore the element's text. * @param bool $skip_ws (optional) if true, skip past white spaces that trail the * closing element. */ public function assertTextNode( $name, $text, $skip_ws = true ) { $this->assertNodeStart( $name ); if ( $text !== false ) { $text = $this->resolveVars( $text ); $actual = $this->resolveVars( $this->xml->value ); Assert::assertEquals( $text, $actual, "Text of node " . $name ); } Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past processed text of " . $name ); $this->assertNodeEnd( $name ); if ( $skip_ws ) { $this->skipWhitespace(); } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at the start of a page element and skips over the first * tags, after checking them. * * Besides the opening page element, this function also checks for and skips over the * title, ns, and id tags. Hence after this function, the xml reader is at the first * revision of the current page. * * @param int $id Id of the page to assert * @param int $ns Number of namespage to assert * @param string $name Title of the current page */ public function assertPageStart( $id, $ns, $name ) { $this->assertNodeStart( "page" ); $this->assertTextNode( "title", $name ); $this->assertTextNode( "ns", $ns ); $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id ); } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at the page's closing element and skips to the next * element. */ public function assertPageEnd() { $this->assertNodeEnd( "page" ); } /** * Checks and skips tags that represent the properties of a revision. * * @param int $id Id of the revision * @param string $summary Summary of the revision * @param string $text_sha1 The base36 SHA-1 of the revision's text * @param string $hasEarlyText Whether a text tag is expected before the tag. * Must be one of 'yes', 'no', or maybe. * @param int|bool $parentid (optional) id of the parent revision * @param string $model The expected content model id (default: CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) * @param string $format The expected format model id (default: CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT) * @param bool &$foundText Output, whether a text tag was found before the SHA1 tag. * If this returns false, the text tag should be the next tag after the method returns. */ public function assertRevisionProperties( $id, $summary, $text_sha1, $hasEarlyText = 'maybe', $parentid = false, $model = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $format = CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT, &$foundText = '' ) { $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id ); if ( $parentid !== false ) { $this->assertTextNode( "parentid", $parentid ); } $this->assertTextNode( "timestamp", false ); $this->assertNodeStart( "contributor" ); $this->assertTextNode( "username", false ); $this->assertTextNode( "id", false ); $this->assertNodeEnd( "contributor" ); $this->assertTextNode( "comment", $summary ); if ( $this->schemaVersion >= XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_11 ) { $this->assertTextNode( "origin", false ); } $this->assertTextNode( "model", $model ); $this->assertTextNode( "format", $format ); if ( $hasEarlyText === 'yes' || ( $this->xml->name == "text" && $hasEarlyText === 'maybe' ) ) { $foundText = true; $this->assertNodeStart( "text", false ); $this->xml->next(); $this->skipWhitespace(); } else { $foundText = false; } if ( $text_sha1 ) { $this->assertTextNode( "sha1", $text_sha1 ); } else { $this->assertEmptyNode( "sha1" ); } } /** * Asserts that the xml reader is at a revision and checks its representation before * skipping over it. * * @param int $id Id of the revision * @param string $summary Summary of the revision * @param int $text_id Id of the revision's text * @param int $text_bytes Number of bytes in the revision's text * @param string $text_sha1 The base36 SHA-1 of the revision's text * @param string|bool $text (optional) The revision's string, or false to check for a * revision stub * @param int|bool $parentid (optional) id of the parent revision * @param string $model The expected content model id (default: CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) * @param string $format The expected format model id (default: CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT) */ public function assertRevision( $id, $summary, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text_sha1, $text = false, $parentid = false, $model = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $format = CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT ) { $this->assertNodeStart( "revision" ); $this->assertRevisionProperties( $id, $summary, $text_sha1, 'maybe', $parentid, $model, $format, $text_found ); if ( !$text_found ) { $this->assertText( $id, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text ); } $this->assertNodeEnd( "revision" ); $this->skipWhitespace(); } public function assertText( $id, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text ) { $this->assertNodeStart( "text", false ); if ( $text_bytes !== false ) { Assert::assertEquals( $this->xml->getAttribute( "bytes" ), $text_bytes, "Attribute 'bytes' of revision " . $id ); } if ( $text === false ) { Assert::assertEquals( $this->xml->getAttribute( "id" ), $text_id, "Text id of revision " . $id ); Assert::assertNull( $this->xml->getAttribute( "xml:space" ), "xml:space attribute shout not be present" ); $this->assertEmptyNode( "text" ); } else { // Testing for a real dump Assert::assertEquals( $this->xml->getAttribute( "xml:space" ), "preserve", "xml:space=preserve should be present" ); Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping text start tag" ); Assert::assertEquals( $text, $this->xml->value, "Text of revision " . $id ); Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past text" ); $this->assertNodeEnd( "text" ); $this->skipWhitespace(); } } /** * asserts that the xml reader is at the beginning of a log entry and skips over * it while analyzing it. * * @param int $id Id of the log entry * @param string $user_name User name of the log entry's performer * @param int $user_id User id of the log entry 's performer * @param string|null $comment Comment of the log entry. If null, the comment text is ignored. * @param string $type Type of the log entry * @param string $subtype Subtype of the log entry * @param string $title Title of the log entry's target * @param array $parameters (optional) unserialized data accompanying the log entry */ public function assertLogItem( $id, $user_name, $user_id, $comment, $type, $subtype, $title, $parameters = [] ) { $this->assertNodeStart( "logitem" ); $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id ); $this->assertTextNode( "timestamp", false ); $this->assertNodeStart( "contributor" ); $this->assertTextNode( "username", $user_name ); $this->assertTextNode( "id", $user_id ); $this->assertNodeEnd( "contributor" ); if ( $comment !== null ) { $this->assertTextNode( "comment", $comment ); } $this->assertTextNode( "type", $type ); $this->assertTextNode( "action", $subtype ); $this->assertTextNode( "logtitle", $title ); $this->assertNodeStart( "params" ); $parameters_xml = unserialize( $this->xml->value ); Assert::assertEquals( $parameters, $parameters_xml ); Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past processed text of params" ); $this->assertNodeEnd( "params" ); $this->assertNodeEnd( "logitem" ); } /** * Returns the XMLReader's current line number for reporting. * * @param XMLReader|null $xml * * @return int */ public function getLineNumber( XMLReader $xml = null ) { if ( !$xml ) { $xml = $this->xml; } if ( $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::NONE ) { return 0; } return $xml->expand()->getLineNo(); } /** * Opens an XML template file and compares it to the XML structure at the current position of * this asserter. * * If the outer-most tag of the template file is , that tag is * ignored during comparison. This allows template files to contain arbitrary snippets of XML. * When the tag is encountered in the template, the comparison is ended. * This allows template files to be written to match the beginning of a structure, * without the need for subsequent contents to match. * * The contents of $file are subject to variable substitution based on * the values provided via setVarMapping(). * * @param string $file Name of file to analyze */ public function assertDOM( $file ) { $exXml = new XMLReader(); Assert::assertTrue( $exXml->open( $file ), "Opening fixture file $file via XMLReader failed" ); $line = 0; while ( true ) { $line = max( $line, $this->getLineNumber( $exXml ) ); $location = "[$file line $line] "; while ( $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::NONE || $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::WHITESPACE || $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE || $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::COMMENT || ( $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $exXml->name === 'test:data' ) ) { // Reached the end of the template file, so we are done here. if ( !$exXml->read() ) { break 2; } // Reached the end of the test data, so we are done here. if ( $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $exXml->name === 'test:data' ) { break 2; } } while ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::NONE || $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::WHITESPACE || $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE || $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::COMMENT ) { Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), $location . 'Document ended unexpectedly' ); } // End comparison early, ignore the rest of the contents of the template file. if ( $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $exXml->name === 'test:end' ) { break; } $line = max( $line, $this->getLineNumber( $exXml ) ); $location = "[$file line $line] "; Assert::assertSame( $exXml->nodeType, $this->xml->nodeType, $location . 'Node type' ); Assert::assertSame( $exXml->name, $this->xml->name, $location . 'Node type' ); Assert::assertSame( $exXml->hasValue, $this->xml->hasValue, $location . 'Node has value?' ); Assert::assertSame( $exXml->hasAttributes, $this->xml->hasAttributes, $location . 'Node has attributes?' ); if ( $exXml->hasValue ) { $expValue = $this->resolveVars( $exXml->value ); $actValue = $this->resolveVars( $this->xml->value ); Assert::assertSame( $expValue, $actValue, $location . 'Node value' ); } if ( $exXml->hasAttributes ) { $expectedAttributes = $this->getAttributeArray( $exXml ); $actualAttributes = $this->getAttributeArray( $this->xml ); Assert::assertEquals( $expectedAttributes, $actualAttributes, $location . 'Attributes' ); } // Reached the end of the template file, so we are done here. if ( !$exXml->read() ) { break; } // Reached the end of the test data, so we are done here. if ( $exXml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $exXml->name === 'test:data' ) { break; } Assert::assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), $location . 'Document ended unexpectedly' ); } $exXml->close(); } /** * Strip any tags from a string. * * @param string $text * * @return string */ public function stripTestTags( $text ) { $text = preg_replace( '@@s', '', $text ); $text = preg_replace( '@]+>@s', '', $text ); return $text; } private function getAttributeArray( XMLReader $xml = null ) { if ( !$xml ) { $xml = $this->xml; } if ( $xml->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT ) { return null; } if ( !$xml->hasAttributes ) { return []; } $attr = []; while ( $xml->moveToNextAttribute() ) { $attr[$xml->name] = $this->resolveVars( $xml->value ); } return $attr; } /** * @param string $text * * @return string */ public function resolveVars( $text ) { return str_replace( array_keys( $this->varMapping ), array_values( $this->varMapping ), $text ); } /** * Define a variable mapping to be applied by assertDOM * * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public function setVarMapping( $name, $value ) { $key = '{{' . $name . '}}'; $this->varMapping[$key] = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getSchemaVersion() { return $this->schemaVersion; } }