*/ class MediaWikiSiteTest extends SiteTest { /** * @covers MediaWikiSite::normalizePageName */ public function testNormalizePageTitle() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgCapitalLinks' => true, ] ); $site = new MediaWikiSite(); $site->setGlobalId( 'enwiki' ); // NOTE: this does not actually call out to the enwiki site to perform the normalization, // but uses a local Title object to do so. This is hardcoded on SiteLink::normalizePageTitle // for the case that MW_PHPUNIT_TEST is set. $this->assertEquals( 'Foo', $site->normalizePageName( ' foo ' ) ); } public function fileUrlProvider() { return [ // url, filepath, path arg, expected [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org', '/w/$1', 'api.php', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' ], [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org', '/w/', 'api.php', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/' ], [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org', '/foo/page.php?name=$1', 'api.php', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/foo/page.php?name=api.php' ], [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org', '/w/$1', '', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/' ], [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org', '/w/$1', 'foo/bar/api.php', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/foo/bar/api.php' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider fileUrlProvider * @covers MediaWikiSite::getFileUrl */ public function testGetFileUrl( $url, $filePath, $pathArgument, $expected ) { $site = new MediaWikiSite(); $site->setFilePath( $url . $filePath ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $site->getFileUrl( $pathArgument ) ); } public static function provideGetPageUrl() { return [ // path, page, expected substring [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/$1', 'Berlin', '/wiki/Berlin' ], [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/', 'Berlin', '/wiki/' ], [ 'http://acme.test/w/index.php?title=$1', 'Berlin', '/w/index.php?title=Berlin' ], [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/$1', '', '/wiki/' ], [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/$1', 'Berlin/sub page', '/wiki/Berlin/sub_page' ], [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/$1', 'Cork (city) ', '/Cork_(city)' ], [ 'http://acme.test/wiki/$1', 'M&M', '/wiki/M%26M' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetPageUrl * @covers MediaWikiSite::getPageUrl */ public function testGetPageUrl( $path, $page, $expected ) { $site = new MediaWikiSite(); $site->setLinkPath( $path ); $this->assertStringContainsString( $path, $site->getPageUrl() ); $this->assertStringContainsString( $expected, $site->getPageUrl( $page ) ); } }