createMock( ContainerInterface::class ) ) ); // The empty spec shouldn't matter since this test should never call it $skinFactory->register( 'fakeskin', 'FakeSkin', [] ); $this->setService( 'SkinFactory', $skinFactory ); // This test is not expected to query any database MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::disableStorageBackend(); } private static function getModules() { $base = [ 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, ]; return [ 'noTemplateModule' => [], 'deprecatedModule' => $base + [ 'deprecated' => true, ], 'deprecatedTomorrow' => $base + [ 'deprecated' => 'Will be removed tomorrow.' ], 'htmlTemplateModule' => $base + [ 'templates' => [ 'templates/template.html', 'templates/template2.html', ] ], 'htmlTemplateUnknown' => $base + [ 'templates' => [ 'templates/notfound.html', ] ], 'aliasedHtmlTemplateModule' => $base + [ 'templates' => [ 'foo.html' => 'templates/template.html', 'bar.html' => 'templates/template2.html', ] ], 'templateModuleHandlebars' => $base + [ 'templates' => [ 'templates/template_awesome.handlebars', ], ], 'aliasFooFromBar' => $base + [ 'templates' => [ '' => 'templates/', ], ], ]; } public static function providerTemplateDependencies() { $modules = self::getModules(); return [ [ $modules['noTemplateModule'], [], ], [ $modules['htmlTemplateModule'], [ 'mediawiki.template', ], ], [ $modules['templateModuleHandlebars'], [ 'mediawiki.template', 'mediawiki.template.handlebars', ], ], [ $modules['aliasFooFromBar'], [ 'mediawiki.template', '', ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providerTemplateDependencies * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::__construct * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDependencies */ public function testTemplateDependencies( $module, $expected ) { $rl = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $module ); $rl->setName( 'testing' ); $this->assertEquals( $rl->getDependencies(), $expected ); } public static function providerDeprecatedModules() { return [ [ 'deprecatedModule', 'mw.log.warn("This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"deprecatedModule\".");', ], [ 'deprecatedTomorrow', 'mw.log.warn(' . '"This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"deprecatedTomorrow\".\\n' . "Will be removed tomorrow." . '");' ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider providerDeprecatedModules * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScript */ public function testDeprecatedModules( $name, $expected ) { $modules = self::getModules(); $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $modules[$name] ); $module->setName( $name ); $ctx = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $this->assertEquals( $module->getScript( $ctx ), $expected ); } /** * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScript * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScriptFiles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::readScriptFiles */ public function testGetScript() { $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [ 'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader', 'scripts' => [ 'script-nosemi.js', 'script-comment.js' ], ] ); $module->setName( 'testing' ); $ctx = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $this->assertEquals( "/* eslint-disable */\\n" . "\n" . "/* eslint-disable */\\n//;\n" . "\n", $module->getScript( $ctx ), 'scripts are concatenated with a new-line' ); } /** * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule */ public function testGetAllSkinStyleFiles() { $baseParams = [ 'scripts' => [ 'foo.js', 'bar.js', ], 'styles' => [ 'foo.css', 'bar.css' => [ 'media' => 'print' ], 'screen.less' => [ 'media' => 'screen' ], 'screen-query.css' => [ 'media' => 'screen and (min-width: 400px)' ], ], 'skinStyles' => [ 'default' => 'quux-fallback.less', 'fakeskin' => [ 'baz-vector.css', 'quux-vector.less', ], ], 'messages' => [ 'hello', 'world', ], ]; $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $baseParams ); $module->setName( 'testing' ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'foo.css', 'baz-vector.css', 'quux-vector.less', 'quux-fallback.less', 'bar.css', 'screen.less', 'screen-query.css', ], array_map( 'basename', $module->getAllStyleFiles() ) ); } /** * Strip @noflip annotations from CSS code. * @param string $css * @return string */ private static function stripNoflip( $css ) { return str_replace( '/*@noflip*/ ', '', $css ); } /** * What happens when you mix @embed and @noflip? * This really is an integration test, but oh well. * * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getStyles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getStyleFiles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::readStyleFiles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::readStyleFile */ public function testMixedCssAnnotations() { $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/css'; $testModule = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath, 'styles' => [ 'test.css' ], ] ); $testModule->setName( 'testing' ); $expectedModule = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath, 'styles' => [ 'expected.css' ], ] ); $expectedModule->setName( 'testing' ); $contextLtr = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [ 'lang' => 'en', 'dir' => 'ltr', ] ); $contextRtl = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [ 'lang' => 'he', 'dir' => 'rtl', ] ); // Since we want to compare the effect of @noflip+@embed against the effect of just @embed, and // the @noflip annotations are always preserved, we need to strip them first. $this->assertEquals( $expectedModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ), self::stripNoflip( $testModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ) ), "/*@noflip*/ with /*@embed*/ gives correct results in LTR mode" ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ), self::stripNoflip( $testModule->getStyles( $contextRtl ) ), "/*@noflip*/ with /*@embed*/ gives correct results in RTL mode" ); } /** * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule */ public function testCssFlipping() { $plain = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader', 'styles' => [ 'direction.css' ], ] ); $plain->setName( 'test' ); $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [ 'lang' => 'en', 'dir' => 'ltr' ] ); $this->assertEquals( $plain->getStyles( $context ), [ 'all' => ".example { text-align: left; }\n" ], 'Unchanged styles in LTR mode' ); $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [ 'lang' => 'he', 'dir' => 'rtl' ] ); $this->assertEquals( $plain->getStyles( $context ), [ 'all' => ".example { text-align: right; }\n" ], 'Flipped styles in RTL mode' ); $noflip = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader', 'styles' => [ 'direction.css' ], 'noflip' => true, ] ); $noflip->setName( 'test' ); $this->assertEquals( $plain->getStyles( $context ), [ 'all' => ".example { text-align: right; }\n" ], 'Unchanged styles in RTL mode with noflip at module level' ); } /** * Test reading files from elsewhere than localBasePath using ResourceLoaderFilePath. * * This mimics modules modified by skins using 'ResourceModuleSkinStyles' and 'OOUIThemePaths' * skin attributes. * * @covers ResourceLoaderFilePath::getLocalBasePath * @covers ResourceLoaderFilePath::getRemoteBasePath */ public function testResourceLoaderFilePath() { $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/blahblah'; $filePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/rlfilepath'; $testModule = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath, 'remoteBasePath' => 'blahblah', 'styles' => new ResourceLoaderFilePath( 'style.css', $filePath, 'rlfilepath' ), 'skinStyles' => [ 'vector' => new ResourceLoaderFilePath( 'skinStyle.css', $filePath, 'rlfilepath' ), ], 'scripts' => new ResourceLoaderFilePath( 'script.js', $filePath, 'rlfilepath' ), 'templates' => new ResourceLoaderFilePath( 'template.html', $filePath, 'rlfilepath' ), ] ); $expectedModule = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $filePath, 'remoteBasePath' => 'rlfilepath', 'styles' => 'style.css', 'skinStyles' => [ 'vector' => 'skinStyle.css', ], 'scripts' => 'script.js', 'templates' => 'template.html', ] ); $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $this->assertEquals( $expectedModule->getModuleContent( $context ), $testModule->getModuleContent( $context ), "Using ResourceLoaderFilePath works correctly" ); } public static function providerGetTemplates() { $modules = self::getModules(); return [ [ $modules['noTemplateModule'], [], ], [ $modules['templateModuleHandlebars'], [ 'templates/template_awesome.handlebars' => "wow\n", ], ], [ $modules['htmlTemplateModule'], [ 'templates/template.html' => "hello\n", 'templates/template2.html' => "
\n", ], ], [ $modules['aliasedHtmlTemplateModule'], [ 'foo.html' => "hello\n", 'bar.html' => "
\n", ], ], [ $modules['htmlTemplateUnknown'], false, ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providerGetTemplates * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getTemplates */ public function testGetTemplates( $module, $expected ) { $rl = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $module ); $rl->setName( 'testing' ); if ( $expected === false ) { $this->expectException( RuntimeException::class ); $rl->getTemplates(); } else { $this->assertEquals( $rl->getTemplates(), $expected ); } } /** * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::stripBom */ public function testBomConcatenation() { $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/css'; $testModule = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath, 'styles' => [ 'bom.css' ], ] ); $testModule->setName( 'testing' ); $this->assertEquals( substr( file_get_contents( "$basePath/bom.css" ), 0, 10 ), "\xef\xbb\xbf.efbbbf", 'File has leading BOM' ); $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $this->assertEquals( $testModule->getStyles( $context ), [ 'all' => ".efbbbf_bom_char_at_start_of_file {}\n" ], 'Leading BOM removed when concatenating files' ); } /** * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule */ public function testLessFileCompilation() { $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/less/module'; $module = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath, 'styles' => [ 'styles.less' ], 'lessVars' => [ 'foo' => '2px', 'Foo' => '#eeeeee' ] ] ); $module->setName( 'test.less' ); $styles = $module->getStyles( $context ); $this->assertStringEqualsFile( $basePath . '/styles.css', $styles['all'] ); } public function provideGetVersionHash() { $a = []; $b = [ 'lessVars' => [ 'key' => 'value' ], ]; yield 'with and without Less variables' => [ $a, $b, false ]; $a = [ 'lessVars' => [ 'key' => 'value1' ], ]; $b = [ 'lessVars' => [ 'key' => 'value2' ], ]; yield 'different Less variables' => [ $a, $b, false ]; $x = [ 'lessVars' => [ 'key' => 'value' ], ]; yield 'identical Less variables' => [ $x, $x, true ]; $a = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'callback' => function () { return [ 'aaa' ]; } ] ] ]; $b = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'callback' => function () { return [ 'bbb' ]; } ] ] ]; yield 'packageFiles with different callback' => [ $a, $b, false ]; $a = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'aaa.json', 'callback' => function () { return [ 'x' ]; } ] ] ]; $b = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'bbb.json', 'callback' => function () { return [ 'x' ]; } ] ] ]; yield 'packageFiles with different file name and a callback' => [ $a, $b, false ]; $a = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'versionCallback' => function () { return [ 'A-version' ]; }, 'callback' => function () { throw new Exception( 'Unexpected computation' ); } ] ] ]; $b = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'versionCallback' => function () { return [ 'B-version' ]; }, 'callback' => function () { throw new Exception( 'Unexpected computation' ); } ] ] ]; yield 'packageFiles with different versionCallback' => [ $a, $b, false ]; $a = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'aaa.json', 'versionCallback' => function () { return [ 'X-version' ]; }, 'callback' => function () { throw new Exception( 'Unexpected computation' ); } ] ] ]; $b = [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'bbb.json', 'versionCallback' => function () { return [ 'X-version' ]; }, 'callback' => function () { throw new Exception( 'Unexpected computation' ); } ] ] ]; yield 'packageFiles with different file name and a versionCallback' => [ $a, $b, false ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetVersionHash * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDefinitionSummary * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getFileHashes */ public function testGetVersionHash( $a, $b, $isEqual ) { $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext(); $moduleA = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( $a ); $versionA = $moduleA->getVersionHash( $context ); $moduleB = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( $b ); $versionB = $moduleB->getVersionHash( $context ); $this->assertSame( $isEqual, ( $versionA === $versionB ), 'Whether versions hashes are equal' ); } public function provideGetScriptPackageFiles() { $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader'; $base = [ 'localBasePath' => $basePath ]; $commentScript = file_get_contents( "$basePath/script-comment.js" ); $nosemiScript = file_get_contents( "$basePath/script-nosemi.js" ); $vueComponentDebug = trim( file_get_contents( "$basePath/vue-component-output-debug.js.txt" ) ); $vueComponentNonDebug = trim( file_get_contents( "$basePath/vue-component-output-nondebug.js.txt" ) ); $config = RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(); return [ [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'script-comment.js', 'script-nosemi.js' ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'script-comment.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $commentScript, ], 'script-nosemi.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $nosemiScript ] ], 'main' => 'script-comment.js' ] ], [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'script-comment.js', [ 'name' => 'script-nosemi.js', 'main' => true ] ], 'deprecated' => 'Deprecation test', 'name' => 'test-deprecated' ], [ 'files' => [ 'script-comment.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $commentScript, ], 'script-nosemi.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => 'mw.log.warn(' . '"This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"test-deprecated\".\\n' . "Deprecation test" . '");' . $nosemiScript ] ], 'main' => 'script-nosemi.js' ] ], [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'init.js', 'file' => 'script-comment.js', 'main' => true ], [ 'name' => 'nosemi.js', 'file' => 'script-nosemi.js' ], ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'init.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $commentScript, ], 'nosemi.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $nosemiScript ] ], 'main' => 'init.js' ] ], 'package file with callback' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'foo.json', 'content' => [ 'Hello' => 'world' ] ], 'sample.json', [ 'name' => 'bar.js', 'content' => "console.log('Hello');" ], [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'callback' => function ( $context, $config, $extra ) { return [ 'langCode' => $context->getLanguage(), 'extra' => $extra ]; }, 'callbackParam' => [ 'a' => 'b' ], ], [ 'name' => 'config.json', 'config' => [ 'Sitename', 'server' => 'ServerName', ] ], ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'foo.json' => [ 'type' => 'data', 'content' => [ 'Hello' => 'world' ], ], 'sample.json' => [ 'type' => 'data', 'content' => (object)[ 'foo' => 'bar', 'answer' => 42 ], ], 'bar.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => "console.log('Hello');", ], 'data.json' => [ 'type' => 'data', 'content' => [ 'langCode' => 'fy', 'extra' => [ 'a' => 'b' ] ], ], 'config.json' => [ 'type' => 'data', 'content' => [ 'Sitename' => $config->get( 'Sitename' ), 'server' => $config->get( 'ServerName' ), ] ] ], 'main' => 'bar.js' ], [ 'lang' => 'fy' ] ], 'package file with callback and versionCallback' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'bar.js', 'content' => "console.log('Hello');" ], [ 'name' => 'data.json', 'versionCallback' => function ( $context ) { return 'x'; }, 'callback' => function ( $context, $config, $extra ) { return [ 'langCode' => $context->getLanguage(), 'extra' => $extra ]; }, 'callbackParam' => [ 'A', 'B' ] ], ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'bar.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => "console.log('Hello');", ], 'data.json' => [ 'type' => 'data', 'content' => [ 'langCode' => 'fy', 'extra' => [ 'A', 'B' ] ], ], ], 'main' => 'bar.js' ], [ 'lang' => 'fy' ] ], 'package file with callback that returns a file (1)' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'dynamic.js', 'callback' => function ( $context ) { $file = $context->getLanguage() === 'fy' ? 'script-comment.js' : 'script-nosemi.js'; return new ResourceLoaderFilePath( $file ); } ] ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'dynamic.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $commentScript, ] ], 'main' => 'dynamic.js' ], [ 'lang' => 'fy' ] ], 'package file with callback that returns a file (2)' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'dynamic.js', 'callback' => function ( $context ) { $file = $context->getLanguage() === 'fy' ? 'script-comment.js' : 'script-nosemi.js'; return new ResourceLoaderFilePath( $file ); } ] ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'dynamic.js' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $nosemiScript, ] ], 'main' => 'dynamic.js' ], [ 'lang' => 'nl' ] ], '.vue file in debug mode' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'vue-component.vue' ] ], [ 'files' => [ 'vue-component.vue' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $vueComponentDebug ] ], 'main' => 'vue-component.vue', ], [ 'debug' => 'true' ] ], '.vue file in non-debug mode' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'vue-component.vue' ], 'name' => 'nondebug', ], [ 'files' => [ 'vue-component.vue' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'content' => $vueComponentNonDebug ] ], 'main' => 'vue-component.vue' ], [ 'debug' => 'false' ] ], [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'file' => 'script-comment.js' ] ] ], LogicException::class ], 'package file with invalid callback' => [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'foo.json', 'callback' => 'functionThatDoesNotExist142857' ] ] ], LogicException::class ], [ // 'config' not valid for 'script' type $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'foo.json' => [ 'type' => 'script', 'config' => [ 'Sitename' ] ] ] ], LogicException::class ], [ // 'config' not valid for '*.js' file $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ [ 'name' => 'foo.js', 'config' => 'Sitename' ] ] ], LogicException::class ], [ // missing type/name/file. $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'foo.js' => [ 'garbage' => 'data' ] ] ], LogicException::class ], [ $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'filethatdoesnotexist142857.js' ] ], RuntimeException::class ], [ // JSON can't be a main file $base + [ 'packageFiles' => [ 'script-nosemi.js', [ 'name' => 'foo.json', 'content' => [ 'Hello' => 'world' ], 'main' => true ] ] ], LogicException::class ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetScriptPackageFiles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScript * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getPackageFiles * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::expandPackageFiles */ public function testGetScriptPackageFiles( $moduleDefinition, $expected, $contextOptions = [] ) { $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $moduleDefinition ); $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( $contextOptions ); if ( isset( $moduleDefinition['name'] ) ) { $module->setName( $moduleDefinition['name'] ); } if ( is_string( $expected ) ) { // Class name of expected exception $this->expectException( $expected ); $module->getScript( $context ); } else { // Array of expected return value $this->assertEquals( $expected, $module->getScript( $context ) ); } } }