getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context );
$client->setModules( [
] );
$client->setModuleStyles( [
] );
$expected = [
'states' => [
// The below are NOT queued for loading via `mw.loader.load(Array)`.
// Instead we tell the client to set their state to "loading" so that
// if they are needed as dependencies, the client will not try to
// load them on-demand, because the server is taking care of them already.
// Either:
// - Embedded as inline scripts in the HTML (e.g. user-private code, and
// previews). Once that script tag is reached, the state is "loaded".
// - Loaded directly from the HTML with a dedicated HTTP request (e.g.
// user scripts, which vary by a 'user' and 'version' parameter that
// the static user-agnostic startup module won't have).
'test.private' => 'loading',
'test.shouldembed' => 'loading',
'test.user' => 'loading',
// The below are known to the server to be empty scripts, or to be
// synchronously loaded stylesheets. These start in the "ready" state.
'test.shouldembed.empty' => 'ready',
'test.styles.pure' => 'ready',
'test.styles.user.empty' => 'ready',
'test.styles.private' => 'ready',
'test.styles.shouldembed' => 'ready',
'test.styles.deprecated' => 'ready',
'general' => [
'styles' => [
'embed' => [
'styles' => [ 'test.styles.private', 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
'general' => [
'styleDeprecations' => [
[ 'This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "test.styles.deprecated".
Deprecation message.' ]
$access = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $client );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $access->getData() );
public function testGetHeadHtml() {
$context = self::makeContext();
$context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context, [
'nonce' => false,
] );
$client->setConfig( [ 'key' => 'value' ] );
$client->setModules( [
] );
$client->setModuleStyles( [
] );
$client->setExemptStates( [
'test.exempt' => 'ready',
] );
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$expected = '' . "\n"
. '' . "\n"
. '' . "\n"
. '' . "\n"
. '';
// phpcs:enable
$expected = self::expandVariables( $expected );
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$client->getHeadHtml() );
* Confirm that 'target' is passed down to the startup module's load url.
public function testGetHeadHtmlWithTarget() {
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml(
[ 'target' => 'example' ]
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$expected = '' . "\n"
. '';
// phpcs:enable
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$client->getHeadHtml() );
* Confirm that 'safemode' is passed down to startup.
public function testGetHeadHtmlWithSafemode() {
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml(
[ 'safemode' => '1' ]
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$expected = '' . "\n"
. '';
// phpcs:enable
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$client->getHeadHtml() );
* Confirm that a null 'target' is the same as no target.
public function testGetHeadHtmlWithNullTarget() {
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml(
[ 'target' => null ]
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$expected = '' . "\n"
. '';
// phpcs:enable
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$client->getHeadHtml() );
public function testGetBodyHtml() {
$context = self::makeContext();
$context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context, [ 'nonce' => false ] );
$client->setConfig( [ 'key' => 'value' ] );
$client->setModules( [
] );
$client->setModuleStyles( [
] );
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$expected = '';
// phpcs:enable
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$client->getBodyHtml() );
public static function provideMakeLoad() {
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
return [
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.unknown' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.private' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.private' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.scripts' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
// Eg. startup module
'extra' => [ 'raw' => '1' ],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.scripts.user' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.user' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [ 'debug' => 'true' ],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.mixed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '' . "\n"
. '',
'context' => [ 'debug' => 'false' ],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.mixed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.noscript' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.shouldembed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.scripts.shouldembed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test', 'test.shouldembed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
'extra' => [],
'output' => '',
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' =>
'' . "\n"
. ''
'context' => [],
'modules' => [ 'test.ordering.a', 'test.ordering.e', 'test.ordering.b', 'test.ordering.d', 'test.ordering.c' ],
'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
'extra' => [],
'output' =>
'' . "\n"
. '' . "\n"
. ''
// phpcs:enable
* @dataProvider provideMakeLoad
* @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml
* @covers ResourceLoaderModule::getModuleContent
* @covers ResourceLoader
public function testMakeLoad(
array $contextQuery,
array $modules,
array $extraQuery,
) {
$context = self::makeContext( $contextQuery );
$context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
$actual = ResourceLoaderClientHtml::makeLoad( $context, $modules, $type, $extraQuery, false );
$expected = self::expandVariables( $expected );
$this->assertSame( $expected, (string)$actual );
public function testGetDocumentAttributes() {
$client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( self::makeContext() );
$this->assertIsArray( $client->getDocumentAttributes() );
private static function expandVariables( $text ) {
return strtr( $text, [
'{blankCombi}' => ResourceLoaderTestCase::BLANK_COMBI,
'{blankVer}' => ResourceLoaderTestCase::BLANK_VERSION
] );
private static function makeContext( $extraQuery = [] ) {
$conf = new HashConfig( [
'EnableJavaScriptTest' => false,
'LoadScript' => '/w/load.php',
] );
return new ResourceLoaderContext(
new ResourceLoader( $conf ),
new FauxRequest( array_merge( [
'lang' => 'nl',
'skin' => 'fallback',
'user' => 'Example',
'target' => 'phpunit',
], $extraQuery ) )
private static function makeModule( array $options = [] ) {
return $options + [ 'class' => ResourceLoaderTestModule::class ];
private static function makeSampleModules() {
$modules = [
'test' => [],
'test.private' => [ 'group' => 'private' ],
'test.shouldembed.empty' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true, 'isKnownEmpty' => true ],
'test.shouldembed' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true ],
'test.user' => [ 'group' => 'user' ],
'test.styles.pure' => [ 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES ],
'test.styles.mixed' => [],
'test.styles.noscript' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'group' => 'noscript',
'test.styles.user' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'group' => 'user',
'test.styles.user.empty' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'group' => 'user',
'isKnownEmpty' => true,
'test.styles.private' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'group' => 'private',
'styles' => '.private{}',
'test.styles.shouldembed' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'shouldEmbed' => true,
'styles' => '.shouldembed{}',
'test.styles.deprecated' => [
'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
'deprecated' => 'Deprecation message.',
'test.scripts' => [],
'test.scripts.user' => [ 'group' => 'user' ],
'test.scripts.user.empty' => [ 'group' => 'user', 'isKnownEmpty' => true ],
'test.scripts.shouldembed' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true ],
'test.ordering.a' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
'test.ordering.b' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
'test.ordering.c' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true, 'styles' => '.orderingC{}' ],
'test.ordering.d' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true, 'styles' => '.orderingD{}' ],
'test.ordering.e' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
return array_map( function ( $options ) {
return self::makeModule( $options );
}, $modules );