context = new RequestContext(); $this->context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( self::class ) ); $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgParser', $services->getParserFactory()->create() ); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgDisableLangConversion', false ); $this->config = $services->getMainConfig(); } /** * Get a basic PreferencesFactory for testing with. * @param PermissionManager $mockPM * @param Language $language * @return DefaultPreferencesFactory */ protected function getPreferencesFactory( PermissionManager $mockPM, Language $language ) { $mockNsInfo = $this->createMock( NamespaceInfo::class ); $mockNsInfo->method( 'getValidNamespaces' )->willReturn( [ NS_MAIN, NS_TALK, NS_USER, NS_USER_TALK ] ); $mockNsInfo->expects( $this->never() ) ->method( $this->anythingBut( 'getValidNamespaces', '__destruct' ) ); $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); return new DefaultPreferencesFactory( new LoggedServiceOptions( self::$serviceOptionsAccessLog, DefaultPreferencesFactory::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $this->config ), $language, $services->getAuthManager(), $services->getLinkRenderer(), $mockNsInfo, $mockPM, $services->getLanguageConverterFactory()->getLanguageConverter( $language ), $services->getLanguageNameUtils(), $services->getHookContainer() ); } /** * @covers ::getForm * @covers ::searchPreferences */ public function testGetForm() { $this->setTemporaryHook( 'GetPreferences', null ); $testUser = $this->getTestUser(); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' )->willReturn( true ); $prefFactory = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ); $form = $prefFactory->getForm( $testUser->getUser(), $this->context ); $this->assertInstanceOf( PreferencesFormOOUI::class, $form ); $this->assertCount( 5, $form->getPreferenceSections() ); } /** * CSS classes for emailauthentication preference field when there's no email. * @see * * @covers ::profilePreferences * @dataProvider emailAuthenticationProvider */ public function testEmailAuthentication( $user, $cssClass ) { $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' )->willReturn( true ); $prefs = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ) ->getFormDescriptor( $user, $this->context ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'cssclass', $prefs['emailauthentication'] ); $this->assertEquals( $cssClass, $prefs['emailauthentication']['cssclass'] ); } /** * @covers ::renderingPreferences */ public function testShowRollbackConfIsHiddenForUsersWithoutRollbackRights() { $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getEffectiveGroups' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getGroupMemberships' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( [ 'test' => 'yes' ] ); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $userMock, 'editmyoptions', true ] ] ) ); $prefs = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ) ->getFormDescriptor( $userMock, $this->context ); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'showrollbackconfirmation', $prefs ); } /** * @covers ::renderingPreferences */ public function testShowRollbackConfIsShownForUsersWithRollbackRights() { $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getEffectiveGroups' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getGroupMemberships' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( [ 'test' => 'yes' ] ); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $userMock, 'editmyoptions', true ], [ $userMock, 'rollback', true ] ] ) ); $prefs = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ) ->getFormDescriptor( $userMock, $this->context ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'showrollbackconfirmation', $prefs ); $this->assertEquals( 'rendering/advancedrendering', $prefs['showrollbackconfirmation']['section'] ); } public function emailAuthenticationProvider() { $userNoEmail = new User; $userEmailUnauthed = new User; $userEmailUnauthed->setEmail( '' ); $userEmailAuthed = new User; $userEmailAuthed->setEmail( '' ); $userEmailAuthed->setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp( wfTimestamp() ); return [ [ $userNoEmail, 'mw-email-none' ], [ $userEmailUnauthed, 'mw-email-not-authenticated' ], [ $userEmailAuthed, 'mw-email-authenticated' ], ]; } /** * Test that PreferencesFormPreSave hook has correct data: * - user Object is passed * - oldUserOptions contains previous user options (before save) * - formData and User object have set up new properties * * @see * @covers ::submitForm */ public function testPreferencesFormPreSaveHookHasCorrectData() { $oldOptions = [ 'test' => 'abc', 'option' => 'old' ]; $newOptions = [ 'test' => 'abc', 'option' => 'new' ]; $configMock = new HashConfig( [ 'HiddenPrefs' => [] ] ); $form = $this->getMockBuilder( PreferencesFormOOUI::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( $oldOptions ); $userMock->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) ) ->method( 'setOption' ) ->withConsecutive( [ $this->equalTo( 'test' ), $this->equalTo( $newOptions[ 'test' ] ) ], [ $this->equalTo( 'option' ), $this->equalTo( $newOptions[ 'option' ] ) ] ); $form->method( 'getModifiedUser' ) ->willReturn( $userMock ); $form->method( 'getContext' ) ->willReturn( $this->context ); $form->method( 'getConfig' ) ->willReturn( $configMock ); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasAnyRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $userMock, 'editmyprivateinfo', 'editmyoptions', true ] ] ) ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $userMock, 'editmyoptions', true ] ] ) ); $this->setTemporaryHook( 'PreferencesFormPreSave', function ( $formData, $form, $user, &$result, $oldUserOptions ) use ( $newOptions, $oldOptions, $userMock ) { $this->assertSame( $userMock, $user ); foreach ( $newOptions as $option => $value ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $formData[ $option ] ); } foreach ( $oldOptions as $option => $value ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $oldUserOptions[ $option ] ); } $this->assertTrue( $result ); } ); /** @var DefaultPreferencesFactory $factory */ $factory = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ) ); $factory->saveFormData( $newOptions, $form, [] ); } /** * The rclimit preference should accept non-integer input and filter it to become an integer. * * @covers ::saveFormData */ public function testIntvalFilter() { // Test a string with leading zeros (i.e. not octal) and spaces. $this->context->getRequest()->setVal( 'wprclimit', ' 0012 ' ); $user = new User; $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasAnyRight' ) ->willReturn( true ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $user, 'editmyoptions', true ] ] ) ); $prefFactory = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, new Language() ); $form = $prefFactory->getForm( $user, $this->context ); $form->show(); $form->trySubmit(); $this->assertEquals( 12, $user->getOption( 'rclimit' ) ); } /** * @covers ::profilePreferences */ public function testVariantsSupport() { $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getEffectiveGroups' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getGroupMemberships' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( [ 'LanguageCode' => 'sr', 'variant' => 'sr' ] ); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) ); $language = $this->createMock( Language::class ); $language->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getCode' ) ->willReturn( 'sr' ); $prefs = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, $language ) ->getFormDescriptor( $userMock, $this->context ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'default', $prefs['variant'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'sr', $prefs['variant']['default'] ); } /** * @covers ::profilePreferences */ public function testUserGroupMemberships() { $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getEffectiveGroups' ) ->willReturn( [ 'users' ] ); $userMock->method( 'getGroupMemberships' ) ->willReturn( [ 'users' ] ); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( [] ); $pm = $this->createMock( PermissionManager::class ); $pm->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) ); $language = $this->createMock( Language::class ); $language->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getCode' ) ->willReturn( 'en' ); $prefs = $this->getPreferencesFactory( $pm, $language ) ->getFormDescriptor( $userMock, $this->context ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'default', $prefs['usergroups'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'users', $prefs['usergroups']['default'] ); } /** * @coversNothing */ public function testAllServiceOptionsUsed() { $this->assertAllServiceOptionsUsed( [ // Only used when $wgEnotifWatchlist or $wgEnotifUserTalk is true 'EnotifMinorEdits', // Only used when $wgEnotifWatchlist or $wgEnotifUserTalk is true 'EnotifRevealEditorAddress', // Only used when 'fancysig' preference is enabled 'SignatureValidation', ] ); } }