[ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 10, 'forceChange' => true ], 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 6, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, ], 'sysop' => [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ], 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, ], 'bureaucrat' => [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 6, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => false, 'forceChange' => true, ], 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, ], 'default' => [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 4, 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1, 'PasswordCannotMatchDefaults' => true, 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 4096, // test null handling 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => null, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => true, ], ]; protected $checks = [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMinimalPasswordLength', 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMinimumPasswordLengthToLogin', 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotMatchUsername', 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername', 'PasswordCannotMatchDefaults' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotMatchDefaults', 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMaximalPasswordLength', ]; private function getUserPasswordPolicy() { return new UserPasswordPolicy( $this->policies, $this->checks ); } public function testGetPoliciesForUser() { $upp = $this->getUserPasswordPolicy(); $user = $this->getTestUser( [ 'sysop' ] )->getUser(); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ], 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotMatchBlacklist' => true, 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 4096, ], $upp->getPoliciesForUser( $user ) ); $user = $this->getTestUser( [ 'sysop', 'checkuser' ] )->getUser(); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 10, 'forceChange' => true, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ], 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 6, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotMatchBlacklist' => true, 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 4096, ], $upp->getPoliciesForUser( $user ) ); } public function testGetPoliciesForGroups() { $effective = UserPasswordPolicy::getPoliciesForGroups( $this->policies, [ 'user', 'checkuser', 'sysop' ], $this->policies['default'] ); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 10, 'forceChange' => true, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ], 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 6, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => true, 'PasswordCannotMatchBlacklist' => true, 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 4096, ], $effective ); } /** * @dataProvider provideCheckUserPassword */ public function testCheckUserPassword( $groups, $password, StatusValue $expectedStatus ) { $upp = $this->getUserPasswordPolicy(); $user = $this->getTestUser( $groups )->getUser(); $status = $upp->checkUserPassword( $user, $password ); $this->assertSame( $expectedStatus->isGood(), $status->isGood(), 'password valid' ); $this->assertSame( $expectedStatus->isOK(), $status->isOK(), 'can login' ); $this->assertSame( $expectedStatus->getValue(), $status->getValue(), 'flags' ); } public function provideCheckUserPassword() { $success = Status::newGood( [] ); $warning = Status::newGood( [] ); $forceChange = Status::newGood( [ 'forceChange' => true ] ); $suggestChangeOnLogin = Status::newGood( [ 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ] ); $fatal = Status::newGood( [] ); // the message does not matter, we only test for state and value $warning->warning( 'invalid-password' ); $forceChange->warning( 'invalid-password' ); $suggestChangeOnLogin->warning( 'invalid-password' ); $warning->warning( 'invalid-password' ); $fatal->fatal( 'invalid-password' ); return [ 'No groups, default policy, password too short to login' => [ [], '', $fatal, ], 'Default policy, short password' => [ [ 'user' ], 'aaa', $warning, ], 'Sysop with good password' => [ [ 'sysop' ], 'abcdabcdabcd', $success, ], 'Sysop with short password and suggestChangeOnLogin set to true' => [ [ 'sysop' ], 'abcd', $suggestChangeOnLogin, ], 'Checkuser with short password' => [ [ 'checkuser' ], 'abcdabcd', $forceChange, ], 'Bureaucrat bad password with forceChange true, suggestChangeOnLogin false' => [ [ 'bureaucrat' ], 'short', $forceChange, ], 'Checkuser with too short password to login' => [ [ 'sysop', 'checkuser' ], 'abcd', $fatal, ], ]; } public function testCheckUserPassword_blacklist() { $upp = $this->getUserPasswordPolicy(); $user = User::newFromName( 'Useruser' ); $user->addToDatabase(); $status = $upp->checkUserPassword( $user, 'Passpass' ); $this->assertFalse( $status->isGood(), 'password invalid' ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'can login' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideMaxOfPolicies */ public function testMaxOfPolicies( $p1, $p2, $max ) { $this->assertArrayEquals( $max, UserPasswordPolicy::maxOfPolicies( $p1, $p2 ) ); } public function provideMaxOfPolicies() { return [ 'Basic max in p1' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8 ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 2 ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8 ], // max ], 'Basic max in p2' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 2 ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8 ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8 ], // max ], 'Missing items in p1' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8, ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 2, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => 1, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => 1, ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => 1, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => 1, ], // max ], 'Missing items in p2' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => 1, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => 1, ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 2, ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8, 'PasswordCannotMatchUsername' => 1, 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => 1, ], // max ], 'complex value in p1' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, ], ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 2, ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, ], ], // max ], 'complex value in p2' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 8, ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 2, 'foo' => 1, ], ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, ], ], // max ], 'complex value in both p1 and p2' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, 'baz' => false, ], ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 2, 'bar' => 2, 'baz' => true, ], ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2, 'baz' => true, ], ], // max ], 'complex value in both p1 and p2 #2' => [ [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, 'baz' => false, ], ], // p1 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 2, 'bar' => true ], ], // p2 [ 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => true, 'baz' => false, ], ], // max ], ]; } }