*/ class DifferenceEngineTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase { protected $context; private static $revisions; protected function setUp() : void { parent::setUp(); $title = $this->getTitle(); $this->context = new RequestContext(); $this->context->setTitle( $title ); if ( !self::$revisions ) { self::$revisions = $this->doEdits(); } $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgDiffEngine' => 'php' ] ); } /** * @return Title */ protected function getTitle() { $namespace = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS(); return Title::newFromText( 'Kitten', $namespace ); } /** * @return int[] Revision ids */ protected function doEdits() { $title = $this->getTitle(); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $strings = [ "it is a kitten", "two kittens", "three kittens", "four kittens" ]; $revisions = []; foreach ( $strings as $string ) { $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $string, $title ); $page->doEditContent( $content, 'edit page' ); $revisions[] = $page->getLatest(); } return $revisions; } public function testMapDiffPrevNext() { $cases = $this->getMapDiffPrevNextCases(); foreach ( $cases as $case ) { list( $expected, $old, $new, $message ) = $case; $diffEngine = new DifferenceEngine( $this->context, $old, $new, 2, true, false ); $diffMap = $diffEngine->mapDiffPrevNext( $old, $new ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $diffMap, $message ); } } private function getMapDiffPrevNextCases() { $revs = self::$revisions; return [ [ [ $revs[1], $revs[2] ], $revs[2], 'prev', 'diff=prev' ], [ [ $revs[2], $revs[3] ], $revs[2], 'next', 'diff=next' ], [ [ $revs[1], $revs[3] ], $revs[1], $revs[3], 'diff=' . $revs[3] ] ]; } public function testLoadRevisionData() { $cases = $this->getLoadRevisionDataCases(); foreach ( $cases as $testName => $case ) { list( $expectedOld, $expectedNew, $expectedRet, $old, $new ) = $case; $diffEngine = new DifferenceEngine( $this->context, $old, $new, 2, true, false ); $ret = $diffEngine->loadRevisionData(); $ret2 = $diffEngine->loadRevisionData(); $this->assertEquals( $expectedOld, $diffEngine->getOldid(), $testName ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedNew, $diffEngine->getNewid(), $testName ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRet, $ret, $testName ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRet, $ret2, $testName ); } } private function getLoadRevisionDataCases() { $revs = self::$revisions; return [ 'diff=prev' => [ $revs[2], $revs[3], true, $revs[3], 'prev' ], 'diff=next' => [ $revs[2], $revs[3], true, $revs[2], 'next' ], 'diff=' . $revs[3] => [ $revs[1], $revs[3], true, $revs[1], $revs[3] ], 'diff=0' => [ $revs[1], $revs[3], true, $revs[1], 0 ], 'diff=prev&oldid=' => [ false, $revs[0], true, $revs[0], 'prev' ], 'invalid' => [ 123456789, $revs[1], false, 123456789, $revs[1] ], ]; } public function testGetOldid() { $revs = self::$revisions; $diffEngine = new DifferenceEngine( $this->context, $revs[1], $revs[2], 2, true, false ); $this->assertEquals( $revs[1], $diffEngine->getOldid(), 'diff get old id' ); } public function testGetNewid() { $revs = self::$revisions; $diffEngine = new DifferenceEngine( $this->context, $revs[1], $revs[2], 2, true, false ); $this->assertEquals( $revs[2], $diffEngine->getNewid(), 'diff get new id' ); } public function provideLocaliseTitleTooltipsTestData() { return [ 'moved paragraph left shoud get new location title' => [ '', '', ], 'moved paragraph right shoud get old location title' => [ '', '', ], 'nothing changed when key not hit' => [ '', '', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideLocaliseTitleTooltipsTestData */ public function testAddLocalisedTitleTooltips( $input, $expected ) { $this->setContentLang( 'qqx' ); $diffEngine = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( new DifferenceEngine() ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $diffEngine->addLocalisedTitleTooltips( $input ) ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGenerateContentDiffBody */ public function testGenerateContentDiffBody( array $oldContentArgs, array $newContentArgs, $expectedDiff ) { $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgContentHandlers', [ 'testing-nontext' => DummyNonTextContentHandler::class, ] ); $oldContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( ...$oldContentArgs ); $newContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( ...$newContentArgs ); $differenceEngine = new DifferenceEngine(); $diff = $differenceEngine->generateContentDiffBody( $oldContent, $newContent ); $this->assertSame( $expectedDiff, $this->getPlainDiff( $diff ) ); } public static function provideGenerateContentDiffBody() { $content1 = [ 'xxx', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ]; $content2 = [ 'yyy', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ]; return [ 'self-diff' => [ $content1, $content1, '' ], 'text diff' => [ $content1, $content2, '-xxx+yyy' ], ]; } public function testGenerateTextDiffBody() { $oldText = "aaa\nbbb\nccc"; $newText = "aaa\nxxx\nccc"; $expectedDiff = " aaa aaa\n-bbb+xxx\n ccc ccc"; $differenceEngine = new DifferenceEngine(); $diff = $differenceEngine->generateTextDiffBody( $oldText, $newText ); $this->assertSame( $expectedDiff, $this->getPlainDiff( $diff ) ); } public function testSetContent() { $oldContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( 'xxx', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ); $newContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( 'yyy', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ); $differenceEngine = new DifferenceEngine(); $differenceEngine->setContent( $oldContent, $newContent ); $diff = $differenceEngine->getDiffBody(); $this->assertSame( "Line 1:\nLine 1:\n-xxx+yyy", $this->getPlainDiff( $diff ) ); } public function testSetRevisions() { $main1 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, ContentHandler::makeContent( 'xxx', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); $main2 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, ContentHandler::makeContent( 'yyy', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); $rev1 = $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1 ); $rev2 = $this->getRevisionRecord( $main2 ); $differenceEngine = new DifferenceEngine(); $differenceEngine->setRevisions( $rev1, $rev2 ); $this->assertSame( $rev1, $differenceEngine->getOldRevision() ); $this->assertSame( $rev2, $differenceEngine->getNewRevision() ); $this->assertSame( true, $differenceEngine->loadRevisionData() ); $this->assertSame( true, $differenceEngine->loadText() ); $differenceEngine->setRevisions( null, $rev2 ); $this->assertSame( null, $differenceEngine->getOldRevision() ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetDiffBody */ public function testGetDiffBody( ?RevisionRecord $oldRevision, ?RevisionRecord $newRevision, $expectedDiff ) { if ( $expectedDiff instanceof Exception ) { $this->expectException( get_class( $expectedDiff ) ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( $expectedDiff->getMessage() ); } $differenceEngine = new DifferenceEngine(); $differenceEngine->setRevisions( $oldRevision, $newRevision ); if ( $expectedDiff instanceof Exception ) { return; } $diff = $differenceEngine->getDiffBody(); $this->assertSame( $expectedDiff, $this->getPlainDiff( $diff ) ); } public function provideGetDiffBody() { $main1 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, ContentHandler::makeContent( 'xxx', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); $main2 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( SlotRecord::MAIN, ContentHandler::makeContent( 'yyy', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); $slot1 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'slot', ContentHandler::makeContent( 'aaa', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); $slot2 = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'slot', ContentHandler::makeContent( 'bbb', null, CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ); return [ 'revision vs. null' => [ null, $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), '', ], 'revision vs. itself' => [ $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), '', ], 'different text in one slot' => [ $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot2 ), "slotLine 1:\nLine 1:\n-aaa+bbb", ], 'different text in two slots' => [ $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), $this->getRevisionRecord( $main2, $slot2 ), "Line 1:\nLine 1:\n-xxx+yyy\nslotLine 1:\nLine 1:\n-aaa+bbb", ], 'new slot' => [ $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1 ), $this->getRevisionRecord( $main1, $slot1 ), "slotLine 1:\nLine 1:\n- +aaa", ], ]; } public function testRecursion() { // Set up a ContentHandler which will return a wrapped DifferenceEngine as // SlotDiffRenderer, then pass it a content which uses the same ContentHandler. // This tests the anti-recursion logic in DifferenceEngine::generateContentDiffBody. $customDifferenceEngine = $this->getMockBuilder( DifferenceEngine::class ) ->enableProxyingToOriginalMethods() ->getMock(); $customContentHandler = $this->getMockBuilder( ContentHandler::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ 'foo', [] ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'createDifferenceEngine' ] ) ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $customContentHandler->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'createDifferenceEngine' ) ->willReturn( $customDifferenceEngine ); /** @var ContentHandler $customContentHandler */ $customContent = $this->getMockBuilder( Content::class ) ->setMethods( [ 'getContentHandler' ] ) ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $customContent->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getContentHandler' ) ->willReturn( $customContentHandler ); /** @var Content $customContent */ $customContent2 = clone $customContent; $slotDiffRenderer = $customContentHandler->getSlotDiffRenderer( RequestContext::getMain() ); $this->expectException( Exception::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( ': could not maintain backwards compatibility. Please use a SlotDiffRenderer.' ); $slotDiffRenderer->getDiff( $customContent, $customContent2 ); } /** * Convert a HTML diff to a human-readable format and hopefully make the test less fragile. * @param string diff * @return string */ private function getPlainDiff( $diff ) { $replacements = [ html_entity_decode( ' ' ) => ' ', html_entity_decode( '−' ) => '-', ]; return str_replace( array_keys( $replacements ), array_values( $replacements ), trim( strip_tags( $diff ), "\n" ) ); } /** * @param int $id * @return Title */ private function getMockTitle( $id = 23 ) { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( Title::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $mock->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getDBkey' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( __CLASS__ ) ); $mock->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getArticleID' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $id ) ); return $mock; } /** * @param SlotRecord[] $slots * @return MutableRevisionRecord */ private function getRevisionRecord( ...$slots ) { $title = $this->getMockTitle(); $revision = new MutableRevisionRecord( $title ); foreach ( $slots as $slot ) { $revision->setSlot( $slot ); } return $revision; } }