setTemporaryHook( 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames', function ( array &$names, $code ) { switch ( $code ) { case 'en': $names['sh'] = 'Serbo-Croatian'; $names['qtp'] = 'a custom language code MediaWiki knows nothing about'; break; case 'pt': $names['de'] = 'alemão'; break; } } ); } private function doQuery( array $params, $microtimeFunction = null ): array { $params += [ 'action' => 'query', 'meta' => 'languageinfo', 'uselang' => 'en', ]; if ( $microtimeFunction !== null ) { // hook into the module manager to override the factory function // so we can call the constructor with the custom $microtimeFunction $this->setTemporaryHook( 'ApiQuery::moduleManager', function ( ApiModuleManager $moduleManager ) use ( $microtimeFunction ) { $moduleManager->addModule( 'languageinfo', 'meta', [ 'class' => ApiQueryLanguageinfo::class, 'factory' => function ( $parent, $name ) use ( $microtimeFunction ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); return new ApiQueryLanguageinfo( $parent, $name, $services->getLanguageFactory(), $services->getLanguageNameUtils(), $services->getLanguageFallback(), $services->getLanguageConverterFactory(), $microtimeFunction ); } ] ); } ); } $res = $this->doApiRequest( $params ); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'warnings', $res[0] ); return [ $res[0]['query']['languageinfo'], $res[0]['continue'] ?? null ]; } public function testAllPropsForSingleLanguage() { list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [ 'liprop' => 'code|bcp47|dir|autonym|name|fallbacks|variants', 'licode' => 'sh', ] ); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'sh' => [ 'code' => 'sh', 'bcp47' => 'sh', 'autonym' => 'srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски', 'name' => 'Serbo-Croatian', 'fallbacks' => [ 'bs', 'sr-el', 'hr' ], 'dir' => 'ltr', 'variants' => [ 'sh' ], ], ], $response ); } public function testAllPropsForSingleCustomLanguage() { list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [ 'liprop' => 'code|bcp47|dir|autonym|name|fallbacks|variants', 'licode' => 'qtp', // reserved for local use by ISO 639; registered in setUp() ] ); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'qtp' => [ 'code' => 'qtp', 'bcp47' => 'qtp', 'autonym' => '', 'name' => 'a custom language code MediaWiki knows nothing about', 'fallbacks' => [], 'dir' => 'ltr', 'variants' => [ 'qtp' ], ], ], $response ); } public function testNameInOtherLanguageForSingleLanguage() { list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [ 'liprop' => 'name', 'licode' => 'de', 'uselang' => 'pt', ] ); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ 'de' => [ 'name' => 'alemão' ] ], $response ); } public function testContinuationNecessary() { $time = 0; $microtimeFunction = function () use ( &$time ) { return $time += 0.75; }; list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [], $microtimeFunction ); $this->assertCount( 2, $response ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'licontinue', $continue ); } public function testContinuationNotNecessary() { $time = 0; $microtimeFunction = function () use ( &$time ) { return $time += 1.5; }; list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [ 'licode' => 'de', ], $microtimeFunction ); $this->assertNull( $continue ); } public function testContinuationInAlphabeticalOrderNotParameterOrder() { $time = 0; $microtimeFunction = function () use ( &$time ) { return $time += 0.75; }; $params = [ 'licode' => 'en|ru|zh|de|yue' ]; list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( $params, $microtimeFunction ); $this->assertCount( 2, $response ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'licontinue', $continue ); $this->assertSame( [ 'de', 'en' ], array_keys( $response ) ); $time = 0; $params = $continue + $params; list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( $params, $microtimeFunction ); $this->assertCount( 2, $response ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'licontinue', $continue ); $this->assertSame( [ 'ru', 'yue' ], array_keys( $response ) ); $time = 0; $params = $continue + $params; list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( $params, $microtimeFunction ); $this->assertCount( 1, $response ); $this->assertNull( $continue ); $this->assertSame( [ 'zh' ], array_keys( $response ) ); } public function testResponseHasModulePathEvenIfEmpty() { list( $response, $continue ) = $this->doQuery( [ 'licode' => '' ] ); $this->assertSame( [], $response ); // the real test is that $res[0]['query']['languageinfo'] in doQuery() didn’t fail } }