tablesUsed[] = 'slot_roles'; parent::setUp(); } protected function addCoreDBData() { // The default implementation causes the slot_roles to already have content. Skip that. } private function populateTable( $values ) { $insertValues = []; foreach ( $values as $name ) { $insertValues[] = [ 'role_name' => $name ]; } $this->db->insert( 'slot_roles', $insertValues ); } private function getHashWANObjectCache( $cacheBag ) { return new WANObjectCache( [ 'cache' => $cacheBag ] ); } /** * @param $db * @return MockObject|LoadBalancer */ private function getMockLoadBalancer( $db ) { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( LoadBalancer::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $mock->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getConnectionRef' ) ->willReturnCallback( function ( $i ) use ( $mock, $db ) { return new MaintainableDBConnRef( $mock, $db, $i ); } ); return $mock; } /** * @param null $insertCalls * @param null $selectCalls * * @return MockObject|IDatabase */ private function getProxyDb( $insertCalls = null, $selectCalls = null ) { $proxiedMethods = [ 'select' => $selectCalls, 'insert' => $insertCalls, 'affectedRows' => null, 'insertId' => null, 'getSessionLagStatus' => null, 'writesPending' => null, 'onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle' => null, 'onAtomicSectionCancel' => null, 'doAtomicSection' => null, 'begin' => null, 'rollback' => null, 'commit' => null, ]; $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( IDatabase::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); foreach ( $proxiedMethods as $method => $count ) { $mock->expects( is_int( $count ) ? $this->exactly( $count ) : $this->any() ) ->method( $method ) ->willReturnCallback( function ( ...$args ) use ( $method ) { return $this->db->$method( ...$args ); } ); } return $mock; } private function getNameTableSqlStore( BagOStuff $cacheBag, $insertCalls, $selectCalls, $normalizationCallback = null, $insertCallback = null ) { return new NameTableStore( $this->getMockLoadBalancer( $this->getProxyDb( $insertCalls, $selectCalls ) ), $this->getHashWANObjectCache( $cacheBag ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name', $normalizationCallback, false, $insertCallback ); } public function provideGetAndAcquireId() { return [ 'no wancache, empty table' => [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), true, 1, [], 'foo', 1 ], 'no wancache, one matching value' => [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), false, 1, [ 'foo' ], 'foo', 1 ], 'no wancache, one not matching value' => [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), true, 1, [ 'bar' ], 'foo', 2 ], 'no wancache, multiple, one matching value' => [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), false, 1, [ 'foo', 'bar' ], 'bar', 2 ], 'no wancache, multiple, no matching value' => [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), true, 1, [ 'foo', 'bar' ], 'baz', 3 ], 'wancache, empty table' => [ new HashBagOStuff(), true, 1, [], 'foo', 1 ], 'wancache, one matching value' => [ new HashBagOStuff(), false, 1, [ 'foo' ], 'foo', 1 ], 'wancache, one not matching value' => [ new HashBagOStuff(), true, 1, [ 'bar' ], 'foo', 2 ], 'wancache, multiple, one matching value' => [ new HashBagOStuff(), false, 1, [ 'foo', 'bar' ], 'bar', 2 ], 'wancache, multiple, no matching value' => [ new HashBagOStuff(), true, 1, [ 'foo', 'bar' ], 'baz', 3 ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetAndAcquireId * @param BagOStuff $cacheBag to use in the WANObjectCache service * @param bool $needsInsert Does the value we are testing need to be inserted? * @param int $selectCalls Number of times the select DB method will be called * @param string[] $existingValues to be added to the db table * @param string $name name to acquire * @param int $expectedId the id we expect the name to have */ public function testGetAndAcquireId( $cacheBag, $needsInsert, $selectCalls, $existingValues, $name, $expectedId ) { // Make sure the table is empty! $this->truncateTable( 'slot_roles' ); $this->populateTable( $existingValues ); $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $cacheBag, (int)$needsInsert, $selectCalls ); // Some names will not initially exist try { $result = $store->getId( $name ); $this->assertSame( $expectedId, $result ); } catch ( NameTableAccessException $e ) { if ( $needsInsert ) { $this->assertTrue( true ); // Expected exception } else { $this->fail( 'Did not expect an exception, but got one: ' . $e->getMessage() ); } } // All names should return their id here $this->assertSame( $expectedId, $store->acquireId( $name ) ); // acquireId inserted these names, so now everything should exist with getId $this->assertSame( $expectedId, $store->getId( $name ) ); // calling getId again will also still work, and not result in more selects $this->assertSame( $expectedId, $store->getId( $name ) ); } public function provideTestGetAndAcquireIdNameNormalization() { yield [ 'A', 'a', 'strtolower' ]; yield [ 'b', 'B', 'strtoupper' ]; yield [ 'X', 'X', function ( $name ) { return $name; } ]; yield [ 'ZZ', 'ZZ-a', __CLASS__ . '::appendDashAToString' ]; } public static function appendDashAToString( $string ) { return $string . '-a'; } /** * @dataProvider provideTestGetAndAcquireIdNameNormalization */ public function testGetAndAcquireIdNameNormalization( $nameIn, $nameOut, $normalizationCallback ) { $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new EmptyBagOStuff(), 1, 1, $normalizationCallback ); $acquiredId = $store->acquireId( $nameIn ); $this->assertSame( $nameOut, $store->getName( $acquiredId ) ); } public function provideGetName() { return [ [ new HashBagOStuff(), 3, 2 ], [ new EmptyBagOStuff(), 3, 3 ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetName */ public function testGetName( BagOStuff $cacheBag, $insertCalls, $selectCalls ) { $now = microtime( true ); $cacheBag->setMockTime( $now ); // Check for operations to in-memory cache (IMC) and persistent cache (PC) $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $cacheBag, $insertCalls, $selectCalls ); // Get 1 ID and make sure getName returns correctly $fooId = $store->acquireId( 'foo' ); // regen PC, set IMC, update IMC, tombstone PC $now += 0.01; $this->assertSame( 'foo', $store->getName( $fooId ) ); // use IMC $now += 0.01; // Get another ID and make sure getName returns correctly $barId = $store->acquireId( 'bar' ); // update IMC, tombstone PC $now += 0.01; $this->assertSame( 'bar', $store->getName( $barId ) ); // use IMC $now += 0.01; // Blitz the cache and make sure it still returns TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $store )->tableCache = null; // clear IMC $this->assertSame( 'foo', $store->getName( $fooId ) ); // regen interim PC, set IMC $this->assertSame( 'bar', $store->getName( $barId ) ); // use IMC // Blitz the cache again and get another ID and make sure getName returns correctly TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $store )->tableCache = null; // clear IMC $bazId = $store->acquireId( 'baz' ); // set IMC using interim PC, update IMC, tombstone PC $now += 0.01; $this->assertSame( 'baz', $store->getName( $bazId ) ); // uses IMC $this->assertSame( 'baz', $store->getName( $bazId ) ); // uses IMC } public function testGetName_masterFallback() { $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new EmptyBagOStuff(), 1, 2 ); // Insert a new name $fooId = $store->acquireId( 'foo' ); // Empty the process cache, getCachedTable() will now return this empty array TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $store )->tableCache = []; // getName should fallback to master, which is why we assert 2 selectCalls above $this->assertSame( 'foo', $store->getName( $fooId ) ); } public function testGetMap_empty() { $this->populateTable( [] ); $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new HashBagOStuff(), 0, 1 ); $table = $store->getMap(); $this->assertSame( [], $table ); } public function testGetMap_twoValues() { $this->populateTable( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new HashBagOStuff(), 0, 1 ); // We are using a cache, so 2 calls should only result in 1 select on the db $store->getMap(); $table = $store->getMap(); $expected = [ 1 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar' ]; $this->assertSame( $expected, $table ); // Make sure the table returned is the same as the cached table $this->assertSame( $expected, TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $store )->tableCache ); } public function testReloadMap() { $this->populateTable( [ 'foo' ] ); $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new HashBagOStuff(), 0, 2 ); // force load $this->assertCount( 1, $store->getMap() ); // add more stuff to the table, so the cache gets out of sync $this->populateTable( [ 'bar' ] ); $expected = [ 1 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar' ]; $this->assertSame( $expected, $store->reloadMap() ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $store->getMap() ); } public function testCacheRaceCondition() { $wanHashBag = new HashBagOStuff(); $store1 = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $wanHashBag, 1, 1 ); $store2 = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $wanHashBag, 1, 0 ); $store3 = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $wanHashBag, 1, 1 ); // Cache the current table in the instances we will use // This simulates multiple requests running simultaneously $store1->getMap(); $store2->getMap(); $store3->getMap(); // Store 2 separate names using different instances $fooId = $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ); $barId = $store2->acquireId( 'bar' ); // Each of these instances should be aware of what they have inserted $this->assertSame( $fooId, $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertSame( $barId, $store2->acquireId( 'bar' ) ); // A new store should be able to get both of these new Ids // Note: before there was a race condition here where acquireId( 'bar' ) would update the // cache with data missing the 'foo' key that it was not aware of $store4 = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( $wanHashBag, 0, 1 ); $this->assertSame( $fooId, $store4->getId( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertSame( $barId, $store4->getId( 'bar' ) ); // If a store with old cached data tries to acquire these we will get the same ids. $this->assertSame( $fooId, $store3->acquireId( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertSame( $barId, $store3->acquireId( 'bar' ) ); } public function testGetAndAcquireIdInsertCallback() { // FIXME: fails under postgres $this->markTestSkippedIfDbType( 'postgres' ); $store = $this->getNameTableSqlStore( new EmptyBagOStuff(), 1, 1, null, function ( $insertFields ) { $insertFields['role_id'] = 7251; return $insertFields; } ); $this->assertSame( 7251, $store->acquireId( 'A' ) ); } public function testTransactionRollback() { $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); // Two instances hitting the real database using separate caches. $store1 = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); $store2 = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); $this->db->begin( __METHOD__ ); $fooId = $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ); $this->db->rollback( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertSame( $fooId, $store2->getId( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertSame( $fooId, $store1->getId( 'foo' ) ); } public function testTransactionRollbackWithFailedRedo() { $insertCalls = 0; $db = $this->getProxyDb( 2 ); $db->method( 'insert' ) ->willReturnCallback( function () use ( &$insertCalls, $db ) { $insertCalls++; switch ( $insertCalls ) { case 1: return true; case 2: throw new RuntimeException( 'Testing' ); } return true; } ); $lb = $this->getMockBuilder( LoadBalancer::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $lb->method( 'getConnectionRef' ) ->willReturn( $db ); $lb->method( 'resolveDomainID' ) ->willReturnArgument( 0 ); // Two instances hitting the real database using separate caches. $store1 = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); $this->db->begin( __METHOD__ ); $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ); $this->db->rollback( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'foo', $store1->getMap() ); } public function testTransactionRollbackWithInterference() { // FIXME: $this->markTestSkippedIfDbType( 'sqlite' ); $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); // Two instances hitting the real database using separate caches. $store1 = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); $store2 = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); $this->db->begin( __METHOD__ ); $quuxId = null; $this->db->onTransactionResolution( function () use ( $store1, &$quuxId ) { $quuxId = $store1->acquireId( 'quux' ); } ); $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ); $this->db->rollback( __METHOD__ ); // $store2 should know about the insert by $store1 $this->assertSame( $quuxId, $store2->getId( 'quux' ) ); // A "best effort" attempt was made to restore the entry for 'foo' // after the transaction failed. This may succeed on some databases like MySQL, // while it fails on others. Since we are giving no guarantee about this, // the only thing we can test here is that acquireId( 'foo' ) returns an // ID that is distinct from the ID of quux (but might be different from the // value returned by the original call to acquireId( 'foo' ). // Note that $store2 will not know about the ID for 'foo' acquired by $store1, // because it's using a separate cache, and getId() does not fall back to // checking the database. $this->assertNotSame( $quuxId, $store1->acquireId( 'foo' ) ); } public function testTransactionDoubleRollback() { $fname = __METHOD__; $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); $store = new NameTableStore( $lb, $this->getHashWANObjectCache( new HashBagOStuff() ), new NullLogger(), 'slot_roles', 'role_id', 'role_name' ); // Nested atomic sections $atomic1 = $this->db->startAtomic( $fname, $this->db::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); $atomic2 = $this->db->startAtomic( $fname, $this->db::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); // Acquire ID $id = $store->acquireId( 'foo' ); // Oops, rolled back $this->db->cancelAtomic( $fname, $atomic2 ); // Should have been re-inserted $store->reloadMap(); $this->assertSame( $id, $store->getId( 'foo' ) ); // Oops, re-insert was rolled back too. $this->db->cancelAtomic( $fname, $atomic1 ); // This time, no re-insertion happened. try { $id2 = $store->getId( 'foo' ); $this->fail( "Expected NameTableAccessException, got $id2 (originally was $id)" ); } catch ( NameTableAccessException $ex ) { // expected } } }