/*! * Convert watchstar to text label in IE 8. * * Hide the SVG icon and show the text label instead. * This is in a separate file because it uses a * @media query, which can't be nested, so we need to include * this outside the overall '@media screen'. */ // stylelint-disable no-duplicate-selectors // Support IE 8: Show label instead (Grade C). // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/17699986/1696030 // https://keithclark.co.uk/articles/moving-ie-specific-css-into-media-blocks/media-tests/ @ie8-media-start: ~'@media \0screen {'; @ie8-media-end: ~'} after'; @{ie8-media-start} .vector-menu-tabs .mw-watchlink.icon a { width: auto; height: auto; // Copied from 'MenuTabs.less'. padding: 1.25em 8px 0 8px; } // LESS nesting doesn't work in this hack. .vector-menu-tabs .mw-watchlink.icon a:before { display: none; } // Bogus extra rule for LESS compiler to render `@media` ending bracket. @{ie8-media-end} { /* This comment makes the block non-empty. */ }