addDescription( 'Updates extension.json files to the latest manifest_version' ); $this->addArg( 'path', 'Location to the extension.json or skin.json you wish to convert', /* $required = */ true ); } public function execute() { $filename = $this->getArg( 0 ); if ( !is_readable( $filename ) ) { $this->fatalError( "Error: Unable to read $filename" ); } $json = FormatJson::decode( file_get_contents( $filename ), true ); if ( !is_array( $json ) ) { $this->fatalError( "Error: Invalid JSON" ); } if ( !isset( $json['manifest_version'] ) ) { $json['manifest_version'] = 1; } if ( $json['manifest_version'] == ExtensionRegistry::MANIFEST_VERSION ) { $this->output( "Already at the latest version: {$json['manifest_version']}\n" ); return; } while ( $json['manifest_version'] !== ExtensionRegistry::MANIFEST_VERSION ) { $json['manifest_version'] += 1; $func = "updateTo{$json['manifest_version']}"; $this->$func( $json ); } $this->updateRequiredMwVersion( $json ); file_put_contents( $filename, FormatJson::encode( $json, "\t", FormatJson::ALL_OK ) . "\n" ); $this->output( "Updated to {$json['manifest_version']}...\n" ); } /** * @param array &$json */ protected function updateRequiredMwVersion( &$json ) { if ( !isset( $json['requires'] ) ) { $json['requires'] = []; } $needNewVersion = true; // When version is set, parse it and compare against requirement for new manifest if ( isset( $json['requires'][ExtensionRegistry::MEDIAWIKI_CORE] ) ) { $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $currentRequired = $versionParser->parseConstraints( // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset isset check exists $json['requires'][ExtensionRegistry::MEDIAWIKI_CORE] ); $newRequired = $versionParser->parseConstraints( // The match works only when using an equal comparision str_replace( '>=', '==', ExtensionRegistry::MANIFEST_VERSION_MW_VERSION ) ); if ( !$currentRequired->matches( $newRequired ) ) { $needNewVersion = false; } } if ( $needNewVersion ) { // Set or update a requirement on the MediaWiki version // that the current MANIFEST_VERSION was introduced in. $json['requires'][ExtensionRegistry::MEDIAWIKI_CORE] = ExtensionRegistry::MANIFEST_VERSION_MW_VERSION; } } protected function updateTo2( &$json ) { if ( isset( $json['config'] ) ) { $config = $json['config']; $json['config'] = []; if ( isset( $config['_prefix'] ) ) { $json = wfArrayInsertAfter( $json, [ 'config_prefix' => $config['_prefix'] ], 'config' ); unset( $config['_prefix'] ); } foreach ( $config as $name => $value ) { if ( $name[0] !== '@' ) { $json['config'][$name] = [ 'value' => $value ]; if ( isset( $value[ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY] ) ) { $json['config'][$name]['merge_strategy'] = $value[ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY]; unset( $json['config'][$name]['value'][ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY] ); } if ( isset( $config["@$name"] ) ) { // Put 'description' first for better human-legibility. $json['config'][$name] = array_merge( [ 'description' => $config["@$name"] ], $json['config'][$name] ); } } } } // Re-maps top level keys under attributes $attributes = [ 'CodeMirrorPluginModules' => [ 'CodeMirror', 'PluginModules' ], 'CodeMirrorTagModes' => [ 'CodeMirror', 'TagModes' ], 'EventLoggingSchemas' => [ 'EventLogging', 'Schemas' ], 'SyntaxHighlightModels' => [ 'SyntaxHighlight', 'Models' ], 'VisualEditorAvailableContentModels' => [ 'VisualEditor', 'AvailableContentModels' ], 'VisualEditorAvailableNamespaces' => [ 'VisualEditor', 'AvailableNamespaces' ], 'VisualEditorPreloadModules' => [ 'VisualEditor', 'PreloadModules' ], 'VisualEditorPluginModules' => [ 'VisualEditor', 'PluginModules' ], ]; foreach ( $attributes as $name => $value ) { if ( !isset( $json[$name] ) ) { continue; } $json['attributes'][$value[0]][$value[1]] = $json[$name]; unset( $json[$name] ); } } } $maintClass = UpdateExtensionJsonSchema::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;