addDescription( 'Script to normalize double-byte Latin UTF-8 characters' ); $this->addOption( 'q', 'quiet', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'l', 'How long the searchindex and revision tables will be locked for', false, true ); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } public function execute() { $maxLockTime = $this->getOption( 'l', 20 ); $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( $dbw->getType() !== 'mysql' ) { $this->fatalError( "This change is only needed on MySQL, quitting.\n" ); } $res = $this->findRows( $dbw ); $this->updateSearchIndex( $maxLockTime, [ $this, 'searchIndexUpdateCallback' ], $dbw, $res ); $this->output( "Done\n" ); } public function searchIndexUpdateCallback( $row ) { return $this->updateSearchIndexForPage( $row->si_page ); } private function findRows( $dbw ) { $searchindex = $dbw->tableName( 'searchindex' ); $regexp = '[[:<:]]u8efbd([89][1-9a]|8[b-f]|90)[[:>:]]'; $sql = "SELECT si_page FROM $searchindex WHERE ( si_text RLIKE '$regexp' ) OR ( si_title RLIKE '$regexp' )"; return $dbw->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); } } $maintClass = UpdateDoubleWidthSearch::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;