#!/usr/bin/env php addDescription( 'MediaWiki database updater' ); $this->addOption( 'skip-compat-checks', 'Skips compatibility checks, mostly for developers' ); $this->addOption( 'quick', 'Skip 5 second countdown before starting' ); $this->addOption( 'doshared', 'Also update shared tables' ); $this->addOption( 'nopurge', 'Do not purge the objectcache table after updates' ); $this->addOption( 'noschema', 'Only do the updates that are not done during schema updates' ); $this->addOption( 'schema', 'Output SQL to do the schema updates instead of doing them. Works ' . 'even when $wgAllowSchemaUpdates is false', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'force', 'Override when $wgAllowSchemaUpdates disables this script' ); $this->addOption( 'skip-external-dependencies', 'Skips checking whether external dependencies are up to date, mostly for developers' ); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } private function compatChecks() { $minimumPcreVersion = Installer::MINIMUM_PCRE_VERSION; $pcreVersion = explode( ' ', PCRE_VERSION, 2 )[0]; if ( version_compare( $pcreVersion, $minimumPcreVersion, '<' ) ) { $this->fatalError( "PCRE $minimumPcreVersion or later is required.\n" . "Your PHP binary is linked with PCRE $pcreVersion.\n\n" . "More information:\n" . "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Errors_and_symptoms/PCRE\n\n" . "ABORTING.\n" ); } } public function execute() { global $wgLang, $wgAllowSchemaUpdates, $wgMessagesDirs; if ( !$wgAllowSchemaUpdates && !( $this->hasOption( 'force' ) || $this->hasOption( 'schema' ) || $this->hasOption( 'noschema' ) ) ) { $this->fatalError( "Do not run update.php on this wiki. If you're seeing this you should\n" . "probably ask for some help in performing your schema updates or use\n" . "the --noschema and --schema options to get an SQL file for someone\n" . "else to inspect and run.\n\n" . "If you know what you are doing, you can continue with --force\n" ); } $this->fileHandle = null; if ( substr( $this->getOption( 'schema' ), 0, 2 ) === "--" ) { $this->fatalError( "The --schema option requires a file as an argument.\n" ); } elseif ( $this->hasOption( 'schema' ) ) { $file = $this->getOption( 'schema' ); $this->fileHandle = fopen( $file, "w" ); if ( $this->fileHandle === false ) { $err = error_get_last(); $this->fatalError( "Problem opening the schema file for writing: $file\n\t{$err['message']}" ); } } // T206765: We need to load the installer i18n files as some of errors come installer/updater code $wgMessagesDirs['MediawikiInstaller'] = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/includes/installer/i18n'; $lang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageFactory()->getLanguage( 'en' ); // Set global language to ensure localised errors are in English (T22633) RequestContext::getMain()->setLanguage( $lang ); // BackCompat $wgLang = $lang; define( 'MW_UPDATER', true ); $this->output( 'MediaWiki ' . MW_VERSION . " Updater\n\n" ); MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->waitForReplication(); if ( !$this->hasOption( 'skip-compat-checks' ) ) { $this->compatChecks(); } else { $this->output( "Skipping compatibility checks, proceed at your own risk (Ctrl+C to abort)\n" ); $this->countDown( 5 ); } // Check external dependencies are up to date if ( !$this->hasOption( 'skip-external-dependencies' ) ) { $composerLockUpToDate = $this->runChild( CheckComposerLockUpToDate::class ); $composerLockUpToDate->execute(); } else { $this->output( "Skipping checking whether external dependencies are up to date, proceed at your own risk\n" ); } # Attempt to connect to the database as a privileged user # This will vomit up an error if there are permissions problems $db = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); # Check to see whether the database server meets the minimum requirements /** @var DatabaseInstaller $dbInstallerClass */ $dbInstallerClass = Installer::getDBInstallerClass( $db->getType() ); $status = $dbInstallerClass::meetsMinimumRequirement( $db->getServerVersion() ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { // This might output some wikitext like but it should be comprehensible $text = $status->getWikiText(); $this->fatalError( $text ); } $dbDomain = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId(); $this->output( "Going to run database updates for $dbDomain\n" ); if ( $db->getType() === 'sqlite' ) { /** @var DatabaseSqlite $db */ '@phan-var DatabaseSqlite $db'; $this->output( "Using SQLite file: '{$db->getDbFilePath()}'\n" ); } $this->output( "Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!\n" ); if ( !$this->hasOption( 'quick' ) ) { $this->output( "Abort with control-c in the next five seconds " . "(skip this countdown with --quick) ... " ); $this->countDown( 5 ); } $time1 = microtime( true ); $shared = $this->hasOption( 'doshared' ); $updates = [ 'core', 'extensions' ]; if ( !$this->hasOption( 'schema' ) ) { if ( $this->hasOption( 'noschema' ) ) { $updates[] = 'noschema'; } $updates[] = 'stats'; } $updater = DatabaseUpdater::newForDB( $db, $shared, $this ); $updater->doUpdates( $updates ); foreach ( $updater->getPostDatabaseUpdateMaintenance() as $maint ) { $child = $this->runChild( $maint ); // LoggedUpdateMaintenance is checking the updatelog itself $isLoggedUpdate = $child instanceof LoggedUpdateMaintenance; if ( !$isLoggedUpdate && $updater->updateRowExists( $maint ) ) { continue; } $child->execute(); if ( !$isLoggedUpdate ) { $updater->insertUpdateRow( $maint ); } } $updater->setFileAccess(); if ( !$this->hasOption( 'nopurge' ) ) { $updater->purgeCache(); } $time2 = microtime( true ); $timeDiff = $lang->formatTimePeriod( $time2 - $time1 ); $this->output( "\nDone in $timeDiff.\n" ); } protected function afterFinalSetup() { global $wgLocalisationCacheConf; # Don't try to access the database # This needs to be disabled early since extensions will try to use the l10n # cache from $wgExtensionFunctions (T22471) $wgLocalisationCacheConf = [ 'class' => LocalisationCache::class, 'storeClass' => LCStoreNull::class, 'storeDirectory' => false, 'manualRecache' => false, ]; } /** * @throws FatalError * @throws MWException * @suppress PhanPluginDuplicateConditionalNullCoalescing */ public function validateParamsAndArgs() { // Allow extensions to add additional params. $params = []; $this->getHookRunner()->onMaintenanceUpdateAddParams( $params ); // This executes before the PHP version check, so don't use null coalesce (??). // Keeping this compatible with older PHP versions lets us reach the code that // displays a more helpful error. foreach ( $params as $name => $param ) { $this->addOption( $name, $param['desc'], isset( $param['require'] ) ? $param['require'] : false, isset( $param['withArg'] ) ? $param['withArg'] : false, isset( $param['shortName'] ) ? $param['shortName'] : false, isset( $param['multiOccurrence'] ) ? $param['multiOccurrence'] : false ); } parent::validateParamsAndArgs(); } } $maintClass = UpdateMediaWiki::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;