[... ...] Moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process. Restartable. Options: --procs Set the number of child processes (default 1) --copy-only Copy only, do not update the text table. Restart without this option to complete. --debug-log Log debugging data to the specified file --info-log Log progress messages to the specified file --critical-log Log error messages to the specified file "; exit( 1 ); } $job = RecompressTracked::newFromCommandLine( $args, $options ); $job->execute(); /** * Maintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified * list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process. * * @ingroup Maintenance ExternalStorage */ class RecompressTracked { public $destClusters; public $batchSize = 1000; public $orphanBatchSize = 1000; public $reportingInterval = 10; public $numProcs = 1; public $numBatches = 0; public $pageBlobClass, $orphanBlobClass; public $childPipes, $childProcs, $prevChildId; public $copyOnly = false; public $isChild = false; public $childId = false; public $noCount = false; public $debugLog, $infoLog, $criticalLog; /** @var ExternalStoreDB */ public $store; /** @var SqlBlobStore */ private $blobStore; private static $optionsWithArgs = [ 'procs', 'child-id', 'debug-log', 'info-log', 'critical-log' ]; private static $cmdLineOptionMap = [ 'no-count' => 'noCount', 'procs' => 'numProcs', 'copy-only' => 'copyOnly', 'child' => 'isChild', 'child-id' => 'childId', 'debug-log' => 'debugLog', 'info-log' => 'infoLog', 'critical-log' => 'criticalLog', ]; public static function getOptionsWithArgs() { return self::$optionsWithArgs; } public static function newFromCommandLine( $args, $options ) { $jobOptions = [ 'destClusters' => $args ]; foreach ( self::$cmdLineOptionMap as $cmdOption => $classOption ) { if ( isset( $options[$cmdOption] ) ) { $jobOptions[$classOption] = $options[$cmdOption]; } } return new self( $jobOptions ); } public function __construct( $options ) { foreach ( $options as $name => $value ) { $this->$name = $value; } $esFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getExternalStoreFactory(); $this->store = $esFactory->getStore( 'DB' ); if ( !$this->isChild ) { $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogPrefix'] = "RCT M: "; } elseif ( $this->childId !== false ) { $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogPrefix'] = "RCT {$this->childId}: "; } $this->pageBlobClass = function_exists( 'xdiff_string_bdiff' ) ? DiffHistoryBlob::class : ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob::class; $this->orphanBlobClass = ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob::class; $this->blobStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getBlobStoreFactory() ->newSqlBlobStore(); } public function debug( $msg ) { wfDebug( "$msg" ); if ( $this->debugLog ) { $this->logToFile( $msg, $this->debugLog ); } } public function info( $msg ) { echo "$msg\n"; if ( $this->infoLog ) { $this->logToFile( $msg, $this->infoLog ); } } public function critical( $msg ) { echo "$msg\n"; if ( $this->criticalLog ) { $this->logToFile( $msg, $this->criticalLog ); } } private function logToFile( $msg, $file ) { $header = '[' . date( 'd\TH:i:s' ) . '] ' . wfHostname() . ' ' . posix_getpid(); if ( $this->childId !== false ) { $header .= "({$this->childId})"; } $header .= ' ' . WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId(); LegacyLogger::emit( sprintf( "%-50s %s\n", $header, $msg ), $file ); } /** * Wait until the selected replica DB has caught up to the master. * This allows us to use the replica DB for things that were committed in a * previous part of this batch process. */ private function syncDBs() { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $pos = $dbw->getMasterPos(); $dbr->masterPosWait( $pos, 100000 ); } /** * Execute parent or child depending on the isChild option */ public function execute() { if ( $this->isChild ) { $this->executeChild(); } else { $this->executeParent(); } } /** * Execute the parent process */ public function executeParent() { if ( !$this->checkTrackingTable() ) { return; } $this->syncDBs(); $this->startChildProcs(); $this->doAllPages(); $this->doAllOrphans(); $this->killChildProcs(); } /** * Make sure the tracking table exists and isn't empty * @return bool */ private function checkTrackingTable() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); if ( !$dbr->tableExists( 'blob_tracking', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->critical( "Error: blob_tracking table does not exist" ); return false; } $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'blob_tracking', '*', '', __METHOD__ ); if ( !$row ) { $this->info( "Warning: blob_tracking table contains no rows, skipping this wiki." ); return false; } return true; } /** * Start the worker processes. * These processes will listen on stdin for commands. * This necessary because text recompression is slow: loading, compressing and * writing are all slow. */ private function startChildProcs() { $wiki = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId(); $cmd = 'php ' . Shell::escape( __FILE__ ); foreach ( self::$cmdLineOptionMap as $cmdOption => $classOption ) { if ( $cmdOption == 'child-id' ) { continue; } elseif ( in_array( $cmdOption, self::$optionsWithArgs ) && isset( $this->$classOption ) ) { $cmd .= " --$cmdOption " . Shell::escape( $this->$classOption ); } elseif ( $this->$classOption ) { $cmd .= " --$cmdOption"; } } $cmd .= ' --child' . ' --wiki ' . Shell::escape( $wiki ) . ' ' . Shell::escape( ...$this->destClusters ); $this->childPipes = $this->childProcs = []; for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->numProcs; $i++ ) { $pipes = []; $spec = [ [ 'pipe', 'r' ], [ 'file', 'php://stdout', 'w' ], [ 'file', 'php://stderr', 'w' ] ]; Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $proc = proc_open( "$cmd --child-id $i", $spec, $pipes ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( !$proc ) { $this->critical( "Error opening child process: $cmd" ); exit( 1 ); } $this->childProcs[$i] = $proc; $this->childPipes[$i] = $pipes[0]; } $this->prevChildId = -1; } /** * Gracefully terminate the child processes */ private function killChildProcs() { $this->info( "Waiting for child processes to finish..." ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->numProcs; $i++ ) { $this->dispatchToChild( $i, 'quit' ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->numProcs; $i++ ) { $status = proc_close( $this->childProcs[$i] ); if ( $status ) { $this->critical( "Warning: child #$i exited with status $status" ); } } $this->info( "Done." ); } /** * Dispatch a command to the next available child process. * This may block until a child process finishes its work and becomes available. * @param array|string ...$args */ private function dispatch( ...$args ) { $pipes = $this->childPipes; $x = []; $y = []; $numPipes = stream_select( $x, $pipes, $y, 3600 ); if ( !$numPipes ) { $this->critical( "Error waiting to write to child process. Aborting" ); exit( 1 ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->numProcs; $i++ ) { $childId = ( $i + $this->prevChildId + 1 ) % $this->numProcs; if ( isset( $pipes[$childId] ) ) { $this->prevChildId = $childId; $this->dispatchToChild( $childId, $args ); return; } } $this->critical( "Unreachable" ); exit( 1 ); } /** * Dispatch a command to a specified child process * @param int $childId * @param array|string $args */ private function dispatchToChild( $childId, $args ) { $args = (array)$args; $cmd = implode( ' ', $args ); fwrite( $this->childPipes[$childId], "$cmd\n" ); } /** * Move all tracked pages to the new clusters */ private function doAllPages() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $i = 0; $startId = 0; if ( $this->noCount ) { $numPages = '[unknown]'; } else { $numPages = $dbr->selectField( 'blob_tracking', 'COUNT(DISTINCT bt_page)', # A condition is required so that this query uses the index [ 'bt_moved' => 0 ], __METHOD__ ); } if ( $this->copyOnly ) { $this->info( "Copying pages..." ); } else { $this->info( "Moving pages..." ); } while ( true ) { $res = $dbr->select( 'blob_tracking', [ 'bt_page' ], [ 'bt_moved' => 0, 'bt_page > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $startId ) ], __METHOD__, [ 'DISTINCT', 'ORDER BY' => 'bt_page', 'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize, ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } foreach ( $res as $row ) { $startId = $row->bt_page; $this->dispatch( 'doPage', $row->bt_page ); $i++; } $this->report( 'pages', $i, $numPages ); } $this->report( 'pages', $i, $numPages ); if ( $this->copyOnly ) { $this->info( "All page copies queued." ); } else { $this->info( "All page moves queued." ); } } /** * Display a progress report * @param string $label * @param int $current * @param int $end */ private function report( $label, $current, $end ) { $this->numBatches++; if ( $current == $end || $this->numBatches >= $this->reportingInterval ) { $this->numBatches = 0; $this->info( "$label: $current / $end" ); MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->waitForReplication(); } } /** * Move all orphan text to the new clusters */ private function doAllOrphans() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $startId = 0; $i = 0; if ( $this->noCount ) { $numOrphans = '[unknown]'; } else { $numOrphans = $dbr->selectField( 'blob_tracking', 'COUNT(DISTINCT bt_text_id)', [ 'bt_moved' => 0, 'bt_page' => 0 ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$numOrphans ) { return; } } if ( $this->copyOnly ) { $this->info( "Copying orphans..." ); } else { $this->info( "Moving orphans..." ); } while ( true ) { $res = $dbr->select( 'blob_tracking', [ 'bt_text_id' ], [ 'bt_moved' => 0, 'bt_page' => 0, 'bt_text_id > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $startId ) ], __METHOD__, [ 'DISTINCT', 'ORDER BY' => 'bt_text_id', 'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } $ids = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $startId = $row->bt_text_id; $ids[] = $row->bt_text_id; $i++; } // Need to send enough orphan IDs to the child at a time to fill a blob, // so orphanBatchSize needs to be at least ~100. // batchSize can be smaller or larger. while ( count( $ids ) > $this->orphanBatchSize ) { $args = array_slice( $ids, 0, $this->orphanBatchSize ); $ids = array_slice( $ids, $this->orphanBatchSize ); array_unshift( $args, 'doOrphanList' ); $this->dispatch( ...$args ); } if ( count( $ids ) ) { $args = $ids; array_unshift( $args, 'doOrphanList' ); $this->dispatch( ...$args ); } $this->report( 'orphans', $i, $numOrphans ); } $this->report( 'orphans', $i, $numOrphans ); $this->info( "All orphans queued." ); } /** * Main entry point for worker processes */ public function executeChild() { $this->debug( 'starting' ); $this->syncDBs(); while ( !feof( STDIN ) ) { $line = rtrim( fgets( STDIN ) ); if ( $line == '' ) { continue; } $this->debug( $line ); $args = explode( ' ', $line ); $cmd = array_shift( $args ); switch ( $cmd ) { case 'doPage': $this->doPage( intval( $args[0] ) ); break; case 'doOrphanList': $this->doOrphanList( array_map( 'intval', $args ) ); break; case 'quit': return; } MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->waitForReplication(); } } /** * Move tracked text in a given page * * @param int $pageId */ private function doPage( $pageId ) { $title = Title::newFromID( $pageId ); if ( $title ) { $titleText = $title->getPrefixedText(); } else { $titleText = '[deleted]'; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); // Finish any incomplete transactions if ( !$this->copyOnly ) { $this->finishIncompleteMoves( [ 'bt_page' => $pageId ] ); $this->syncDBs(); } $startId = 0; $trx = new CgzCopyTransaction( $this, $this->pageBlobClass ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); while ( true ) { $res = $dbr->select( [ 'blob_tracking', 'text' ], '*', [ 'bt_page' => $pageId, 'bt_text_id > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $startId ), 'bt_moved' => 0, 'bt_new_url IS NULL', 'bt_text_id=old_id', ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'bt_text_id', 'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } $lastTextId = 0; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $startId = $row->bt_text_id; if ( $lastTextId == $row->bt_text_id ) { // Duplicate (null edit) continue; } $lastTextId = $row->bt_text_id; // Load the text $text = $this->blobStore->expandBlob( $row->old_text, $row->old_flags ); if ( $text === false ) { $this->critical( "Error loading {$row->bt_rev_id}/{$row->bt_text_id}" ); continue; } // Queue it if ( !$trx->addItem( $text, $row->bt_text_id ) ) { $this->debug( "$titleText: committing blob with " . $trx->getSize() . " items" ); $trx->commit(); $trx = new CgzCopyTransaction( $this, $this->pageBlobClass ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } } } $this->debug( "$titleText: committing blob with " . $trx->getSize() . " items" ); $trx->commit(); } /** * Atomic move operation. * * Write the new URL to the text table and set the bt_moved flag. * * This is done in a single transaction to provide restartable behavior * without data loss. * * The transaction is kept short to reduce locking. * * @param int $textId * @param string $url */ public function moveTextRow( $textId, $url ) { if ( $this->copyOnly ) { $this->critical( "Internal error: can't call moveTextRow() in --copy-only mode" ); exit( 1 ); } $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->begin( __METHOD__ ); $dbw->update( 'text', [ // set 'old_text' => $url, 'old_flags' => 'external,utf-8', ], [ // where 'old_id' => $textId ], __METHOD__ ); $dbw->update( 'blob_tracking', [ 'bt_moved' => 1 ], [ 'bt_text_id' => $textId ], __METHOD__ ); $dbw->commit( __METHOD__ ); } /** * Moves are done in two phases: bt_new_url and then bt_moved. * - bt_new_url indicates that the text has been copied to the new cluster. * - bt_moved indicates that the text table has been updated. * * This function completes any moves that only have done bt_new_url. This * can happen when the script is interrupted, or when --copy-only is used. * * @param array $conds */ private function finishIncompleteMoves( $conds ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $startId = 0; $conds = array_merge( $conds, [ 'bt_moved' => 0, 'bt_new_url IS NOT NULL' ] ); while ( true ) { $res = $dbr->select( 'blob_tracking', '*', array_merge( $conds, [ 'bt_text_id > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $startId ) ] ), __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'bt_text_id', 'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize, ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } $this->debug( 'Incomplete: ' . $res->numRows() . ' rows' ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $startId = $row->bt_text_id; $this->moveTextRow( $row->bt_text_id, $row->bt_new_url ); if ( $row->bt_text_id % 10 == 0 ) { $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } } } } /** * Returns the name of the next target cluster * @return string */ public function getTargetCluster() { $cluster = next( $this->destClusters ); if ( $cluster === false ) { $cluster = reset( $this->destClusters ); } return $cluster; } /** * Gets a DB master connection for the given external cluster name * @param string $cluster * @return IMaintainableDatabase */ private function getExtDB( $cluster ) { $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $lb = $lbFactory->getExternalLB( $cluster ); return $lb->getMaintenanceConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); } /** * Move an orphan text_id to the new cluster * * @param array $textIds */ private function doOrphanList( $textIds ) { // Finish incomplete moves if ( !$this->copyOnly ) { $this->finishIncompleteMoves( [ 'bt_text_id' => $textIds ] ); $this->syncDBs(); } $trx = new CgzCopyTransaction( $this, $this->orphanBlobClass ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $res = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->select( [ 'text', 'blob_tracking' ], [ 'old_id', 'old_text', 'old_flags' ], [ 'old_id' => $textIds, 'bt_text_id=old_id', 'bt_moved' => 0, ], __METHOD__, [ 'DISTINCT' ] ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $text = $this->blobStore->expandBlob( $row->old_text, $row->old_flags ); if ( $text === false ) { $this->critical( "Error: cannot load revision text for old_id={$row->old_id}" ); continue; } if ( !$trx->addItem( $text, $row->old_id ) ) { $this->debug( "[orphan]: committing blob with " . $trx->getSize() . " rows" ); $trx->commit(); $trx = new CgzCopyTransaction( $this, $this->orphanBlobClass ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } } $this->debug( "[orphan]: committing blob with " . $trx->getSize() . " rows" ); $trx->commit(); } } /** * Class to represent a recompression operation for a single CGZ blob */ class CgzCopyTransaction { /** @var RecompressTracked */ public $parent; public $blobClass; /** @var ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob|false */ public $cgz; public $referrers; /** @var array */ private $texts; /** * Create a transaction from a RecompressTracked object * @param RecompressTracked $parent * @param string $blobClass */ public function __construct( $parent, $blobClass ) { $this->blobClass = $blobClass; $this->cgz = false; $this->texts = []; $this->parent = $parent; } /** * Add text. * Returns false if it's ready to commit. * @param string $text * @param int $textId * @return bool */ public function addItem( $text, $textId ) { if ( !$this->cgz ) { $class = $this->blobClass; $this->cgz = new $class; } $hash = $this->cgz->addItem( $text ); $this->referrers[$textId] = $hash; $this->texts[$textId] = $text; return $this->cgz->isHappy(); } public function getSize() { return count( $this->texts ); } /** * Recompress text after some aberrant modification */ public function recompress() { $class = $this->blobClass; $this->cgz = new $class; $this->referrers = []; foreach ( $this->texts as $textId => $text ) { $hash = $this->cgz->addItem( $text ); $this->referrers[$textId] = $hash; } } /** * Commit the blob. * Does nothing if no text items have been added. * May skip the move if --copy-only is set. */ public function commit() { $originalCount = count( $this->texts ); if ( !$originalCount ) { return; } /* Check to see if the target text_ids have been moved already. * * We originally read from the replica DB, so this can happen when a single * text_id is shared between multiple pages. It's rare, but possible * if a delete/move/undelete cycle splits up a null edit. * * We do a locking read to prevent closer-run race conditions. */ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->begin( __METHOD__ ); $res = $dbw->select( 'blob_tracking', [ 'bt_text_id', 'bt_moved' ], [ 'bt_text_id' => array_keys( $this->referrers ) ], __METHOD__, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ); $dirty = false; foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->bt_moved ) { # This row has already been moved, remove it $this->parent->debug( "TRX: conflict detected in old_id={$row->bt_text_id}" ); unset( $this->texts[$row->bt_text_id] ); $dirty = true; } } // Recompress the blob if necessary if ( $dirty ) { if ( !count( $this->texts ) ) { // All have been moved already if ( $originalCount > 1 ) { // This is suspcious, make noise $this->parent->critical( "Warning: concurrent operation detected, are there two conflicting " . "processes running, doing the same job?" ); } return; } $this->recompress(); } // Insert the data into the destination cluster $targetCluster = $this->parent->getTargetCluster(); $store = $this->parent->store; $targetDB = $store->getMaster( $targetCluster ); $targetDB->clearFlag( DBO_TRX ); // we manage the transactions $targetDB->begin( __METHOD__ ); $baseUrl = $this->parent->store->store( $targetCluster, serialize( $this->cgz ) ); // Write the new URLs to the blob_tracking table foreach ( $this->referrers as $textId => $hash ) { $url = $baseUrl . '/' . $hash; $dbw->update( 'blob_tracking', [ 'bt_new_url' => $url ], [ 'bt_text_id' => $textId, 'bt_moved' => 0, # Check for concurrent conflicting update ], __METHOD__ ); } $targetDB->commit( __METHOD__ ); // Critical section here: interruption at this point causes blob duplication // Reversing the order of the commits would cause data loss instead $dbw->commit( __METHOD__ ); // Write the new URLs to the text table and set the moved flag if ( !$this->parent->copyOnly ) { foreach ( $this->referrers as $textId => $hash ) { $url = $baseUrl . '/' . $hash; $this->parent->moveTextRow( $textId, $url ); } } } }