check( $fix, $xml ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Maintenance script to do various checks on external storage. * * @fixme this should extend the base Maintenance class * @ingroup Maintenance ExternalStorage */ class CheckStorage { private const CONCAT_HEADER = 'O:27:"concatenatedgziphistoryblob"'; public $oldIdMap, $errors; /** @var ExternalStoreDB */ public $dbStore = null; public $errorDescriptions = [ 'restore text' => 'Damaged text, need to be restored from a backup', 'restore revision' => 'Damaged revision row, need to be restored from a backup', 'unfixable' => 'Unexpected errors with no automated fixing method', 'fixed' => 'Errors already fixed', 'fixable' => 'Errors which would already be fixed if --fix was specified', ]; public function check( $fix = false, $xml = '' ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); if ( $fix ) { print "Checking, will fix errors if possible...\n"; } else { print "Checking...\n"; } $maxRevId = $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'MAX(rev_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); $chunkSize = 1000; $flagStats = []; $objectStats = []; $knownFlags = [ 'external', 'gzip', 'object', 'utf-8' ]; $this->errors = [ 'restore text' => [], 'restore revision' => [], 'unfixable' => [], 'fixed' => [], 'fixable' => [], ]; for ( $chunkStart = 1; $chunkStart < $maxRevId; $chunkStart += $chunkSize ) { $chunkEnd = $chunkStart + $chunkSize - 1; // print "$chunkStart of $maxRevId\n"; $this->oldIdMap = []; $dbr->ping(); // Fetch revision rows $res = $dbr->select( [ 'slots', 'content' ], [ 'slot_revision_id', 'content_address' ], [ "slot_revision_id BETWEEN $chunkStart AND $chunkEnd" ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'content' => [ 'INNER JOIN', [ 'content_id = slot_content_id' ] ] ] ); /** @var \MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore $blobStore */ $blobStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getBlobStore(); '@phan-var \MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore $blobStore'; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $textId = $blobStore->getTextIdFromAddress( $row->content_address ); if ( $textId ) { if ( !isset( $this->oldIdMap[$textId] ) ) { $this->oldIdMap[ $textId ] = [ $row->slot_revision_id ]; } elseif ( !in_array( $row->slot_revision_id, $this->oldIdMap[$textId] ) ) { $this->oldIdMap[ $textId ][] = $row->slot_revision_id; } } } if ( !count( $this->oldIdMap ) ) { continue; } // Fetch old_flags $missingTextRows = $this->oldIdMap; $externalRevs = []; $objectRevs = []; $res = $dbr->select( 'text', [ 'old_id', 'old_flags' ], [ 'old_id' => array_keys( $this->oldIdMap ) ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { /** * @var int $flags */ $flags = $row->old_flags; $id = $row->old_id; // Create flagStats row if it doesn't exist // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanSuspiciousBinaryAddLists $flagStats = $flagStats + [ $flags => 0 ]; // Increment counter $flagStats[$flags]++; // Not missing unset( $missingTextRows[$row->old_id] ); // Check for external or object if ( $flags == '' ) { $flagArray = []; } else { $flagArray = explode( ',', $flags ); } if ( in_array( 'external', $flagArray ) ) { $externalRevs[] = $id; } elseif ( in_array( 'object', $flagArray ) ) { $objectRevs[] = $id; } // Check for unrecognised flags if ( $flags == '0' ) { // This is a known bug from 2004 // It's safe to just erase the old_flags field if ( $fix ) { $this->addError( 'fixed', "Warning: old_flags set to 0", $id ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->ping(); $dbw->update( 'text', [ 'old_flags' => '' ], [ 'old_id' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); echo "Fixed\n"; } else { $this->addError( 'fixable', "Warning: old_flags set to 0", $id ); } } elseif ( count( array_diff( $flagArray, $knownFlags ) ) ) { $this->addError( 'unfixable', "Error: invalid flags field \"$flags\"", $id ); } } // Output errors for any missing text rows foreach ( $missingTextRows as $oldId => $revIds ) { $this->addError( 'restore revision', "Error: missing text row", $oldId ); } // Verify external revisions $externalConcatBlobs = []; $externalNormalBlobs = []; if ( count( $externalRevs ) ) { $res = $dbr->select( 'text', [ 'old_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' ], [ 'old_id' => $externalRevs ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $urlParts = explode( '://', $row->old_text, 2 ); if ( count( $urlParts ) !== 2 || $urlParts[1] == '' ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: invalid URL \"{$row->old_text}\"", $row->old_id ); continue; } list( $proto, ) = $urlParts; if ( $proto != 'DB' ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: invalid external protocol \"$proto\"", $row->old_id ); continue; } $path = explode( '/', $row->old_text ); $cluster = $path[2]; $id = $path[3]; if ( isset( $path[4] ) ) { $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id][] = $row->old_id; } else { $externalNormalBlobs[$cluster][$id][] = $row->old_id; } } } // Check external concat blobs for the right header $this->checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ); // Check external normal blobs for existence if ( count( $externalNormalBlobs ) ) { if ( $this->dbStore === null ) { $esFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getExternalStoreFactory(); $this->dbStore = $esFactory->getStore( 'DB' ); } foreach ( $externalConcatBlobs as $cluster => $xBlobIds ) { $blobIds = array_keys( $xBlobIds ); $extDb =& $this->dbStore->getReplica( $cluster ); $blobsTable = $this->dbStore->getTable( $extDb ); $res = $extDb->select( $blobsTable, [ 'blob_id' ], [ 'blob_id' => $blobIds ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { unset( $xBlobIds[$row->blob_id] ); } // Print errors for missing blobs rows foreach ( $xBlobIds as $blobId => $oldId ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: missing target $blobId for one-part ES URL", $oldId ); } } } // Check local objects $dbr->ping(); $concatBlobs = []; $curIds = []; if ( count( $objectRevs ) ) { $headerLength = 300; $res = $dbr->select( 'text', [ 'old_id', 'old_flags', "LEFT(old_text, $headerLength) AS header" ], [ 'old_id' => $objectRevs ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $oldId = $row->old_id; $matches = []; if ( !preg_match( '/^O:(\d+):"(\w+)"/', $row->header, $matches ) ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: invalid object header", $oldId ); continue; } $className = strtolower( $matches[2] ); if ( strlen( $className ) != $matches[1] ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: invalid object header, wrong class name length", $oldId ); continue; } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanSuspiciousBinaryAddLists $objectStats = $objectStats + [ $className => 0 ]; $objectStats[$className]++; switch ( $className ) { case 'concatenatedgziphistoryblob': // Good break; case 'historyblobstub': case 'historyblobcurstub': if ( strlen( $row->header ) == $headerLength ) { $this->addError( 'unfixable', "Error: overlong stub header", $oldId ); break; } $stubObj = unserialize( $row->header ); if ( !is_object( $stubObj ) ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: unable to unserialize stub object", $oldId ); break; } if ( $className == 'historyblobstub' ) { $concatBlobs[$stubObj->mOldId][] = $oldId; } else { $curIds[$stubObj->mCurId][] = $oldId; } break; default: $this->addError( 'unfixable', "Error: unrecognised object class \"$className\"", $oldId ); } } } // Check local concat blob validity $externalConcatBlobs = []; if ( count( $concatBlobs ) ) { $headerLength = 300; $res = $dbr->select( 'text', [ 'old_id', 'old_flags', "LEFT(old_text, $headerLength) AS header" ], [ 'old_id' => array_keys( $concatBlobs ) ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $flags = explode( ',', $row->old_flags ); if ( in_array( 'external', $flags ) ) { // Concat blob is in external storage? if ( in_array( 'object', $flags ) ) { $urlParts = explode( '/', $row->header ); if ( $urlParts[0] != 'DB:' ) { $this->addError( 'unfixable', "Error: unrecognised external storage type \"{$urlParts[0]}", $row->old_id ); } else { $cluster = $urlParts[2]; $id = $urlParts[3]; if ( !isset( $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] ) ) { $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] = []; } $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] = array_merge( $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id], $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } } else { $this->addError( 'unfixable', "Error: invalid flags \"{$row->old_flags}\" on concat bulk row {$row->old_id}", $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } } elseif ( strcasecmp( substr( $row->header, 0, strlen( self::CONCAT_HEADER ) ), self::CONCAT_HEADER ) ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: Incorrect object header for concat bulk row {$row->old_id}", $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } unset( $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } } // Check targets of unresolved stubs $this->checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ); // next chunk } print "\n\nErrors:\n"; foreach ( $this->errors as $name => $errors ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleConditionInLoop if ( count( $errors ) ) { $description = $this->errorDescriptions[$name]; echo "$description: " . implode( ',', array_keys( $errors ) ) . "\n"; } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleCondition if ( count( $this->errors['restore text'] ) && $fix ) { if ( (string)$xml !== '' ) { $this->restoreText( array_keys( $this->errors['restore text'] ), $xml ); } else { echo "Can't fix text, no XML backup specified\n"; } } print "\nFlag statistics:\n"; $total = array_sum( $flagStats ); foreach ( $flagStats as $flag => $count ) { printf( "%-30s %10d %5.2f%%\n", $flag, $count, $count / $total * 100 ); } print "\nLocal object statistics:\n"; $total = array_sum( $objectStats ); foreach ( $objectStats as $className => $count ) { printf( "%-30s %10d %5.2f%%\n", $className, $count, $count / $total * 100 ); } } private function addError( $type, $msg, $ids ) { if ( is_array( $ids ) && count( $ids ) == 1 ) { $ids = reset( $ids ); } if ( is_array( $ids ) ) { $revIds = []; foreach ( $ids as $id ) { $revIds = array_unique( array_merge( $revIds, $this->oldIdMap[$id] ) ); } print "$msg in text rows " . implode( ', ', $ids ) . ", revisions " . implode( ', ', $revIds ) . "\n"; } else { $id = $ids; $revIds = $this->oldIdMap[$id]; if ( count( $revIds ) == 1 ) { print "$msg in old_id $id, rev_id {$revIds[0]}\n"; } else { print "$msg in old_id $id, revisions " . implode( ', ', $revIds ) . "\n"; } } $this->errors[$type] = $this->errors[$type] + array_flip( $revIds ); } private function checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ) { if ( !count( $externalConcatBlobs ) ) { return; } if ( $this->dbStore === null ) { $esFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getExternalStoreFactory(); $this->dbStore = $esFactory->getStore( 'DB' ); } foreach ( $externalConcatBlobs as $cluster => $oldIds ) { $blobIds = array_keys( $oldIds ); $extDb =& $this->dbStore->getReplica( $cluster ); $blobsTable = $this->dbStore->getTable( $extDb ); $headerLength = strlen( self::CONCAT_HEADER ); $res = $extDb->select( $blobsTable, [ 'blob_id', "LEFT(blob_text, $headerLength) AS header" ], [ 'blob_id' => $blobIds ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( strcasecmp( $row->header, self::CONCAT_HEADER ) ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: invalid header on target $cluster/{$row->blob_id} of two-part ES URL", $oldIds[$row->blob_id] ); } unset( $oldIds[$row->blob_id] ); } // Print errors for missing blobs rows foreach ( $oldIds as $blobId => $oldIds2 ) { $this->addError( 'restore text', "Error: missing target $cluster/$blobId for two-part ES URL", $oldIds2 ); } } } private function restoreText( $revIds, $xml ) { global $wgDBname; $tmpDir = wfTempDir(); if ( !count( $revIds ) ) { return; } print "Restoring text from XML backup...\n"; $revFileName = "$tmpDir/broken-revlist-$wgDBname"; $filteredXmlFileName = "$tmpDir/filtered-$wgDBname.xml"; // Write revision list if ( !file_put_contents( $revFileName, implode( "\n", $revIds ) ) ) { echo "Error writing revision list, can't restore text\n"; return; } // Run mwdumper echo "Filtering XML dump...\n"; $exitStatus = 0; passthru( 'mwdumper ' . Shell::escape( "--output=file:$filteredXmlFileName", "--filter=revlist:$revFileName", $xml ), $exitStatus ); if ( $exitStatus ) { echo "mwdumper died with exit status $exitStatus\n"; return; } $file = fopen( $filteredXmlFileName, 'r' ); if ( !$file ) { echo "Unable to open filtered XML file\n"; return; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbr->ping(); $dbw->ping(); $source = new ImportStreamSource( $file ); $importer = new WikiImporter( $source, MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig() ); $importer->setRevisionCallback( [ $this, 'importRevision' ] ); $importer->setNoticeCallback( function ( $msg, $params ) { echo wfMessage( $msg, $params )->text() . "\n"; } ); $importer->doImport(); } private function importRevision( &$revision, &$importer ) { $id = $revision->getID(); $content = $revision->getContent( RevisionRecord::RAW ); $id = $id ?: ''; if ( $content === null ) { echo "Revision $id is broken, we have no content available\n"; return; } $text = $content->serialize(); if ( $text === '' ) { // This is what happens if the revision was broken at the time the // dump was made. Unfortunately, it also happens if the revision was // legitimately blank, so there's no way to tell the difference. To // be safe, we'll skip it and leave it broken echo "Revision $id is blank in the dump, may have been broken before export\n"; return; } if ( !$id ) { // No ID, can't import echo "No id tag in revision, can't import\n"; return; } // Find text row again $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->selectRow( [ 'slots', 'content' ], [ 'content_address' ], [ 'slot_revision_id' => $id ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'content' => [ 'INNER JOIN', [ 'content_id = slot_content_id' ] ] ] ); $blobStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getBlobStoreFactory() ->newSqlBlobStore(); $oldId = $blobStore->getTextIdFromAddress( $res->content_address ); if ( !$oldId ) { echo "Missing revision row for rev_id $id\n"; return; } // Compress the text $flags = $blobStore->compressData( $text ); // Update the text row $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'text', [ 'old_flags' => $flags, 'old_text' => $text ], [ 'old_id' => $oldId ], __METHOD__, [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ] ); // Remove it from the unfixed list and add it to the fixed list unset( $this->errors['restore text'][$id] ); $this->errors['fixed'][$id] = true; } }