addDescription( 'Rebuild the localisation cache' ); $this->addOption( 'force', 'Rebuild all files, even ones not out of date' ); $this->addOption( 'threads', 'Fork more than one thread', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'outdir', 'Override the output directory (normally $wgCacheDirectory)', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'lang', 'Only rebuild these languages, comma separated.', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'store-class', 'Override the LC store class (normally $wgLocalisationCacheConf[\'storeClass\'])', false, true ); } public function finalSetup() { # This script needs to be run to build the inital l10n cache. But if # $wgLanguageCode is not 'en', it won't be able to run because there is # no l10n cache. Break the cycle by forcing $wgLanguageCode = 'en'. global $wgLanguageCode; $wgLanguageCode = 'en'; parent::finalSetup(); } public function execute() { global $wgLocalisationCacheConf, $wgCacheDirectory; $force = $this->hasOption( 'force' ); $threads = $this->getOption( 'threads', 1 ); if ( $threads < 1 || $threads != intval( $threads ) ) { $this->output( "Invalid thread count specified; running single-threaded.\n" ); $threads = 1; } if ( $threads > 1 && wfIsWindows() ) { $this->output( "Threaded rebuild is not supported on Windows; running single-threaded.\n" ); $threads = 1; } if ( $threads > 1 && !function_exists( 'pcntl_fork' ) ) { $this->output( "PHP pcntl extension is not present; running single-threaded.\n" ); $threads = 1; } $conf = $wgLocalisationCacheConf; // Allow fallbacks to create CDB files $conf['manualRecache'] = false; $conf['forceRecache'] = $force || !empty( $conf['forceRecache'] ); if ( $this->hasOption( 'outdir' ) ) { $conf['storeDirectory'] = $this->getOption( 'outdir' ); } if ( $this->hasOption( 'store-class' ) ) { $conf['storeClass'] = $this->getOption( 'store-class' ); } // XXX Copy-pasted from ServiceWiring.php. Do we need a factory for this one caller? $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $lc = new LocalisationCacheBulkLoad( new ServiceOptions( LocalisationCache::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $conf, $services->getMainConfig() ), LocalisationCache::getStoreFromConf( $conf, $wgCacheDirectory ), LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'localisation' ), [ function () use ( $services ) { MessageBlobStore::clearGlobalCacheEntry( $services->getMainWANObjectCache() ); } ], $services->getLanguageNameUtils(), $services->getHookContainer() ); $allCodes = array_keys( $services ->getLanguageNameUtils() ->getLanguageNames( null, 'mwfile' ) ); if ( $this->hasOption( 'lang' ) ) { # Validate requested languages $codes = array_intersect( $allCodes, explode( ',', $this->getOption( 'lang' ) ) ); # Bailed out if nothing is left if ( count( $codes ) == 0 ) { $this->fatalError( 'None of the languages specified exists.' ); } } else { # By default get all languages $codes = $allCodes; } sort( $codes ); // Initialise and split into chunks $numRebuilt = 0; $total = count( $codes ); $chunks = array_chunk( $codes, ceil( count( $codes ) / $threads ) ); $pids = []; $parentStatus = 0; foreach ( $chunks as $codes ) { // Do not fork for only one thread $pid = ( $threads > 1 ) ? pcntl_fork() : -1; if ( $pid === 0 ) { // Child, reseed because there is no bug in PHP: // mt_srand( getmypid() ); $this->doRebuild( $codes, $lc, $force ); exit( 0 ); } elseif ( $pid === -1 ) { // Fork failed or one thread, do it serialized $numRebuilt += $this->doRebuild( $codes, $lc, $force ); } else { // Main thread $pids[] = $pid; } } // Wait for all children foreach ( $pids as $pid ) { $status = 0; pcntl_waitpid( $pid, $status ); if ( pcntl_wexitstatus( $status ) ) { // Pass a fatal error code through to the caller $parentStatus = pcntl_wexitstatus( $status ); } } if ( !$pids ) { $this->output( "$numRebuilt languages rebuilt out of $total\n" ); if ( $numRebuilt === 0 ) { $this->output( "Use --force to rebuild the caches which are still fresh.\n" ); } } if ( $parentStatus ) { exit( $parentStatus ); } } /** * Helper function to rebuild list of languages codes. Prints the code * for each language which is rebuilt. * @param string[] $codes List of language codes to rebuild. * @param LocalisationCache $lc * @param bool $force Rebuild up-to-date languages * @return int Number of rebuilt languages */ private function doRebuild( $codes, $lc, $force ) { $numRebuilt = 0; foreach ( $codes as $code ) { if ( $force || $lc->isExpired( $code ) ) { $this->output( "Rebuilding $code...\n" ); $lc->recache( $code ); $numRebuilt++; } } return $numRebuilt; } /** * Sets whether a run of this maintenance script has the force parameter set * * @param bool $forced */ public function setForce( $forced = true ) { $this->mOptions['force'] = $forced; } } $maintClass = RebuildLocalisationCache::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;