'revision', 'fa' => 'filearchive', 'oi' => 'oldimage', 'ar' => 'archive' ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->addDescription( 'Migrate log params to new table and index for searching' ); $this->setBatchSize( 100 ); } protected function getUpdateKey() { return 'populate log_search'; } protected function updateSkippedMessage() { return 'log_search table already populated.'; } protected function doDBUpdates() { $batchSize = $this->getBatchSize(); $db = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( !$db->tableExists( 'log_search', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->error( "log_search does not exist" ); return false; } $start = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MIN(log_id)', '', __FUNCTION__ ); if ( !$start ) { $this->output( "Nothing to do.\n" ); return true; } $end = $db->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', '', __FUNCTION__ ); // This maintenance script is for updating pre-1.16 to 1.16. The target_author_id and // target_author_ip relations it adds will later be migrated to target_author_actor by // migrateActors.php. If the schema is already 1.34, we should have nothing to do. if ( !$db->fieldExists( 'logging', 'log_user', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "This does not appear to be an upgrade from MediaWiki pre-1.16 " . "(logging.log_user does not exist).\n" ); $this->output( "Nothing to do.\n" ); return true; } # Do remaining chunk $end += $batchSize - 1; $blockStart = $start; $blockEnd = $start + $batchSize - 1; $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $delTypes = [ 'delete', 'suppress' ]; // revisiondelete types while ( $blockEnd <= $end ) { $this->output( "...doing log_id from $blockStart to $blockEnd\n" ); $cond = "log_id BETWEEN " . (int)$blockStart . " AND " . (int)$blockEnd; $res = $db->select( 'logging', [ 'log_id', 'log_type', 'log_action', 'log_params' ], $cond, __FUNCTION__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { // RevisionDelete logs - revisions if ( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, $delTypes, 'revision' ) ) { $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params ); // Param format: [ ] if ( count( $params ) < 2 ) { continue; // bad row? } $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType( $params[0] ); // B/C, the params may start with a title key ( <urlparam> <CSV>) if ( $field == null ) { array_shift( $params ); // remove title param $field = RevisionDeleter::getRelationType( $params[0] ); if ( $field == null ) { $this->output( "Invalid param type for {$row->log_id}\n" ); continue; // skip this row } else { // Clean up the row... $db->update( 'logging', [ 'log_params' => implode( ',', $params ) ], [ 'log_id' => $row->log_id ], __METHOD__ ); } } $items = explode( ',', $params[1] ); $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type ); // Add item relations... $log->addRelations( $field, $items, $row->log_id ); // Determine what table to query... $prefix = substr( $field, 0, strpos( $field, '_' ) ); // db prefix if ( !isset( self::$tableMap[$prefix] ) ) { continue; // bad row? } $table = self::$tableMap[$prefix]; $userField = $prefix . '_user'; $userTextField = $prefix . '_user_text'; // Add item author relations... $userIds = $userIPs = []; $sres = $db->select( $table, [ $userField, $userTextField ], [ $field => $items ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $sres as $srow ) { if ( $srow->$userField > 0 ) { $userIds[] = intval( $srow->$userField ); } elseif ( $srow->$userTextField != '' ) { $userIPs[] = $srow->$userTextField; } } // Add item author relations... $log->addRelations( 'target_author_id', $userIds, $row->log_id ); $log->addRelations( 'target_author_ip', $userIPs, $row->log_id ); } elseif ( LogEventsList::typeAction( $row, $delTypes, 'event' ) ) { // RevisionDelete logs - log events $params = LogPage::extractParams( $row->log_params ); // Param format: <item CSV> [<ofield> <nfield>] if ( count( $params ) < 1 ) { continue; // bad row } $items = explode( ',', $params[0] ); $log = new LogPage( $row->log_type ); // Add item relations... $log->addRelations( 'log_id', $items, $row->log_id ); // Add item author relations... $userIds = $userIPs = []; $sres = $db->select( 'logging', [ 'log_user', 'log_user_text' ], [ 'log_id' => $items ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $sres as $srow ) { if ( $srow->log_user > 0 ) { $userIds[] = intval( $srow->log_user ); } elseif ( Wikimedia\IPUtils::isIPAddress( $srow->log_user_text ) ) { $userIPs[] = $srow->log_user_text; } } $log->addRelations( 'target_author_id', $userIds, $row->log_id ); $log->addRelations( 'target_author_ip', $userIPs, $row->log_id ); } } $blockStart += $batchSize; $blockEnd += $batchSize; $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $this->output( "Done populating log_search table.\n" ); return true; } } $maintClass = PopulateLogSearch::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;