* https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Maintenance */ require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php'; use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IMaintainableDatabase; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper; /** * Maintenance script that checks for articles to fix after * adding/deleting namespaces. * * @ingroup Maintenance */ class NamespaceDupes extends Maintenance { /** * @var IMaintainableDatabase */ protected $db; /** * Total number of pages that need fixing that are automatically resolveable * @var int */ private $resolvablePages = 0; /** * Total number of pages that need fixing * @var int */ private $totalPages = 0; /** * Total number of links that need fixing that are automatically resolveable * @var int */ private $resolvableLinks = 0; /** * Total number of erroneous links * @var int */ private $totalLinks = 0; /** * Total number of links deleted because they weren't automatically resolveable due to the * target already existing * @var int */ private $deletedLinks = 0; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->addDescription( 'Find and fix pages affected by namespace addition/removal' ); $this->addOption( 'fix', 'Attempt to automatically fix errors and delete broken links' ); $this->addOption( 'merge', "Instead of renaming conflicts, do a history merge with " . "the correct title" ); $this->addOption( 'add-suffix', "Dupes will be renamed with correct namespace with " . " appended after the article name", false, true ); $this->addOption( 'add-prefix', "Dupes will be renamed with correct namespace with " . " prepended before the article name", false, true ); $this->addOption( 'source-pseudo-namespace', "Move all pages with the given source " . "prefix (with an implied colon following it). If --dest-namespace is not specified, " . "the colon will be replaced with a hyphen.", false, true ); $this->addOption( 'dest-namespace', "In combination with --source-pseudo-namespace, " . "specify the namespace ID of the destination.", false, true ); $this->addOption( 'move-talk', "If this is specified, pages in the Talk namespace that " . "begin with a conflicting prefix will be renamed, for example " . "Talk:File:Foo -> File_Talk:Foo" ); } public function execute() { $options = [ 'fix' => $this->hasOption( 'fix' ), 'merge' => $this->hasOption( 'merge' ), 'add-suffix' => $this->getOption( 'add-suffix', '' ), 'add-prefix' => $this->getOption( 'add-prefix', '' ), 'move-talk' => $this->hasOption( 'move-talk' ), 'source-pseudo-namespace' => $this->getOption( 'source-pseudo-namespace', '' ), 'dest-namespace' => intval( $this->getOption( 'dest-namespace', 0 ) ) ]; if ( $options['source-pseudo-namespace'] !== '' ) { $retval = $this->checkPrefix( $options ); } else { $retval = $this->checkAll( $options ); } if ( $retval ) { $this->output( "\nLooks good!\n" ); } else { $this->output( "\nOh noeees\n" ); } } /** * Check all namespaces * * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * * @return bool */ private function checkAll( $options ) { $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); $spaces = []; // List interwikis first, so they'll be overridden // by any conflicting local namespaces. foreach ( $this->getInterwikiList() as $prefix ) { $name = $contLang->ucfirst( $prefix ); $spaces[$name] = 0; } // Now pull in all canonical and alias namespaces... foreach ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->getCanonicalNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) { // This includes $wgExtraNamespaces if ( $name !== '' ) { $spaces[$name] = $ns; } } foreach ( $contLang->getNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) { if ( $name !== '' ) { $spaces[$name] = $ns; } } foreach ( $contLang->getNamespaceAliases() as $name => $ns ) { $spaces[$name] = $ns; } // We'll need to check for lowercase keys as well, // since we're doing case-sensitive searches in the db. $capitalLinks = $this->getConfig()->get( 'CapitalLinks' ); foreach ( $spaces as $name => $ns ) { $moreNames = []; $moreNames[] = $contLang->uc( $name ); $moreNames[] = $contLang->ucfirst( $contLang->lc( $name ) ); $moreNames[] = $contLang->ucwords( $name ); $moreNames[] = $contLang->ucwords( $contLang->lc( $name ) ); $moreNames[] = $contLang->ucwordbreaks( $name ); $moreNames[] = $contLang->ucwordbreaks( $contLang->lc( $name ) ); if ( !$capitalLinks ) { foreach ( $moreNames as $altName ) { $moreNames[] = $contLang->lcfirst( $altName ); } $moreNames[] = $contLang->lcfirst( $name ); } foreach ( array_unique( $moreNames ) as $altName ) { if ( $altName !== $name ) { $spaces[$altName] = $ns; } } } // Sort by namespace index, and if there are two with the same index, // break the tie by sorting by name $origSpaces = $spaces; uksort( $spaces, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $origSpaces ) { return $origSpaces[$a] <=> $origSpaces[$b] ?: $a <=> $b; } ); $ok = true; foreach ( $spaces as $name => $ns ) { $ok = $this->checkNamespace( $ns, $name, $options ) && $ok; } $this->output( "{$this->totalPages} pages to fix, " . "{$this->resolvablePages} were resolvable.\n\n" ); foreach ( $spaces as $name => $ns ) { if ( $ns != 0 ) { /* Fix up link destinations for non-interwiki links only. * * For example if a page has [[Foo:Bar]] and then a Foo namespace * is introduced, pagelinks needs to be updated to have * page_namespace = NS_FOO. * * If instead an interwiki prefix was introduced called "Foo", * the link should instead be moved to the iwlinks table. If a new * language is introduced called "Foo", or if there is a pagelink * [[fr:Bar]] when interlanguage magic links are turned on, the * link would have to be moved to the langlinks table. Let's put * those cases in the too-hard basket for now. The consequences are * not especially severe. * @fixme Handle interwiki links, and pagelinks to Category:, File: * which probably need reparsing. */ $this->checkLinkTable( 'pagelinks', 'pl', $ns, $name, $options ); $this->checkLinkTable( 'templatelinks', 'tl', $ns, $name, $options ); // The redirect table has interwiki links randomly mixed in, we // need to filter those out. For example [[w:Foo:Bar]] would // have rd_interwiki=w and rd_namespace=0, which would match the // query for a conflicting namespace "Foo" if filtering wasn't done. $this->checkLinkTable( 'redirect', 'rd', $ns, $name, $options, [ 'rd_interwiki' => null ] ); $this->checkLinkTable( 'redirect', 'rd', $ns, $name, $options, [ 'rd_interwiki' => '' ] ); } } $this->output( "{$this->totalLinks} links to fix, " . "{$this->resolvableLinks} were resolvable, " . "{$this->deletedLinks} were deleted.\n" ); return $ok; } /** * Get the interwiki list * * @return array */ private function getInterwikiList() { $result = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getInterwikiLookup()->getAllPrefixes(); $prefixes = []; foreach ( $result as $row ) { $prefixes[] = $row['iw_prefix']; } return $prefixes; } /** * Check a given prefix and try to move it into the given destination namespace * * @param int $ns Destination namespace id * @param string $name * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * @return bool */ private function checkNamespace( $ns, $name, $options ) { $targets = $this->getTargetList( $ns, $name, $options ); $count = $targets->numRows(); $this->totalPages += $count; if ( $count == 0 ) { return true; } $dryRunNote = $options['fix'] ? '' : ' DRY RUN ONLY'; $ok = true; foreach ( $targets as $row ) { // Find the new title and determine the action to take $newTitle = $this->getDestinationTitle( $ns, $name, $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $logStatus = false; if ( !$newTitle ) { $logStatus = 'invalid title'; $action = 'abort'; } elseif ( $newTitle->exists() ) { if ( $options['merge'] ) { if ( $this->canMerge( $row->page_id, $newTitle, $logStatus ) ) { $action = 'merge'; } else { $action = 'abort'; } } elseif ( $options['add-prefix'] == '' && $options['add-suffix'] == '' ) { $action = 'abort'; $logStatus = 'dest title exists and --add-prefix not specified'; } else { $newTitle = $this->getAlternateTitle( $newTitle, $options ); if ( !$newTitle ) { $action = 'abort'; $logStatus = 'alternate title is invalid'; } elseif ( $newTitle->exists() ) { $action = 'abort'; $logStatus = 'title conflict'; } else { $action = 'move'; $logStatus = 'alternate'; } } } else { $action = 'move'; $logStatus = 'no conflict'; } // Take the action or log a dry run message $logTitle = "id={$row->page_id} ns={$row->page_namespace} dbk={$row->page_title}"; $pageOK = true; switch ( $action ) { case 'abort': $this->output( "$logTitle *** $logStatus\n" ); $pageOK = false; break; case 'move': $this->output( "$logTitle -> " . $newTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() . " ($logStatus)$dryRunNote\n" ); if ( $options['fix'] ) { $pageOK = $this->movePage( $row->page_id, $newTitle ); } break; case 'merge': $this->output( "$logTitle => " . $newTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() . " (merge)$dryRunNote\n" ); if ( $options['fix'] ) { $pageOK = $this->mergePage( $row, $newTitle ); } break; } if ( $pageOK ) { $this->resolvablePages++; } else { $ok = false; } } return $ok; } /** * Check and repair the destination fields in a link table * @param string $table The link table name * @param string $fieldPrefix The field prefix in the link table * @param int $ns Destination namespace id * @param string $name * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * @param array $extraConds Extra conditions for the SQL query */ private function checkLinkTable( $table, $fieldPrefix, $ns, $name, $options, $extraConds = [] ) { $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $batchConds = []; $fromField = "{$fieldPrefix}_from"; $namespaceField = "{$fieldPrefix}_namespace"; $titleField = "{$fieldPrefix}_title"; $batchSize = 500; $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); while ( true ) { $res = $dbw->select( $table, [ $fromField, $namespaceField, $titleField ], array_merge( $batchConds, $extraConds, [ $namespaceField => 0, $titleField . $dbw->buildLike( "$name:", $dbw->anyString() ) ] ), __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => [ $titleField, $fromField ], 'LIMIT' => $batchSize ] ); if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) { break; } $rowsToDeleteIfStillExists = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $logTitle = "from={$row->$fromField} ns={$row->$namespaceField} " . "dbk={$row->$titleField}"; $destTitle = $this->getDestinationTitle( $ns, $name, $row->$namespaceField, $row->$titleField ); $this->totalLinks++; if ( !$destTitle ) { $this->output( "$table $logTitle *** INVALID\n" ); continue; } $this->resolvableLinks++; if ( !$options['fix'] ) { $this->output( "$table $logTitle -> " . $destTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() . " DRY RUN\n" ); continue; } $dbw->update( $table, // SET [ $namespaceField => $destTitle->getNamespace(), $titleField => $destTitle->getDBkey() ], // WHERE [ $namespaceField => 0, $titleField => $row->$titleField, $fromField => $row->$fromField ], __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $rowsToDeleteIfStillExists[] = $dbw->makeList( [ $fromField => $row->$fromField, $namespaceField => $row->$namespaceField, $titleField => $row->$titleField, ], IDatabase::LIST_AND ); $this->output( "$table $logTitle -> " . $destTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() . "\n" ); } if ( $options['fix'] && count( $rowsToDeleteIfStillExists ) > 0 ) { $dbw->delete( $table, $dbw->makeList( $rowsToDeleteIfStillExists, IDatabase::LIST_OR ), __METHOD__ ); $this->deletedLinks += $dbw->affectedRows(); $this->resolvableLinks -= $dbw->affectedRows(); } $encLastTitle = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->$titleField ); $encLastFrom = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->$fromField ); $batchConds = [ "$titleField > $encLastTitle " . "OR ($titleField = $encLastTitle AND $fromField > $encLastFrom)" ]; $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } } /** * Move the given pseudo-namespace, either replacing the colon with a hyphen * (useful for pseudo-namespaces that conflict with interwiki links) or move * them to another namespace if specified. * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * @return bool */ private function checkPrefix( $options ) { $prefix = $options['source-pseudo-namespace']; $ns = $options['dest-namespace']; $this->output( "Checking prefix \"$prefix\" vs namespace $ns\n" ); return $this->checkNamespace( $ns, $prefix, $options ); } /** * Find pages in main and talk namespaces that have a prefix of the new * namespace so we know titles that will need migrating * * @param int $ns Destination namespace id * @param string $name Prefix that is being made a namespace * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * * @return IResultWrapper */ private function getTargetList( $ns, $name, $options ) { $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( $options['move-talk'] && MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->isSubject( $ns ) ) { $checkNamespaces = [ NS_MAIN, NS_TALK ]; } else { $checkNamespaces = NS_MAIN; } return $dbw->select( 'page', [ 'page_id', 'page_title', 'page_namespace', ], [ 'page_namespace' => $checkNamespaces, 'page_title' . $dbw->buildLike( "$name:", $dbw->anyString() ), ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Get the preferred destination title for a given target page. * @param int $ns The destination namespace ID * @param string $name The conflicting prefix * @param int $sourceNs The source namespace * @param int $sourceDbk The source DB key (i.e. page_title) * @return Title|false */ private function getDestinationTitle( $ns, $name, $sourceNs, $sourceDbk ) { $dbk = substr( $sourceDbk, strlen( "$name:" ) ); if ( $ns == 0 ) { // An interwiki; try an alternate encoding with '-' for ':' $dbk = "$name-" . $dbk; } $destNS = $ns; $nsInfo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo(); if ( $sourceNs == NS_TALK && $nsInfo->isSubject( $ns ) ) { // This is an associated talk page moved with the --move-talk feature. $destNS = $nsInfo->getTalk( $destNS ); } $newTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( $destNS, $dbk ); if ( !$newTitle || !$newTitle->canExist() ) { return false; } return $newTitle; } /** * Get an alternative title to move a page to. This is used if the * preferred destination title already exists. * * @param LinkTarget $linkTarget * @param array $options Associative array of validated command-line options * @return Title|bool */ private function getAlternateTitle( LinkTarget $linkTarget, $options ) { $prefix = $options['add-prefix']; $suffix = $options['add-suffix']; if ( $prefix == '' && $suffix == '' ) { return false; } while ( true ) { $dbk = $prefix . $linkTarget->getDBkey() . $suffix; $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $linkTarget->getNamespace(), $dbk ); if ( !$title ) { return false; } if ( !$title->exists() ) { return $title; } } } /** * Move a page * * @param int $id The page_id * @param LinkTarget $newLinkTarget The new title link target * @return bool */ private function movePage( $id, LinkTarget $newLinkTarget ) { $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'page', [ "page_namespace" => $newLinkTarget->getNamespace(), "page_title" => $newLinkTarget->getDBkey(), ], [ "page_id" => $id, ], __METHOD__ ); // Update *_from_namespace in links tables $fromNamespaceTables = [ [ 'pagelinks', 'pl' ], [ 'templatelinks', 'tl' ], [ 'imagelinks', 'il' ] ]; foreach ( $fromNamespaceTables as $tableInfo ) { list( $table, $fieldPrefix ) = $tableInfo; $dbw->update( $table, // SET [ "{$fieldPrefix}_from_namespace" => $newLinkTarget->getNamespace() ], // WHERE [ "{$fieldPrefix}_from" => $id ], __METHOD__ ); } return true; } /** * Determine if we can merge a page. * We check if an inaccessible revision would become the latest and * deny the merge if so -- it's theoretically possible to update the * latest revision, but opens a can of worms -- search engine updates, * recentchanges review, etc. * * @param int $id The page_id * @param LinkTarget $linkTarget The new link target * @param string &$logStatus This is set to the log status message on failure * @return bool */ private function canMerge( $id, LinkTarget $linkTarget, &$logStatus ) { $revisionLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup(); $latestDest = $revisionLookup->getRevisionByTitle( $linkTarget, 0, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ); $latestSource = $revisionLookup->getRevisionByPageId( $id, 0, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ); if ( $latestSource->getTimestamp() > $latestDest->getTimestamp() ) { $logStatus = 'cannot merge since source is later'; return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Merge page histories * * @param stdClass $row Page row * @param Title $newTitle The new title * @return bool */ private function mergePage( $row, Title $newTitle ) { $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $id = $row->page_id; // Construct the WikiPage object we will need later, while the // page_id still exists. Note that this cannot use makeTitleSafe(), // we are deliberately constructing an invalid title. $sourceTitle = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $sourceTitle->resetArticleID( $id ); $wikiPage = new WikiPage( $sourceTitle ); $wikiPage->loadPageData( 'fromdbmaster' ); $destId = $newTitle->getArticleID(); $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $dbw->update( 'revision', // SET [ 'rev_page' => $destId ], // WHERE [ 'rev_page' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); $dbw->delete( 'page', [ 'page_id' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); /* Call LinksDeletionUpdate to delete outgoing links from the old title, * and update category counts. * * Calling external code with a fake broken Title is a fairly dubious * idea. It's necessary because it's quite a lot of code to duplicate, * but that also makes it fragile since it would be easy for someone to * accidentally introduce an assumption of title validity to the code we * are calling. */ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new LinksDeletionUpdate( $wikiPage ) ); DeferredUpdates::doUpdates(); return true; } } $maintClass = NamespaceDupes::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;