addDescription( 'Update list of upper case differences between JS and PHP.' ); } public function execute() { global $IP; $data = []; $result = Shell::command( [ 'node', $IP . '/maintenance/mediawiki.Title/generateJsToUpperCaseList.js' ] ) // Node allocates lots of memory ->limits( [ 'memory' => 1024 * 1024 ] ) ->execute(); if ( $result->getExitCode() !== 0 ) { $this->output( $result->getStderr() ); return; } $jsUpperChars = json_decode( $result->getStdout() ); '@phan-var string[] $jsUpperChars'; for ( $i = 0; $i <= 0x10ffff; $i++ ) { if ( $i >= 0xd800 && $i <= 0xdfff ) { // Skip surrogate pairs continue; } $char = \UtfNormal\Utils::codepointToUtf8( $i ); $phpUpper = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->ucfirst( $char ); $jsUpper = $jsUpperChars[$i]; if ( $jsUpper !== $phpUpper ) { if ( $char === $phpUpper ) { // Optimisation: Use the empty string to signal "leave character unchanged". // Reduces the transfer size by ~50%. Reduces browser memory cost as well. $data[$char] = ''; } else { $data[$char] = $phpUpper; } } } $mappingJson = str_replace( ' ', "\t", json_encode( $data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ) ) . "\n"; $outputPath = '/resources/src/mediawiki.Title/phpCharToUpper.json'; $file = fopen( $IP . $outputPath, 'w' ); if ( !$file ) { $this->fatalError( "Unable to write file \"$IP$outputPath\"" ); } fwrite( $file, $mappingJson ); $this->output( count( $data ) . " differences found.\n" ); $this->output( "Written to $outputPath\n" ); } } $maintClass = GeneratePhpCharToUpperMappings::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;