true, 'debug' => $debug, ] ); if ( $cache ) { if ( !isset( $wgObjectCaches[$cache] ) ) { print "MediaWiki isn't configured with a cache named '$cache'"; exit( 1 ); } $servers = $wgObjectCaches[$cache]['servers']; } elseif ( $wgMainCacheType === CACHE_MEMCACHED ) { $mcc->set_servers( $wgMemCachedServers ); } elseif ( isset( $wgObjectCaches[$wgMainCacheType]['servers'] ) ) { $mcc->set_servers( $wgObjectCaches[$wgMainCacheType]['servers'] ); } else { print "MediaWiki isn't configured for Memcached usage\n"; exit( 1 ); } /** * Show this command line tool usage. */ function mccShowUsage() { echo << 'grabs something', 'getsock' => 'lists sockets', 'set' => 'changes something', 'delete' => 'deletes something', 'history' => 'show command line history', 'server' => 'show current memcached server', 'dumpmcc' => 'shows the whole thing', 'exit' => 'exit mcc', 'quit' => 'exit mcc', 'help' => 'help about a command', ]; if ( !$command ) { $command = 'fullhelp'; } if ( $command === 'fullhelp' ) { $max_cmd_len = max( array_map( 'strlen', array_keys( $commandList ) ) ); foreach ( $commandList as $cmd => $desc ) { $output .= sprintf( "%-{$max_cmd_len}s: %s\n", $cmd, $desc ); } } elseif ( isset( $commandList[$command] ) ) { $output .= "$command: $commandList[$command]\n"; } else { $output .= "$command: command does not exist or no help for it\n"; } return $output; } do { $bad = false; $showhelp = false; $quit = false; $line = Maintenance::readconsole(); if ( $line === false ) { exit; } $args = explode( ' ', $line ); $command = array_shift( $args ); // process command switch ( $command ) { case 'help': // show an help message print mccGetHelp( array_shift( $args ) ); break; case 'get': $sub = ''; if ( array_key_exists( 1, $args ) ) { $sub = $args[1]; } print "Getting {$args[0]}[$sub]\n"; $res = $mcc->get( $args[0] ); if ( array_key_exists( 1, $args ) ) { $res = $res[$args[1]]; } if ( $res === false ) { # print 'Error: ' . $mcc->error_string() . "\n"; print "MemCached error\n"; } elseif ( is_string( $res ) ) { print "$res\n"; } else { var_dump( $res ); } break; case 'getsock': $res = $mcc->get( $args[0] ); $sock = $mcc->get_sock( $args[0] ); var_dump( $sock ); break; case 'server': if ( $mcc->_single_sock !== null ) { print $mcc->_single_sock . "\n"; break; } $res = $mcc->get( $args[0] ); $hv = $mcc->_hashfunc( $args[0] ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable print $mcc->_buckets[$hv % $mcc->_bucketcount] . "\n"; $hv += $mcc->_hashfunc( $i . $args[0] ); } break; case 'set': $key = array_shift( $args ); if ( $args[0] == "#" && is_numeric( $args[1] ) ) { $value = str_repeat( '*', $args[1] ); } else { $value = implode( ' ', $args ); } if ( !$mcc->set( $key, $value, 0 ) ) { # print 'Error: ' . $mcc->error_string() . "\n"; print "MemCached error\n"; } break; case 'delete': $key = implode( ' ', $args ); if ( !$mcc->delete( $key ) ) { # print 'Error: ' . $mcc->error_string() . "\n"; print "MemCached error\n"; } break; case 'history': if ( function_exists( 'readline_list_history' ) ) { foreach ( readline_list_history() as $num => $line ) { print "$num: $line\n"; } } else { print "readline_list_history() not available\n"; } break; case 'dumpmcc': var_dump( $mcc ); break; case 'quit': case 'exit': $quit = true; break; default: $bad = true; } if ( $bad ) { if ( $command ) { print "Bad command\n"; } } else { if ( function_exists( 'readline_add_history' ) ) { readline_add_history( $line ); } } } while ( !$quit );