addDescription( 'Migrates actors from pre-1.31 columns to the \'actor\' table' ); $this->addOption( 'tables', 'List of tables to process, comma-separated', false, true ); $this->setBatchSize( 100 ); } protected function getUpdateKey() { return __CLASS__; } protected function doTable( $table ) { return $this->tables === null || in_array( $table, $this->tables, true ); } protected function doDBUpdates() { $tables = $this->getOption( 'tables' ); if ( $tables !== null ) { $this->tables = explode( ',', $tables ); } if ( $this->doTable( 'user' ) ) { $this->output( "Creating actor entries for all registered users\n" ); $end = 0; $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $max = $dbw->selectField( 'user', 'MAX(user_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); $count = 0; $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); while ( $end < $max ) { $start = $end + 1; $end = min( $start + $this->mBatchSize, $max ); $this->output( "... $start - $end\n" ); $dbw->insertSelect( 'actor', 'user', [ 'actor_user' => 'user_id', 'actor_name' => 'user_name' ], [ "user_id >= $start", "user_id <= $end" ], __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ], [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'user_id' ] ] ); $count += $dbw->affectedRows(); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $this->output( "Completed actor creation, added $count new actor(s)\n" ); } else { $this->output( "Checking that actors exist for all registered users\n" ); $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA, [ 'vslow' ] ); $anyMissing = $dbr->selectField( [ 'user', 'actor' ], '1', [ 'actor_id' => null ], __METHOD__, [ 'LIMIT 1' ], [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'actor_user = user_id' ] ] ); if ( $anyMissing ) { $this->error( 'Some users lack actors; run without --tables or include `user` in --tables.' ); return false; } $this->output( "Ok, continuing.\n" ); } $errors = 0; $errors += $this->migrateToTemp( 'revision', 'rev_id', [ 'revactor_timestamp' => 'rev_timestamp', 'revactor_page' => 'rev_page' ], 'rev_user', 'rev_user_text', 'revactor_rev', 'revactor_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'archive', 'ar_id', 'ar_user', 'ar_user_text', 'ar_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'ipblocks', 'ipb_id', 'ipb_by', 'ipb_by_text', 'ipb_by_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'image', 'img_name', 'img_user', 'img_user_text', 'img_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name', 'oi_timestamp' ], 'oi_user', 'oi_user_text', 'oi_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'filearchive', 'fa_id', 'fa_user', 'fa_user_text', 'fa_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'recentchanges', 'rc_id', 'rc_user', 'rc_user_text', 'rc_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrate( 'logging', 'log_id', 'log_user', 'log_user_text', 'log_actor' ); $errors += $this->migrateLogSearch(); return $errors === 0; } /** * Calculate a "next" condition and a display string * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param string[] $primaryKey Primary key of the table. * @param object $row Database row * @return array [ string $next, string $display ] */ private function makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row ) { $next = ''; $display = []; for ( $i = count( $primaryKey ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { $field = $primaryKey[$i]; $display[] = $field . '=' . $row->$field; $value = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->$field ); if ( $next === '' ) { $next = "$field > $value"; } else { $next = "$field > $value OR $field = $value AND ($next)"; } } $display = implode( ' ', array_reverse( $display ) ); return [ $next, $display ]; } /** * Make the subqueries for `actor_id` * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param string $userField User ID field name * @param string $nameField User name field name * @return string SQL fragment */ private function makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField ) { $idSubquery = $dbw->buildSelectSubquery( 'actor', 'actor_id', [ "$userField = actor_user" ], __METHOD__ ); $nameSubquery = $dbw->buildSelectSubquery( 'actor', 'actor_id', [ "$nameField = actor_name" ], __METHOD__ ); return "CASE WHEN $userField = 0 OR $userField IS NULL THEN $nameSubquery ELSE $idSubquery END"; } /** * Add actors for anons in a set of rows * * @suppress SecurityCheck-SQLInjection The array_keys/array_map is too much for static analysis * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param string $nameField * @param object[] &$rows * @param array &$complainedAboutUsers * @param int &$countErrors * @return int Count of actors inserted */ private function addActorsForRows( IDatabase $dbw, $nameField, array &$rows, array &$complainedAboutUsers, &$countErrors ) { $needActors = []; $countActors = 0; $keep = []; foreach ( $rows as $index => $row ) { $keep[$index] = true; if ( $row->actor_id === null ) { // All registered users should have an actor_id already. So // if we have a usable name here, it means they didn't run // maintenance/cleanupUsersWithNoId.php $name = $row->$nameField; if ( User::isUsableName( $name ) ) { if ( !isset( $complainedAboutUsers[$name] ) ) { $complainedAboutUsers[$name] = true; $this->error( "User name \"$name\" is usable, cannot create an anonymous actor for it." . " Run maintenance/cleanupUsersWithNoId.php to fix this situation.\n" ); } unset( $keep[$index] ); $countErrors++; } else { $needActors[$name] = 0; } } } $rows = array_intersect_key( $rows, $keep ); if ( $needActors ) { $dbw->insert( 'actor', array_map( function ( $v ) { return [ 'actor_name' => $v, ]; }, array_keys( $needActors ) ), __METHOD__ ); $countActors += $dbw->affectedRows(); $res = $dbw->select( 'actor', [ 'actor_id', 'actor_name' ], [ 'actor_name' => array_map( 'strval', array_keys( $needActors ) ) ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $needActors[$row->actor_name] = $row->actor_id; } foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( $row->actor_id === null ) { $row->actor_id = $needActors[$row->$nameField]; } } } return $countActors; } /** * Migrate actors in a table. * * Assumes any row with the actor field non-zero have already been migrated. * Blanks the name field when migrating. * * @param string $table Table to migrate * @param string|string[] $primaryKey Primary key of the table. * @param string $userField User ID field name * @param string $nameField User name field name * @param string $actorField Actor field name * @return int Number of errors */ protected function migrate( $table, $primaryKey, $userField, $nameField, $actorField ) { if ( !$this->doTable( $table ) ) { $this->output( "Skipping $table, not included in --tables\n" ); return 0; } $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( !$dbw->fieldExists( $table, $userField, __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "No need to migrate $table.$userField, field does not exist\n" ); return 0; } $complainedAboutUsers = []; $primaryKey = (array)$primaryKey; $pkFilter = array_flip( $primaryKey ); $this->output( "Beginning migration of $table.$userField and $table.$nameField to $table.$actorField\n" ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); $actorIdSubquery = $this->makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField ); $next = '1=1'; $countUpdated = 0; $countActors = 0; $countErrors = 0; while ( true ) { // Fetch the rows needing update $res = $dbw->select( $table, array_merge( $primaryKey, [ $userField, $nameField, 'actor_id' => $actorIdSubquery ] ), [ $actorField => 0, $next, ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey, 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } // Insert new actors for rows that need one $rows = iterator_to_array( $res ); $lastRow = end( $rows ); $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows( $dbw, $nameField, $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors ); // Update the existing rows foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( !$row->actor_id ) { list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row ); $this->error( "Could not make actor for row with $display " . "$userField={$row->$userField} $nameField={$row->$nameField}\n" ); $countErrors++; continue; } $dbw->update( $table, [ $actorField => $row->actor_id, ], array_intersect_key( (array)$row, $pkFilter ) + [ $actorField => 0 ], __METHOD__ ); $countUpdated += $dbw->affectedRows(); } list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow ); $this->output( "... $display\n" ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $this->output( "Completed migration, updated $countUpdated row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), " . "$countErrors error(s)\n" ); return $countErrors; } /** * Migrate actors in a table to a temporary table. * * Assumes the new table is named "{$table}_actor_temp", and it has two * columns, in order, being the primary key of the original table and the * actor ID field. * Blanks the name field when migrating. * * @param string $table Table to migrate * @param string $primaryKey Primary key of the table. * @param array $extra Extra fields to copy * @param string $userField User ID field name * @param string $nameField User name field name * @param string $newPrimaryKey Primary key of the new table. * @param string $actorField Actor field name * @return int Number of errors */ protected function migrateToTemp( $table, $primaryKey, $extra, $userField, $nameField, $newPrimaryKey, $actorField ) { if ( !$this->doTable( $table ) ) { $this->output( "Skipping $table, not included in --tables\n" ); return 0; } $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( !$dbw->fieldExists( $table, $userField, __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "No need to migrate $table.$userField, field does not exist\n" ); return 0; } $complainedAboutUsers = []; $newTable = $table . '_actor_temp'; $this->output( "Beginning migration of $table.$userField and $table.$nameField to $newTable.$actorField\n" ); MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->waitForReplication(); $actorIdSubquery = $this->makeActorIdSubquery( $dbw, $userField, $nameField ); $next = []; $countUpdated = 0; $countActors = 0; $countErrors = 0; while ( true ) { // Fetch the rows needing update $res = $dbw->select( [ $table, $newTable ], [ $primaryKey, $userField, $nameField, 'actor_id' => $actorIdSubquery ] + $extra, // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanSuspiciousBinaryAddLists [ $newPrimaryKey => null ] + $next, __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey, 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, ], [ $newTable => [ 'LEFT JOIN', "{$primaryKey}={$newPrimaryKey}" ], ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } // Insert new actors for rows that need one $rows = iterator_to_array( $res ); $lastRow = end( $rows ); $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows( $dbw, $nameField, $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors ); // Update rows if ( $rows ) { $inserts = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( !$row->actor_id ) { list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, [ $primaryKey ], $row ); $this->error( "Could not make actor for row with $display " . "$userField={$row->$userField} $nameField={$row->$nameField}\n" ); $countErrors++; continue; } $ins = [ $newPrimaryKey => $row->$primaryKey, $actorField => $row->actor_id, ]; foreach ( $extra as $to => $from ) { // It's aliased $ins[$to] = $row->$to; } $inserts[] = $ins; } $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $dbw->insert( $newTable, $inserts, __METHOD__ ); $countUpdated += $dbw->affectedRows(); $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); } // Calculate the "next" condition list( $n, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, [ $primaryKey ], $lastRow ); $next = [ $n ]; $this->output( "... $display\n" ); } $this->output( "Completed migration, updated $countUpdated row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), " . "$countErrors error(s)\n" ); return $countErrors; } /** * Migrate actors in the log_search table. * @return int Number of errors */ protected function migrateLogSearch() { if ( !$this->doTable( 'log_search' ) ) { $this->output( "Skipping log_search, not included in --tables\n" ); return 0; } $complainedAboutUsers = []; $primaryKey = [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id' ]; $this->output( "Beginning migration of log_search\n" ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $countInserted = 0; $countActors = 0; $countErrors = 0; $anyBad = $dbw->selectField( 'log_search', '1', [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => '' ], __METHOD__, [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ] ); if ( $anyBad ) { $this->output( "... Deleting bogus rows due to T215525\n" ); $dbw->delete( 'log_search', [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => '' ], __METHOD__ ); $ct = $dbw->affectedRows(); $this->output( "... Deleted $ct bogus row(s) from T215525\n" ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $next = '1=1'; while ( true ) { // Fetch the rows needing update $res = $dbw->select( [ 'log_search', 'actor' ], [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id', 'actor_id' ], [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_id', $next ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey, 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, ], [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'actor_user = ' . $dbw->buildIntegerCast( 'ls_value' ) ] ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } // Insert a 'target_author_actor' for each 'target_author_id' $ins = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $lastRow = $row; if ( !$row->actor_id ) { list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row ); $this->error( "No actor for target_author_id row with $display\n" ); $countErrors++; continue; } $ins[] = [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => $row->actor_id, 'ls_log_id' => $row->ls_log_id, ]; } $dbw->insert( 'log_search', $ins, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $countInserted += $dbw->affectedRows(); list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow ); $this->output( "... target_author_id, $display\n" ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $next = '1=1'; while ( true ) { // Fetch the rows needing update $res = $dbw->select( [ 'log_search', 'actor' ], [ 'ls_value', 'ls_log_id', 'actor_id' ], [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_ip', $next ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => $primaryKey, 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, ], [ 'actor' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'ls_value = actor_name' ] ] ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { break; } // Insert new actors for rows that need one $rows = iterator_to_array( $res ); $lastRow = end( $rows ); $countActors += $this->addActorsForRows( $dbw, 'ls_value', $rows, $complainedAboutUsers, $countErrors ); // Insert a 'target_author_actor' for each 'target_author_ip' $ins = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( !$row->actor_id ) { list( , $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $row ); $this->error( "Could not make actor for target_author_ip row with $display\n" ); $countErrors++; continue; } $ins[] = [ 'ls_field' => 'target_author_actor', 'ls_value' => $row->actor_id, 'ls_log_id' => $row->ls_log_id, ]; } $dbw->insert( 'log_search', $ins, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $countInserted += $dbw->affectedRows(); list( $next, $display ) = $this->makeNextCond( $dbw, $primaryKey, $lastRow ); $this->output( "... target_author_ip, $display\n" ); $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } $this->output( "Completed migration, inserted $countInserted row(s) with $countActors new actor(s), " . "$countErrors error(s)\n" ); return $countErrors; } }