addOption( 'count', 'How many times to run a benchmark', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'verbose', 'Verbose logging of resource usage', false, false, 'v' ); } public function bench( array $benchs ) { $this->lang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageFactory()->getLanguage( 'en' ); $this->startBench(); $count = $this->getOption( 'count', $this->defaultCount ); $verbose = $this->hasOption( 'verbose' ); // Normalise $normBenchs = []; foreach ( $benchs as $key => $bench ) { // Shortcut for simple functions if ( is_callable( $bench ) ) { $bench = [ 'function' => $bench ]; } // Default to no arguments if ( !isset( $bench['args'] ) ) { $bench['args'] = []; } // Name defaults to name of called function if ( is_string( $key ) ) { $name = $key; } else { if ( is_array( $bench['function'] ) ) { $name = get_class( $bench['function'][0] ) . '::' . $bench['function'][1]; } else { $name = strval( $bench['function'] ); } $name = sprintf( "%s(%s)", $name, implode( ', ', $bench['args'] ) ); } $normBenchs[$name] = $bench; } foreach ( $normBenchs as $name => $bench ) { // Optional setup called outside time measure if ( isset( $bench['setup'] ) ) { call_user_func( $bench['setup'] ); } // Run benchmarks $stat = new RunningStat(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { // Setup outside of time measure for each loop if ( isset( $bench['setupEach'] ) ) { $bench['setupEach'](); } $t = microtime( true ); call_user_func_array( $bench['function'], $bench['args'] ); $t = ( microtime( true ) - $t ) * 1000; if ( $verbose ) { $this->verboseRun( $i ); } $stat->addObservation( $t ); } $this->addResult( [ 'name' => $name, 'count' => $stat->getCount(), // Get rate per second from mean (in ms) 'rate' => $stat->getMean() == 0 ? INF : ( 1.0 / ( $stat->getMean() / 1000.0 ) ), 'total' => $stat->getMean() * $stat->getCount(), 'mean' => $stat->getMean(), 'max' => $stat->max, 'stddev' => $stat->getStdDev(), 'usage' => [ 'mem' => memory_get_usage( true ), 'mempeak' => memory_get_peak_usage( true ), ], ] ); } } public function startBench() { $this->output( sprintf( "Running PHP version %s (%s) on %s %s %s\n\n", phpversion(), php_uname( 'm' ), php_uname( 's' ), php_uname( 'r' ), php_uname( 'v' ) ) ); } public function addResult( $res ) { $ret = sprintf( "%s\n %' 6s: %d\n", $res['name'], 'count', $res['count'] ); $ret .= sprintf( " %' 6s: %8.1f/s\n", 'rate', $res['rate'] ); foreach ( [ 'total', 'mean', 'max', 'stddev' ] as $metric ) { $ret .= sprintf( " %' 6s: %8.2fms\n", $metric, $res[$metric] ); } foreach ( [ 'mem' => 'Current memory usage', 'mempeak' => 'Peak memory usage' ] as $key => $label ) { $ret .= sprintf( "%' 20s: %s\n", $label, $this->lang->formatSize( $res['usage'][$key] ) ); } $this->output( "$ret\n" ); } protected function verboseRun( $iteration ) { $this->output( sprintf( "#%3d - memory: %-10s - peak: %-10s\n", $iteration, $this->lang->formatSize( memory_get_usage( true ) ), $this->lang->formatSize( memory_get_peak_usage( true ) ) ) ); } /** * @since 1.32 * @param string $file Path to file (maybe compressed with gzip) * @return string Contents of file */ protected function loadFile( $file ) { $content = file_get_contents( $file ); // Detect GZIP compression header if ( substr( $content, 0, 2 ) === "\037\213" ) { $content = gzdecode( $content ); } return $content; } }