and * Brion Vibber * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * @file * @ingroup Maintenance * @see * @see */ use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper; require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php'; /** * Maintenance script that generates a sitemap for the site. * * @ingroup Maintenance */ class GenerateSitemap extends Maintenance { private const GS_MAIN = -2; private const GS_TALK = -1; /** * The maximum amount of urls in a sitemap file * * @link * * @var int */ public $url_limit; /** * The maximum size of a sitemap file * * @link * * @var int */ public $size_limit; /** * The path to prepend to the filename * * @var string */ public $fspath; /** * The URL path to prepend to filenames in the index; * should resolve to the same directory as $fspath. * * @var string */ public $urlpath; /** * Whether or not to use compression * * @var bool */ public $compress; /** * Whether or not to include redirection pages * * @var bool */ public $skipRedirects; /** * The number of entries to save in each sitemap file * * @var array */ public $limit = []; /** * Key => value entries of namespaces and their priorities * * @var array */ public $priorities = []; /** * A one-dimensional array of namespaces in the wiki * * @var array */ public $namespaces = []; /** * When this sitemap batch was generated * * @var string */ public $timestamp; /** * A database replica DB object * * @var object */ public $dbr; /** * A resource pointing to the sitemap index file * * @var resource */ public $findex; /** * A resource pointing to a sitemap file * * @var resource|false */ public $file; /** * Identifier to use in filenames, default $wgDBname * * @var string */ private $identifier; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->addDescription( 'Creates a sitemap for the site' ); $this->addOption( 'fspath', 'The file system path to save to, e.g. /tmp/sitemap; defaults to current directory', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'urlpath', 'The URL path corresponding to --fspath, prepended to filenames in the index; ' . 'defaults to an empty string', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'compress', 'Compress the sitemap files, can take value yes|no, default yes', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'skip-redirects', 'Do not include redirecting articles in the sitemap' ); $this->addOption( 'identifier', 'What site identifier to use for the wiki, defaults to $wgDBname', false, true ); } /** * Execute */ public function execute() { $this->setNamespacePriorities(); $this->url_limit = 50000; $this->size_limit = ( 2 ** 20 ) * 10; # Create directory if needed $fspath = $this->getOption( 'fspath', getcwd() ); if ( !wfMkdirParents( $fspath, null, __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->fatalError( "Can not create directory $fspath." ); } $dbDomain = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId(); $this->fspath = realpath( $fspath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->urlpath = $this->getOption( 'urlpath', "" ); if ( $this->urlpath !== "" && substr( $this->urlpath, -1 ) !== '/' ) { $this->urlpath .= '/'; } $this->identifier = $this->getOption( 'identifier', $dbDomain ); $this->compress = $this->getOption( 'compress', 'yes' ) !== 'no'; $this->skipRedirects = $this->hasOption( 'skip-redirects' ); $this->dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA ); $this->generateNamespaces(); $this->timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, wfTimestampNow() ); $encIdentifier = rawurlencode( $this->identifier ); $this->findex = fopen( "{$this->fspath}sitemap-index-{$encIdentifier}.xml", 'wb' ); $this->main(); } private function setNamespacePriorities() { global $wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities; // Custom main namespaces $this->priorities[self::GS_MAIN] = '0.5'; // Custom talk namesspaces $this->priorities[self::GS_TALK] = '0.1'; // MediaWiki standard namespaces $this->priorities[NS_MAIN] = '1.0'; $this->priorities[NS_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_USER] = '0.5'; $this->priorities[NS_USER_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_PROJECT] = '0.5'; $this->priorities[NS_PROJECT_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_FILE] = '0.5'; $this->priorities[NS_FILE_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = '0.0'; $this->priorities[NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_TEMPLATE] = '0.0'; $this->priorities[NS_TEMPLATE_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_HELP] = '0.5'; $this->priorities[NS_HELP_TALK] = '0.1'; $this->priorities[NS_CATEGORY] = '0.5'; $this->priorities[NS_CATEGORY_TALK] = '0.1'; // Custom priorities if ( $wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities !== false ) { /** * @var array $wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities */ foreach ( $wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities as $namespace => $priority ) { $float = floatval( $priority ); if ( $float > 1.0 ) { $priority = '1.0'; } elseif ( $float < 0.0 ) { $priority = '0.0'; } $this->priorities[$namespace] = $priority; } } } /** * Generate a one-dimensional array of existing namespaces */ private function generateNamespaces() { // Only generate for specific namespaces if $wgSitemapNamespaces is an array. global $wgSitemapNamespaces; if ( is_array( $wgSitemapNamespaces ) ) { $this->namespaces = $wgSitemapNamespaces; return; } $res = $this->dbr->select( 'page', [ 'page_namespace' ], [], __METHOD__, [ 'GROUP BY' => 'page_namespace', 'ORDER BY' => 'page_namespace', ] ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $this->namespaces[] = $row->page_namespace; } } /** * Get the priority of a given namespace * * @param int $namespace The namespace to get the priority for * @return string */ private function priority( $namespace ) { return $this->priorities[$namespace] ?? $this->guessPriority( $namespace ); } /** * If the namespace isn't listed on the priority list return the * default priority for the namespace, varies depending on whether it's * a talkpage or not. * * @param int $namespace The namespace to get the priority for * @return string */ private function guessPriority( $namespace ) { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->isSubject( $namespace ) ? $this->priorities[self::GS_MAIN] : $this->priorities[self::GS_TALK]; } /** * Return a database resolution of all the pages in a given namespace * * @param int $namespace Limit the query to this namespace * @return IResultWrapper */ private function getPageRes( $namespace ) { return $this->dbr->select( 'page', [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_touched', 'page_is_redirect' ], [ 'page_namespace' => $namespace ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Main loop */ public function main() { $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); fwrite( $this->findex, $this->openIndex() ); foreach ( $this->namespaces as $namespace ) { $res = $this->getPageRes( $namespace ); $this->file = false; $this->generateLimit( $namespace ); $length = $this->limit[0]; $i = $smcount = 0; $fns = $contLang->getFormattedNsText( $namespace ); $this->output( "$namespace ($fns)\n" ); $skippedRedirects = 0; // Number of redirects skipped for that namespace foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $this->skipRedirects && $row->page_is_redirect ) { $skippedRedirects++; continue; } if ( $i++ === 0 || $i === $this->url_limit + 1 || $length + $this->limit[1] + $this->limit[2] > $this->size_limit ) { if ( $this->file !== false ) { $this->write( $this->file, $this->closeFile() ); $this->close( $this->file ); } $filename = $this->sitemapFilename( $namespace, $smcount++ ); $this->file = $this->open( $this->fspath . $filename, 'wb' ); $this->write( $this->file, $this->openFile() ); fwrite( $this->findex, $this->indexEntry( $filename ) ); $this->output( "\t$this->fspath$filename\n" ); $length = $this->limit[0]; $i = 1; } $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $date = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $row->page_touched ); $entry = $this->fileEntry( $title->getCanonicalURL(), $date, $this->priority( $namespace ) ); $length += strlen( $entry ); $this->write( $this->file, $entry ); // generate pages for language variants if ( $contLang->hasVariants() ) { $variants = $contLang->getVariants(); foreach ( $variants as $vCode ) { if ( $vCode == $contLang->getCode() ) { continue; // we don't want default variant } $entry = $this->fileEntry( $title->getCanonicalURL( '', $vCode ), $date, $this->priority( $namespace ) ); $length += strlen( $entry ); $this->write( $this->file, $entry ); } } } if ( $this->skipRedirects && $skippedRedirects > 0 ) { $this->output( " skipped $skippedRedirects redirect(s)\n" ); } if ( $this->file ) { $this->write( $this->file, $this->closeFile() ); $this->close( $this->file ); } } fwrite( $this->findex, $this->closeIndex() ); fclose( $this->findex ); } /** * gzopen() / fopen() wrapper * * @param string $file * @param string $flags * @return resource */ private function open( $file, $flags ) { $resource = $this->compress ? gzopen( $file, $flags ) : fopen( $file, $flags ); if ( $resource === false ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " error opening file $file with flags $flags. Check permissions?" ); } return $resource; } /** * gzwrite() / fwrite() wrapper * * @param resource &$handle * @param string $str */ private function write( &$handle, $str ) { if ( $handle === true || $handle === false ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " was passed a boolean as a file handle.\n" ); } if ( $this->compress ) { gzwrite( $handle, $str ); } else { fwrite( $handle, $str ); } } /** * gzclose() / fclose() wrapper * * @param resource &$handle */ private function close( &$handle ) { if ( $this->compress ) { gzclose( $handle ); } else { fclose( $handle ); } } /** * Get a sitemap filename * * @param int $namespace * @param int $count * @return string */ private function sitemapFilename( $namespace, $count ) { $ext = $this->compress ? '.gz' : ''; return "sitemap-{$this->identifier}-NS_$namespace-$count.xml$ext"; } /** * Return the XML required to open an XML file * * @return string */ private function xmlHead() { return '' . "\n"; } /** * Return the XML schema being used * * @return string */ private function xmlSchema() { return ''; } /** * Return the XML required to open a sitemap index file * * @return string */ private function openIndex() { return $this->xmlHead() . '' . "\n"; } /** * Return the XML for a single sitemap indexfile entry * * @param string $filename The filename of the sitemap file * @return string */ private function indexEntry( $filename ) { return "\t\n" . "\t\t" . wfGetServerUrl( PROTO_CANONICAL ) . ( substr( $this->urlpath, 0, 1 ) === "/" ? "" : "/" ) . "{$this->urlpath}$filename\n" . "\t\t{$this->timestamp}\n" . "\t\n"; } /** * Return the XML required to close a sitemap index file * * @return string */ private function closeIndex() { return "\n"; } /** * Return the XML required to open a sitemap file * * @return string */ private function openFile() { return $this->xmlHead() . '' . "\n"; } /** * Return the XML for a single sitemap entry * * @param string $url An RFC 2396 compliant URL * @param string $date A ISO 8601 date * @param string $priority A priority indicator, 0.0 - 1.0 inclusive with a 0.1 stepsize * @return string */ private function fileEntry( $url, $date, $priority ) { return "\t\n" . // T36666: $url may contain bad characters such as ampersands. "\t\t" . htmlspecialchars( $url ) . "\n" . "\t\t$date\n" . "\t\t$priority\n" . "\t\n"; } /** * Return the XML required to close sitemap file * * @return string */ private function closeFile() { return "\n"; } /** * Populate $this->limit * * @param int $namespace */ private function generateLimit( $namespace ) { // T19961: make a title with the longest possible URL in this namespace $title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, str_repeat( "\u{28B81}", 63 ) . "\u{5583}" ); $this->limit = [ strlen( $this->openFile() ), strlen( $this->fileEntry( $title->getCanonicalURL(), wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, wfTimestamp() ), $this->priority( $namespace ) ) ), strlen( $this->closeFile() ) ]; } } $maintClass = GenerateSitemap::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;