addDescription( "Generate RDF dump of categories in a wiki." ); $this->setBatchSize( 200 ); $this->addOption( 'output', "Output file (default is stdout). Will be overwritten.", false, true ); $this->addOption( 'format', "Set the dump format.", false, true ); } /** * Produce row iterator for categories. * @param IDatabase $dbr Database connection * @return RecursiveIterator */ public function getCategoryIterator( IDatabase $dbr ) { $it = new BatchRowIterator( $dbr, [ 'page', 'page_props', 'category' ], [ 'page_title' ], $this->getBatchSize() ); $it->addConditions( [ 'page_namespace' => NS_CATEGORY, ] ); $it->setFetchColumns( [ 'page_title', 'page_id', 'pp_propname', 'cat_pages', 'cat_subcats', 'cat_files' ] ); $it->addJoinConditions( [ 'page_props' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'pp_propname' => 'hiddencat', 'pp_page = page_id' ] ], 'category' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'cat_title = page_title' ] ] ] ); return $it; } /** * Get iterator for links for categories. * @param IDatabase $dbr * @param int[] $ids List of page IDs * @return Traversable */ public function getCategoryLinksIterator( IDatabase $dbr, array $ids ) { $it = new BatchRowIterator( $dbr, 'categorylinks', [ 'cl_from', 'cl_to' ], $this->getBatchSize() ); $it->addConditions( [ 'cl_type' => 'subcat', 'cl_from' => $ids ] ); $it->setFetchColumns( [ 'cl_from', 'cl_to' ] ); return new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $it ); } /** * @param int $timestamp */ public function addDumpHeader( $timestamp ) { global $wgRightsUrl; $licenseUrl = $wgRightsUrl; if ( substr( $licenseUrl, 0, 2 ) == '//' ) { $licenseUrl = 'https:' . $licenseUrl; } $this->rdfWriter->about( $this->categoriesRdf->getDumpURI() ) ->a( 'schema', 'Dataset' ) ->a( 'owl', 'Ontology' ) ->say( 'cc', 'license' )->is( $licenseUrl ) ->say( 'schema', 'softwareVersion' )->value( CategoriesRdf::FORMAT_VERSION ) ->say( 'schema', 'dateModified' ) ->value( wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $timestamp ), 'xsd', 'dateTime' ) ->say( 'schema', 'isPartOf' )->is( wfExpandUrl( '/', PROTO_CANONICAL ) ) ->say( 'owl', 'imports' )->is( CategoriesRdf::OWL_URL ); } public function execute() { $outFile = $this->getOption( 'output', 'php://stdout' ); if ( $outFile === '-' ) { $outFile = 'php://stdout'; } $output = fopen( $outFile, 'w' ); $this->rdfWriter = $this->createRdfWriter( $this->getOption( 'format', 'ttl' ) ); $this->categoriesRdf = new CategoriesRdf( $this->rdfWriter ); $this->categoriesRdf->setupPrefixes(); $this->rdfWriter->start(); $this->addDumpHeader( time() ); fwrite( $output, $this->rdfWriter->drain() ); $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA, [ 'vslow' ] ); foreach ( $this->getCategoryIterator( $dbr ) as $batch ) { $pages = []; foreach ( $batch as $row ) { $this->categoriesRdf->writeCategoryData( $row->page_title, $row->pp_propname === 'hiddencat', (int)$row->cat_pages - (int)$row->cat_subcats - (int)$row->cat_files, (int)$row->cat_subcats ); if ( $row->page_id ) { $pages[$row->page_id] = $row->page_title; } } foreach ( $this->getCategoryLinksIterator( $dbr, array_keys( $pages ) ) as $row ) { $this->categoriesRdf->writeCategoryLinkData( $pages[$row->cl_from], $row->cl_to ); } fwrite( $output, $this->rdfWriter->drain() ); } fflush( $output ); if ( $outFile !== '-' ) { fclose( $output ); } } /** * @param string $format Writer format * @return RdfWriter */ private function createRdfWriter( $format ) { $factory = new RdfWriterFactory(); return $factory->getWriter( $factory->getFormatName( $format ) ); } } $maintClass = DumpCategoriesAsRdf::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;