addDescription( 'Delete self-references to $wgServer from externallinks' ); $this->setBatchSize( 1000 ); } public function execute() { global $wgServer; // Extract the host and scheme from $wgServer $bits = wfParseUrl( $wgServer ); if ( !$bits ) { $this->error( 'Could not parse $wgServer' ); exit( 1 ); } $this->output( "Deleting self externals from $wgServer\n" ); $db = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); // If it's protocol-relative, we need to do both http and https. // Otherwise, just do the specified scheme. $host = $bits['host']; if ( isset( $bits['port'] ) ) { $host .= ':' . $bits['port']; } if ( $bits['scheme'] != '' ) { $conds = [ LinkFilter::getQueryConditions( $host, [ 'protocol' => $bits['scheme'] . '://' ] ) ]; } else { $conds = [ LinkFilter::getQueryConditions( $host, [ 'protocol' => 'http://' ] ), LinkFilter::getQueryConditions( $host, [ 'protocol' => 'https://' ] ), ]; } foreach ( $conds as $cond ) { if ( !$cond ) { continue; } $cond = $db->makeList( $cond, LIST_AND ); do { $this->commitTransaction( $db, __METHOD__ ); $q = $db->limitResult( "DELETE /* deleteSelfExternals */ FROM externallinks WHERE $cond", $this->mBatchSize ); $this->output( "Deleting a batch\n" ); $db->query( $q, __METHOD__ ); } while ( $db->affectedRows() ); } } } $maintClass = DeleteSelfExternals::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;