addDescription( 'Deletes all archived images.' ); $this->addOption( 'delete', 'Perform the deletion' ); $this->addOption( 'force', 'Force deletion of rows from filearchive' ); } public function execute() { if ( !$this->hasOption( 'delete' ) ) { $this->output( "Use --delete to actually confirm this script\n" ); return; } # Data should come off the master, wrapped in a transaction $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $repo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo(); # Get "active" revisions from the filearchive table $this->output( "Searching for and deleting archived files...\n" ); $res = $dbw->select( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_id', 'fa_storage_group', 'fa_storage_key', 'fa_sha1', 'fa_name' ], '', __METHOD__ ); $count = 0; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $key = $row->fa_storage_key; if ( !strlen( $key ) ) { $this->output( "Entry with ID {$row->fa_id} has empty key, skipping\n" ); continue; } $file = $repo->newFile( $row->fa_name ); try { $file->lock(); } catch ( LocalFileLockError $e ) { $this->error( "Could not acquire lock on '{$row->fa_name}', skipping\n" ); continue; } $group = $row->fa_storage_group; $id = $row->fa_id; $path = $repo->getZonePath( 'deleted' ) . '/' . $repo->getDeletedHashPath( $key ) . $key; if ( isset( $row->fa_sha1 ) ) { $sha1 = $row->fa_sha1; } else { // old row, populate from key $sha1 = LocalRepo::getHashFromKey( $key ); } // Check if the file is used anywhere... $inuse = $dbw->selectField( 'oldimage', '1', [ 'oi_sha1' => $sha1, $dbw->bitAnd( 'oi_deleted', File::DELETED_FILE ) => File::DELETED_FILE ], __METHOD__, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ); $needForce = true; if ( !$repo->fileExists( $path ) ) { $this->output( "Notice - file '$key' not found in group '$group'\n" ); } elseif ( $inuse ) { $this->output( "Notice - file '$key' is still in use\n" ); } elseif ( !$repo->quickPurge( $path ) ) { $this->output( "Unable to remove file $path, skipping\n" ); $file->unlock(); // don't delete even with --force continue; } else { $needForce = false; } if ( $needForce ) { if ( $this->hasOption( 'force' ) ) { $this->output( "Got --force, deleting DB entry\n" ); } else { $file->unlock(); continue; } } $count++; $dbw->delete( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_id' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); $file->unlock(); } $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); $this->output( "Done! [$count file(s)]\n" ); } } $maintClass = DeleteArchivedFiles::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;