saveFailed = false; $this->addDescription( 'Run a file or dump with several parsers' ); $this->addOption( 'parser1', 'The first parser to compare.', true, true ); $this->addOption( 'parser2', 'The second parser to compare.', true, true ); $this->addOption( 'save-failed', 'Folder in which articles which differ will be stored.', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'show-diff', 'Show a diff of the two renderings.', false, false ); $this->addOption( 'diff-bin', 'Binary to use for diffing (can also be provided by DIFF env var).', false, false ); $this->addOption( 'strip-parameters', 'Remove parameters of html tags to increase readability.', false, false ); $this->addOption( 'show-parsed-output', 'Show the parsed html if both Parsers give the same output.', false, false ); } public function checkOptions() { if ( $this->hasOption( 'save-failed' ) ) { $this->saveFailed = $this->getOption( 'save-failed' ); } $this->stripParametersEnabled = $this->hasOption( 'strip-parameters' ); $this->showParsedOutput = $this->hasOption( 'show-parsed-output' ); $this->showDiff = $this->hasOption( 'show-diff' ); if ( $this->showDiff ) { $bin = $this->getOption( 'diff-bin', getenv( 'DIFF' ) ); if ( $bin != '' ) { global $wgDiff; $wgDiff = $bin; } } $user = new User(); $this->options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user ); $this->failed = 0; } public function conclusions() { $this->error( "{$this->failed} failed revisions out of {$this->count}" ); if ( $this->count > 0 ) { $this->output( " (" . ( $this->failed / $this->count ) . "%)\n" ); } } private function stripParameters( $text ) { if ( !$this->stripParametersEnabled ) { return $text; } return preg_replace( '/(]+>/', '$1>', $text ); } /** * Callback function for each revision, parse with both parsers and compare * @param WikiRevision $rev */ public function processRevision( WikiRevision $rev ) { $title = $rev->getTitle(); $parser1Name = $this->getOption( 'parser1' ); $parser2Name = $this->getOption( 'parser2' ); self::checkParserLocally( $parser1Name ); self::checkParserLocally( $parser2Name ); $parser1 = new $parser1Name(); $parser2 = new $parser2Name(); $content = $rev->getContent(); if ( $content->getModel() !== CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { $this->error( "Page {$title->getPrefixedText()} does not contain wikitext " . "but {$content->getModel()}\n" ); return; } /** @var WikitextContent $content */ '@phan-var WikitextContent $content'; $text = strval( $content->getText() ); $output1 = $parser1->parse( $text, $title, $this->options ); $output2 = $parser2->parse( $text, $title, $this->options ); if ( $output1->getText() != $output2->getText() ) { $this->failed++; $this->error( "Parsing for {$title->getPrefixedText()} differs\n" ); if ( $this->saveFailed ) { file_put_contents( $this->saveFailed . '/' . rawurlencode( $title->getPrefixedText() ) . ".txt", $text ); } if ( $this->showDiff ) { $this->output( wfDiff( $this->stripParameters( $output1->getText() ), $this->stripParameters( $output2->getText() ), '' ) ); } } else { $this->output( $title->getPrefixedText() . "\tOK\n" ); if ( $this->showParsedOutput ) { $this->output( $this->stripParameters( $output1->getText() ) ); } } } private static function checkParserLocally( $parserName ) { /* Look for the parser in a file appropiately named in the current folder */ if ( !class_exists( $parserName ) && file_exists( "$parserName.php" ) ) { global $wgAutoloadClasses; $wgAutoloadClasses[$parserName] = realpath( '.' ) . "/$parserName.php"; } } } $maintClass = CompareParsers::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;